Unidad-18 Ingles

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Tweet Break!
The Eisenhower interstate system Not only was Ronald Reagan the
requires that one mile in every five oldest person ever elected president at
must be straight. These straight age of 69, he has lived longer than any
sections are usable as airstrips in former president ever has,
times of war or other emergencies. and has died at the age of 93.

• •
There are no clocks in In the middle of the Mojave Desert
Las Vegas casinos. in California, sits a lone telephone
booth, 50 miles from Interstate 15, and
• basically in the middle of nowhere.
Nobody seems to remember when and
The “largest” city in the United States
why it was built. Years ago miners who
is Juneau, Alaska. It covers about
worked nearby used it. Today you can
3,000 square miles. That’s larger than
get to it on dirt roads. It has a world-
the state of Delaware. In case you are
wide cult following now, with people
wondering, Jacksonville, Florida is the
from all over the world calling and
largest in the lower 48 at just over 800
visiting it. Its nickname is the Mojave
square miles.
Desert Phone Booth.
• •


Completar los espacios con la opción correcta.

1 ....................................... two lamps 4 ............................................. any

in the bedroom. potatoes in the basket?
a. There’s a. Is there
b. There isn’t b. Isn’t there
c. There are c. Are there

2 What ....................................... 5 ............................................. a

on the table? dictionary on the shelf.
a. is there a. There is
b. are there b. There are
c. aren’t there c. There aren’t

3 ........................................... some
petrol in the tank.
a. There isn’t
b. There is
c. There are


EJERCICIOS Señalar la frase incorrecta en las siguientes series.

6 7
a. There isn’t any water in the glass. a. Are there any wine in the bottle?
b. There isn’t any flowers in the garden. b. Are there any animals on the farm?
c. There isn’t a clock on the wall. c. Are there two people in the room?

8 ¿Qué expresión usamos Señalar la opción más realista.

cuando, por ejemplo,
pisamos involuntariamente 9
a alguien? a. I wash my hands once a week.
b. I wash my hands three times a day.
a. Excuse me? c. I wash my hands twice a month.
b. I’m sorry
c. Pardon, please 10
a. They get their salary once a month.
b. They get their salary twice a day.
c. They get their salary five times a week.

a day/ 10.- a) They get their salary once a month.

flowers in the garden. / 7.- a) Are there any wine in the bottle? / 8.- b) I’m sorry. / 9.- b) I wash my hands three times
Soluciones: 1.- c) There are / 2.- a) is there / 3.- b) There is / 4.- c) Are there / 5.- a) There is / 6.- b) There isn’t any


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