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Chelsea Woods

Grade 4 Novel Study

Fall 2020 PSI

Component One: Organizational Information

Name(s) Chelsea Woods Grade 4
Unit(s) /
English Language Arts Topic(s) / Novel Study
Strand (s)
Start/Stop Position
Times + of Lesson
45 mins. Lesson 2
Lesson within
Duration Sequence:
1. Based on the passage from the back of the book, what do you think one of the Herdman children would
Overarching look like?
Question(s) 2. Define unfamiliar words from Chapter 1.
3.Can you use one of these words in a sentence?

Component Two: Description and Rationale

Description: We will begin reading our novel study. We will review the vocabulary words prior to reading to
enhance student comprehension while reading.

The grade 4’s love to read. This lesson will encourage their love of reading and understanding of
Rationale: the Christmas story. While they have encountered the Christmas story before, they’ve never
experienced it with the Herdman children before!

Component Three: Learner Outcomes

General General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to comprehend
and respond critically to oral, print, and other media text
(GLOs) General Outcome 3: Describe and Process: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and
(or equivalent) represent to manage ideas and information.

Specific 2.1 Use strategies and cues, use phonics and structural analysis: use junior dictionaries, spell
Learner check functions and electronic dictionaries to confirm the spelling or locate the meanings of
unfamiliar words in oral, print and other media text
(or equivalent) 3.2 Describe and Process, Evaluate Sources: recall important points, and make and revise
predictions regarding upcoming information

Component Four: Learning Objective(s) and Assessment Evidence

Students will share their predictions and respect the predictions of others.
Students will identify and define unfamiliar words from the text.

Chelsea Woods
Grade 4 Novel Study
Fall 2020 PSI
Learning Objective Driving Question(s) Response(s)

Based on the passage from the back of the Reponses will vary based on student’s
Students will share their predictions and
book, what do you think one of the Herdman interpretations.
respect the predictions of others.
children would look like?
Define unfamiliar words from Chapter 1. Sentences will vary.
Students will identify and define unfamiliar
Can you use one of these words in a
words from the text.

Component Five: Pre-Lesson Preparations

Curriculum Resources Materials and Equipment
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson  Student novel study booklet (students already
have these)
 Exit slips
 Powerpoint
 Novels

Teacher Tasks
Photocopy exit slips

Component Six: Body (introduction, activities, closure)

Introduction Time
Attention “Last class we made many predictions about our novel based on the passage on
Grabber the back of the book. Here is an example of what someone may predict the
pageant may go now that the Herdman’s are involved.”
3.2 Describe and - Watch the video included in the powerpoint
Process, Evaluate
Sources: recall
important points,
and make and “Would anyone like to share their predictions about what the Herdman children
revise predictions will look like before we start discussing chapter 1?”
- Last lesson, the students made predictions about the characteristics and ~10 mins.
information looks of the Herdman children based on the passage on the back of the
- Remind students that there are no right or wrong predictions. Many
students struggled with this last class. A prediction is a well educated
guess. We make predictions based on what we already know. Predictions
can be revised when we learn new information.
- Note: We will revise their predictions as we read. The end goal is that the
students realize that we draw conclusions about people that may not
necessarily be true. (Don’t judge a book by its cover.)
Description -The last lesson went really well and the students worked very hard on their
and predictions. Sharing these predictions will ensure that students appreciated that
Rationale other students have different views and interpret information differently.

Chelsea Woods
Grade 4 Novel Study
Fall 2020 PSI
Activities Allotment
Activity #1
2.1 Use Pre-reading Vocabulary
strategies and -Using the powerpoint, we will do the pre-reading vocabulary for chapter 1.
cues, use phonics
and structural
-Display all vocabulary words and have students copy them on their vocab sheets.
analysis: use - Students who have dictionaries may want to use them to define the word
junior -Not all students have dictionaries so remind students that they can just discuss
dictionaries, spell what they think the word may mean with their partner. ~15 mins
check functions
and electronic -Allow for a couple students to share the definitions they have found or thought of
dictionaries to (if students are struggling, use the word in a sentence)
confirm the -Display the word, with the definition and have students copy it on their
spelling or locate vocabulary sheets.
the meanings of
unfamiliar words
in oral, print and
other media text

“Please take out your novels now and open to chapter one.”
Learning Read Chapter One
Activity #2 -As a class, we will read chapter one.
~15 mins
-Because this is the first chapter, I will read it aloud.
-Pause and bring students attention to vocabulary words.
Closure/Cliffhanger Time
of Learning:

2.1 Use
strategies and
cues, use phonics
and structural
analysis: use
Exit Slip
dictionaries, spell -Have students complete the chapter 1 exit slip
~5 mins
check functions -“Write a sentence that incorporates one of the vocabulary words we defined
and electronic today.”
dictionaries to
confirm the
spelling or locate
the meanings of
unfamiliar words
in oral, print and
other media text

Transition: When reading, we will usually come across words that we don’t know. Learning
these words and using them in sentences will help us to remember the word and
we will know it the next time we come across it.

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