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Name Emmanuel Hernandez

ARTE 344/544

FACILITATION SHEET (1-2 pages single spaced)

Full APA Citation for Author(s), Title, Date, Source, Publication Company:

Lampela, L. (March, 2005). Writing effective lesson plans while utilizing the work of lesbian and gay
artists. Art education (pp. 33-39).

Main Idea/Purpose (2-3 Sentences):

Lampela (2001) describes how curriculum planning empowered her to introduce students to the
art of lesbian and gay artists and how it aided her students by showing them what they could expect as
future educators and what they might be up against should they decide to discuss issues that are seen
as controversial, “…All of the panel members thought the inclusion of artwork by lesbians and gay men
was acceptable, but they did not think a lesson devoted solely to the work of lesbian and gay artists was
appropriate at this time.”(, p.38). Although she disagrees with this statement, she herself states that the
experience is a valuable lesson her students need to know when dealing with issues and topics that may
be seen as controversial.

Short Overview (Including at least 2-3 important quotes from the reading):

Lampela works at the southwestern university where she is required to teach a secondary art
methods course, throughout this course she covers topics including (but not limited to) adolescents,
curriculum planning, assessment strategies, and classroom management. In the past few years she has
wondered how to incorporate her research on lesbian and gay artists into course on curriculum
planning, this comes from her previous lesson planning experiences where students have grasped the
importance of lesson planning but fail to display the level of engagement she searched for. As an
advocate for sexual identity and LGBTQ rights, Lampela believes that having an open discussion on
various artists sexual identities can provide student with a more open airspace. As Lampela (2005)

I began to alter the way I taught I began to alter the way I taught students how to write lesson
plans. Rather than spending an entire class session going over the parts of a lesson plan, I began to
simultaneously present the components of a lesson plan while teaching a topic about which I feel
passionate, the art of lesbian and gay artists. ((p. 34) She did this in hopes that her students would feel
inspired to create lessons that relate to their lives and to the lives of their own students.

By the end of the course, each student had developed a lesson plan and grading rubric for evaluating
studio work and then had the privilege to present their work to visiting art teachers for critical feedback
Lampela (2005) states, “The discussion helped the students see what they can expect in the "real world"
of teaching and what they might be up against should they decide to discuss issues that are important to
them but may be seen as controversial..” (p. 38). Upcoming art teachers need to be made aware of all
facets when it comes to lesson plan development and awareness for the controversies real world
concerns can bring when implemented into the art curriculum.
Name Emmanuel Hernandez
ARTE 344/544

Critical Response: Reflections and/or relevance to personal art educational experiences/or teaching
experience (Do you agree/disagree with the reading? Why? How does it relate to your own
experiences in the classroom as a student/teacher?)

I felt the Lampela (2001) Reading contained valuable information that pertains to the development of
proper lesson planning while incorporating topics that are valued by teachers and students. In many
ways, this relates to our current class and touches on the important points of, personal topics,
curriculum, awareness, and controversy. I feel that as future educators we need to be prepared for
pushback, as sad as the reality of it is, the art curriculum has seen a constant history of being the first to
receive cuts and disapproval from parents and faculty. It’s our responsibility to bring awareness and
open discussion to the classroom, and that plays a crucial part into the development of a students work,
but we also need to be able minded to make a case for our lessons importance and why it should be

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