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A. Company

1. Create a new company with the following details:

Company Name Demo Company

Error System ISCWSA

Output Errors 2.000 sigma

Scan Method Closest Approach 3D

Error Surface Elliptical Conic

Warning Type Error Ratio

Casings Add

Survey Calculation Method Minimum Curvature

Vertical Section Origin Slot

Walk/Turn Rate MD

Company Level Password sperry

2. Lock the Company Properties and click OK. Don’t create a new Project
when prompted.

3. What is the default survey tool for Demo Company? (HINT: Use Survey
Tools icon or right mouse click on the company name)

B. Project

1. Create a new Project called Project #1. Set the Vertical Depth Reference
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to originate at the Well Reference Point. Set the System Datum to MSL.
Select BGGM2005 as the Default Magnetic Model.

2. What Geodetic Datum is used for the UK North Sea geodetic System?

3. How many Louisiana Map Zones are in the US State Plane 1983 geodetic

4. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) geodetic system covers the

entire globe up to 80° latitude N & S. How wide, in degrees of longitude,
is each zone?

5. How many map zones are in the UTM system?

6. Set the Geodetic System to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), the

Geodetic Datum to Qatar National 1995 (Hayford), and the Map Zone to
Zone 31N (0 E to 6 E). Confirm that the Local Co-ordinate System is set
to originate from Site Centre.

7. What is the purpose of “Use Well Reference Point as the Surface tie-on
point”? (HINT: use Help)

C. Site

1. Create a new site called Site #1. Set the Default Site Elevation to 150 ft.

2. Set Centre Location to Use Local Co-ordinates Only and set the Azimuth
Reference to Grid North. What will be disabled if you select Use Local
Co-ordinates Only? (HINT: Use help).

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D. Well

1. Create a new well called Well #1. Use API units. Note: You can assign a
default unit system to every well. The active viewing units will change
accordingly when the well (or any level below it) is opened.

2. Using the Depth Reference tab, create a datum with an 800 ft elevation.
For the datum date, enter a date that is 1 day later than the “WELL”
Datum that is present. Title the datum DFE (Drill Floor Elevation) with
the Rig Name being Drill Floor Elevation. Check DFE as the default
datum. The well is onshore with a 725 ft ground elevation. Where did the
150 ft elevation in the datum table come from?

3. Using the Well Ref Pt tab, define the Well Reference Point as 725 ft
above MSL. Should a positive or negative number be entered for this
onshore well?

4. Using the Location tab, specify the well has coordinates 10 ft North, -20 ft
East and is referenced to Site.

E. Wellbore

1. Create a Wellbore called Wellbore #1.

2. Enter 6/10/2005 for Sample Date and BGGM2005 for the Magnetic
Model. COMPASS has calculated magnetic declination for the wellbore.
What value is it?

F. Design:

1. Create a new plan design and name it Plan #1. This plan design is a
prototype. Select DFE as the Depth Reference for this Plan.

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2. Click the Tie-on tab. Notice the first station is 75 ft. Why is that?

3. Use the Survey Tool Program tab to determine the survey tool used for the
plan. Why is the survey tool Undefined?

G. Survey:

1. Create a new Survey called Survey #1.

2. Review the Tie-on tab. Where did the N/S and E/W coordinates come

3. After creating the survey, notice the tree structure under Wellbore #1.
What has changed?

H. Reviewing Site Information:

1. You will now be using the Company Big Oil Company and the Project
Offshore Gulf. Ensure that the Geographic Reference System for the
Project Offshore Gulf located in the company Big Oil Company is set to:

Geodetic System Universal Transverse Mercator

Geodetic Datum Southwest Base (International 1924)

Map Zone UTM Zone 15N, (96 W to 90 W)

Local Coordinate System Well Centre

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2. Ensure the site called Discoverer Platform within the Offshore Gulf
Project has the following information:

Site Centre Geographic Co-ordinates 28º 51’32.641” N

093º 45’25.789” W

Azimuth Reference Grid North

Block West Cameron 442

Default Site Elevation 125 ft

3. Press the OK button. Don’t create a new well if you are prompted to do

I. Template Editor

1. Ensure the template for Bullwinkle Platform looks like the image below.
You should have 5 rows of 3 wells each for a total of 15 wells. (HINT:
Use Slot Templates icon or right mouse click on the Site name)

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2. What block is this platform located in? (HINT: View the Site properties)

J. Import / Export

1. Import the Surface Readout Gyro (Srg. ipm) and Electronic Multi-Shot
(Ems. ipm) survey tools into Big Oil Company’s list of available Survey
Tools. Note that both these example tool error models are defined by
ISCWSA error terms. If these tools already exist, overwrite the
information with the data in these files to update the information. Select
EMS as the default survey tool.

2. Create well E4 by importing well-level transfer file Well_E4.XML (HINT:

File > Import> Transfer File). To open the imported data, use the Well
Explorer and right-click on the design E4-S0 and select Open. You may
then produce a plot, report or open a survey contained in that wellbore.

3. Repeat the above, this time importing transfer file Well_E9.XML to create
well E9 and Wellbore E9-S0.

4. Access the Template Editor and refer to the template view. Note that
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wellpaths E4-S0 and E9-S0 are tied onto slots E4 and E9 (Hint: you need
to open a Design one-at-a-time to see this, or you could select the other
design as an offset well and then enable the offset wells in the view to see
both at the same time). What is the map coordinates for Wells E4 and E9?
Close the Template Editor.

5. Open the Well Properties > Location tab dialog for E4. Write down the
convergence value and close the dialog.

6. For E4’s location using the Declination and Convergence figures (HINT:
check the North Reference Status window), add Magnetic and True North
arrows to the following diagram.

7. If a survey observation in the Discoverer Platform, E4-S0 wellbore had a

direction of 45° magnetic, what azimuth value would you enter into

8. If a survey observation in the Discoverer Platform, E4-S0 wellbore had a

direction of 120° True North, what azimuth value would you enter into

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