Affidavit of Fact - Decline All Vaccinations

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moortsh ational republic federal government » ~ ccctetas repeablieae ca al maanthawes~ S « oonish dictes and nattonal movement of, the world. orthecet amevom | southacst amerom | central amecem | adjoining atlantis and americana stands 1‘ ~ temple of the meen and: sae ~ > the trae aud: de jne national peoples — betes the land. ‘> ~is.Lam.~ & affidavit of fact (unlawful demand of vaccination) november 26, 2020 for the record, on the record, and let the record show, iam , portia j. talib ef Bey a moorish american national aboriginal, indigenous natural divine being manifested in human flesh to the america, in propria persona, ‘ui juris, and not a nom-de-guerre, straw-man or any other artificial corporate construct, as written of seibed in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and writen by the unclean hands of others. i am sovereign to this land and preserve all my rights. itis against my religion, as protected by the united states republic constitution article | ofthe bill of rights, to engage in any way with the immunization process. in addi as immunization is a voluntary process i therefore choose not to participate in the process. ‘any further discussion or any retaliation regarding my religion as it related to the immunization process will constitute a violation of my constitutional / treaty secured rights. the sole obligation of government, as stipulated in the united states republic north american constitution article iv section iv, as @ republican form of government is to secure, protect, and preserve the rights of the people domestically and internationally. miranda y. arizona , 384 u.s. 436 (1966) 491; 86 s. ct. 1603 "where rights secured by the constitution are involved, there can be no ‘rule making’ or legislation which ‘would abrogate them. norton v. shelby county, 118 u.s. 425 p. 442 “an unconstitutional act is not la; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties: affords no protect creates no office: it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed. notice to agent is notice to principal — notice to principal is notice to agent. alfa, portia f. talib ef Bey cx-relatione PORTIA J TAALIBa living, breathing, flesh-and-blood natural being woman, do affirm that Affiant has scribed and read the foregoing facts, and, in aecordance withthe best of Aifant' firsthand knowledge and conviction, such ae ru, cored, complet, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, ‘Goriioal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Gnexem / North @ica! North America The Moroccan Empire — ‘Contnestial United States: ‘Temple of the loon and Sun’: Non ~ Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subject— Being the Rightful Heirs and Tnheritors of the Land. S = we natural person, in propria persona: all sovereign rights exercised: uc. 1-207/1-308; ae. 1-103 mishigamma territory [elo 14601 faust} [near corporate detroit, michigan [48223]} northyvest amexem Ce: United Nations United States Justice Department Geneva Switzerland United States Attomey General William Barr State of Michigan Governor Intemational Criminal Court Gretchen Whitmer ‘The Hague, The Netherlands witness: Al ‘ee nd seed moot et aia Stinlt neh ‘ighoroared| witness: Sitrab resened ¢ @ooriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Worthwest Gmexem / Worth rica / North America /'‘The Moroccan Em ‘Contnential United States: ‘Semple of the loon and Sun': Non — Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subject~ Being the Rightful Heirs and TInheritors of the Land.

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