Mod List

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DESERT: A Modlist

DESERT is a specialized and thoroughly tested, remodified, retested set of mods that attempts
to bring you that honest desert experience. Notice that I said honest, not true. I know many
deserts personally, and each was different from the next in all the big and small ways. I'm not
going to tell you what a desert means to you, but I am going to tell you what this Modlist
DESERT will do.

Immersion relating to the desert is the game. Are you a desert creature? Show me.

Be A Smart Desert Creature

First and foremost, do yourself a favor and head to ​Thuggyfied​, which is the most
comprehensive modlist ever devised by man or beast. Where the category from there fits
DESERT items, of course, use the DESERT suggested mod. You won't find most categories
here. What body shape or hairstyle you're interested in is your business. Mine is sand and heat.

Having used/am using ALL of these mods in a many characters, I've come to want a specialized
experience that tries to ​immersively​ make you feel like you were walking in a sandy desert or
badlands, and through my own Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mods I have tweaked my
DESERT to a inch of its hidden life. I'm not playing around(!) . . . in a game . . . but for real, ​tho​.
I have 4,500 hours playing and modifying Fallout 4 alone. That doesn't make me bright. It does
mean I know what I want and I fight to make it happen. This modlist is a long effort to get
playthroughs with style and durability.

Lists​ (all in my load order based on experience using them and manager auto-choices)
Some mods in this list may need the full Fallout 4 suite of DLC.

1. Want that NV vibe right from the start? Like shown in my Part 1 video? ​F4NV Main
Menu Replacer​ with optional video
2. Like it hot? Real hot? ​Mojave ENB​ preset​​ from Badlands 2, which uses Film Workshop
3. Like to see that it's hot? Really real hot? ​Heat Shimmer Haze​​ .fx for Reshade users
4. cVc Red Rocket​ Transfer Blueprint​​ (under main mod) OR my own blueprint from the
Part I video overlaying cVc's! (Coming soon)
5. Rust Town​ Transfer Blueprint

Load Order Full List

True Storms
Workshop Framework
Games/Barstool Games
Grave Digger​ w/patches ESL available
HUD Framework
Consume Without Pickup​ ESL available
Working Slot Machines​ both versions, ESL available
Ambient Wasteland
Uncapped Settlement Surplus
Loot Balance​ and its options
No More Birds
Your Workshop - Your Custom Flags​ (required of Whiskey Smoke v2.0+)
No Fusion Cores In Fours
Commonwealth Wilderness Overhaul
Vendor Diversity Overhaul
Settlement Menu Manager
Desert Settler Farming
Brewhouse Shenanigans
Simple Coffee​ Lite or other versions
Creation Club Delayed
A Tableful of Dice
His Kingdom Come
cVc Dead Wasteland​ and also Trailer Park DLC optional file
Tenpenny Guitars
Immersive HUD
Transfer Settlements
Scary Deathclaws
Be Exceptional
Humble Perks Pack
Extreme Survival Overrides
Auto OMOD Stripper from SKK
Crime and Punishment
Fallout 3 - NV Feral Replacer​ (Classic Feral Ghouls)
Reduced NPC Greeting Distance
Critical Hits Outside of VATS
Tumbleweed Tunes
No More Fake Puddles
Rusty Cars
50 Shades of Rust - Red Rockets
Desert Inspired Food, Drinks and Stuff​ - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mod
Dust Storm Effects and Heat Hazard​ - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mod
Workshop Plus
JD's Weapon Overheating
Personal Radio/Personal Radio Receiver
Bleachers, A Diamond City Story
Classic Fallout Music
Grind Free Game Settings​ - Thuggyfied!
Advanced Needs 2​ and whatever add-ons, patches
Inner City Ambiance
Desert-like Weather Chances​ for Vanilla or True Storms
Mobile Workshop by SKK
Veronica Santangelo​ follower, Nexus and off-site options
New Vegas Uniques​, any or all, Mysterious Magnum for example, ​Whiskey Smoke patch for #17
Wetness Shader Fix
Flicker Fixer
Whiskey Smoke​​ - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mod
Badlands Settler Farming​​ - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mod
Desperados Overhaul
BADLANDS 2​ Landscape and Grass plugin
myLOD​ (which you need to make for yourself, but is really easy using the tutorial from Badlands 2

Environmental to include NPC, Landscape and Weather

True Storms
Ambient Wasteland
No More Birds
Commonwealth Wilderness Overhaul
Immersive HUD
Scary Deathclaws
Fallout 3 - NV Feral Replacer​ (Classic Feral Ghouls)
Reduced NPC Greeting Distance
Critical Hits Outside of VATS
No More Fake Puddles
Rusty Cars
50 Shades of Rust - Red Rockets
Dust Storm Effects and Heat Hazard​ - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mod
Classic Fallout Music
Inner City Ambiance
Desert-like Weather Chances​ for Vanilla or True Storms
Veronica Santangelo​ follower, Nexus and off-site options
Wetness Shader Fix
Flicker Fixer
Desperados Overhaul
Badlands 2​ Landscape and Grass plugin
myLOD​ (which you need to make for yourself, but is really easy using the tutorial from Badlands 2

Workshop Framework
Games/Barstool Games
HUD Framework
Working Slot Machines​ both versions, ESL available
Uncapped Settlement Surplus
Your Workshop - Your Custom Flags​ (required of Whiskey Smoke v2.0+)
Vendor Diversity Overhaul
Settlement Menu Manager
Desert Settler Farming
Brewhouse Shenanigans
Simple Coffee​ Lite or other versions
A Tableful of Dice
His Kingdom Come
cVc Dead Wasteland​ and also Trailer Park DLC optional file
Tenpenny Guitars
Transfer Settlements
Auto OMOD Stripper from SKK
Crime and Punishment
Reduced NPC Greeting Distance
Tumbleweed Tunes
Rusty Cars
50 Shades of Rust - Red Rockets
Desert Inspired Food, Drinks and Stuff​ - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mod
Dust Storm Effects and Heat Hazard​ - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mod
Workshop Plus
Personal Radio/Personal Radio Receiver
Bleachers, A Diamond City Story
Mobile Workshop by SKK
Whiskey Smoke​​ - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mod
Badlands Settler Farming​​ - Dusty Dude Abides Immersion mod

True Storms
Ambient Wasteland
No More Birds
Reduced NPC Greeting Distance
Tumbleweed Tunes
Personal Radio/Personal Radio Receiver
Classic Fallout Music
Inner City Ambiance
Desert-like Weather Chances​ for Vanilla or True Storms

Grave Digger​ w/patches ESL available
Consume Without Pickup​ ESL available
No Fusion Cores In Fours
Commonwealth Wilderness Overhaul
Creation Club Delayed
Immersive HUD
JD's Weapon Overheating
Grind Free Game Settings​ - Thuggyfied!
Veronica Santangelo​ follower, Nexus and off-site options

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