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Spanish people

Spain, a country on the Iberian Peninsula in Europe, includes 17

autonomous regions with diverse geographical and cultural
characteristics. In Madrid, its capital, is the Royal Palace and the
Prado Museum, which houses works by European masters.

The Spanish fight for the preservation of their traditions and their
history with a lot of passion and solidarity. Every community,
province and city preserves almost intact the legends and habits of
past times. The Spaniards take care of their history with such fervor
that they make it present in every popular celebration.

The Spanish prides itself on its way of being and acting, especially
with regard to caring for the geography of its country, which it
defends above all else.

Spaniards stay away from home for a long time and for this reason
they have developed a very fluid and open ability to converse; It is
not uncommon to start a healthy conversation with them in bars,
taverns and general entertainment venues. The greeting of two
kisses, one on each cheek, is perhaps the greatest physical courtesy
they offer their foreign visitors.

There is no single official language in Spain, on the contrary these

are 4: Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Aranés.

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