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Phase 3 Implementation

We would like teachers  to think about incorporating Nearpod with their lesson and to

consider our newly developed Weebly website in order to provide all the necessary resources for

their nearpod presentations. We believe the features and advantages Nearpod has not only

benefits teachers but as well as schools looking to implement new ways of instruction, without

having to budget for the cost of the application and website.

Some indications of early success would be the short term is the overall performance of

the students in grasping the information being taught. Another indicator of early success would

be if the engagement an increase of student engagement during presentations conducted via

distance learning utilizing the Nearpod. Observing wide usage of our Connect Through Tech

weebly page, would be a strong indicator of the possibility of long-term usage by teachers.

This can also be considered an external measure of success. This would be greatly supported by

having teachers contacting our website for further instructions and resources. We would like to

see school administrators become interested in using the Connect Through Tech website and

Nearpod. Another external measure would be the feedback from the parents on the success rate

from our tool. Seeing the reactions from the success of our product would be encouraging to add

to the resume of the tool itself.

Roadmap: Below you will see the dates that our group regularly meets and deadlines. The days
and times may vary depending on what our schedule looks like that week, but we always make
sure each person is available and everyone is satisfied with the day and time. During our group
meetings, we discuss each of our duties for the week, like what we need to complete and when.
We also come up with new ideas we may have and different ways we can implement them into
our project. We usually meet for about an hour or two each week to debrief. The deadlines are a
combination of the ones on the syllabus and also personal ones we set for our group.

NOV 2020
SU MON TU WED THU FRI              SAT

 1 2 3    4      5      6 7

    Class     Complete Workshop  
1 - Giovanni 
Workshop 2 - Amer

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  Complete Class   Group    
Workshop 3 & 4 - Meeting
Workshop 5 -

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    Class   Group Meeting    

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

      Collect all   Complete Phase 3  Group

surveys Meeting

29 30    

DEC 2020
SU MON TUE WE THU FRI              SAT

  1 2     3 4 5
    Phase 3 Due   Group Group Meeting  

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  Group TLP Presentation        
TLP Peer Feedback for Phase
3 due

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31
The potential issues/barriers depend on the individual students’ needs. Teaching to the

"average" works for some students, some of the time, but it is rarely enough to support every

learner all of the time. Instruction is focused on each individual student's needs and interests

within the classroom. Although it can be difficult to do, differentiated teaching is crucial to

remember because it can help improve both student participation and achievement. Since school

is being taught virtually and distance learning is still currently being implemented, students will

have to use their own computer or device from home. There is a diverse set of learners in every

classroom because every child is different. Our project focuses on meeting the needs of students

with disabilities during this unknown time of distance learning. There are countless types of

disabilities and each student is different, therefore there is a big diversity among the learners’

skill levels. 

TLP Group 6 Lesson Plans (Connect Through Tech)

Workshop 1

Time required: 10 Minutes

Target Audience: Teachers

Objective: Participants will learn how to find and sign up for Nearpod.

Overview of Lesson: Teachers will participate in Workshop 1 newsletter in order to learn the
process of finding and signing up for Nearpod. 

Materials needed: Computer, smartphone or laptop to access the internet. Email to access the
link to the workshop.
 Teachers will be sent a link to workshop 1.
 Teachers will visit the link and begin by reading the top.
 Teachers will begin the workshop by following the instructions as they work down the
 It is encouraged that teachers practice by creating a Nearpod if they haven’t. 
 Finally, teachers will answer questions at the end of the workshop.

1) How difficult does Nearpod sign up look? 1(easy)-5(difficult)

2) Did this workshop help you with signing up for Nearpod? yes/no? Or already had one.

3) Based on this workshop, do you believe other educators would be interested in our TLP
project and the solutions it provides? Yes/No?


Question 3 Results were 100% yes.

Workshop 2

Time required: 15 Minutes

Target Audience: Teachers

Objective: Participants will learn how some of the design features can benefit instruction for a
student with special needs utilizing nearpod.

Overview of Lesson: Teachers will participate in Workshop 2 newsletter, in order to learn the
design benefits of nearpod; how the different templates, visuals and other features can help in
distance learning for a child with special needs.

Materials needed: Computer, smartphone or laptop to access the internet. Email to access the
link to the workshop.

 Teachers will be sent a link to workshop 2.
 Teachers will visit the link and begin by reading the top.
 Teachers will begin the workshop by following the instructions as they work down the
 It is encouraged that teachers practice by creating a sample Nearpod lesson. 
 Finally, teachers will answer questions at the end of the workshop.

1) Do you think the different designs can be inclusive to a student with special needs? Yes, no
or don’t know.

2) Do you think the design features will engage a student with special needs during online

3) Before this workshop, how familiar were you with the design features of Nearpod? Very,
somewhat, or not at all?
Workshop 3

Time required: 15 Minutes

Target Audience: Teachers

Objective: Participants will be able to create different activities in a Nearpod lesson.

Overview of Lesson: Teachers will have the opportunity to learn about the various different
interactive tools that are available to teach a lesson to a student or students with special needs.
Teachers will also have the opportunity to learn about the external tools that work in conjunction
with Nearpod. (PowerPoint, GoogleSlides, videos etc.)

Materials needed: Computer, smartphone or laptop to access the internet. Email to access the
link to the workshop.

 Teachers will be sent a link to workshop 3.
 Teachers will visit the link and begin by reading the top.
 Teachers will begin the workshop by following the instructions as they work down the
 The workshop will have information on the integration of activities and also integration of
programs such as google slides and powerpoint.
 It is encouraged that teachers practice by creating a Nearpod if they haven’t.
 Finally, teachers will answer questions at the end of the workshop.


1. Do you believe that these activities are easy or difficult for a child with special needs?
Easy or Hard?

2. Which activity do you see yourself using? Pick from the workshop.

3. Do you see these types of activities and external tools, such as google slides and
powerpoint, as beneficial for a student with special needs? Yes, No, Maybe, I don’t

Workshop 4

Time required: 15 Minutes

Target Audience: Teachers

Objective: Participants will be able to learn about the benefits of online learning in supporting
and assessing students with special needs.

Overview of Lesson: This informational session will serve to provide teachers with insight on
providing support and formative assessments for students with special needs.

Materials needed: Computer, smartphone or laptop to access the internet. Email to access the
link to the workshop.

 Teachers will be sent a link to workshop 4.
 Teachers will visit the link and begin by reading the top.
 Teachers will begin the workshop by following the instructions as they work down the
 The workshop will have information on the support for students and how to assess
students utilizing nearpod and the activities applied to the lessons created by teachers.
 Finally, teachers will answer questions at the end of the workshop.


1. Do you believe that there is enough support in our TLP for teachers?

2. Do you think that Nearpod and its activities are difficult for a student with special needs
to navigate? Yes, No, Maybe?

3. Do you see these types of activities and external tools, such as google slides and
powerpoint, as beneficial for a student with special needs? Yes, No, Maybe, I don’t


For Question 1: The consensus was that it was dependent on the student and their individual
needs. Support can have a broad definition in the context of a lesson.
Workshop 5

Time required: 10 Minutes

Target Audience: Teachers

Objective: Conclude the series of workshops.

Overview of Lesson: Provide a comprehensive overview of the TLP project.

Materials needed: Computer, smartphone or laptop to access the internet. Email to access the
link to the workshop.

 Teachers will be sent a link to workshop 5.
 Teachers will visit the link and begin by reading the top.
 Teachers will begin the workshop by following the instructions as they work down the
 The workshop will have information on what the teachers learned about in the 4 previous
 Finally, teachers will answer questions at the end of the workshop.


1. After these workshops, would you say you are more comfortable with our Connect
Through Tech TLP solution including using Nearpod as the centerpiece?

2. What was one thing that these workshops revealed to you about nearpod? User
friendliness? The price? The ability to adapt and modify? The external tools? The
internal tools? Please pick 1.
2. Did these training/workshops provide solutions to the unknown problems created by
COVID and distance learning? Yes, No. Maybe?


Some potential barriers resulting from our data collection point more toward the overall

need for Nearpod in the classroom. Overall, we are pleased with the need for a tool like Nearpod
and the Connect Through Tech website. More hands on learning is also required to truly master

Nearpod as a teaching tool. There is also the chance that a student may feel hesitant toward using

an application such as Nearpod due to the learning curve that the product might present.

Educators also face the risk of not having permission from school administrators to utilize

Connect Through Tech or Nearpod.

How to place the instruction to address all their needs?

Nearpod has the ability to conform and bend to create the ideal lesson presentations for

students with special needs. There are a wide variety of templates and presentation creation tools.

This allows teachers to address all of their students' individual and unique special needs. Connect

Through Tech is a strong tool that will continue to grow and provide educators with a reliable

source to create the ideal lessons for their students with special needs.

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