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Teacher Name Dylan Eastcott
(DD/MM/YYYY) 01/12/2020
Subject Area Physical Education Grade 1-9
Topic Rugby game Time/Duration 30 minutes

Students will
- interact positively with others.
General Learner - acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate
Outcome(s) movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
Taken from Alberta
Program of Studies activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and
outdoor pursuits.

- demonstrate the basic skills of running, jumping, throwing in a variety

Specific Learner of environments and using various equipment; e.g., skipping rope
Outcome(s) - develop and demonstrate respectful communication skills appropriate
Taken from Alberta
Program of Studies to context

Learning Students will be able to:

Objectives 1) Play the game of rugby at it’s very basic
What do you want your 2) Collaborating with teammates to score try’s
students to learn? 3) Use skills learnt in previous classes to properly pass the ball
Assessment 1. Participation
How will you know your 2. Effort – Are you calling for the ball, running up the field, playing defense, are you passing to
students have learned? everyone or just your buddy.
Materials  Pylons
What resources will you  Footballs x2

- “Can everybody grab their coats and can you meet at the closest net”
- “Michael and Joel can you guys grab the far soccer net and move it back so its in the
middle of the field but at the far end close to the trees.”
- Can you line up shortest to tallest, Last one in line has to do 5 pushups, and if anyone is
out of order everyone has to do 5, I want you to be ready before Mr. Johnston and I get
Introduction out there.”
(attention grabber) - “Be careful on the ice it’s not a race but I don’t want you diddly daddling”
- “David can you please go and grab 2 football”
- “When we get out there if I see the last person getting in line than they have to do
- I am going to get them to run to the far soccer net and back as a warm up.
- “Michael and Peter your two teams are going to play on the far end.
- Chris and Henry your teams will play on this side.”
- Pylons will be set up on both sides
- “Henry can you please set up two pylons in the middle of the field on both side of the half line.
Can you leave 5 big steps between them.
- Like I said last week, rugby is a mixture of ultimate football and soccer
- We are going to play super basic rugby, there are lots of rules and I don’t even know them all.
- Basic rules: You can’t throw the ball forward, the only way the ball can move forward is by you
running with it or by you kicking it
- “When running you can only take 10 steps and if you want to kick the ball you have to do it
when you are in your steps” *demo*
- “If you are going to kick it be careful of the person in front of you, don’t try and kick it has hard
as you can because it’s going to go all over the place. Like the passes try doing short kicks to
keep possession”
- “Big kids please be careful of the littles”
- “Also before you can score a try”
- *A try is the rugby version of a touchdown*
- You must have passed the ball to 4 different teammates so 5 DIFFERENT people have to touch
the ball before you can score
- A try is worth 5 points, so make sure you are keeping track of points
(Activity #1) - Unlike football you can’t just cross the line for it to count you have to touch the ball on the
ground. Most guys dive after they cross the line *demo*
- To get the ball from the other team you can:
- Intercept a pass but it has to be in the air and you have to catch it
- Or pick up a ball that they kicked
- If they drop 3 passes in a row
- If the other team kicks it out of bounds
- In real rugby there is a big scrum and different ways to get possession
- So a quick recap.
- “How many steps can you take?” (10)
- “Can you throw the ball forward?” (No)
- “How can you move the ball forward?” (Kicking and running)
- “How can you get the ball from the other team?” (intercept, dropped third pass, pick it up
after kicking, other team kicks it out of bounds)
- Well the games are going on I will be standing in between both giving tips and encouragement
- With a minute left I will call the students back and ask them what they thought was hard and if
they enjoyed the game
- “Does anyone have any tips, what helped you throw better or grip the ball better?”
o “When you go inside I want you guys to go to your desks and start reading, littles get ready for
me upstairs I want you all sitting quietly reading when I get up there, please and thank you?”
Personal - Today went a lot better with explaining the rules, asking questions before during and after. I
Reflection was proud of the way I communicated what I wanted from the students and how I was able to
go back and build off the last day and the skill I taught them. I recapped what I said last class
and asked them what they remembered. Before I separated them, I had them line up and
each pass me the ball and was giving them tips and positive reinforcement. Something I need
to work on is my positioning, I put myself right in the middle of the circle. In the wind the
students behind me could not hear anything I was saying. I adapted to this by breaking the
students up into their groups and then running through it with each group instead. This
however left 3 groups unattended and without instructions for a couple minutes. I could have
maybe done more instructions inside knowing the wind was going to be a problem. I am
learning that I can adapt games or drills on the fly. Sometimes it is not the best option, but I
have confidence in myself and my ability to think on my feet and change a rule or a task. I
think this is something that will improve over time, as I fill my back pocket with different
games and failures.

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