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Cornell Notes

Topics:_____Unit 5 Section 1______________________________

Big Ideas, questions, Notes, details, definitions, answers to your

main Ideas, vocabulary questions, examples, sentences, pg. numbers…
Religious Freedom Free exercise clause- The government can’t interfere with religion unless it v
Establishment clause- Congress will not make a law that gives preference to
Landmark Religious court cases. Wisconsin V. Yoder
Lemon v. Kurtman
Engel v. Vitale
Epperson. V Arkansas
Edwards v. Aguillard
Oregon Employment Division v. Smith
Allegheny Country v. Greater Pittsburg
Free Speech_x000B_(from the Hate speech- as long as it doesn’t violate other’s rights
expression that does not violate someone’s rights (burning a flag) Texas v.

Not Protected
libel- written defamation of character
Slander- spoken defamation of character
Landmark free speech cases Schenk v. U.S
Chapilinsky v. N.H
Tinker v. Des Moines
Texas v. Johnsonn
United States v O'brien
Gillow V. New York
Brandenburg v. ohio
Virginia V. Black

Themes I see in the information: I see a lot of restrictions and rules in the government. A lot o

Other questions I might have about what we covered today:

Does freedom of speech exist in public schools all the time? Like, in all aspects of school?

Please list 3 things you learned today:

1. The US government cannot interfear with religion
2. The US government cannoti interfear with free speech
3. Any slander or libel is not free speech

Please explain how one thing you learned today relates to you:
The government has no right to interfear with my right to speak freel. This ties into how I vote, the people i talk to, the thin

Notes Continued….
Rights of the Accused Mapp v ohio
Miranda v. Arizona

Right to remain silent

- Right to an attorney
Gideon v. Wainwright(If you can’t afford one, one will
be appointed to you.
Other rights of the accused
- No double jeopardy
- No cruel and unusual
Rights in Schools Bakke v. California
Bethel School District v. Fraser
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
New Jersey v. TLO
igion unless it violates someone’s rights
es preference to only one religion.

a flag) Texas v. Johnson

nment. A lot of restriction

le i talk to, the things i believe. The freedom of speech is very importanr, that's why it's the first ammendment.

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