Technology Project

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Music Technology Project Second Block



For my second block music technology project I created a video that played our practice

track following our score. This allowed students to be able to watch the video and sing along

while looking at the music on one screen.

In order to create this video I had to upload the music score into individual pages. I then

used the website wevideo in order to create the video. I uploaded all of the pdfs of the music into

the website and then cropped the pdfs so you would only see one system at a time.

After cropping all of the pages I then uploaded the practice track to the website. My high

school is fortunate enough to have the funding to purchase practice tracks, for this video I used

the balanced voices practice tracks. After uploading the audio, I had to adjust the length the

individual pdfs of each system was on the screen so that way it would switch to the next system

in time for the students to sing it. This was a bit challenging and took extra time because I had to

listen to the recording and figure out the second to switch to the next pdf. Finally I was able to

download the entire video and share it with my students within their google classroom.

This video became extremely helpful teaching my students virtually. During online

sectionals, section leaders were having trouble sharing both the audio practice tracks and the pdf

of the music and moving the pdf to the next page in proper time. This allowed the students to be

able to share one screen and easily practice the song. It was also a great tool for students to use

when practicing outside of rehearsal. This video was also helpful during my instruction online. I
was able to share my video and then have access to my hands so I could conduct and see the

score at the same time. My cooperating teacher will be using this video in her video for students

to follow during their final recording of this song. I am very proud of this project and how it has

helped my students learn this song.

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