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Student ID BC170202121

Assignment No. 1

Task 1: Identify at least ten (10) bad habits within you, which hinder your
listening ability.
1. Faking attention

Habitually some people who are not actually listening and thinking about something else
consciously try to look as though they were listening, and having adopted this attitude, having
shown the covert courtesy of appearing to listen to the speaker. This may lead to disasters in
communication because such pretense may leave a speaker with the impression that the listener
has heard some important information or instructions offered by him.

2. Calling the subject uninteresting

Bad listeners often find a subject too dry and dusty to command their attention and we use this as
an excuse to wonder off on a mental tangent.

3. Daydreaming

Not paying attention to the speaker is one of the major causes of inefficient listening. The
listener may get distracted or may not want to hear what is being said. The listener withdraws his
attention and starts daydreaming.

4. Rehearsing

If the listener is thinking about his reply before the other person has finished, then in all
probability he is not listening. Some people listen until they want to say something; then they
quit listening, start rehearsing what they will say, and wait for an opportunity to respond.

5. Getting overstimulated

Getting over-stimulated by something the speaker says. Listening efficiency drops to zero when
the listeners react so strongly to one of the presentation that they miss what follows. At the
university, we think this bad habit is so critical that, in the classes where we teach listening we
put at the top of every blackboard the words.

6. Tolerating distraction

Habitually some people allowing interfering distractions. Poor listeners are easily distracted and
may even create disturbances that interfere with their own listening efficiency and that of others.
They squirm, talk with their neighbors, or shuffle papers. Certainly they do not distract others.
Student ID BC170202121
7. Avoiding Difficult and Uninteresting Material

While finds the material difficult to understand or uninteresting. This may become a habit with
the listener and he will conveniently stop listening every time he encounters some difficult or
uninteresting material. Many a times, the listener may assume in advance that the subject is
boring, unimportant or difficult.

8. Filtering

Filtering may involve zoning in on the points that reinforce our argument, or discounting
anything we do not want to hear.

9. Criticizing the Speaker

Criticizing the speaker’s delivery or mannerisms, it’s the indoor sport of most bad listeners to
find fault with the way a speaker looks, acts, and talks. Good listeners may make a few of the
same criticisms but they quickly begin to pay attention to “what is said, not how to it is said”.

10. Debating

Habitually some listeners can not listening, the speakers jump over them during the conversation.
And unnecessary they are debiting interrupting arguing and make disturbing.

Task 2: Suggest five (5) tips which help you to become a better listener.
1. Don’t talk

Give full attention to the speaker by turning to face him/her and gaze intently at him/her. Being
truly interested is just a matter of attitude. When the mind makes a decision, the body will

2. Pay attention to details.

Pay attention to details. I Means focus on detail and see from every angle and corporates with the
speaker show interest it will take you to deep.

3. Keep the eye-contact with speaker

Keep the eye- contact it will be make both speaker and listener fresh and active and make strong

4. Keep your mind open.

The good listener interprets “colorful” words and does not get hung up on them.
Student ID BC170202121
5. Exercise your mind.

The good listener uses heavier material as exercise for the mind.

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