Hour Log For Ypsiwrites

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Hour Log for YpsiWrites:

Date Description Hours


10/15/20 Virtual meeting with Ann. Getting access to organization documents for 1hr.
training. Accessing what their needs are for the training program. Setting
up interviews with people connected to the organization.

10/16/20 Review Organization Materials. 2hrs.

10/17/20 Review Organization Materials. 2hrs.

10/21/20 Review Organization Materials. 3hrs.

10/23/20 Start outline for possible campaign for volunteers 2hrs.

10/26/20 Weekly check in with Ann on the progress made over the week since I last 1hr.
spoke with her. Gain access to volunteer training materials, explained plan
for a SWOT analysis of volunteer process. Set up more interviews.

10/30/20 Interview with Alison Austin from Washtenaw Literacy. Reached out to 3hrs.
current volunteers. Worked on SWOT analysis. Started campaign plan.

11/1/20 Going over volunteer feedback. Working this information into SWOT 2hrs.

11/2/20 Meeting with Ann to present SWOT. Emailing other connections for more 1hr.

11/4/20 Formalizing SWOT analysis. 1hr.

11/8/20 Following up on emails to other organizations. Finishing SWOT. 2hrs.

11/11/20 Overview content calendar for YpsiWrites. Come up with ideas for content. 2hrs.

11/13/20 Correspond with recruiter from other organization. 1hr.

11/16/20 Check-in meeting with Ann to present content calendar, come up with new 1hr.
goals for the week, and get contact info from other members of the

11/19/20 Contacting current volunteers to try to get content for social media. Start 2hrs.
mapping out layout for content.

11/22/20 Putting together social media content as PR for Recruitment campaign 3hrs.
11/23/20 Present templates for social media content to Ann. Answer emails from 1hr
members of YpsiWrites.

Total 30 hours

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