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Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Ciudad Juárez

Marcos Abraham Rodríguez López

Machinery Dynamics
Unit 3
Kinetics of a Rigid Body. Impulse.
November 17, 2020
 Impulse is a term that quantifies the overall effect of a force acting over time. It is

conventionally given the symbol \text{J}Jstart text, J, end text and expressed in Newton-


For a constant force, J = F ⋅ Δt

One of the reasons why impulse is important and useful is that in the real world, forces
are often not constant. Forces due to things like people and engines tend to build up
from zero over time and may vary depending on many factors. Working out the overall
effect of all these forces directly would be quite difficult.

When we calculate impulse, we are multiplying force by time. This is equivalent to

finding the area under a force-time curve. This is useful because the area can just as
easily be found for a complicated shape (variable force) as for a simple rectangle
(constant force). It is only the overall net impulse that matters for understanding the
motion of an object following an impulse.
 Energy has no direction in space, therefore it is considered a scalar quantity.
Energy is a conserved quantity, meaning that it cannot be created or destroyed, but only
converted from one form into another.
Thus, the total energy of a system always remains constant.
One form of energy can be readily transformed into another; for instance, a battery
converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
1. A bowling ball whit a mass of 7.25 kg impacts a pin of 2.5 kg. Determine the
impact velocity needed to lift the pin 2 m in its maximum height.
I choose this problem because it is a simple and clear way to understand impulse
and anyone can relate to it.
If you do not apply this knowledge when engineering, you become susceptible to
failure. For example, if you are designing a bowling alley and you get this wrong your
pins can fail constantly due to a wrong maximum height after the impact with a
certain mass ball, consequently smashing the pins with each other in a smaller than
needed space at higher speeds, causing them to fracture or unbalance due to
impact. This is why this knowledge is very important and even necessary in
engineering life.

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