Edsp - Lesson Plan - Underhand Throwing

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CSULB Lesson Planning Form

Name: Chris Subject/Grade:12 Setting: High School Date: 10/29/20 Time Frame: Physical Education

Lesson Objective: By the end of the lesson, the student should apply the correct technique for fundamental movement patterns in underhand
Language Objective: By the end of the lesson, the student should be able to answer all of the check for understanding questions related to underhand
CCSS: Movement Skills and Knowledge:
Standard One: Apply the correct technique for fundamental movement patterns in an
activity of choice.
Standard Two: Apply motor learning concepts when learning new skills in an activity of
Standard Four: Show an appreciation for achievements, no matter how large or
Self- Image and Personal Development:
Standard Five: Takes a supportive role in an activity.
Social Development:
Standard Seven: Share in the responsibility of group action and problem solving as a
member of a group or team.

IEP Objective/s: Chris will demonstrate the ability to underhand throw an object with proper form and hit a target board that is 20 feet away 4 out
of 5 times by December 12th as observed by the teacher.
Chris will demonstrate the ability to catch an object with proper form that is thrown from 20 feet away 4 out of 5 times by
December 12th as observed by the teacher.
Chris will participate in cooperative PE activities with a partner of his choice for 60 minutes a week by December 12 th as observed
by the teacher.
Lesson Relevance: Throwing can be done recreationally as an activity or be used practically in your life when people throw things at you that you shouldn’t drop,
like electronics. Similarly, people will ask you to throw things to them that they would like to be able to catch and that can only be done with proper throwing
accuracy. Ask, “Why is it important to know how to throw things? When was the last time someone threw something at you? What was it? Did you catch it? When
was the last time you threw at something at someone? What was it? Did they catch it?” Ask the group to share their answers.
Anticipatory Set: Activating prior knowledge- Reference prior knowledge of proper underhand throwing technique. Example: Face your target, step with opposite
foot, swing arm backwards and follow through. Reference prior knowledge of proper catching technique. Reference different techniques for throwing and catching
different objects. Example: If object is below you, have fingers pointed down when catching. If object is above you, have fingers pointed upwards to catch it.

Lesson Plan EEEI Format (LBUSD) Revision 2

CSULB Lesson Planning Form

Name: Chris Subject/Grade:12 Setting: High School Date: 10/29/20 Time Frame: Physical Education

Input: “Today you are going Modeling: “Watch me…” Check for Understanding: Guided Practice: “Let’s do it Independent Practice: “Now
to learn…” “What did I do?” together” is your chance to show me
what you have learned and
can do…”
Purpose of the lesson: Learn
techniques of underhand
throwing and catching.

Scarf Throw
1. Scarf throw. Grab one 1. Model throwing up 1. Ask what hand they 1. Practice alternating 1. Practice
scarf. the scarf and are supposed to catch hands as a group. independently.
catching. Throw with with.
one hand and catch
with same hand.
2. Scarf throw. 2. Model throwing the 2. Ask what hand they 2. Practice alternating 2. Practice
scarf across your are supposed to catch hands as a group. independently.
body and catching with.
with the same hand.
3. Scarf throw and spin. 3. Model throwing the 3. Ask what to do before 3. Practice alternating 3. Practice
scarf up above head catching the scarf. hands and spinning in independently.
and spin in a circle both directions as a
before catching the group.

4. Do same procedures 4. Model throwing and 4. Ask which hand they 4. Practice by throwing 4. Practice
but with 2 scarves. catching with same are supposed to be 2 scarves at the same independently.
Throw 2 scarves up hand for 2 scarves. catching with. time and catching
with one hand and with same hand as a
catch with same hand. group.

5. Throw 2 scarves at 5. Model throwing 2 5. Ask which hand they 5. Practice by throwing 5. Practice
the same time and scarves at the same are supposed to be 2 scarves at the same independently.
catch with the other time and catching catching with. time and catching
hand. with other hand with other hand as a
across body. group.

Lesson Plan EEEI Format (LBUSD) Revision 2

CSULB Lesson Planning Form

Name: Chris Subject/Grade:12 Setting: High School Date: 10/29/20 Time Frame: Physical Education

6. Throw 2 scarves at 6. Model throwing 2 6. Ask what to do before 6. Practice spinning in 6. Practice
the same time and scarves up above catching the scarves. both directions as a independently.
spin in a circle before head and spin in a group.
catching. circle before catching
the scarf.
7. Do the same exact 7. Model throwing and 7. Ask similar questions 7. Practice each 7. Practice
flow listed above but catching the item for in regard to what movement as a group. independently.
switch item you are each progression. movement is being
throwing. Can be an performed.
item of the student’s
choosing, I will
suggest bean bags.

Bean Bag Toss

1. Throw bean bags with 1. Model throwing and 1. Ask student to list the 1. Practice throwing the 1. Practice
a partner. I suggest catching techniques throwing and bean bags using independently.
that our student and appropriate catching cues aloud. proper technique.
(Chris) works as a distance to start off. Teacher will cue Practice catching with
peer volunteer with Have students create students when it is partner.
our wheelchair more distance time to create more
student for the day. between themselves distance between
to make it more them and their
challenging after 20 partner.
2. Throw 2 bean bags. 2. Model what this game 2. Ask the student what 2. Practice throwing and 2. Practice
Each student will looks like with a they need to catching with partner independently.
have one bean bag in partner. Model an remember to do after as a group.
their hand. They will appropriate distance they throw the bean
throw a bean bag to away from their bag. Teacher will cue
their partner at the partner for the kids to students when it is
same time and try and be at. time to create more
catch the bean bag distance between
being thrown at them. them and their

Lesson Plan EEEI Format (LBUSD) Revision 2

CSULB Lesson Planning Form

Name: Chris Subject/Grade:12 Setting: High School Date: 10/29/20 Time Frame: Physical Education

3. Students will play hot 3. Model with a group 3. Ask the students how 3. Practice throwing the 3. Play the game.
potato. Students will how to play this to win the game. bean bags in a circle
form a circle with 2 game. Teacher will cue play and looking for when
bean bags in it. music and cue the other bean bag is
Student will throw students when the coming.
bean bags in a circle song is over.
and the last 2 people
to have a bean bag
when the music is
over, loses.

4. Play the game again 4. Model with a group 4. Ask the students how 4. Practice throwing the 4. Play the game.
but with a different how to play this to win the game. items in a circle and
object. Can be a ball game. Teacher will cue play looking for when the
and a bean bag or music and cue other item is coming.
whichever items the students when the
groups pick. song is over.
1. Each student should
Relays take one practice
1. Students will break 1. Model game play 1. Ask the students to throw from where 1. Play the game.
into teams and form a with the group. repeat how many they will be throwing.
line facing a bucket. Model shouting out buckets they need to
Each line will have a each time a person win.
different item to makes a bucket.
throw in the bucket.
When teacher says
go, the students will
try and make the item
in a bucket 10 times.
They will run and
retrieve the item they
throw and hand it to
the next person in
line. First team to
make 10 buckets will

Lesson Plan EEEI Format (LBUSD) Revision 2

CSULB Lesson Planning Form

Name: Chris Subject/Grade:12 Setting: High School Date: 10/29/20 Time Frame: Physical Education

win. Each team needs

to verbalize any time
they make a bucket,
counting up to 10. I
will encourage our
student (Chris) to run
for our wheelchair
student in the relay.
2. Students will play the
game 3 times,
switching objects that
need to be thrown
into the bucket with
the team next to them
each time.
1. At the beginning of
Throwing Stations: each station switch,
1. Students will 1. Model how to throw 1. Ask the students what students will have a 1. Play the game.
participate in each and keep score at is the objective of the chance to practice
throwing station and each station. Model game. Teacher will throwing each item.
rotate stations with a that one student is to cue students when it
partner. Students will go first for 1 minute is time to rotate
rotate to each station and the student students and rotate
two times. Students observing should be stations.
will count the number shagging equipment
of times they threw and keep score.
the item correctly
onto the target.
Students will have 2
minutes at every
station, 1 minute per
each student. One
student will play and
one student will
observe. The student

Lesson Plan EEEI Format (LBUSD) Revision 2

CSULB Lesson Planning Form

Name: Chris Subject/Grade:12 Setting: High School Date: 10/29/20 Time Frame: Physical Education

observing should help

keep score and shag
items for the student
Students are trying to
beat their personal
best score at each
2. Station 1: ping pong
balls that will be
thrown into cups.
Station 2: Dodgeballs
into buckets.
Station 3: Bean bags
onto or into a target.
Corn hole or a target
Station 4: Soccer ball
into hula hoop held
by partner to the side.
Closure: “What did you learn Assessment: (Informal and Sheltered Instructional Adaptations: List all Supporting accommodations and
today?” Formal methods) Strategies: List all SIOP modifications for all learners.
features used in lesson
Ask students to list the
criterion for proper throwing Informally observe the student Gestures, multi-media- Chris is allowed to pick different equipment items he would
and catching techniques. Ask in each activity. music, repetition, peer like to use throughout the lesson. Teacher will check in with
students what their favorite tutoring, open ended Chris more frequently to make sure he understands the rules of
activity was. Ask students the game. Teacher can modify the rules of the game to make
which items were the most
questions, multi- them simpler for him. Teacher can provide a recording sheet
challenging to throw. Ask dimensional process- next to the throwing stations to make it easy for students to
students which items were the oriented assessments. remember their previous scores. Teacher can try and remain in
most challenging to catch. close proximity to Chris to answer any questions or remind him
of expected PE behaviors.

Lesson Plan EEEI Format (LBUSD) Revision 2

CSULB Lesson Planning Form

Name: Chris Subject/Grade:12 Setting: High School Date: 10/29/20 Time Frame: Physical Education

Lesson Plan EEEI Format (LBUSD) Revision 2

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