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Osorio 1

Estrella Osorio

Jamie Moore

English 1

November 24, 2015


The subject that I choose for my research was on “Education and Social Justice”. How

private schools are different than public schools and some have higher expectations from the

students and teachers. The reason that I choose this subject was because I want to know what the

different curriculums were and what makes a private school a better choice for a higher

education. I want to see the advantages and disadvantages that there is based on lower class and

higher class. If there is students that come from a lower class why is it more difficult for them to

get more privileges than others. Why can’t all schools have equal opportunities and benefits for

everyone that is willing to try their best in schools?

What I already know about this topic is the basic expectations that all schools have for

their students, for example how every student should go to school everyday and expect us to

learn more different things each day. I also know that there is other different expectations from

students based on if you are from a higher class or a lower class and where you come from and if

you are either first generation student or not. I want to know more about the curriculum that

come from a private school and what the difference would be from the public schools. I also

want to know why the higher class students are the ones that get more advantages and privileges
in school when in reality is the lower class that needs all those benefits the most. I could connect

to this topic because it’s hard for me to get certain kind of help because there is some

requirements that I do not qualify to get extra help that I need. Its also hard because I am

considered a first generation student and it is difficult for me to ask my parents for good, helpful

and appropriate advice that helps me in college. I also notice the difference between the school

that I am going to now and different schools that my old high school friends and telling me that

they are going to. Is it really that important for almost every school to be different and have the

different policies. What is the purpose behind all of the rules and differences? Honestly what all

those differences are making the student feel is that if they don’t qualify for a higher school or

extra help is because we are not smart enough or capable of doing great things than all the other

students are.

The research that I will be needing for my paper will be different articles that talk about

this subject. Also looking for different resources that could answer the questions that I have and

make things clear and with more detail for me. The way I will be able to get this information is

by asking my teacher for suggestions of articles that are related to the subject. I could also ask

the people from my group what they used and see if what they got could help me in what I have

questions and want to learn more about. Another good resource that I could use is the pass

articles that we have read in class and videos that the teacher showed us. The strategies that I will

mainly be using are the internet and articles that i will be looking up. I will be taking notes and
writing down the parts I could use of that article and how I could connect it to what I am writing

about and the questions that I have.

I am looking forward to learning a lot of different rules and expectations that schools

have for students. That would include private schools and their curriculums and public schools

and their curriculums. This will include all the teachers requirements and expectations to get the

perfect teacher to teach at a private school. What are their advantages and do the students benefit

from that special treatment from the private school teachers.

Private and public school differences

Private and public schools differ in many ways. They differ teacher skills and

curriculums, cost of schools, locations of schools and advantages and disadvantages that students

get depending what their class background is. All these differences are what makes the schools

private and public and what makes private schools better than public schools.

Some differences between private and public schools are obvious for example the price

range and the financial living from the people that attend those schools. But if you want to know

the differences between the teaching methods and different curriculums, that's something that is

going to need more research. One out of four parents are debating whether changing their

students from school. Its either changing them from private to public or changing them from

public to private.

A lot of parents may ask himself what is better for their kids, if sending them to a private

school or to a public school. This is not such an easy question to answer the reason for that is

because in one side everyone knows that a private school will have better education and higher

expectation for their students. In the other hand for public school is lower the cost, public school

is better if the parents have financial problems. It will be better to send the students to a public

school rather than not giving them a chance to have any education at all.
Teachers in private and public schools

They are many more public schools that there is private schools. Therefore they are way

many job openings for teachers in public schools. When beginning teachers start looking for jobs

most begin by looking in public schools. The reason for that is because it is a greater chance of

teachers finding what they are looking for, the grade level and the subject that they are interested

or majored in. Not only will teachers will find more job openings in public schools but so will

administrators and other services that are needed at school as well. In difference from private

schools, public schools offer a great amount of flexibility on the classes and hours that they

work. Private schools teachers get a higher pay and make their own decisions on how they teach

the class or if they want to work part time and share the class with a different instructor. Another

reason that instructors might share classes is because they are not many job openings in private

teaching but yet many try to get in. It is more like first come, first serve.

Another thing than having a greater pay and flexible hours for private school

teachers is that their classroom sizes are smaller. By smaller classes I mean less students. The

article I found How Important is Class Size by Great Schools Staff gave me a lot of information

about class sizes and how they benefit students. Especially students from lower grades “What

defines a “small class”? Researchers have found that gains in achievement generally occur when

class size is reduced to less than 20 students.” This part of the article is making it clear for us

what a small class is and how many students it consist of. I think that having a class with less

students is better for the teacher and students both. That way the teacher has more one on one
with the students and makes sure none of her students fall behind it is also good for students so

they could have greater achievements.

The students from private school have more benefits from their teachers because as

private schools teachers their job is to give the students more personal attention and better

teaching methods. As comparison from the public schools the teachers have a bigger class and

it's harder for them to give personal one on one help with each and every one of their students

that needs help or is behind. If the students need extra help is their job to ask the teacher and find

a time they could both agree on to meet up. In a lot of public schools they are also some after

school programs that are designated to help students with homework and help them with school

or and test.

Public schools have certain requirements for teaching including different certificates and

special degrees. To find a job at a public school it does not require as much effort and degrees as

it requires in public schools. That is also one of the reasons why more beginning teachers apply

to work in public schools. I think that there are some teachers that start working in public schools

and work their way up to private schools. Doing that helps them further their career and make a

higher salary. That way they also get all the benefits and are more experienced when they reach a

private school, a higher level of teaching.

First Generation Students

A student is considered a “first generation” if neither of his or her parents have completed

school. The first generation students usually come from a low income family, those low income
families are usually are hispanics. Approximately fifty percent of the students today in college

are first generation students. The first generation students have a lot of disadvantages and hard

task that they don't understand at school. It is complicated for them to go to college and know

what will benefit them and what classes they need to take to benefit what they are doing.

Everything about college is new and different and one of the disadvantages is that they can't turn

back to their parents or someone at home for help or advice from college. And that is only the

beginning of all the other different disadvantages that they have.

The first generation students usually don't start college right after high school. Most of

them rather take a year or two off to work to earn money for when they decide to attend to

college. Since these firstgeneration students do not have someone to look back at and ask for

advice they decide to go to the first college they know about and the closes college there is. They

usually have no other option than to go to the first one they know about. Others first generation

students are most likely to be financially responsible for other people other than their self. I

found an article on line called First Generation College Students here in this article it gives a lot

of statistics and a lot of reasonable explanation about the first generation students.

Unlike First generation students the other students have plenty of great advantages, these

other students come from a high class family. These students when they have questions about

what school to attend they are able to just turn back and ask their parents and older siblings.

From them they could get a lot of help and good advice on classes and programs to take to

overachieve in school and become better than the others. They also don't struggle as much
because coming from wealthy parents the parents are able to pay for everything. That way their

students do not find the need to start college late and work for one or two years like the first

generation students.

Private & Public Graduation Rate

According to “Completing College: Assessing Graduation Rates at Four-Year

Institutions,” The low income students also known as as the first generation are most likely to

enroll in a public and less expensive college. That option leads to more chances for that student

to easily drop out of college and not make it to graduation. The research I found showed that

only thirty seven percent of the students that attended public schools made it to graduate with in

four years. And with in six years private schools graduated less than sixty six percent of the

students. While a lot of students applied to public schools and yet so little percent of them got to

graduate students from private schools knew exactly what schools to attend and what programs

to go to and be able to get a better education and be able to graduate. In the private schools with

in four years sixty four percent of the students were able to graduate and with in six years

seventy eight percent of students were able to graduate from private universities.


Every parent wonders about the future and career of their children. They are basically all

the same questions, like what school their child is going to, what college and university they will
attend and what are they going to be when they grow up. There are the top questions that every

parent. Some parents worry more about others. These parents are usually the low income parents

the ones that have to work extra hard to send their children to a affordable school, college or

university. The low income students end up in public schools and there is a greater chance that

most of them barely get to graduate from high school. Other parents and families that come from

a higher income have the same questions but they mostly already have an idea of where what

schools, colleges and universities their children will attend. They are most likely to get a better

education and get send to private schools where there is a way higher level of education and

teaching techniques. No matter where the student is attending either it's a private school or a

public school, what matters is that all the students, parents and teachers are all doing their hardest

effort to make sure the students get a well and appropriate education they they all deserve.
Work Cited

“How Important is Class Size?” Greatschools Staff

ND. Web. 9, November 2015

The reason that I chose this article was because it gave me a lot of information about the

importance in class size in private schools and how it benefits the students and teachers. The

subject about class size is something that I am writing about in my research.

Kenedy Robert. “Teaching - The Difference Between Private and Public Schools”.

ND. Web. 5, November 2015

Something I am doing in my essay is comparing every differences from private and public

schools. Those comparisons are also about the teachers and the teaching methods.

Emily Reachmand. “Should Schools Set Different Goals For Students Of different Races?”.

ND. Web. 28, October 2015

A subject on my paper talks about different advantages and disadvantages that students get

depending on their social income and their racial background.

Grace Chen. “Public School vs. Private Schools”

03, March 2015. Web. 23, November 2015

This article also helped me a lot on writing about all the differences between private and public

schools. It talked about safety and the cost of attending private schools and the cost of attending

public schools.

Online Education “First Generation College Students Graduation Rates”.

November 2, 2012. Web. 21, November 2015

I found this article online researching on the subject on why different students get different

advantages and privileges in school. I found this article and it gave me way more information

about the disadvantages that the first generation students have and made me understand how

much more privilege it is to come from a wealthy and higher class family that has graduated or

even gone to college.

Mrs. Laura Owen. “A Comparison In Private and Public School Teaching”.

ND. Web. 5, November 2015

This article talking about teachers in private and public schools helped me get more information

on teaching methods and different things that private schools have that public schools do not

have and are not able access for their students.

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