Fault Calculation Examples

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Examples 1

Draw the per unit zero, positive and negative networks on 100MVA, 13.8kV based in the zone of the

Zbase = (kV line to line)2/ MVA = (138)2/ 100 = 190.440ohm

X1= X2=20/190.44 =0.105 pu

Xo= 60/190.44 =0.315pu

Single Line to ground fault

The sequence components of the fault currents:

----------------------------------eqn 1

Transforming to the phase domain

--------------------eqn 2

Example 2

Calculate the sub transient fault current in per unit and in kA for a bolted single line to ground short
circuit from phase a to ground at bus 2. Also calculate the per unit line to ground voltages at faulted bus

Since the short circuit is bolted, Zf =0.Using eqn 1

The sub transient fault current is using eqn 2

The based current at bus 2 is 100MVA/ (13.8kV *√3) = 4.1837kA


The sequence components of the voltages at the fault are:

Double line fault

Calculate the subs transient fault current in per unit and in kA for a bolted line to line fault from phase b
to c at bus 2.
To calculate subtrasient current using this eqn

Using these equations for calculate different phase current

Double line to ground fault

Calculate :

(a) the subtransient fault current in each phase

(b) neutral fault current

(c) contributions to the fault current from the motor and from the transmission line, for a bolted double
line to ground fault from phase b to c to ground at bus 2.
In this case zf =0



From Zero sequence network, the contribution to the zero-sequence fault current from the line is zero
due to transformer connection.

From possitve network, the positive terminals on the internal machine voltages can be connected, since
E”g= E”m.

By using current division

From negative sequence network

Transforming to the phase domain with base current 0.41837kA for the line and 4.1837kA for the motor
Example 2
Bus voltages during fault

Bus 1
Bus 2

Bus 3
Bus 4

Bus 5

The bus voltage of bus 5 under faulted condition is zero because the fault impedance is zero.

The inductor connected to Generator 3 neutral has a reactance of 0.05 per unit using generator 3 rating
as a base. Draw the zero, positive, and negative sequence reactance diagram using a 100MVA, 765 kV
base in the zone of the line 1-2.

Determine the Thevenin equivalent of each sequence network as viewed from the fault at bus 1. Pre-
fault voltage is 1.0 per unit.
Example using Bus Impedance Matrices

Y11 = 1/j0.05 = -j20 , Y22= 1/(j0.10+j0.15) = -j4

Y12 =0 , Y21=0
Z10 =j0.15 -----Y10 = -j6.6667, Z12= j0.305----Y12 =-j3.2787, Z20=j0.20 ------Y20 =1/j0.20 =-j5

Y11= Y10+Y12 =- j9.9454, Y22= Y20+Y21 = -j8.2787

n = 1, Zf = 0;
The Substrasient fault at bus 1

N=2, Zf =0; fault at BUS 2

This is the same result as obtained in example 1.

Line to ground voltages at bus 1 during the fault at bus 1 with k=1, n=1
The line to ground voltages at BUS 1 during the fault at bus 1

Next, the sequence components of the line to ground voltages at BUS 2 during the fault at BUS 1: k=2,

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