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Sir Ariel: Good afternoon everyone! Good afternoon Coron Coastal and Busuanga Districts!

am Ariel Bernal from Busuanga ES.

Sandy: Good afternoon partner! Good afternoon dear participants! I am Sandy Jane P.

Bacalangco from Lacdayan ES-Cheey Annex and we are your host for today.

Ariel: Together, we will make this afternoon not only wonderful but an afternoon of new

learning and experiences.

Sandy: Right partner! And we’ve anticipated enough for this day to come.

Ariel; But anticipating comes with painstaking efforts, sleepless nights and wishful thoughts

come into reality, so what are we waiting for?

Sandy: Before we proceed to our opening program, allow us to share to you this very important


Sir Ariel: Our training protocols. First, kindly mute your microphone upon entering room.

Sandy: Only the Secretariat Team shall record the training.

Sir Ariel: Be courteous to other participants.

Sandy: Listen intently to the speaker.

Sir Ariel: Don’t forget to unmute your microphone when its your time to speak.

Sandy: And lastly, limit the distractions as much as possible.

Sir Ariel: . Stay seated and stay present. Happy Learning!

Sandy: Notably, academic research aims at creating new  outcomes, ideas, and arguments by

engaging teachers  in the experiments concerning the realities associated with the process of
teaching. Alternatively, since the research process is about a specific inquiry involving asking

questions and developing answers through critical thinking and thoughtful reflection, it plays a

pivotal role in keeping the teacher researcher up-to-date.

Ariel: Differently stated, research can act as a torchlight guiding the teacher researcher through

different aspects of the classroom atmosphere. More significantly, engagement and critical

reflection are essentially important in preparing teachers for a global society. On this basis, we

strongly believe that teaching in the 21st century requires teachers' research for the purpose of

satisfying the educational demands of the teaching/learning contexts.

Sandy and Sir Ariel: Welcome to the “The Basics of Crafting a Research: An Orientation
and Capacity Building for Teachers and School Heads”

Sir Ariel: To formally open today’s virtual training, /let us ask God’s guidance and providence/

as we offer our earnest prayer with a video presentation.

Sandy: This will then be followed by the singing of the National Anthem/ and Palawan March.

Let us sing with great pride and joy in our hearts.

Sir Ariel: Once again good afternoon. To make our moods better this afternoon, let us listen to a

warm message of welcome coming from our diligent and dedicated Public School Supervisor of

Coron Costal District as well as the Officer In Charge of Busuanga District, Maam Christine

Heidi Garcellano.


Sandy: Wow! /That was a very welcoming and uplfiting message/ coming from our PSDS.

Thank you very much Maam!

Sir Ariel: Thank you Ma’am! Off course we would like to hear an impressional message from
our supportive OIC-ASDS, SDO Palawan
Let’s give a resonating virtual applause to DR. ARNALDO GARCIA VENTURA

Sandy: Thank you so much Sir! We are very glad to have meet you virtually for the first time
and for the encouraging words.

Ariel: Now to give us the Legal Basis on Researches, It’s an absolute honour to bring to this
platform our SEPS Planning and Research Section – SDO Palawan, Mr. Nenito J. Basaya.

Sandy: Thank you Sir sharing your expertise and for taking time out of your busy schedule.
Ariel: To further lighten up the environment and acquaint us with other participants, let us give a
virtual applause to our District Research Coordinators as they present our active participants
from their corresponding Districts. To begin with Maam Sandy Jane Bacalangco, the New
District Research Coordinator of Busuanga. (Present maam sandy)
Sir Ariel: Thank you Maam! Now may we call on the District Research Coordinator of Coron
Coastal District for the presentation of their participants.
(The coordinator will present)

Sir Ariel: Thank you! Today’s virtual orientation will not be made possible without the presence

of our high caliber speakers.

Sandy: Indeed, Sir! They are knowledgeable in the field of research and rest assured that we will

surely learn a lot from them.

Ariel; Allow us to present our competent facilitators and speakers (insert). Trust us ,we have the

best at hand.

(Present Ariel )
1. The IST topic is very important for it suggests to define the purpose of making a
research. And I am certain that our 1st speaker has superb qualifications to
discuss about the topic. She is a Teacher 1 from Lacdayan ES, Cheey Annex of
Busuanga District. She has been teaching a multigrade class for 3 years, a
national writer of IPEd manual. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give her a round of
applause as I introduce to you our 1st speaker, my partner MS. SANDY JANE P.

2. Our 2ND speaker is a professor of the WPU, College of Education. She has been
teaching methods of research for years. When it comes to giving TA on
researches, I am confident that this speaker has the guts. She is pursuing at
present her Doctorate DEGREE (Dr. of Science Education) at Cebu Normal
Universy .I am pretty sure that she can impart us her knowledge about the topic
she has at hand. It is my pleasure to welcome, MS. JOSEPHINE M. MAGAY-

3. As I look into the achievements of this person one thing pops up, he’s a man of
value. A man with distinct love and passion at work having an innate talent in
making researches. A Doctor of Philosphy in Development Education at
HTU,PPPC , Adjunct Professor, Holy Trinity Univ and Ifugao State Univ Graduate
School , was able to present Researches in: Asia Pacific Consortium of Researchers and
Educators, Pasay City and many more.Coupled with an impressive background, it
was not therefore surprising that he was able to receive an award in the just
concluded MIMAROPA RESEARCH SUMMIT as the Best Basic Research Paper
Presenter and a 2nd place for having the Best Basic Research Paper. Everyone,
an applause to our 3RD speaker MR. TIRSO P.SEGUNDO.

4. The 4TH topic to be discussed by the speaker is about WRITING THE

RESEARCH QUESTIONS. Our 4tH speaker in this training is a woman of virtue
and simplicity. A Master Teacher from Narra National High School.A member of
the Technical Working Group in Research of the SDO, Palawan. Our 4 TH speaker
has been shaped by experience in the said field. Everyone, please join me in
welcoming, MS. CORAZON A. QUINTOS!

5. Our 5th speaker shall be discussing about the Scope and Limitations of the Study.
She is a professor and at the same time ,GAD focal person of the WPU. A
researcher. A simple yet competent speaker in different trainings. She is
pursuing at present her Doctorate DEGREE (Dr. of Science Education) at Cebu
Normal Universy .Let’s all welcome MS. EVA NINA LOPEZ.
6. Our 6th speaker shall be discussing Research Methodology. She is a Teacher III
from Pulot National High School. She’s also a member of the Technical Working
Group in Research of the SDO, Palawan, a researcher, motivator and a
compassionate person. So it is with special excitement that I’m pleased to
welcome MS. VANGELINE C. VALERIANO to our 3-day activity.

7. Our 7th speaker shall be discussing still on statistical treatment. She is a Teacher
II from Salvacion National High School. She has earned her MAED MATH CARMA at
PSU. She’s the FOCAL PERSON of Senior High of SALVACION NHS . To get some
of her insights into the topic please join me in welcoming MS. GERALDINE

8. Our 8th speaker is my partner in the field of research in the District of Busuanga.
A newly promoted Master Teacher 1 from Busuanga Elementary School. Simple
yet mentally active at different works at hand. He shall be discussing as to how to
make and present timelines, cost estimates, and plan for dissemination and
advocacy as part of the research proposal. Let us all welcome MR. ARIEL A.

9. Lastly, the last and not the least is a Principal III from Calapan City.. A dedicated
person who has a passion at work. A hall of fame research awardee.Looking into
his background, he’s really a man of talent. I would say that His successes in life
speak for himself.Ladies and getleman, a resonating applause to DR. ALAIN C.

Sandy: To our facilitators, thank you very much for sparing us your time.

Ariel: What are we waiting for? Let us all now prepare ourselves to listen to our first speaker.

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