Script Mfat

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Sir Bebet: Last 2018, Multi-factored Assessment Tool (MFAT) was implemented

through DepEd Order No. 29, series of 2018. This assessment was designed to
assess Grade 1 learners who have developmental delays with a standard deviation
of 69 across domains based on the post assessment of ECCD of the current year.

Sandy: MFAT was given to help teachers and school heads to design appropriate
intervention to our learners one month after the opening of classes. As of this time
there are already 230 trained teachers and additional 185 teachers from last mile
school including Palawan, Cuyo, Agutaya and Magsaysay.

Bebet: Since we are now in the new normal scenario, where we can’t conduct face
to face activity as indicated in the IATF Policy, the big question is how can we
possibly do it.

Sandy: ECCD and MFAT both shared the same challenges however, this office
through the learning continuity plan and in collaboration with SDO EPSs of kinder
already introduced series of activities and 400 kinder teachers were trained last
August 10-15 for the smooth sailing of the ECCD.

Bebet: Yes Partner, and to note that the EPSs of SPED and Filipino has united
once again to address the trials in the implementation of MFAT for the Grade1
learners. This collaborative effort will conduct series of workshops to make sure
that all well be ready for the implementation.

Sandy: Covid19 can never stop in assessing and assessment parse but with the care
analysis. The contextualization of MFAT is designed in order to produce well
systematic guide for parents and guardians to help the school and community do
the assessment while home based instruction is still the core strategy to TULOY
Bebet and Sandy: Welcome to the Regional Online Workshops on the
Development of Contextualized Multi-Factored Assessment Tool (MFAT) and
Assessment Procedures Guide for Parents and Guardians

Bebet: To formally open today’s virtual training, /let us all give thanks to our
Almighty Father for his guidance and providence since the beginning up to the last
phase of the successful LCP implementation.

Sandy: This will then be followed by the singing of the National Anthem/ and
MIMAROPA March. Let us sing with great pride and joy in our hearts.

Bebet: Good morning MIMAROPA! Good morning partner! Today, we are

enthusiastic to learn and capacitate ourselves of the things that we need in this new
setup of Education.

Sandy: Good morning too partner! And good morning to everyone who are here
with us today. I am very excited for today’s virtual training but before we proceed
let us all be reminded by these simple virtual meeting etiquette rules and tips.

Bebet: 1. Leave the keyboard alone, pick up your notebook and pen/ to take

meeting notes instead. /

Sandy: Dress appropriately. Take a few minutes/ to throw on a clean shirt /and

brush your hair.

Bebet: Be aware of your surroundings. make sure your background is professional

/ and work appropriate!

Sandy: 4. Mute your microphone/ when you’re not talking.

Bebet: 5. Speak up. When you hop on the meeting, /introduce yourself and say hi

/– just make sure/ not to interrupt someone mid-sentence.

Sandy: No food allowed. /Try to eat a snack /before your virtual meeting.

Bebet: Please be guided by the simple steps as we go on with our activity. So

partner, without further ado let us hear a warm message of welcome from this very
diligent and hard – working woman, our very own, Chief Curriculum Learning and
Management Division,  Maam Mariflor B. Musa.

(After Maam Musa’s message)

Sandy: We teachers must be ready to face the challenges of this new normal.
Thank you Ma’am for that very meaningful message! And now to present to us the
participants for this virtual workshop we have our ever-supportive and he would
always goes extra mile in his dedication for work, the Education Program
Supervisor-Curriculum and Learning Management Division , Sir Hajji R. Palmero.

Sandy: It’s time for us to meet and be acquainted with our competent MFAT
National and Regional Trainers to be presented again by our very own Education
Program Supervisor-SPED Curriculum and Learning Management Division , Sir
Hajji R. Palmero..

Bebet: Thank you Sir! We are very pleased to meet them.

Sandy: Yes, Partner! And knowing that we have expert people with us on this
virtual workshop makes us more confident.

Bebet: Cant agree more partner. Now it’s time for us to meet another set of skilled
people who will be the frontliners of this activity, heres Maam KAREN P.
SIRIBAN, SPET – I, National Trainer MFAT to Present the Grade 1 Teacher
Facilitators (Developers/Writers)

Sandy: Thank you Maam! And we are very glad to know everyone and very
grateful that despite of the busy schedule and stress brought by this pandemic,
teachers are still very dedicated to help our learners.

Bebet: Yes, we can’t express our appreciation on your hard work. Of course we
still have so much to meet this morning. To Introduce to us the Language
Reviewers/Editors/Facilitators, we have our adept Educ. Program Supervisor-
Filipino, Curriculum and Learning Management Division Mr. ROGELIO

Sandy: See partner, we are currently surrounded with brilliant minds.

Bebet: Yes, partner and its very amazing.

Sandy: Speaking of brilliant minds, you know we have this person, who is not only
highly intellectual but is very passionate and a dedicated lady, let us give a virtual
resonating applause to our very own Officer In Charge, Office of the Assistant

Bebet: Thank you Maam! That was a very uplifting message coming from our Asst
Regional Director.

Sandy: Yes Partner. (quote from Atty Suzette msg)

Bebet: You know partner this task isn’t easy but to lighten the mood and to inspire
our participants, Let’s lend some ears for this very distinguished person /with so
much passion for Education, our exceptional BENJAMIN D. PARAGAS, CESO V
DIRECTOR IV Regional Director.

We will always be guided of what you have shared

Bebet: Thank you! Partner, it’s very fitting that we give recognition to the team
behind this /who invested too much time and energy/ in order to make this event a

Sandy: Let’s give a well deserve virtual round of applause /to our assiduous,
/untiring and dedicated/ Program Management Team, /Dr. Benjamin D. Paragas,
CESO V, Regional Director IV, Regional Office.

Bebet: Atty, Suzette Gannaban-Medina, / Chief Administrative Officer, /OIC,

Office of the Asst. Regional Director

Sandy: Maam Mariflor B. Musa, / Chief, /Curriculum Learning and Management


Bebet: And Sir Hajji R. Palmero, / Education Program Supervisor II /– Multigrade,

/SPED and Kindergarten and Mr. Rogelio Falcutila Education Program

Sandy: Of course, /to our dedicated and hardworking /Schools Division Office
Education Supervisors for SPED Education, Dr. Joey Gutierrez from Schools
Division of Calapan City.

Bebet: John Chavez form Schools Division of Marinduque

Sandy: Jovita Paquibot Schools Division of Occidental Mindoro

Bebet; Haide C. Padua Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro

Sandy: our very own Nancy J. Alaska Schools Division of Palawan

Bebet: Glenda Almeniana Schools Division of Puerto Princesa City and

Apryl C. Bagnate Schools Division of Romblon
Sandy: We would also like/ to acknowledge the support /of our distinguished/ and
competent/ Schools Division Superintendents, /Maam Laida Mascarinas from SDO
Calapan City, /

Bebet: Dr. Elsie T. Barrios, / SDO Marinduque

Sandy: Dr. Roger F. Capa, /CESO VI, SDO Occidental Mindoro

Bebet: Maam Susana M. Bautista , /SDO Oriental Mindoro

Sandy: Dr. Natividad P. Bayubay, /CESO VI SDO Palawan

Bebet: Servillano A. Arzaga, /CESO V /SDO Puerto Princesa City

Sandy: and Dr Maria Luisa Servando, CESO VI/ SDO Romblon

Bebet: Let’s not forget/ our ever supportive /Curriculum Learning /Management
Division Education Program Supervisors, / Maam Edna C. Oabel – English

Sandy: Mr Danilo C. Padilla /– Mathematics

Bebet: Dr. Melbert Broqueza /– Science

Sandy: Dr. Freddie Rey Ramirez – /AP, Learning Resources

Bebet: Dr. Jean S. Lasquite /– ALS

Sandy: Mr. Roger F. Falcutila – /Filipino, MTB and ESP

Bebet: Maam Annabelle M. Marmol/ – MAPEH

Sandy: Aurora L. Caguia /– EPP/TLE

Bebet; and Sir Hajji R. Palmero /– Kindergarten/Multigrade/Special Education. To

everyone /who have worked hard for this, /thank you and congratulations!
Sandy: As teachers, let as all be inspired by this quote from Robert John Meehan.
Every Child has a Different Learning Style and Pace. Each Child is Unique, Not
Only Capable of Learning But Also Capable of Succeeding -

Bebet; And allow us to share /another encouraging quotation/ form Diane M.

Guillano, /it says, We are all teacher/ and we are all students. /We all have
something to give/ and we all have something to share. “ /

Sandy: Our dear participants, it now time to buckle down to your goals and get

Bebet: Yes, happy learning our dear participants. We are thankful to be with you
this morning.

Sandy: Indeed, partner, it is an honor to be with them. Thank you very much and

Bebet: Congratulations! SO to begin this one of a kind journey, let us all give a
resonating virtual applause to our dedicated Education Program Supervisor-SPED
Curriculum and Learning Management Division , Sir Hajji R. Palmero for the
Virtual Orientation and Development Process Statement and Purpose.


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