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tcvn vietnamese standard

tcvn 5319 : 2001

mobile offshore units-

rules for classification and

safety equipment

Hµ néi - 2001
TCVN 5319:2001


TCVN 5319:2001 replaces to TCVN 5319:1991.

TCVN 5319:2001 is edited by Vietnam Register and TCVN/TC8 ''Shipbuilding and Offshore'' Technical
Standard Board, is proposed by Ministry of Transportation and Standard - Measure - Quality General
Department, is promulgated by Ministry of Science, Technology and Environmental

TCVN 5319:2001

table of content

1. General regulations for the supervision ......................................................................................... 8

1.1. General .....................................................................................................................................................8

1.1.1. Application ........................................................................................................................................8

1.1.2. Reference standards ........................................................................................................................8

1.1.3. Equivalents .......................................................................................................................................9

1.1.4. Exemptions .......................................................................................................................................9

1.1.5. Definitions and explanations.............................................................................................................9

1.2. Supervision............................................................................................................................................10

1.2.1. General ...........................................................................................................................................10

1.2.2. Supervision of equipment under construction, reconstruction and conversion..............................11

1.2.3. Approval of technical documentation .............................................................................................11

1.2.4. Technical documentation for equipment of units under construction, conversion and

1.2.5. Technical requirements ..................................................................................................................17

1.2.6. Documents issued by VR ...............................................................................................................17

1.2.7. Surveys of the equipment on board units in service ......................................................................17

1.3. Arrangement and function testing ......................................................................................................20

1.3.1. General ...........................................................................................................................................20

2. Life-saving appliances.................................................................................................................... 22

2.1. General ...................................................................................................................................................22

2.1.1. Application ......................................................................................................................................22

2.1.2. Definitions and Explanations ..........................................................................................................23

2.1.3. Scope of supervision, technical requipments .................................................................................23

2.1.4. Navigation area division .................................................................................................................23

2.2. Arrangement of life-saving appliances ...............................................................................................24

2.2.1. Lifeboats .........................................................................................................................................24

TCVN 5319:2001
2.2.2. liferafts ............................................................................................................................................24

2.2.3. Rescue Boats .................................................................................................................................25

2.3. Personal life-saving appliances...........................................................................................................25

2.3.1. Life-jackets......................................................................................................................................25

2.3.2. Immersion suits...............................................................................................................................26

2.3.3. Lifebuoys ........................................................................................................................................26

2.3.4. Radio life-saving appliances...........................................................................................................26

2.3.5. Distress flares .................................................................................................................................27

2.3.6. Emergency warnings ......................................................................................................................27

2.3.7. Survial craft stowage and arrangements........................................................................................27

2.3.8. Survival craft lauching and recovery arrangements .......................................................................28

2.3.9. Line-throwing appliances................................................................................................................28

3. Signal means .................................................................................................................................. 28

3.1. General ...................................................................................................................................................29

3.1.1. Application ......................................................................................................................................29

3.1.2. Definitions and Explanations ..........................................................................................................29

3.1.3. Scope of supervision ......................................................................................................................29

3.2. Equipment of units with signal means................................................................................................30

3.2.1. Equipment.......................................................................................................................................30

3.3. Construction of signal means..............................................................................................................31

3.3.1. Flashing lights.................................................................................................................................31

3.3.2. Sound signal means .......................................................................................................................32

3.3.3. Signal shapes .................................................................................................................................33

3.3.4. Pyrotechnic signal means...............................................................................................................34

3.3.5. Navigation lights .............................................................................................................................36

3.4. Fitting of signal means on unit ............................................................................................................40

3.4.1. General provisions..........................................................................................................................40

TCVN 5319:2001
3.4.2. Main navigation lights in unit ..........................................................................................................41

3.4.3. Flashing lights.................................................................................................................................43

3.4.4. Sound signal means .......................................................................................................................43

3.4.5. Devices for hoisting and storing signal shapes ..............................................................................45

3.4.6. Arrangements for storing pyrotechnic signal means ......................................................................45

3.4.7. Arrangements for storing spare lanterns ........................................................................................45

4. Radio equipment ............................................................................................................................. 45

4.1. General ...................................................................................................................................................45

4.1.1. Application ......................................................................................................................................45

4.1.2. Definitions and Explanations ..........................................................................................................46

4.1.3. Scope of supervision ......................................................................................................................47

4.1.4. Technical documentation................................................................................................................47

4.2. Fitting of units with radio equipment ..................................................................................................47

4.2.1. General ...........................................................................................................................................47

4.2.2. Groups of radio equipment .............................................................................................................47

4.2.3. Sources of supply energy ...............................................................................................................48

4.2.4. Antenna ..........................................................................................................................................49

4.2.5. Spare parts and supply...................................................................................................................49

4.2.6. Documents and publications on board units ..................................................................................49

4.2.7. Radio operator ................................................................................................................................50

4.3. Arrangement of radio equipment on board ........................................................................................50

4.3.1. General ...........................................................................................................................................50

4.4. Antenna and earthing ...........................................................................................................................51

4.4.1. General requirements.....................................................................................................................51

4.4.2. Aerial converting equipment ...........................................................................................................53

4.4.3. Earthing ..........................................................................................................................................53

4.5. Technical requirements for radio equipment.....................................................................................53

TCVN 5319:2001
5. Navigational equipment.................................................................................................................. 54

5.1. General ...................................................................................................................................................54

5.1.1. Application ......................................................................................................................................54

5.1.2. Definitions and Explanations ..........................................................................................................54

5.1.3. Technical requirements ..................................................................................................................55

5.2. Components of navigational equipment of units ..............................................................................56

5.3. Arrangements of navigational equipment on board..........................................................................57

5.3.1. General ...........................................................................................................................................57

5.3.2. Echo sounders................................................................................................................................58

5.3.3. Arrangements and reservation of navigational equipment.............................................................58

5.3.4. Unit s control station .....................................................................................................................59

6. Helideck ........................................................................................................................................... 60

6.1. General ...................................................................................................................................................60

6.1.1. Application ......................................................................................................................................60

6.1.2. Definitions and Explanations ..........................................................................................................60

6.2. Arrangement ..........................................................................................................................................60

6.3. Visual aids..............................................................................................................................................61

TCVN 5319:2001


Mobile Offshore Units - Rules for classification and construction include:

TCVN 5309 : 2001 Classification

TCVN 5310 : 2001 Hull

TCVN 5311 : 2001 Equipment Arrangement

TCVN 5312 : 2001 Stability

TCVN 5313 : 2001 Subdivision

TCVN 5314 : 2001 Fire protection, detection and extincition

TCVN 5315 : 2001 Machinery Installations

TCVN 5316 : 2001 Electrical Installations

TCVN 5317 : 2001 Matrerials

TCVN 5318 : 2001 Welding

TCVN 5319 : 2001 Safety Equipment

TCVN 5319:2001 standard TCVN 5319:2001

Mobile Offshore Units - Rules for classification and construction

Safety Equipment

1. General regulations for the supervision

1.1. General

1.1.1. Application

1 The Rules for the Safety equipment of Mobile Offshore Units (hereinafter referred to as "Units" in these
Rules ) in 1.1 -1, TCVN 5309:2001 are to be applied to manufacture and survey of the safety equipment
of units supervised, classed and registered by the Vietnam Register (VR) .

2 Unless otherwise specified in these Rules, the safety equipment manufactured or installed on board the
units before the validity of these Rules is permitted to be used sau khi cã sù xem xÐt cña §¨ng kiÓm.

3 Safety equipment installed on units have to comply with requirements of this standard and relevant
requirements of TCVN 6278:1997.

4 Use of other equivalent rules, standards is allowed if approved by VR .

1.1.2. Reference standards

1 Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-going Steel Ships from TCVN 6259-1:1997 to TCVN
6259-11:1997 .

2 TCVN 6278:1997 Rules for the Safety equipment .

3 The International Convention for the Safety of Life at sea 1974 (SOLAS 1974).

4 Mobile Offshore Units - Rules for classification and construction :

TCVN 5309 : 2001 Classification

TCVN 5310 : 2001 Hull

TCVN 5311 : 2001 Equipment Arrangement

TCVN 5319:2001

TCVN 5312 : 2001 Stability

TCVN 5313 : 2001 Subdivision

TCVN 5314 : 2001 Fire protection, detection and extincition

TCVN 5315 : 2001 Machinery Installations

TCVN 5316 : 2001 Electrical Installations

TCVN 5317 : 2001 Matrerials

TCVN 5318 : 2001 Welding

TCVN 5319 : 2001 Safety Equipment

1.1.3. Equivalents

1 Safety equipments which does not comply with the requirements of the Rules may be accepted provided
that they are deemed by VR to be equivalent to those specified in the Rules .

1.1.4. Exemptions

1 Some requirements of the Rules may be modified or exempted by VR after taking the kind of unit and
intended service area into account and deemed by VR that the unit navigates in sea area closed to the
refuge place and the conditions applied to the trip are unreasonable, or not necessary .

2 The unit having a novel features of structures may not apply any requirements of the Rules regarding the
safety equipment, if the application of these requirements may make research of the above mentioned
features difficult, provided that VR recognized the safety measures to be applied are good enough to
correctly realize the ship's purpose. These safety measures are to be accepted by the Government which
has port at which the unit shall call .

1.1.5. Definitions and explanations

1 The general definitions and explanations referred in 1.3 TCVN 5309:2001 . The following definitions and
explanations are applied in this standard .

2 The safety equipment in the Rules are the equipment listed in the following from (1) to (6) referred in the
Chapter II-1, III, IV, V of the International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74), Protocol
78 and Amendments and the International Regulations for preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREG
72) .

(1) Navigational equipment ;

TCVN 5319:2001
(2) Navigational lamps ;

(3) Signal means ;

(4) Life-saving apparatus ;

(5) Radio equipment ;

(6) Nautical charts and publications equired to be provided .

3 Place of refuge is any naturally or artificially sheltered aquarium which may be used as a shelter by a
unit under conditions likely to endanger the safety of the unit .

4 Panssenger is every person other than the master and the members of the crew or other persons
employed or engaged in any capacity on board a unit on the business of that unit .

5 Crew is the unit's personnel ensuring control, propulsion, endurance and safe operation of the unit
including personnel serving these persons and the passengers .

6 Special personnel means all persons who are not passengers or members of the crew and who are
carried on board in connection with the special purpose of that unit or special work being carried out
aboard that unit

7 Additional requirements are the requirements not provided for by the Rules, imposed by the completent
authority .

1.2. Supervision

1.2.1. General

1 Scope of technical surpervision is cluded of :

(1) Approval of safety equipment design documentation ;

(2) Supervision during manufacture, reconstruction, conversion or repair of the safety equipment ;

(3) Surveys of the safety equipment installed on board units under construction and in service .

2 The supervision of VR is mainly effected by random inspection, except in case when another procedure
is adopted by VR .

3 For the supervision to be carried out, the shipowners, equipment owners, manufactures, repairers shall
ensure that the VR Surveyors are afforded the possibility of conducting surveys of the equipment subject

TCVN 5319:2001
to supervision of VR .

4 Any alterations relating to the materials, structures, fitting and arrangement of the equipment to be
carried out shipyards shall be approved by VR before they are made .

5 VR may deny supervision if shipyards or manufacturers systematically violate the requirements of the
Rules, International Conventions or the supervision contrac signed with VR .

6 In case a defect has been revealed in a material or equipment which holds a valid document, VR may
require additional test or appropriate corrections to be made, and if the defect cannot be remedied, may
cancel this document .

1.2.2. Supervision of equipment under construction, reconstruction and conversion

1 Supervision of equipment under construction, reconstruction and conversion carried out by the
Surveyors is based on the technical documentation approved by VR .

The scope of surveys, measurements and tests in supervision process specified by VR is based on VR
current instructions and depends on the practical conditions .

In the case that a novel equipment which is installed on board a unit is to comply with the requirement
specified in 1.2.2 .

2 When the defective details or over worn down details are changed, the new details are to manufactured
in compliance with the requipments based on which they were manufactured (see 1.1.3) and are to be
approved by VR .

3 The supervision of the equipment under construction is carried out mainly by random inspection. The
survey of first or any products in series is carried out by the Surveyors at manufacturer's. In the special
case, VR may require the tests of products in service with test scope, time, place specified by VR,
manufacturer and shipowner.

4 Foreign-made articles intended to be used in units supervised by VR shall be certified by foreign

classification societies. In the particular case, these articles are to tested in compliance with the
requirements of the Rules.

1.2.3. Approval of technical documentation

1 General

(1) Prior to the commencement of manufacture of equipment or articles subject to supervision of

VR, the technical documentation within a scope determined in 1.2.3-2 of this part is to be

TCVN 5319:2001
submitted to VR for review and approval. If necessary, VR may require that the documents are
to be submitted it in a wider scope. The scope of technical documentation for equipment or
articles of special design or novel type submitted to VR for review and approval is establised in
each case upon agreement with VR.

(2) Changes and amendments to the technical documentation approved by VR relating to the
details and structures provided for by the requirements of the Rules shall be submitted to VR for
approval before they are made.

(3) The technical documentation submitted to VR for review and approval shall be sure that the
provisions of the Rules are complied with .

(4) Approval of the technical documentation is confirmed by putting the appropriate stamps of VR
on it .

2 Technical documentation of equipment under construction to be submitted :

(1) Life-saving appliances

(a) Documentation on lifeboats

1) Specification (hull, machinery and electrical Installations) including calculations of

strength, stability, unsinkability, volume of buoyancy, block coefficient, carrying
capacity, displacement. Recovery ability of balanced situation, calculations of
protective means and compressed air system, fire resistance of lifeboats on units;

2) Lines drawing ;

3) Longitudinal and transverse sections with indication of arrangement of the air cases
or compartments, their volume and materials ;

4) Drawing of arrangement, securing of the lauching and recovery appliance and

strength calculations ;

5) Drawing of the steering gear ;

6) General arrangement plan with indication of stowage of equipment and

accommodation of persons and list of boat equipment ;

7) Diagram of protective arrangement ;

8) Shell expansion ( for metal lifeboats);

9) Drowing of the propulsion unit and the shafting including calculations ;

10) Test programme .

(b) Rigid liferafts

TCVN 5319:2001

1) Specification of the liferaft including strength calculations of the liferaft, its towing
and lauching and recovery arrangements, displacement, volume of deck area and
carrying capacity;

2) General arrangement plan (construction of liferaft and main dimensions with

indication of persons, stowage of equipment, location of fittings and valves) and list
of liferaft equipment ;

3) Test programme .
(c) Inflatable liferafts

1) Specification of the liferaft including strength calculations of the liferaft, its towing
and lauching and recovery arrangements, displacement, volume of buoyancy, deck
area and carrying capacity ;

2) General arrangement plan (construction of liferaft and main dimensions with

indication of persons, stowage of equipment, location of fittings and valves) and list
of liferaft equipment ;

3) Arrangement diagram, drawing of fittings and valves of automatic gas inflation

system ;

4) Test programme .
(d) Bouyancy appliances

1) Specification including calculations of buoyancy and carrying capacity ;

2) General arrangement plan (construction, materials and equipment) ;

3) Test programme .
(e) Launching appliances of lifeboats or liferafts

1) Specification ;

2) General view plan (construction, materials and equipment) ;

3) Strength calculations and diagrams of forces ;

4) Test programme .
(f) Winches and mechanical drives

1) Specification ;

2) General view plan (construction, materials and parts with dimensions ) ;

3) Strength calculations ;

4) Test programme .
(g) Lifejackets lifebuoys, line-throwing appliances
TCVN 5319:2001

1) Specification;

2) General view plan (construction, materials and equipment) ;

3) Test programme .

(2) Navigation lights and signal means

(a) Technical documentation to be submitted under construction of navigational lamps,

flashing lamps, sound-signal means, rocket flare and shapes is cluded as follows:

1) Installation drawing indicating construction, materials ;

2) Specification including calculations of buoyancy and carrying capacity ;

3) Test programme .

(3) Radio equipment

(a) Prior to manufacture, the following documents are to be submitted to VR for approval :

1) Specification includig technical requirements ;

2) Principle diagram ;

3) Drawing on equipment of general and open types ;

4) Assembly diagram ;

5) List of accessories and spare parts ;

6) Test programme.
(b) Radio equipment as test specimens are to be completed and manufactured two sets at
least in compliance with the approved technical documentation, are to be tested at
manufacture work shop and on board the unit to ascertain the conformity of its
specifications with the Rules and the order. The tests are to be carried in the Surveyor's
presence .

(c) After completion of the test, the survey reports, test results, specifications, drawings and
diagrams are to be submitted to VR. These documents are filed by VR and based on
which VR decides to permit equipment to be used on board .

(4) Navigational equipment

(a) Prior to manufacture, the technical design documentation of navigational equipment

including the technical specifications is to be submitted to VR for approval.

1) The technical specifications are to be included of the following requirements :

Operating specifications;

TCVN 5319:2001
Working conditions ;

Mechanical tests, temperature tests and electrical tests .

2) Technical design is to be included of :

Discretion of operation principle ;

Main calculations ;

Principle diagrams of electricity, machinery and equipment function ;

General arrangement drawing, partial arrangement drawing of control

systems of protective and survey equipment ;

Test programme at workshop and board .

1.2.4. Technical documentation for equipment of units under construction, conversion and

1 Technical documentation for equipment of units under construction

(1) General provisions : Prior to the comencement of the construction of a unit, the documents of
the following equipment are to be submitted to VR for approval .

(2) Gerenal documentation : Specification for all equipment covered by the Rules .

(3) Documentation on life-saving arrangements and appliances :

(a) General arrangement plan of life-saving arrangements and appliances with the
attachments of necessary calculations and data providing the compliance with the Rules ;

(b) Programme of tests of installed life-savinf arrangements and appliances ;

(c) Drawings of lifeboat, liferaft and lauching equipment ;

(d) Drawings and calculations of the arrangements for embarkation of persons into the liferaft
on water ;

(e) Drawing of fasting of the life-saving arrangements and appliances and the arrangements
for embarkation of persons into the liferaft on water ;

(f) Drawings of securing the personal life-saving appliances .

(4) Documentation on signal means

(a) Drawings of signal means with the attachments of instructions of their main specifications;

(b) Diagram of arrangements of electric lamps, navigational lamps, sound signals and

TCVN 5319:2001
(c) Drawings of signal masts and their rigging ;

(d) Drawings positioning and securing of signal means;

(e) Test programme and securing of signal means;

(5) Documentation on radio equipment

(a) Wiring diagram of radio equipment and antenna ;

(b) Drawing of arrangements and fastening of radio equipment and sources of electrical
power including ventilation, communication, signal and lighting in the area where the radio
equipment is installed;

(c) Drawing of antenna arrangement ;

(d) Diagram of arrangements of the radio equipment for lifeboat, if fitted;

(e) Calculations of operating range of the main transceiver(reserve), capacity of batteries ;

(f) Test programme of the radio equipment ;

(g) List of spare parts ;

(h) Diagram of arangements of the radio equipment including instructions of marking and
protective means from radio interference ;

(i) Cabling diagrams including runs of cables through watertight decks and bulkheads ;

(j) Drawing of fasting of radio equipment, fasting of antenna and constructions of leads-in
and leads-out of antenna and their precaution guards ;

(k) Structural drawing of earthing devices .

(6) Documentation on navigational equipment

(a) Wiring diagram of navigational instruments;

(b) Diagrams of power supply of navigational instruments, communicational equipment,

signals, lighting in the rooms where the navigational equipment is fitted ;

(c) List of the navigational equipment including specifications ;

(d) Wiring diagram of navigational instruments with indication of types and protective means
from radio interference ;

(e) Diagrams of power supply from unit's sources of electrical power and reserve power
sources and means of electrical protection ;

(f) Drawing of arrangement and fasting of navigational instruments, earthing devices, cable
arrangement, cable penetrations through watertight decks and bulkheads ;

TCVN 5319:2001
(g) Test programme of the navigational equipment .

2 Technical documentation of equipment in reconstruction and coversion

(1) Prior to commentation of reconstruction and coversion, the technical documentation of parts of
equipment to be reconstructed or conversed is to be submitted to VR for approval .

(2) In the special case, for the existing units, the parts of equipment different from those of the
original equipment, the relating technical documentation compliant with the document of
equipment required for units under construction is to be submitted to VR for approval .

1.2.5. Technical requirements

1 The technical requirements of materials used for manufacture of the equipment to be installed on board
are to be in compliance with the Part 7-A TCVN 6259-7:1997Materials of the Rules for the classification
and construction of seagoing steel ship.

In the special case, VR may require the supervision of materials not referred in the above- mentioned
Rules. The use of new materials, structures and new or firstly submitted technological procedures to
VR for approval in manufacture, repair is to be accepted by VR .

2 The technical requirements used in design, manufacture, surveys and installation of the safety
equipment referred in the Rules are to be in compliance with the relevant requirements for each
equipment in chapter III; IV; V Of Annex, SOLAS and Convention on the International Regulations for
Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972.

1.2.6. Documents issued by VR

1 Documentsissued in technical supervision

(1) VR shall issue the equipment safety certificate and other relating documents when the safety
equipment are manufactured in compliance with the requirements of the Rules .

(2) The following certificates shall be issued to the unit when VR carries out surveys of the safety
equipment of units under construction as well as in service in compliance with TCVN 6278:1997.

2 Validity of the certificates, extension and endorsement

(1) The Validity of the certificates are extended and endorsed in compliance with TCVN 6278:1997.

1.2.7. Surveys of the equipment on board units in service

1 General
TCVN 5319:2001
All the equipment is to be surveyed and survey intervals are to be coincided with periodical survey
intervals specified in TCVN 6259-1:1997.

2 Surveys of units in service not under VR supervision

(1) VR may carry out surveys of the equipment of units in service which have been not classed with
VR subject to classification survey of VR .

(2) The technical documentation of the equipment of units is to be submitted to VR for approval in
compliance with the requirements in 1.2.4-1 including the documents of the previous survey
when bringing ships to survey .

3 Surveys of equipment

(1) Kinds of safety equipment surveys

(a) The equipment of units is to be surveyed according to the following survey kinds with the
Surveyor's satisfaction .

1) Classification survey prior to permitting the equipment to be used

Classification survey prior to permitting the equipment to be used has the purpose
of determining the technical condition of the equipment firstly submitted to VR for
surveys. The survey is carried out for arrangement, function testing, numbers of
equipment to be installed on board to ascertain the satisfaction of the
requirements of the Rules and the ability of issuance of the relevant certificates to
the unit ;

2) Periodical surveys of the equipment

Periodical surveys are included of the following survey kinds :

- Survey for renewal of the equipment certificate is for the purpose of determining
the technical condition of the equipment to be satisfied to the requirements of the
Rules. The survey is carried out for arrangement, function testing to ascertain the
satisfaction of the requirements in 1.3 of this Chapter and the ability of issuance of
the new certificates to the unit ;

- Intermediate survey excluding the radio equipment : Intermediate survey is for

the purpose of ascertaining the safety equipment to be completely maintained and in
good order through general survey including function testing and determining the
survey interval of the new certificate to be issued to the unit ;

- Annual survey of radio equipment : Annual survey excluding radio equipment is

carried out for the purpose of ascertaining the safety equipment to be in compliance

TCVN 5319:2001
with the conditions to retain the original validity of the certificate issued to the unit by
the general survey of the safety equipment ;

3) Occasional surveys : The scope of Occasional surveys is specified based on survey

purpose and actual condition of the equipment. The survey is for the purpose of
discovering defects, accepting damage repair procedures and ascertaining the
ability and condition of validity of VR documents. If the occasional survey is required
by shipowners or unit insurers, the survey scope is carried at the request .
(b) Survey intervals

1) Initial surveys prior to putting the equipment to use are carried out when VR
receives the shipowner's application for the initial survey of the safety equipment .

2) Periodical surveys are carried out at the following intervals :

Survey for renewal of the certificate :

- For the ships which have the certificates issued on the basis of 1.2.6-1(2), the
certificate renewal survey period is specified in compliance with the relevant
requirements for the certificate renewal survey referred in TCVN 6278:1997.

Intermediate surveys excluding radio equipment : Intermediate surveys excluding

radio equipment are applied to the units of 10 years and above and are to be carried
out within three months either way of each anniversary date of the date crediting a
classification survey or the previous certificate renewal survey :

Annual surveys are to be carried out within three months either way of each
anniversary date of the date crediting a classification survey or the previous
certificate renewal survey .

3) Occasional surveys : Besides the regulations in(ii), occasional surveys are carried
out independently from the above-mentioned surveys, if:
- The main parts of the damaged equipment have been repaired or substituted;

- The safety equipment is renewed or conversed ;

- When it is deemed necessary by VR .

(2) Survey preparation :

(a) The applicant who requires surveys is to be responsible for completing all necessary
preparations for the surveys and is to arrange the professional persons to attend and
service the surveys .

(b) The surveys may be denied by VR, if :

TCVN 5319:2001

1) When the survey preparations are not completely finished ;

2) When the applicant is absent ;

3) When it is found unsafe in survey execution by VR .

4) As a result of surveys, if it is deemed necessary to repair by VR, the equipment

owner is to execute necessary repairs to satisfaction of VR .

(3) Postponement of surveys and extension of certificates

(a) VR may consider and postpone surveys and extend the certificates. The period of
postponement of surveys and extension of certificates issued in compliance with the
requirements in 1.2.6-1(2) .

1.3. Arrangement and function testing

1.3.1. General

1 General

(1) Arrangements and functional testing of the safety equipment are to comply with the
requirements in Chapters II-1, III, IV, and V of Annex, SOLAS and Convention on the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 and the Rules .

(2) The below listed safety equipment is to be submitted to VR for approval. However, the safety
equipment approved by the government of the country whose flag the ship is carrying or by the
Convention member country or by the organization recognized by the government may not
execute these requirements subject to VR acceptance .

(a) Navigation equipment

1) Magnetic compass ;

2) Gyro compass

3) Echo sounder ;

4) Distance measurement device and log ;

5) Steering angle indicating device ;

6) Propeller revolution indicator ;

7) Pitch indicator, working performance of pitch controllable propeller or side thruster ;

8) Ship turning speed indicator ;

9) Radar ;
TCVN 5319:2001

10) Atomatic radar plotting aid (ARPA);

11) Autopilot.
(b) Navigation lights

1) Mast lights ;

2) Side lights;

3) Stern lights ;

4) Towing lights ;

5) All-round white lights ;

6) All-round Red lights ;

(c) Signal means

1) Day signal lights ;

2) Bow bell ;

3) Whistle ;

4) Gong and shapes .

(d) Life-saving appliances

1) Radio equipment for life boat;

2) Portable radio equipment for survival craft;

3) Emergency position indicating radio beacon ;

4) Two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus ;

5) Parachute rocket ;

6) Line-throwing appliances ;

7) Lifeboat;

8) Liferaft ;

9) Rescue boat;

10) Arrangements for embarkation and launching liferafts;

11) Lifebuoys;

12) Lifejackets ;

13) Floating facilities;

14) Immersion suits;

TCVN 5319:2001

15) Thermal protective aids ;

16) Pilot ladder ;

17) Radar transponder ;

18) Radio direction-finder .

(e) Radio equipment (excluding radio equipment for liferafts listed in (d).

1) Radiotelegraphy station ;

2) Radiotelephony station ;

3) Radiotelegraphy auto alarm ;

4) Radiotelephony auto alarm ;

5) Radio direction finder at radiotelephony distress frequency ;

6) VHF radiotelephone apparatus ;

7) MF or MF/HF radiotelephone installations ;

8) DSC encoder ;

9) Narrowband direct-printing device (NBPD);

10) Floating or non-floating Satellite EPIRB ;

11) VHF DSC watch receiver ;

12) MF OR MF/HF watch receiver ;

13) INMASART unit earth station-unit of Standard A ;

14) TINMASART unit earth station-unit of Standard C;

15) NAVTEX receiver;

16) EGC receiver ;

17) Narrowband direct-printing device (HF NBDP).

(f) Other equipment if deemed necessary by VR .

2. Life-saving appliances

2.1. General

2.1.1. Application

1 The present Part of the Rules applies to the units whose equipment with life-saving appliances and
TCVN 5319:2001
arrangements is subject to technical supervision of VR as well as applies to the life-saving appliances
and arrangements intended for installation on board these units .

2 The Present part of the Rules lays down the technical requirements which life-saving appliances and
arrangements shall comply with and specifies the number of these appliances and arrangements and
their location on board units .

3 The technical requirements of the life-saving appliances referred in the Rules are to comply with the
relevant requirements specified in SOLAS. However, the technical requirements on units of restricted
service areas may be considered and exempted from some requirements of the present part by VR in
special cases .

4 Equipment with the life-saving appliances for the unit or other designation is to subject to special
consideration by Register.

5 Equipment of drilling ships with the life-saving appliances is to comply with the requirements for
equipment of oil tankers TCVN 6278:1997

2.1.2. Definitions and Explanations

The general definitions and explanations referred in 1.3 TCVN 5309:2001 and 1.1.4 ''General regulations
for the supervision''. The following definitions are applied in this Part :

1 Launching crew is the personnel remaining aboard a lifeboat to handle it during launching and
recovering mét ®éi Ýt nhÊt ph¶i cã 5 ng−êi.

2 Launching appliance is the davits and other arrangements aboard ships intended for launching and
recovering the lifeboats, rescue boats and liferafts .

2.1.3. Scope of supervision, technical requipments

1 Actives of technical supervision life-saving appliances as well as approved documentations are tocomply
with general requirements in 1 and 2.1.

2 The arrangements of lifeboats and liferafts are comply with the relevant requirements of Chapter III of

2.1.4. Navigation area division

The life-saving appliances are to be provided in compliance with the unit's voyage and navigation
area. The ship's navigation areas are specified as follows :

1 Unrestricted area of navigation .

TCVN 5319:2001
2 Restricted area of navigation I: Navigation in sea areas not proceeding more than 200 nautical miles
away from the shore or place of refuge with a wave height with 3% probability of exceeding 8.50 m .

3 Restricted area of navigation II: Navigation in sea areas not proceeding more than 50 nautical miles
away from the shore or place of refuge with a wave height with 3% probability of exceeding 6.00 m .

4 Restricted area of navigation III: Navigation in sea areas not proceeding more than 20 nautical miles
away from the shore or place of refuge with a wave height with 3% probability of exceeding 3.00 m .

2.2. Arrangement of life-saving appliances

2.2.1. Lifeboats

1 A unit is to be provided with at least two motor lifeboats or capsules of the aggregate capacity sufficient
to accommodate 200 per cent of persons on the unit, complying with the requirements of 2.2.2-2 TCVN

2 If it s impracticable or unreasonble to place in a unit the number of boats (capsules) required in 2.2.1-1,
on agreement with the Register part of these boats (capsules) may be substituted by the liferafts.

3 In this case the aggregate capacity of the lifeboats (capsules) is to be such as to accommodate not less
than 100 per cent of persons on board .

4 If it is unreasonable to provide the lifeboats (capsules) with all iterms of equipment required in 2.2.2
TCVN 6278:1997 on aggregate with the Register the number or equipment items for such lifeboats may
be reduced.

5 Portable radio station is to be carried out on each unit to be used in one of the lifeboats (capsules)
complying with the requirements of 2.2.2 -1 TCVN 6278:1997.

6 Portable radio station is to be kept on a unit as required in 4.3.6 TCVN 6278:1997.

7 In the lifeboats (capasules) on a units of all types provision is to be made for:

(1) Holding and hoisting them by helicopter with the full complement of equipment and persons

(2) Protection of people heads from impacts on hard structural elements of boats (capsules) .

2.2.2. liferafts

1 In addition to the lifeboats and liferafts required by 2.5.1 -1,-2, each unit is to be equipped with the

TCVN 5319:2001
lifeboats of the carrying capacity sufficient to accommodate 100 per cent of person on board .

2 The liferafts are comply with the relevant requirements of Regulations 39, 40 Chapter III, of SOLAS

3 Liferafts intended for installation on unit are to be so constructed that they are capable of being lowered
into the water with the full complement of equipment and persons allowed by launching appliances.
Releasing the brakes of the winches for lauching appliances is to be provided directly from tha craft.

4 The number of equipment items may be reduced on agreement with the Register .

2.2.3. Rescue Boats

1 Each unit is to be provided with a rescue boat of an approved type and available at all times, comply with
requirements of Regulation 47 Chapter III SOLAS . The rescue boat is to incorporate the following:

(1) Ample reserve of buoyancy;

(2) Robust construction;

(3) Adequate proportions to permit taking aboard an unconscious person without capsizing;

(4) Propelling machinery that can be easily started in all expect conditions;

(5) Approved radiotelephon sattion for communication with a unit;

2.3. Personal life-saving appliances

2.3.1. Life-jackets

1 Life-jacket are to be provided for all persons on board the unit ;

2 A life-jacket complying with requirements of regulation 31 or 32, Chapter III of SOLAS should be
provided for every person on board the unit;

3 Each life-jacket should be fitted with a light complying with the requirements of regulation 32.3 Chapter

4 In addition to requirement of,3 , each units as well as each drilling ship is to be provided with life-
jackets for watch keeping personnel and shift of industrial personnel in a number sufficient for all persons
on watch and in shift ;

5 An additional number of life-jackets for the maximum possible number of helicopter passengers is to be
provided in way of helicopter deck .

TCVN 5319:2001

2.3.2. Immersion suits

1 Each unit should carry an immersion suit complying with the requirements of regulation 33 Chapter III of
SOLAS. For each person on board. In addition, a sufficient number of immersion suits should be stowed
in suitable locations for those persons who may be on duty in locations where their immersion suits are
not readily accessible.

2 Immersion suits need not be carried if the unit is constantly in operation in warm climates where, in the
opinion of the VR , immersion suits are unnecessary.

2.3.3. Lifebuoys

1 Each unit is to be provided with lifebuoys complying with requirements of regulation 31, Chapter III,
SOLAS. The number and placement of lifebuoys should be such that a lifebuoy is easily accessible. The
minimum of lifebuoys is prescribled in the following table:

Table 2.3-1 Number of lifebuoys

Length (m) Number of lifebuoys (piece) minimum

L< 100 m 08

100 m ≤ L < 150 m 10

150 m ≤ L < 200 m 12

200 m ≤ L 14

2 At least two lifebouys in widely separated locations should each be fitted with a buoyant lifeline, the
length of which should be at least one-and-a-haflf times the distance from the deck of stowage to the
waterline at light draught, or 30 m, whichever is greater;

3 Each lifebuoy should be marked in block capitals of the Roman alphabet with the name and port of
registry of the unit on which it is carried .

4 Not less than one-half of the total number of lifebuoys should be provided with self-igniting lights of an
approved electric battery type complying with the requirements of regulation 31.2, Chapter III of SOLAS.
Not less than two of these should also be provided with self-activating smoke signals complying with the
requirements of regulation 31.3, Chapter III of SOLAS and be capsble of quick release from the
navigating bridge, main control station, or a location readily available to operating personnel. Lifebuoys
with lights and those with lights and smoke signals should be equally distributed on both sides of the unit
and should not be the lifebuoys provided with lifelines in compliance with the requirements of -2.

2.3.4. Radio life-saving appliances

TCVN 5319:2001
1 Two-way VHF radio-telephone :

At least three two-way VHF radio-telephone apparatus shall be provided on each unit. If a fixed two-way
VJF radiotelephone apparatus is fitted in a survival craft it should conform to performance standards not
inferior to those adopted by the VR .

2 Radar transponders

At least one radar transponder should be carried on each side of a surface unit and at least two radar
transponders on self-elevating and column-stabilized units each stowed in one of two widely separated
locations .

2.3.5. Distress flares

1 Not less than 12 rocket parachute flares complying with the requirements of regulation 35 Chapter III of
SOLAS should be carried and be stowed on or near the navigating bridge. If the unit does not have a
navigating bridge, the flares should be stowed in a location approved by the VR.

2.3.6. Emergency warnings

1 Each unit should be provided with a general alarm system so installed as to be clearly perceptible in all
parts of the unit. Control stations for activating the alarm should be installed to the satisfaction of the VR.
The number of signals used should be limited to the following: general emergency signal, fire alarm signal
and abandon unit signal. These signals should be described in the muster list.

2.3.7. Survial craft stowage and arrangements

1 All survival crafts on unit are to be stowed at positions that are readily accessible ans far apart from
spaces with high risk of explosion.

2 All survival crafts is to be attached to a separate set of davits or other approved appliances.

3 Muster and embarkation stations should be:

(1) Close to each other;

(2) Readily accessible from accommodation and work areas;

(3) Adequately illumilnated by emergency lighting .

4 Survival craft embarkation arrangements should be so designed that:

(1) Lifeboats can be boarded by their full complement of persons within 3 min from the time the

TCVN 5319:2001
instruction to board is given;

(2) Lifeboats can be boarded and launched directly from the stowed position.

2.3.8. Survival craft lauching and recovery arrangements

1 Lauching and recovery arrangements is to comply with requirements of regulation 48 Chapter III of

2 Lauching and recovery arrangements is to ensure:

(1) Lauching survival craft and rescue boat with the full complement of equipment and persons
allowed at a speed of 36-60 m/minute;

(2) Recovering rescue boat with full complement of equipment and persons allowed at a speed not
less than 18 m/minute;

(3) Lauching acceleration of survival craft is not less than 0,5g (g: gravitational acceleration m/s2);

(4) Lauching and recovery arrangements should be such that the appliance operator on the unit is
able to observe the survival craft at all times during lauching and lifeboats during recovery .

3 Only one type of release mechanism should be used for similar survival craft carried on board the unit .

4 During preparation and lauching, the survival craft, its lauching appliance and the area of water into
which it is to be launched should be adequately illuminated by emergency lighting.

5 Means should be available to prevent any discharge of fluids on to survival craft during abandonment.

6 Manual brakes should be so arranged that the brake is always applied unless the operator, or a
mechanism activated by the operator, holds the brake control in the ''off'' position.

7 Each survival craft should be so arranged as to clear each leg, column, footing, brace, mat and each
similar structure below the hull of a self-elevating unit and below the upper hull of a column-stabilized
unit, with the unit in an intact condition.

2.3.9. Line-throwing appliances

1 Each unit shall be equipped with two line-throwing appliances comply with the requirements of 49 Chater

3. Signal means

TCVN 5319:2001

3.1. General

3.1.1. Application

1 Signal means on unit are to comply with the requirements in part and relevant regulations in Chapter III
TCVN 6278:1997.

3.1.2. Definitions and Explanations

1 The definitions and explanations concerning the general terminology of the Rules are given in 1.3 TCVN
5309:2001 and 1.1.4 .

2 Beside definitions below are also used:

(1) Range of visibility: The distance at which the light is to be visible on a dark night with a clear
atmosphere .

(2) Short blast: A blast of about one second duration .

(3) Prolonged blast: A blast of 4 to 6 seconds duration .

(4) Flashing light: A light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 120 flashes or more per

(5) Whistle: Any sound signaling appliance capable of producing the prescribed short and
prolonged blasts .

(6) ThiÕt bÞ n©ng ®−îc : ThiÕt bÞ ®−îc n©ng lªn vÞ trÝ sö dông.

(7) ThiÕt bÞ tÜnh : ThiÕt bÞ lu«n lu«n ®Æt t¹i vÞ trÝ sö dông.

(8) ThiÕt bÞ x¸ch tay : ThiÕt bÞ cã thÓ x¸ch b»ng tay ®Õn n¬i sö dông.

3.1.3. Scope of supervision

1 The general provisions relating to the supervision procedure for the signal means, their manufacture and
surveys as well as requirements for the technical documents to be submitted to VR for consideration and
directions regarding the documents to be issued by VR for signal means are outlined in 1 .

2 The following items are subject to supervision by VR during manufacture :

(1) Navigation lanterns ;

(2) Flashing lanterns ;

TCVN 5319:2001
(3) Sound signal means ;

(4) Pyrotechnic signal means ;

(5) Signal shapes .

3 The items mentioned in -2(5) are subject to technical supervision by VR only as far as examination and
approval of the technical documents are concerned .

4 Provision and equipment of ships with signal means are to be carried out under supervision of VR .

5 The following technical documents relative to signal means shall be submitted to VR for approval :

(1) Assembly drawing with specification of component parts and materials ;

(2) Technical description ;

(3) Program of testing .

3.2. Equipment of units with signal means

3.2.1. Equipment

1 Trªn mçi dµn cÇn ph¶i ®−îc trang bÞ c¸c ph−¬ng tiÖn tÝn hiÖu t−¬ng øng nh− yªu cÇu nªu trong 3.2.2
TCVN 6278:1997 vµ c¸c yªu cÇu sau:

(1) §Ìn mê c¶nh b¸o cã ¸nh s¸ng tr¾ng (Ýt nhÊt 01 chiÕc);

(2) §Ìn chuyÓn vïng ®Ó b¸o hiÖu ban ngµy;

(3) Sè l−îng phï hîp c¸c ®Ìn c¶nh b¸o hµng kh«ng dïng cho m¸y bay lªn th¼ng khi lªn vµ xuèng;

(4) §Ìn giíi h¹n ¸nh s¸ng;

(5) Ph¸o hiÖu cã dï ¸nh s¸ng ®á , 12 qu¶;

(6) Ph¸o hiÖu mét sao ¸nh s¸ng ®á , 12 qu¶;

(7) Ph¸o hiÖu mét sao ¸nh s¸ng xanh, 12 qu¶;

(8) Ýt nhÊt lµ mét chiÕc cßi.

2 Trang bÞ tÝn hiÖu cho ph−¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh ph¶i phï hîp víi c¸c Qui ®Þnh t−¬ng øng trong Ch−¬ng III
C«ng −íc.

TCVN 5319:2001

3.3. Construction of signal means

3.3.1. Flashing lights

1 Main characteristics of the flashing lights are given in Table 3.3.1 :

Table 3.3.1 Main characteristics of flashing lights

No. Light Light Range of Arc of visibility in horizontal plane, deg

colour visibility, in NM,
Total angle Position
for units of

1 Daytime signaling White 06 Directed beam (the lantern ⎯

lamp showing its light in proper

2 Manoeuvring light White 3600 All round the


2 Materials and construction of flashing lanterns shall comply with the relevant requirements, and the
horizontal luminous intensity of one flash shall not be less than :

0,2 + t n
Ib = I

Where :

tn : Flash duration (in s).

I : Luminous intensity according to : I = 3,43.106.T.D2.K -D in 3.3.5. -6 (1).

3 The daytime signaling lamp shall be an electric lamp of splash-proof type supplied from the ship's main
and from the emergency source of electric power if its own accumulator battery is not provided. The lamp
shall be safe in the service, easily portable and convenient for use by one person .

4 The manoeuvring lantern shall be an electric one and shall send flashing light signals whilst the
manoeuvre is being carried out. §¶m b¶o truyÒn tù ®éng hoÆc b»ng tay liªn tôc c¶ chuçi tÝn hiÖu ¸nh
s¸ng bao gåm hai tay chíp víi:

(a) Thêi gian truyÒn cña mçi tia gÇn 0,75 gi©y vµ mét tia chíp víi thêi gian truyÒn 4-6 gi©y;

(b) Kho¶ng thêi gian gi÷a c¸c chuçi tÝn hiÖu ¸nh s¸ng lµ 30 gi©y (Ch÷ U theo m· tÝn hiÖu quèc tÕ).

5 KiÓu, c¸c th«ng sè, vÞ trÝ c¸c ®Ìn nªu ë 3.2.1 -1(3) tu©n thñ theo c¸c qui ®Þnh vµ chÞu sù gi¸m s¸t cña
c¸c c¬ quan cã thÈm quyÒn.

TCVN 5319:2001
6 C¸c ®Ìn nhÊp nh¸y ph¶i lµm viÖc liªn tôc trong vßng 96 giê trong tr−êng hîp di chuyÓn c¸c nh©n viªn

3.3.2. Sound signal means

1 Dµn ph¶i ®−îc trang bÞ c¸c hÖ thèng ©m thanh liªn hîp hoÆc c¸c ph−¬ng tiÖn tÝn hiÖu ©m thanh (cßi)
®¶m b¶o truyÒn c¸c tÝn hiÖu ©m thanh theo mäi ph−¬ng.

2 HÖ thèng ©m thanh liªn hîp hoÆc cßi ph¶i ®¶m b¶o truyÒn tù ®éng hoÆc b»ng tay c¸c chuçi tÝn hiÖu ©m
thanh bao gåm hai tÝn hiÖu víi thêi gian truyÒn cña mçi tÝn hiÖu gÇn 0,75 gi©y vµ mét tÝn hiÖu víi thêi gian
truyÒn 4-6 gi©y, kho¶ng thêi gian gi÷a c¸c chuçi tÝn hiÖu ¸nh s¸ng µ 30 gi©y (Ch÷ U theo m· tÝn hiÖu quèc

3 C¸c ph−¬ng tiÖn tÝn hiÖu ©m thanh ph¶i lµm viÖc liªn tôc trong vßng 96 giê trong tr−êng hîp di chuyÓn
c¸c nh©n viªn dµn.

4 Main characteristics of whistles shall be in accordance with Table 3.3.2 :

Table 3.3.2 Main characteristics of whistles

Length of ships (m) Range of fundamental Minimum sound pressure (db) (1) Audibility range NM (2)
frequency, Hz

200 ≤ L 70 ÷ 200 143 2,0

75 ≤ L < 200 130 ÷ 350 138 1,5

20 ≤ L < 75 250 ÷ 700 130 1,0

L < 20 ⎯ 120 0,5

Chó thÝch :

(1) A whistle fitted in a ship shall provide, in the direction of maximum intensity of the whistle and at a
distance of 1 m from it, a sound pressure level in at least one 1/3 rd-octave band within the range of
frequencies 180-700 Hz (±1 per cent) of not less than the appropriate figure given in the Table .

(2) The range of audibility given above is for information and is approximately the range at which a whistle
may be heard on its forward axis with 90 per cent probability in conditions of still air on board a ship
having average background noise level at the listening posts (taken to be 68 dB in the octave band
centred on 250 Hz and 63 dB in the octave band centred on 500 Hz) .

5 A bell and gong shall produce a sound pressure level of not less than 110 dB at 1 m .

6 The sound signals of the ship shall be reliable in operation and shall produce the required sound
intensity, duration and clear sounding of each blast .

TCVN 5319:2001
7 The sound made on a whistle shall be of even tone with no vibration, hissing or other distortion. The
beginning and the end of each signal, no matter how long it may sound, shall be distinct and abrupt .

8 For sounding on the whistle in fog it is recommend to provide for special automatic controls ensuring
time regulation of signal sounding and also to provide for possible manual actuation of signal with
automatic cutting off of the automatic controls at the moment of manual actuation .

9 The bell shall give a loud and clear sound and be manufactured of material not requiring protection
against corrosion. No painting of the bell is permitted .

10 The bell intended for ships of 20 m in length and more shall have an outer diameter at the bell mouth of
not less than 300 mm, and the bell intended for ships of 12 to 20 m in length, of not less than 200 mm.
The mass of the striker shall not be less than 3 per cent of the mass of the bell .

11 The gong shall be manufactured of steel, bronze or other equivalent materials. The diametre of the gong
shall not be less than 500 mm .

12 The gong shall be provided with a beetle and a device for its suspension on the stanchion or holding in
hands if it is of portable type .

13 A steel gong shall have anticorrosive coating. Painting of the gong is not permitted

3.3.3. Signal shapes

1 The signal shapes shall be of black colour and shall have the dimensions not below those specified in
Table 3.3.3 .

2 The signal shapes shall be provided with suitable devices for fixing them to halyards on which they are
hosted, and for joining with other shapes .

Folding shapes shall be fitted with the device retaining them in open position and preventing the
shapes from spontaneous folding.

Devices for joining the shapes one to another (except the cones) shall provide for maintaining the
proper distance between them, which is not to less than 1.5 m for ships of 20 m in length and more
and not to be less than 1 m for ships of less than 20 m in length .

The cones shall be provided with devices for joining them directly one to another with their points or
bases together .

Table 3.3.3 Dimensions of signal shapes

No Signal shapes Dimentions, in (m), for units

TCVN 5319:2001

Of 20 m in length and more Of less than 20 m in length

1 Ball 0.6 m in dia. 0.3 m in dia.

2 Cone Base diametre and height 0.6 m Base diametre and height 0.3 m

3 Diamond Smaller diagonal 0.6 m Smaller diagonal 0.3 m

4 Cylinder 0.6 m in dia. And 1.2 m in height ⎯

3.3.4. Pyrotechnic signal means

1 General requirements

Pyrotechnic signal means are to have the characteristics specified in Table 3.3.4 and to meet the
following requirements:

(1) Not to be damaged in stowage throughout the air temperature range -300C to + 650C ;

(2) To be contained in a water-resistant casing not subject to corrosion ;

(3) To be indelibly marked with brief instructions or diagrams clearly illustrating how it is to be

(4) If hand operated, to be operated from bottom or to contain an operational safety delay of 2 s ;

(5) To have a simple means of ignition which requires the minimum of preparation and can be
operated in adverse conditions without external aid and with wet, cold or gloved hands ;

(6) To have integral means of ignition (for rocket parachute flares and hand flares) ;

(7) To be indelibly marked with means for determining its age ;

(8) The packing of pyrotechnic signal means is to allow the marking to be visible on the pyrotechnic
device itself. Otherwise, the marking complying with the requirements of (7) is to be positioned
on the packing as well .

2 Rocket parachute flares

(1) Ph¸o dï ph¶i cã kÕt cÊu sao cho kh«ng g©y nguy hiÓm cho ng−êi sö dông vµ ph¶i phï hîp víi
chØ dÉn cña Nhµ chÕ t¹o.

(2) ë ®iÓm trªn cïng hoÆc gÇn ®iÓm trªn cïng th× ph¸o ph¶i ph¸t tÝn hiÖu dï. TÝn hiÖu nµy ph¶i :

(a) Have a rate of descent of not more than 5 m/s.

(b) Not damage its parachute or attachments while burning.

TCVN 5319:2001
3 Ph¸o hoa

Ph¸o hoa ph¶i :

(1) KÕt cÊu sao cho kh«ng g©y tai n¹n cho ng−êi sö dông vµ kh«ng g©y nguy hiÓm do tµn ph¸o. Khi
sö dông ph¶i phï hîp víi chØ dÉn cña Nhµ chÕ t¹o.

(2) TiÕp tôc ch¸y sau khi nhóng ch×m trong n−íc 10 gi©y ë ®é s©u 100 mi-li-mÕt.

4 M×n næi ph¸t khãi

M×n næi ph¸t khãi ph¶i :

(1) Kh«ng bèc ch¸y khi sö dông, ph¶i phï hîp víi chØ dÉn cña Nhµ chÕ t¹o ;

(2) Not emit any flame during the entire smoke emission time;

(3) Not be swamped in a seawave;

(4) Continue to emit smoke when submerged in water for 10 s under 100 mm of water .

Table 3.3.4 Characteristics of pyrotechnic signal means

Pyrotechnic Light Luminous Altitude Range of Burning

signal means colour intensity(1) time
No (minimum), m audibility(2) Purpose

nautical miles

1 Rocket Red 30.000 300 ⎯ 40 To be used

parachute flare as a distress
(marine) signal

2 Sound signal ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 5 ⎯ Ditto

rocket or shell

3 Hand flare Red 10.000 ⎯ ⎯ 60 nt

4 Hand flare White 15.000 ⎯ ⎯ 20 To attract


5 One-star rocket Green 3000 80 ⎯ 6 Life-saving


6 One-star rocket Red 3000 80 ⎯ 6 Ditto

7 Buoyant smoke Orange 3000 80 ⎯ 180 Ditto


TCVN 5319:2001
Notes :

(1) To be determined in laboratory conditions .

(2) To be determined over sea surface at wind force up to 1 and clear atmosphere and at background noise
of at least 45 dB.

3.3.5. Navigation lights

1 Nh÷ng ®Æc tÝnh c¬ b¶n cña ®Ìn tÝn hiÖu

Nh÷ng ®Æc ®iÓm c¬ b¶n riªng cña c¸c ®Ìn ph¶i phï hîp víi chØ dÉn ë B¶ng 3.3.5-1 Nh÷ng ®Æc tÝnh
c¬ b¶n cña c¸c ®Ìn tÝn hiÖu hµnh tr×nh.

2 Yªu cÇu vÒ kü thuËt

(1) KÕt cÊu ®Ìn ph¶i lo¹i trõ kh¶ n¨ng n−íc r¬i vµo ®Ìn, ®èi víi ®Ìn ®iÖn n−íc kh«ng r¬i vµo phÇn
d©y dÉn, ®èi víi ®Ìn dÇu n−íc kh«ng r¬i vµo kÝnh cña ®Ìn, bÊc hoÆc c¸c chi tiÕt kh¸c lµm ¶nh
h−ëng ®Õn sù ch¸y cña ®Ìn.

(2) §Ìn ph¶i ®¶m b¶o lµm viÖc tin cËy khi cã thay ®æi nhiÖt ®é cña kh«ng khÝ bªn ngoµi tõ -30o ®Õn

(3) §Ìn ph¶i ho¹t ®éng b×nh th−êng vµ kh«ng bÞ háng khi dµn bÞ nghiªng däc kh«ng nhá h¬n 10o, vµ
nghiªng ngang theo chu kú ®Õn 45o.

Table 3.3.5-1 Main characteristics of navigation lights

No Lights Light Minimum rage of Arc of visibility in horizontal

colour visibility nautical
Gãc chung Ph©n bæ gãc nh×n

1 Masthead Towing White 6 225o 112,5o from right ahead on either

side .

2 Sternlights White 3 135o 67,50 from right aft on either side

3 Sidelights, Green 3 112,5o 112,5o from right ahead on

starboard starboard side .

4 Sidelights, port Red 3 112,5o from right ahead on port side .

5 Combined two- Green ⎯ 225o 112,5o from right ahead on either

colour side: green sector on starboard
side, red sector on port side .

TCVN 5319:2001

6 Combined three- Green ⎯ 360o Green sector -112.5o from right

colour ahead on starboard side; red sector
-112.5 from right ahead on port
White side; white sector - 135o to 675o
from aft on either side .

7 Towing yellow 3 135o 67.50 from right aft on either side

8 All-round White 3 360o All round the horizon



9 All-round flashing Yellow 3 360o All round the horizon

3 Lantern case

(1) The lantern case and its parts shall be manufactured of materials resistant to sea water, or
materials with an adequate anticorrosive protective coating. The electric lantern shall be of
watertight design .

(2) The electric and oil lanterns shall be so constructed to prevent such heating of the optical parts
and of the lantern case which would result in damage to optical parts or deformation of the case,
owing to temperature variation which may be encountered in any climatic conditions.

(3) The lantern case shall be of such design as to allow rapid change of electric or oil lamps. Oil
lanterns shall be so constructed as to enable a lamp with its chimney fitted to be inserted into
them .

(4) The lanterns shall be of such a design as to ensure drainage of condensed and fresh air inflow
to the extent related to the required degree of protection .

(5) Lanterns shall be fitted with handles for moving, hoisting and fitting in the regular places.
Lanterns of all-round visibility (360) in a horizontal plane, which are hoisted one above the other,
are to fitted with handles for hoisting .

4 Lenses and plain glasses

(1) The navigation lanterns may be fitted with lenses or plain glasses provided the minimum range
of visibility meets the requirements specified in Table 3.3.5-1 .

(2) The inner and outer surfaces of the lenses and plain glasses shall be smooth, and the glass
shall be free from foreign inclusions, blisters and chippings impairing the lantern characteristics .

TCVN 5319:2001
(3) The lenses of the electric navigation lanterns shall be of such a design that the curve of vertical
light distribution of the lantern will ensure :

(a) Luminous intensity not less than that prescribed in 3.3.5-6(1) within the range of visibility
in vertical plane up to 5o on either side from the horizontal plane of symmetry of the lens .

(b) Not less than 60 per cent of the prescribed luminous intensity within the range of visibility
up to 7,5o on either side from the horizontal plane of symmetry of the lens;

(4) The curve of horizontal light distribution of the side lanterns shall be such that lanterns fitted in
the ship have the luminous intensity from right ahead, as prescribed above. The intensity shall
decrease and disappear between 1o and 3o outside the prescribed sectors .

For sternlights and masthead lights and also at 22.5o abaft the beam for sidelights, the specified
luminous intensity shall be maintained up to 5o within the limits of sectors prescribed in Table
3.3.5-1. From 5o within the prescribed sectors the intensity may decrease by 50 per cent up to
the described limits; then it shall decrease steadily to reach practical cut-off at not more than 5o
outside the described limits .

5 Coloured light filters

(1) The colouring of navigation lights may be obtained with the use of appropriate light filters or
colour lenses :

(a) Plain colour glasses may be used provided that the chromaticity of the filter is ensured
over their whole surface .

(b) The use of coloured lenses is subject to special consideration by VR in each case .

(2) The coloured light filters used in the navigation lanterns may be manufactured of glass coloured
throughout its entire thickness or over the surface only (cover plates) .

The light filters may be manufactured of plastics provided all their characteristics are in all cases
not inferior to those of the glass filters .

(3) Corner coordinates x,y of the allowable zones for each colour are given in Table 3.6 .

Here the colour of light is considered as a result obtained in the light filter- source of light optical
system .The luminous transmissivity of the coloured light filters shall have such values as to
ensure the specified range of visibility of the lights according to Table 3.3.5-1 and to the
requirements of 3.3.1-5(3).

(4) The height and the length of the arc of a coloured light filter shall be such as to cover the whole
inside surface of the lens .

TCVN 5319:2001
(5) The inner and outer surfaces of the light filters shall be free from notches and indentations, and
the filter glass shall be free from blisters, foreign inclusions and drops which impair the
characteristics of the lanterns .

(6) The light filters shall be fixed in the lanterns in such way as to preclude their spontaneous
shifting in the course of their use on board the unit .

(7) The fastening arrangements of the light filters in the side and combined two-colour and three-
colour navigation lanterns shall be so constructed as to prevent the possibility of placing the red
filter instead of the green one, and vice versa .

Table 3.3.5-2 Corner coordinates of chromaticity domes

Light colour Coor Points

-din. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Red x 0,680 0,660 0,735 0,721 ⎯ ⎯

y 0,320 0,320 0,265 0,259 ⎯ ⎯

Green x 0,028 0,009 0,300 0,203 ⎯ ⎯

y 0,385 0,723 0,511 0,356 ⎯ ⎯

White x 0,525 0,525 0,452 0,310 0,310 0,443

y 0,382 0,440 0,440 0,348 0,283 0,382

Yellow x 0,612 0,618 0,575 0,575 ⎯ ⎯

y 0,382 0,382 0,425 0,406 ⎯ ⎯

6 Sources of light

(1) The source of light in the electric lanterns shall be an electric lamp, and in the oil lanterns - an oil
lamp. For the range of visibility required by Table 3.3.5-1, the luminous intensity I, in cd, of the electric
lantern shall not be less than that determined by the following formula :

I = 3,43.106.T.D2.K -D

Where :

I : Luminous intensity in (cd).

T = 2.107 : Threshold factor, in (lux).

D : Range of visibility of the light, in nautical miles.

k = 0,8 : Atmospheric transmissivity corresponding to meteorological visibility of

approximately 13 nautical miles .
TCVN 5319:2001
Luminous intensity determined by the following Table 3.3.5-3 :

Table 3.3.5-3 Luminous intensity determined by the following

Range of visibility D 1 2 3 4 5 6
(nautical miles)

Luminous intensity of light 0,9 4,3 12 27 52 94

I (cd) k = 0,8

Maximum allowable luminous intensity of lights may be up to 1.7 times the value given in Table
above but shall not exceed 150 cd .

For non-electric lanterns, the luminous intensity shall correspond to that determined by the
formula, to a maximum possible degree .

(1) The source of light shall be fitted in the lanterns in a vertical position, so that the horizontal plane
of symmetry of the lens shall divide the luminous part of the light source into two nearly equal
parts .

(2) The fixing arrangement for the source of light in the lantern shall be so constructed as to permit
the placing of this in only one fixed position, so that no spontaneous change in this position can
occur during the use of lantern on board the ship, and suitable provisions are to be made for
ready replacement of the source of light in the lantern .

(3) Electric lanterns shall be fitted with sockets and marine type lamps having devices for
prevention of their spontaneous loosing .

(4) The use in the electric lanterns, except for twin lanterns, of more than one lamp or of one two-
filament lamp (one filament being for permanent service and the other for emergency use) is not

(5) The lamp chimney shall be made of a colourless glass having as few foreign inclusions, blisters
and indents as possible, which, if present, shall not reduce the luminous intensity of the lanterns,

3.4. Fitting of signal means on unit

3.4.1. General provisions

1 The signal means shall be fitted or stored on board in such a manner as to be at all time ready for use .

2 The basic and spare sets of lanterns shall be placed on board in regular positions provided for them .

3 In placing the lanterns the vertical distances between them, specified in this Part, shall be deemed to be
TCVN 5319:2001
minimum. They shall be increased accordingly where some superstructures or hull fittings may obstruct
the visibility of the lights. However, the increase of these distances shall not exceed the allowable values .

4 Lights of all-round visibility (3600) in horizontal plane, except for anchor lights, shall be so located as not
to be obscured by masts, topmasts or superstructures within sectors of more than 60 .

In this case, the lantern shall be considered as an all-round source of light with the diameter of the source of
light .

5 When two or three lights are to be carried in a vertical line one over the other, they shall be spaced as
follows :

(1) lights shall be spaced not less than 2 m apart, and the lowest of these lights shall not be less
than 4 m above the hull. Kho¶ng c¸ch gi÷a c¸c ®Ìn kh«ng ®−îc nhá h¬n 2 mÐt, cßn chiÕc ®Ìn ë
d−íi cïng ph¶i ®−îc bè trÝ ë ®é cao kh«ng nhá h¬n 4 mÐt kÓ tõ th©n dµn.

(2) When three lights are carried, they shall be equally spaced .

3.4.2. Main navigation lights in unit

1 Masthead lights

(1) The forward masthead light shall be placed on or in front of the unit, in the symetrical plane over
the keel at a height above the hull of not less than 6 m .

(2) This light shall be placed at a height above the hull not greater than 12 m.

(3) The after masthead light shall be placed in the fore and aft centreline of the units.

(4) The vertical distance between the forward and after masthead lights not be less than 4.5 m and,
also under all normal conditions of trim the after light shall be seen over and separate from the
forward light at a distance of 1000 m from the stern when viewed from sea level .

(5) The horizontal separation of forward and after masthead lights shall not be less than one half of
the length of the units, but need not be more than 100 m.

(6) The masthead lights shall be placed above all other lights including the superstructures, to avoid
the affect to these lights so that each of them is distinctly visible over the arcs of the horizon
assigned to them .

(7) Horizontal screens of a sufficient size shall be installed under the masthead lights so as to
prevent these lights from illuminating the navigating bridge and other decks .

TCVN 5319:2001
2 Side lights

(1) A lantern containing a green light shall be carried on the starboard side, another one containing
a red light shall be carried on the port side, both lanterns being placed in parallel, in one line
perpendicular to, and at the same distance from, the centreline of the unit .

(a) In power-driven units which carry two masthead lights the sidelights shall be placed abaft
the forward masthead light and above the hull at a height of not greater than three
quarters of the height of the forward masthead light, their positions being chosen so that
the lights of side lanterns are not mixed with deck lights and so as to most prevent the
lanterns from being flooded with water .

(b) When due to constructional features it is not possible to locate the side lanterns on the
navigating bridge wings with the distance between two lanterns nearly equal to the ship's
breadth .

(2) The side lanterns shall be protected by inboard shields with two transverse screens (fore and
aft) perpendicular to the shield .

(a) Such shield shall be of such length that the distance from the outer edge of the lantern
lens or plain glass to the aft edge of the fore transverse screen is not less than 0.915 m.
The fore transverse screen shall be of such breadth that a line joining its outer edge with
the inner edge of the lantern filament or burner is parallel to the centreline of the ship with
a distance of 13 mm .

(b) The aft transverse screen shall be of such breadth as to mask completely the lantern from
being seen across the stern, but not hinder showing its light to 22.50 abaft the beam. The
height of the shield and of the screens shall not be less than that of the lantern case .

(c) The shield shall be painted matt black on the inside .

(3) The shield of the side lanterns shall be placed in such a position that their outer edge will not
project beyond the line of the side of the unit.

The side lantern shall be firmly secured on the shield .

The side lantern shields shall not generally be secured to the standing rigging of the unit.

(4) In lieu of the shields, it is permitted to use side walls of the bridge or wheelhouse provided all
other requirements set forth in 3.4.2-2(1) to 3.4.2-2(4) are met

3 Sternlight

A sternlight shall be carried as near as possible to the stern and the centre line of the ship, on agreement
with VR .

TCVN 5319:2001
4 All-round white light

(1) All-round white lights shall be fixed in the fore and after parts of the ships. The stern all-round
white light shall be placed not less than 4.5 m lower than the same forward light. In units of 50 m
in length and more the forward all-round white light shall be carried at a height of not less than 6
m above the hull .

(2) The all-round white lights may be either of stationary type fixed on special stanchions, or they
may be hoisted to their regular position by means of a hoisting device. The all-round white lights
shall be carried at the ends of the unit in a position where they can best be seen .

3.4.3. Flashing lights

1 Daytime signaling lamp

A daytime signaling lamp shall be kept in the wheelhouse or chartroom, always ready for immediate use.

2 Flashing lights

(1) The flashing light as manoeuvring light shall be placed in the same fore and aft vertical plane as
the masthead lights and, where practicable, at a minimum height of 2 m from the forward
masthead light, provided that it shall be carried not less than 2 m vertically above or below the
after masthead light .

(2) One a ship where only one masthead light is carried the manoeuvring light shall be placed
where it can best be seen not less than 2 m vertically apart from the masthead light .

(3) The manoeuvring light shall be so fixed that its light is visible all round the horizon .

(4) It flashes are sent simultaneously with operation of sound signals, the possibility shall also be
provided to show the light signals independently .

3.4.4. Sound signal means

1 General requirements

(1) The sound signal means shall be so placed that the sound they produce could not be
intercepted or its intensity and clearness impaired by any parts of the structure or equipment of
the unit.

(2) Sound signal means drives shall be so constructed as to exclude their spontaneous sounding
under the action of wind, snow, icing-up, etc .

TCVN 5319:2001
2 Whistles

(1) The whistles shall be so fixed that the centre of the sound source is at the height of not less than
2.50 m above the uppermost deck extending from side to side and at least 0.50 m above the
deckhouse and any other structures on this deck, which can obstruct the propagation of sound.

The sound pressure level of the ship's own signal measured at listening posts of the passing
ship (navigating and top bridges, wheelhouse and bridge wings) shall not exceed 110 dB and,
as far as it is practicable, be not more than 100 dB .

A single whistle shall be so installed on a ship that its maximum intensity is directed straight
ahead .

In the horizontal plane within ±450 of the forward axis of the whistle (in the straight ahead
direction) the sound pressure level of the whistle shall be not more than 4 dB below the
prescribed sound pressure level on the forward axis. In any other direction in the horizontal
plane the sound pressure level shall not be more than 10 dB below the prescribed sound
pressure level on the forward axis, so that the audibility range in any direction will be at least half
the range on the forward axis .

(2) The system of conveying steam or air shall be so designed as to ensure the supply of these
media without consideration at all times and under any weather conditions .

(3) The control buttons or handles to actuate the whistle shall be located at the steering stations of
the ship. In ships of unrestricted service and in ships of restricted area of navigation I there shall
be provided at least one button (handle) in the wheel house and one button (handle) on each of
bridge wings (if any), outside the wheelhouse. Other ships shall be provided with at least one
button (handle) on each side of the bridge;

Units of less than 20 m in length may have only one control button (handle).

(4) If whistles are fitted at a distance of more than 100 m apart, they shall be so arranged that they
are not sounded simultaneously .

If due to the presence of obstructions the sound field of a single whistle or one of the whistles
is likely to have a zone of greatly reduced signal level, it is recommended that a combined
whistle system be fitted so as to overcome this reduction . A combined whistle system shall be
regarded as a single whistle. The whistles of this system shall be located at a distance of not
more than 100 m apart and arranged to be sounded simultaneously. The frequency of any one
whistle shall differ from that of the others by at least 10 Hz .

3 Bell
TCVN 5319:2001
The bell shall be placed stationarily on the clear part of the forecastle deck, near the windlass. The bell
shall be hung up in such a manner as to permit its free swinging through an angle of not less than 500
each way without touching any part of the structure or equipment of the units.

4 Gong

(1) The gong shall be such that its tone and sounding differ distinctly from those of the bell of the
ship. The gong shall be placed at a place where nothing will intercept the propagation of sound,
and shall be hung up so as to comply with the requirements of 3.4.6-3 .

(2) A gong of up to 5 kg in mass need not be fixed in a stationary position, but a special storage
place shall be provided in the after part of the ship. The gong beetle shall be kept in a special
pocket to be fitted close to the gong .

3.4.5. Devices for hoisting and storing signal shapes

1 The units shall be provided with proper devices (mast, stays with sufficient number of signal halyards) for
hoisting the signal shapes .

2 The signal shapes shall be stored near the navigating bridge or the devices for hoisting them to their
regular positions. The signal shapes of the non-self-propelled unmanned ships may be stored in the
towing or service units .

3.4.6. Arrangements for storing pyrotechnic signal means

1 For storing the pyrotechnic signal means, the ship shall be provided with special watertight metal lockers
built into the deckhouse on the navigating bridge, or a metal box firmly secured on the bridge deck .

3.4.7. Arrangements for storing spare lanterns

1 For storing the set of spare lanterns there shall be a specially fitted storage closet for storing them .

4. Radio equipment

4.1. General

4.1.1. Application

1 The present Part of the Rules applies to all units under technical supervision of VR .

2 The present Part of the Rules specified the technical requirements of the radio equipment, determines
TCVN 5319:2001
numbers of the equipment and its arrangement on board a umit .

3 The supervision of manufacture of radio equipment to be installed on board according to this Part of the
Rules will be separately specified .

4.1.2. Definitions and Explanations

1 Definitions and explanations relating to general and technical terminology of the Rules are given in

2 Definitions and explanations belonged to professional radio equipment are in general defined in ''Radio
Rules'' of ITU (Radio regulations - International Telecommunication Union, published in 1991 - General
Department of Post and Telecommunication ).

3 Mast antenna is antenna including mast insulated from the hull whose part or whole height is used to be
radiating element .

4 New radio equipment is radio equipment developed in compliance with the technical task compiled after
the date of coming into force of the present Part of the Rules. Existing radio equipment is radio equipment
which is not new radio equipment.

5 Radio communication equipment is equipment which is used for transmitting and receiving the news by
the radio wave (the news may be telegraphs, telephone talks, facsimile messages and data). The ship s
radio communication equipment may have main and reserve radio communication means .

6 The main radio communication equipment is means using for transmitting, receiving alarm signals,
emergency, urgent and safe, damages, navigational prevention, meteorological information, medical
advice, time signals etc.

7 The reserve radio communication equipment is radio communication equipment using for liaison at the
time of ship's accidents or in other urgent cases where the main radio communication equipment can not
be used .

8 The reserve equipment comprises of reserve radio transmitting, receiving equipment .

9 Radio navigational equipment is equipment using for determining the ship's position or discovering
targets, working on principle applying the spreading properties of electro magnetic waves .

10 Radars, radio direction finders, navigational receiving equipment, echo sounder etc. belong to the radio
navigational equipment .

11 The radio communication equipment using for life-saving apparatus is equipment using the principle of

TCVN 5319:2001
spreading electro magnetic waves for liaison, determination of accident position and salvage service. This
equipment comprises of two-way VHF, radar transponders and EPIRBs .

12 Command broadcast facilities are facilities intended for transmitting command broadcasts of the unit's
administration to all accommodations, service and public spaces, engine room, as well as to open decks
of the unit .

13 NAVTEX: International NAVTEX service transmits urgent information, navigational warning,

meteorological information to ships by means of narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy on medium wave
frequency 518 kHz. With the same purpose, from shore radio stations there are HF MSI on short wave
frequency and EGC on satellite frequency.

14 Digital Selective Calling (DSC) means a technique using digital codes complying with the relevant
recommendations of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR).

4.1.3. Scope of supervision

1 General requirements C¸c qui ®Þnh chung vÒ ho¹t ®éng gi¸m s¸t ph−¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh, viÖc chÕ t¹o,
còng nh− hå s¬ tr×nh duyÖt ®· nªu ë 1.

4.1.4. Technical documentation

1 Documents submitted for approval are to comply with requirements in 1.2.3 -2 (3).

2 Areas with high risk of explosion is to be shown clearly in submitted documents relating to arrangement
of radio and antena equipment .

4.2. Fitting of units with radio equipment

4.2.1. General

1 Units are to be provided with radio equipment complying with requirements in 4.2 TCVN 6278:1997 and
requirements in this part.

4.2.2. Groups of radio equipment

1 §Ó x¸c ®Þnh thµnh phÇn thiÕt bÞ v« tuyÕn ®iÖn, c¸c dµn ®−îc ph©n nhãm nh− sau:

(1) Group 1: Units underway self-propelled ;

(2) Group 2: Units underway non propelled and all unit at operation or extreme storm conditions.

TCVN 5319:2001
2 Units under group 1 operating in both Vietnam and international waters will be equiped as sea going
ships complying with requirements of SOLAS 1974 corresponding to operating area A1 or A1+A2 or
A1+A2+A3 or A1+A2+A3+A4.

3 Units under group 2 operating in both Vietnam and international waters and units operating in Vietnam
waters is to be equired as follow :

Table 4.2-1 Radio equipment for unit

No. Radio equipment Amount of equipment

Group1 Group 2

1 Installation VHF DSC 02 01

2 Installation MF/HF DSC 01 01

3 NAVTEX receiver or c(EGC or HF MSI) 01 01

4 TWO-WAY VHF 03 03

5 Satellite EPIRB 01 -

6 Radar transponder 02 02

7 Command broadcast apparatus 01(*) 01(*)

8 Navigation radar 01 -

Note: (*) onle required when number of crews is ≥ 20.

4 Units having helidecks are to have VHF radio station complying government requirements and/or ICAO.

5 All units are to have effective communication means between main control station, bridge ( if applicable)
and radio stations.

6 All radio equipment on board units are to comply with requirements in this section and correspongding
requirements of Chapter 4 TCVN 6278:1997. All radio euirement fitted in hazardous areas are to have
explosive proof casings .

4.2.3. Sources of supply energy

1 There shall be available at all time, a supply of electrical energy sufficient to operate the radio
installations as well as to charge a reserve source of energy for the radio installations. Supply voltage

TCVN 5319:2001
fluctuation shall not exceed ±10% of nominal voltage. Current frequency fluctuation shall not exceed ±5%
of nominal frequency .

2 ThiÕt bÞ v« tuyÕn ph¶i ®−îc cÊp n¨ng l−îng tõ nguån ®iÖn chÝnh vµ dù phßng. Nguån dù phßng cÇn ®−îc
dù tÝnh cung cÊp ®iÖn cho thiÕt bÞ v« tuyÕn lµm viÖc liªn tôc trong thêi gian Ýt nhÊt lµ 12 giê.

3 To determine capacity of batteries to supply energy to transceivers, the transmitting time shall choose
two third total working time .

4.2.4. Antenna

1 In every unit there shall be erected the suitable antenna to provide the operation of unit's main radio
transmitters and receivers .

2 If there are not erected the reserve antenna, there shall be the spare antenna (including wire, insulators,
mooring lines etc.) available for use when necessary .

3 Any kinds of radio communication and navigation equipment shall be fitted with antenna .

4 Anten cña m¸y ph¸t vµ m¸y thu ph¶i ®−îc bè trÝ c¸ch th¸p khoan, cÇn cÈu vµ c¸c kÕt cÊu kim lo¹i kh¸c
cã kh¶ n¨ng g©y ¶nh h−ëng tèt tíi sù ho¹t ®éng cña anten mét kho¶ng c¸ch lín h¬n 9m.

4.2.5. Spare parts and supply

In unit there shall be spare parts and tools to ensure maintenance and simple repair of radio equipment
as follows :

1 Simple change components: fuses, wires, moduli, electricity-resistant bands etc

2 Equipment opening tools: screwdrivers, electric pincers .

3 soldering-iron, tin, pine tar

4 Portable lights, electrical wiring, lamps

5 Electrical gauge: measurement of voltage, ample, resistance .

4.2.6. Documents and publications on board units

It shall be available on board :

1 Specifications, schematic diagram, operation manual, certificate of every radio equipment to be used in
units .

TCVN 5319:2001
2 Fitting diagram of radio equipment in units (If changed, it shall be suitably corrected) .

3 Correction table of call frequency and working frequency of every transmitter .

4 Instruction of emergency call procedures of telephony/telegraphy radio equipment for the non-
professional personnel to use when necessary .

5 Documents of equipment marks, call signals, working frequency of shore radio stations within unit's
navigation area .

6 Related documents of ITU, SOLAS 1974 .

7 Radio logbook .

There shall be on board radio logbook to note all operations of the unit's radio station according to
requirements of ITU. Instruction notices are to be hanged at the place which radio operators can clearly look
from operator's working position .

8 The unit's radio station license is still valid .

4.2.7. Radio operator

1 There shall be at least on board each ship one radio operator who has relevant license or certificate
issued by Post and telecommunication Department or Vietnam Maritime Bureau or issued by an other
Government .

2 The radio operator shall be qualified and capable of using and operating the existing radio equipment on
board the unit.

4.3. Arrangement of radio equipment on board

4.3.1. General

1 Arrangement of radio equipment is to comply with the requirements of this part and the requirements of
4.3.3 TCVN 6278:1997.

2 ViÖc ®iÒu khiÓn c¸c thiÕt bÞ v« tuyÕn ®iÖn ph¶i ®−îc tiÕn hµnh tõ vÞ trÝ ®iÒu khiÓn dµn trong tr¹ng th¸i di
chuyÓn hoÆc trong tr¹ng th¸i b·o cùc h¹n vµ tõ vÞ trÝ trùc cè ®Þnh khi dµn ë tr¹ng th¸i vËn hµnh.

3 NÕu viÖc vËn hµnh dµn g©y tiÕng ån trong buång v« tuyÕn ®iÖn vµ lµm nhiÔu viÖc sö dông thiÕt bÞ v«
tuyÕn ®iÖn th× ph¶i c¸ch ©m cho phßng nµy.

TCVN 5319:2001

4.4. Antenna and earthing

4.4.1. General requirements

1 It is allowed to fit a ship with an aerial which provides the highest operational efficiency of the radio
equipment and withstands the affects of mechanical and climatic factors encountered under the ship s
service conditions .

2 Each aerial wire shall be made of one-piece stranded wire. Where the construction of the aerial does not
permit to make the down-lead and the corresponding horizontal aerial of one-piece wire, the connection
of the horizontal aerial wire with the down-lead shall be made by means of splicing or by means of
compression couplings providing the reliable electrical contact .

3 The down-lead wire of an aerial shall be secured at the lead-in to a guy fitted with isolators, then the
down-lead wire shall be connected to the lead-in by means of soldering or cold pressing .

4 The aerial rigging shall be ensure the possibility for quick lowering and hoisting as well as tension
regulation of wire aerial without man hoisting to the mast tops .

5 For multiwire antenna, the span between the wires shall not be less than 700 mm .

6 Special high frequency isolators rated for corresponding operational voltage and mechanical load shall
be used for the aerial isolation .

7 The aerial isolation resistance shall not be less than 1 Mohm under all cases .

8 Aerial wires and down-lead wires of the antenna shall be located at a distance not less than 1 m from
funnels, masts and other metal objects of the unit. The distance between the horizontal wires of the aerial
and the cap stay shall be, as far as practicable, not less than 3 m. The antenna shall be arranged so as to
prevent touching the metal structures of the unit under any service conditions .

9 In oil tankers, all steel riggings of masts (shrouds, stays, etc.) shall be broken up with insulators. The
distance between the isolators shall be not more than 6 m, and the lowest isolator shall be not less than 3
m and not more than 4 m from the deck .

10 The lowest ends of the standing steel rigging of masts and funnels shall be electrically connected to the
unit's hull .

11 The unit's main antenna are to ensure the working ability with main and emergency generators at any
frequencies. There shall be measures to protect the antenna from breakage, shortcut .

12 The unit's reserve antenna are to ensure the working ability with main and emergency generators at

TCVN 5319:2001
emergency call frequencies and at least at an other working frequency .

13 The radar antenna shall be so arranged that the unit's moving direction may be well observed, there
shall not be the dead areas in the extent of 50 port side and starboard side, the horizontal observation
shall not be covered by superstructures, funnel, ventilating pipes .

14 The radar antenna shall be so placed at the height that high frequency radiation capacity density on the
unit's open decks where persons pass, shall not exceed the allowable limits. In any case, it shall ensure
ability of easy repair of the parts of antenna, if necessary .

15 The radars shall be so installed that the length of wave conducting cable length is to be shortest .

16 Antenna of VHF transceiver shall be type of vertical pole separation antenna, and shall be placed at the
maximal height so that the transmitting line of electro magnetic wave shall not be obstructed at any
directions .

17 Entering ends of transmitting aerial into rooms shall be high frequency wires of special resistance
corresponding to the working voltage .

18 The construction of entering ends of transmitting antenna shall have the ability of quick connection,
breaking the antenna without using instruments, as well as ensure reliable working of the equipment .

19 The entering ends of transmitting antenna shall be so placed at position that the cable to generator shall
be shortest. In the case that the entering ends of antenna and to it connected antenna shall completely
avoid ability of unrespected impact in the extent of 1800 mm from the deck, ladder and places where no
body who goes back and forth .

20 The metal construction of protecting the entering ends of antenna shall be electrically connected in a
safe manner to the unit's hull .

21 Feeder of antenna transmitting middle wave shall be as short as good and be made by copper pipe of
less than 8 mm in diameter or by high frequency cable wrapped with armour .

22 For the feeder of transmitting antenna without armour, the converter of the aerial with construction
without protection laid in radio compartment shall be so arranged that to prevent unconscious touch in
operation of the radio equipment .

23 For the antenna which are not always connected to the working positions in the radio room shall there be
a converter to permit connecting these antenna to working positions, isolation and earthing

24 The antenna shall be provided with relevant lightning-arresters

TCVN 5319:2001

4.4.2. Aerial converting equipment

1 The aerial converting equipment shall be so constructed that to avoid connection at random between the
transmitting circuit and receiving aerial or other generator's antenna .

2 The aerial converting equipment shall be provided with a hand control device .

3 The aerial converting equipment shall be so calculated that every generator connected to it is to be in
maximal voltage and output .

4.4.3. Earthing

1 The housing of generators are to be earthed by copper cable or flexible copper wires at two positions,
the distance to the hull is as short as possible. The section area of earthing cables belongs to the
generator's output showed as in the Table 4.4-1. :

Table 4.4-1 Section area of wiring bar (mm2)

Output of Transmitter Section area of wiring bar (mm2)

Less than 50 W 25

50 W - 100 W 50

Over 100 W 100

2 The metal housing of receivers shall be earthed by soft copper wires or wiring cables whose section
area is to be not less than 6 mm2.

3 In non-metal ships, the earthing of the radio equipment is to be carried out by connection to a pure
copper plate or bronze whose section area is be to not less than 0.5 m2 and thickness is to be 4 mm and
more attached to the outside surface of the hull under light load line .

4.5. Technical requirements for radio equipment

1 All radio equipment and navigational radio equipment installed on board are to be the kind which was
approved by VR ( Its certificate was issued by VR or by one of the IACS members recognized by VR) .

2 The diameters of radio equipment or navigational radio equipment are to comply with the requirements
of International Convention and its amendments as well as requirements of the related resolutions and
requirements of ''Radio Rules'' of ITU in which Vietnam is a member.

TCVN 5319:2001
3 In the special case, VR may dispense with partial technical requirements based on thorough
consideration, but in any case, the unit's normal operation function and safety are to be ensured .

4 Technical standards of radio equipment under construction (according to GMDSS) are specified in 1988
amendments to SOLAS 1974 and related IMO resolutions .

5. Navigational equipment

5.1. General

5.1.1. Application

1 The present Part of the Rules applies to units whose navigational equipment is subject to technical
supervision of the Vietnam Register .

2 The present Part of the Rules specifies the technical requirements of navigational equipment, number of
navigational equipment and their installation on board units .

3 The supervision of unit's navigational equipment under construction in compliance with the requirements
of the Rules are separately specified .

4 The present Part of the Rules does not apply to the navigational radio equipment whose requirements
referred in Chapter 4 "Radio equipment".

5.1.2. Definitions and Explanations

1 Navigational equipment means the shipboard facilities with which the unit is equipped for taking
decisions on the navigational tasks in compliance with the chosen trips and ensures :

(1) Choosing and determining the ship's moving parameters ;

(2) Determining the unit's position ;

(3) Determining the depth of sea ;

(4) Observing the ship's around sights ;

(5) Determining hydrographic conditions in the ship's service area .

2 Navigational instrument or navigational device means instrument or device intended for obtaining one or
some information mentioned in the definition of the noun "Navigational equipment ''.

TCVN 5319:2001

5.1.3. Technical requirements

1 Navigational appliances, devices and instruments shall be, so far as practicable, simple in construction
and electric wiring diagram, comfortable for use and safe in operation .

2 The navigational equipment shall be of high reliability and ensure to permanently work under the unit's
conditions .

3 Navigational instruments and equipment which are always in working condition (compasses etc.) are to
be so designed that they can work continuously and permanently .

4 All navigational instruments and equipment shall be so constructed that they can be protected in
compliance with their working condition on board a ship. Their protection housing is to be of :

(1) Anti-spraying type for not close working rooms ;

(2) Water blocking type for open decks and cargo hatches ;

5 All navigational appliances, devices and instruments shall be provided with proper fittings for efficient
securing in the regular places. It is allowed to use adequate shock absorbing appliances .

6 Each complete set of navigational equipment shall be designed for being served by one operator only .

7 The design and arrangement of plug sockets and other easily removable disconnecting devices shall
exclude any possibility of their wrong connection .

8 All equipment shall be fitted with special devices or interlock to protect the operating personnel against
electrical shock caused by high voltage after opening the housing of a device or instrument for the
purpose of inspection, cleaning, repair and replacement of interior parts .

9 Navigational equipment shall be designed for being supplied with electric current of one or several
following voltages from the ship's mains: AC 110/200 V, DC 12-24 V .

10 It is allowed to use three-phase alternating current of 380 V for power supply of electric motors,
converters, etc. included into the complete set of navigational equipment, subject to special consideration
by VR in each case .

11 The design of all navigational appliances, devices and instruments shall ensure maintaining their
technical parameters when the ship's mains voltage varies within the limits of ±10 per cent and frequency
within ±5 per cent .

12 Isolation resistance for separate circuits of devices or instruments shall be not below 5 Mohm in normal
conditions and not below 1 Mohm in any conditions .

TCVN 5319:2001
13 Visual indicators, instrument means of control shall be normally mounted on the front panel of equipment

14 Means of control and monitoring shall be provided with distinct inscriptions and/or generally accepted
designations and markings showing their purpose and operation .

15 The construction diagram of navigational appliances, devices and instruments shall preclude any
possibility of damage as a result of wrong sequence in manipulating the means of control .

16 There shall be visual signals in navigational equipment to show that the equipment has been supplied
with electric energy .

17 The colours of signal lamps are to comply with the requirements of electrical installations in navigating
bridge, the lighting density of lamps shall be capable of being regulated .

18 The housing of navigational equipment shall be made of anti-corrosive materials or materials covered by
anti-corrosive substances

5.2. Components of navigational equipment of units

1 All units are divided, according to their provision with navigational equipment, into the following two
groups :

(1) Self-propelled units ;

(2) Non-self-propelled (towed) units .

2 Thµnh phÇn trang bÞ hµng h¶i cña dµn c¨n cø vµo nhãm dµn ngoµi c¸c yªu cÇu cho trong Ch−¬ng V
"Trang bÞ hµng h¶i" cña TCVN6278:1997 .

3 All units are to provide enough documents, necessary navigational publications in compliance with the
unit's area of navigation as follows :

(1) Marine charts (these charts are to comply with specified dimensions and are to be updated);

(2) Tide tables in the unit's area of navigation ;

(3) Pilot books ;

(4) Light list

(5) Nautical almanac

(6) Interrnational code of signals

TCVN 5319:2001
(7) Notice to mariner

(8) Compass deviation correction table .

The above listed publications are to be as new as possible .

Table1 List of navigational equipment

Sè Quantity in groups

No Navigational equipment Self-propelled Non self-propelled

1 Inclinometer 1 1

2 Wind direction and velocity indicator * 1

3 Barometer * 1

4 Sea water and air temperature indicator 1 1

5 Wave parameter indicator 1 1

6 Current velocity and direction indicator 1 1

7 Navigational Binoculars * 1

8 Echosounder * 1

Note: * See TCVN 6278: 1997 -

5.3. Arrangements of navigational equipment on board

5.3.1. General

1 All navigational equipment installed on board a unit shall be provided with power supply at all time from
the unit's power station or batteries for ready working if they use electric energy .

2 Trang bÞ hµng h¶i lµm viÖc b»ng nguån n¨ng l−îng ®iÖn th× kh«ng ®−îc l¾p ®Æt trong phßng phßng vµ
kho¶ng kh«ng gian dÔ næ, nÕu chóng kh«ng cã kiÓu kÕt cÊu t¹o chèng næ thÝch hîp.

3 All navigational equipment shall be supplied with electric energy by every separate wiring from a
combined switchboard (feeder) of navigational equipment .

4 There shall be a electric breaker and fuse or automatic breaker in every separate wiring supplied to the
navigational equipment .

TCVN 5319:2001
5 Wiring of navigational equipment shall be metal-wrapped and comply with the requirements of the Part
''Electrical Installations'' .

6 The fitting of navigational equipment and its wiring does not produce magnetic field to make deviation of
compass more than ± 1o .

7 Housing of navigational equipment shall be reliably earthed, if necessary .

8 There shall be spare parts and necessary tools for maintenance and minor repair of navigational
equipment on board .

9 There shall be technical documentation of navigational equipment comprised of :

(1) Certificates

(2) Specification, manual of operation, preservation, fitting diagram, principle diagram etc .

10 All navigational equipment and instruments fitted on board shall be suitably adjusted and onboard test,
sea trial test in compliance with the procedures approved by VR .

5.3.2. Echo sounders

1 Indicator of echo sounder shall be placed in the steering compartment .

2 Transducer of echo sounder shall be fitted at place in bottom with little vibration, far from the both sides,
stern and bow to avoid exposures above water surface when unit's rolling .

3 Anti-corrosion measures of hull shall be ensured due to fitting of echo finder's aerials .

4 Fitting of transducer is to ensure watertightness and structures of the hull .

5 Radiating surface of transducer shall be protected, not be painted and avoided from mechanical damage
(impact, scratches).

6 Cables connecting echo sounder and transducer shall be protected, the best manner is to run in metal
tube .

5.3.3. Arrangements and reservation of navigational equipment

Navigational equipment given in Table 5.3.1 shall be arranged and reserved at unit's steering positions
(steering compartment, pilot room etc.), when the followings shall be carried out :

(1) Navigational sextant shall be complete set contained in a separated box, ensure its reliable
working .
TCVN 5319:2001
(2) Metal barometer shall be protected to avoid significant fluctuation of temperature, so it is to be
arranged as far as possible heat sources, light windows .

(3) Binoculars shall be contained in separate box placed in steering compartment or control room .

5.3.4. Unit’s control station

1 Unit's control station comprises of controlling and checking parts used for :

(1) Unit's course change

(2) Transmitting command, denoting command of ship s course changing (command transmitting
bell, unit's direction recorder ).

(3) Observing the unit's area of navigation (radars, echo sounders ).

(4) Indicating unit's moving factors (indicators of unit's direction, unit's speed, rudder position,
draught etc. )

(5) Controlling communication apparatus (VHF, command liaison, telephony station ).

(6) Transmitting audible and visual signals (control parts of electric whistles, pneumatic whistles,
mast top lights, navigational lights, signal daylights ).

(7) Transmitting audible signals, common signals for directing the ship (fire signal, alarm signals ).

(8) Equipment of distributing, current converting, protecting electric sources of the above-mentioned
equipment .

2 A control station of combined or separate construction is permitted and the blocks may be placed in the
both wings of the navigating bridge .

3 Dimension of control station is to ensure a comfortable access in bridge, at the same time to ensure
observation of indicators, signal means and ability of ship s around sights through windows of steering
compartment .

4 All control parts shall be arranged in user's handreach, have letters, marks clearly denoting their use
purpose and their action direction .

5 Control station shall be well lighted .

6 Visual and audible signals indicating damages of instruments and control equipment shall be well heard
and well seen from any positions in the steering compartment .

TCVN 5319:2001
7 Arrangement of cabling to supply energy to control equipment as well as their protection construction are
to comply with Part 4 ''Electrical Installation'', the Rules for Classification and Construction of Sea-going
Steel Ships , TCVN 6259:1997.

6. Helideck

6.1. General

6.1.1. Application

1 Helideck equipment and arrangement are to comply with requirements of relevant state agencies and
below requirements .

2 Load and strength requirements for helideck are mentioned in Hull Part TCVN 5310:2001 .

6.1.2. Definitions and Explanations

1 Obstacle-free sector is a secter formed by an arc originating at the reference point of the edge of
helideck and extending outward in the horizontal plane level with the elevation of the helideck.

2 Limited obstacle sector is a secter extending outward which is formed by that portion of the 360o arc
excluding the obstacle-free sector the center of which is the reference point from which obstacle-free
sector is determined. Obstacles within the limited obstacle sector are limited to specified heights.

6.2. Arrangement

1 The helideck should be free of projections except that landing lights other essential projections may be
installed around the periphery of the deck provided they do not rise more than 0.15 m above the level of
the deck .

2 The helideck should have recessed tie-down points for securing a helicopter.

3 Periphery of the helideck shold be fitted with a safety net except where structural protection exxits. The
net should be inclined upward and outwards from below the edge of the helideck to a horizontal distance
of 5m and should not rise more than 0.15 above the edge of the deck.

4 The helideck should have both a main and an emergency personnel access route located as far apart
from each other as practicable.

5 The helicopter deck should have drainage facilities to prevent the collection of liquids and prevent liquids

TCVN 5319:2001
from speading to or falling on other parts of the unit having regard to the use of fire-fighting equipment
and possible spillage of fuel.

6.3. Visual aids

1 A wind direction indicator should be located on the unit which, in so far as is practicable, indicates the
actual wind conditions over the helideck. Units on which night helicopter operations take place should
have provisions to illuminate the wind direction indicator.

2 The helideck should be marked as follows:

(1) The perimeter with a continuous white line with a width of 0.3 m ;

(2) The unit's name should be provied on the helideck and be positioned on the obstacle side with
characters not less than 1.2 m in height and in a colour contrasting with the background ;

(3) An aiming circle, concentric to the helideck, painted yellow with a inside diameter equal to 0.5
LD. The width of the line should be 1m.

(4) A white '' H '' centered on the landing area with the horizontal on the bisector of the obstacle-free
sector. The '' H '' should be 3 m high, 1.8 m wide with 0.4 m wide lines.

(5) The helideck obstacle-free sector marking should indicate the origine of the obstacle-free sector
the derection of the limits of the sector and design dimensions ( the LD or RD value ) of the

3 The helideck should be fitted with omnidirectional yellow lights in order to enable the landing area to be
easily identified at night. These lights should be uniformly positioned along the perimeter of the helideck
and not more than 3 m apart. The administration may allow the substitution of red lights for yellow lights
to indicate the position of cranes, and in the case of self-elevating units' legs .

4 Hekideck flooslights, where fitted, should be located so as to avoid glare to pilots. The arrangements and
aiming of floodlights should be such that helideck markings are illuminated and that shadows are kept to
a minimum.



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