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It’s Not Over – The Mary Holt Story

By Tommy Roeck & Jamie Burrell Pics by Sharon Brown

If you’re out on the town hanging out with the crew & checking out the
local music scene you have probably met Mary Holt. She was probably the
woman on the dance floor showing everyone how to shake their tail
feathers, or the short, well endowed blonde chic sitting in with the band
rocking the house. Music is her "Heart & Soul". she lives, eats, & breathes
music. Holt moved to Little Rock about 12 years ago after she lost her
husband, Phillip Lawson to a car accident in Batesville. She was pregnant
with their first child at the time of his demise. Colton Arlene Lawson was
born 2 weeks after on January 14, 1999.

For the first time in her life, she was alone and a single mother of three.
She was left alone, with only one means of making a living, and that was
wrestling. Being she was one of the original Central Arkansas Female
Wrestlers. She & Phillip had been involved with the “Walnut Ridge
Arkansas Wrestling Team” for almost six years. She was teamed up with
Her late husband’s brother, “Mr. Bad Dog”, and were the tag team
champions in the late 90’s, as “The K-9’s”.

She lost her children a year and a half later due to a chemical
imbalance that triggered a nervous break down that stemmed from the loss
of her husband. Holt stated; “I was living in refrigerator boxes and eating
out at Burger Kings, Shipley Donuts & Captain D’s. I was working at
Captian D's as a cashier making less than $300 every 2 weeks. It was just
enough to rent a one room kitchenette which kept me off the streets for at
least one night a week.” After almost 6 months of being homeless and
living like this In Conway, she knew she deserved better, so she threw what
clothes she had into a trash bag and headed out of town on foot. Holt
promised herself that no matter what, she would get it all back together, get
to her kids, and reach for the stars.
She landed a job at a local North Little Rock hot spot called “L.A. City
Limit’s as a waitress with the help of her aunt Peggy. She started meeting
and hanging out with local bands such as “Third Degree”, “The Getty’s”,
“Mudd”, “Mr. Happy”, “Judge Parker” & The Original “L.A Guns” with Paul
Black & Tracy Guns. Then she realized that through music she could reach
out to her children and make them proud. Holt started sitting in with local
bands & singing karaoke at a local joint on the Arkansas River called

Holt was on stage every chance she got with local live bands and when
she wasn’t, she was singing karaoke. She felt that being in the spotlight,
maybe one night, just maybe, one of her children might be in the crowd
and they would see her. One night she met a man known as “Alan The
Limo Guy”. He heard her singing a Stevie Nicks song called “ Stop
Dragging My Heart Around" with her duet partner ”DJ Mike” a.k.a. Mike Roy
Liegel, radio celebrity & drummer for “Austin 305” and they were just
rockin’ the house!

Alan then became her personal manager, and landed her a gig as the
female singer for one of Arkansas' top blues band's “N.T.O.” (Never Too
Old Too Rock Your Soul). Mary & Joe Marks were known as Samson &
Delia, and could really work the stage. One night while singing Karaoke at
Boogie’s in the North Little Rock Holiday Inn managed by Wayne Willems,
who later founded Arkansas Internet Radio and became her lead guitarist in
her current group “Midnight Blue”. While sitting and having a beer,
laughing & having a good time with her new Family, the gang in “The Local
Little Rock Music Scene”. she met a local radio executive who was there
looking for female vocalists to go on stage at the River Front Amphitheater
and sing with none other than Brett Michaels and “Poison”. He was also
looking for a nice, reasonable limousine to take “Poison” and their
entourage to the radio interview and where ever else they needed to go.
Willems had told the exec about Mary’s manger and his limo service. A
meeting was then set up at the local 50’s bar “Bobby Socks.”

The contract was signed & the deal was made, and Holt was bubbling
with excitement as she would be singing in front of over 8,000+ people with
Poison. On the Bill that night with Poison was Little Rock’s own “Third
Degree”, and “Vince Neil”. Standing on the side of that stage waiting for
Poison to play, she was not thinking of them all as famous rock stars, she
just wanted the chance to “Rock the House.” She then realized that music
was where she felt most secure, and from then on she was all about the
music. It was her life. It was one of the most exciting and fulfilling times of
the unstoppable Mary Holt’s career, and she is thankful to all who were
involved and will never forget hanging out backstage with the “Poison”
Crew, all the bands, and that magical day with the Arkansas river flowing
behind them.

But soon after that incredible night, her dreams were threatened once
again. Mary found out she had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in her
lungs, spreading to her lymph nodes. Holt did not have a normal job w/
medical benefits or the means, and without treatment, she had less than a
40% chance of survival.
Being hard headed and strong willed, she pushed herself and kept on
going even when she had to have a cancerous cyst removed from her
throat! she did her best to show up to most of the local shows, and
support for her local musician family. She said; “they were helping me
have the will to keep on fighting, I went on knowing that somehow
something would happen to show me the way to get the treatment I
needed, even though my doctor told me I would be lucky to make it six
more months, I told myself I was not going to give up without a fight.” One
night at Counter Point, she sat in with “Third Degree“ Holt said; ”I knew my
throat was sore as hell & the doctor told me not to sing until I was fully
recovered, or I would stand a chance of messing up my vocals for good. I
decided not even cancer was going to stop me from having that magical,
content feeling again. And I sang my Heart out, and performed one of my
favorite songs By Melissa Etheridge , I’m the Only One.”

The next Morning she woke up to a man at her mother’s door. She didn’t
know this man personally, but he told her that he had heard about her
situation and he was there to help. This caring man who Mary had never
met before told her he was taking her to Tulsa, Oklahoma - Cancer
Treatment Centers of America, and paying for it in full for whatever
treatment she needed with no strings attached! He sat and waited on her
for many countless hours, like her own personal guardian angel. Once she
completed the treatment and they were headed home, she asked him why
he did this for her?

The man turned and looked at her with a tear in his eye and said; “I
didn’t just do it for you, I also did it for my Jennifer. My daughter use to go
to “Gators Bar & Grill” all the time and other Karaoke hot spots in Little
Rock, just so she could hang out and listen to you sing all her favorite
songs”. (later Mary found out Jennifer was one of her biggest fans) She
met her about a year before when Holt was singing with “NTO” on the
back deck of Gators. The songstress had noticed from across the room
that the girl was crying and went to check on her. The girl then told her that
she had inoperable cancer and not much more time left on this earth.

Mary told Jennifer a little bit about her own past, and why no matter
what, at the end of her day, before she goes to sleep, she says to herself,
“It’s not over!” and she tries to live every moment she has left to the fullest,
and would help her do the same. Holt also explained why she had such a
desire to sing, and be around anything to do with music. After that night
he said Jennifer, no matter how bad she felt, would go out every
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday that she possibly could, so she could hang
out and hear Mary sing. Holt worked with her and taught her how to sing a
couple of songs that had a lot of meaning to her. Gators closed, and
Jennifer’s father had been trying to catch up with Mary for around 2
months. The reason he paid for the treatment is because it was the
last promise he made to Jennifer before she passed away two months
before, and he would do whatever he had to, to ensure her favorite singers
survival. She also said; “tell Mary, it’s not over”!

Mary Holt is still here, through the grace of God, sheer determination,
and a special, giving man, she strives to perform, promote, support, and
live the magical, musical dream. Selflessly giving of herself, for her friends,
fans, and people in need. With the unconditional love of her husband
Russell Holt, who supports her 200%.
She has been to countless shows and has booked many local bands.
She founded “The Wild Hearts” (Female - Biker Women Social Club). They
rode their motorcycles for battered women & children. She also owns her
own Karaoke Company called “Soft tail Karaoke”. She works for Little Rock
Entertainment Agency & Arkansas Internet Radio as the assistant booking
agent. And recently she formed a new Variety Dance / Classic Rock Band
called “Midnight Blue” with herself on vocals, Wayne Willems on lead
guitar, Alfred Dugas on rythmn guitar, Carl Abble on bass, John Roach on
Drums, and Robert Stindler on Keyboards.

Mary Holt says; ”It rocks! , we are playing all styles of music, Including
top 40 dance. I’m still going strong and doing what I love to do. So when
you see me out at an event or in a nightclub, stop and say hello, I have
never met a stranger, and when things get bad & life gets you down, go out
and catch a local show & Rock Out!! And remember, don’t ever give up on
your dreams because, “It’s not over”!

After wiping away the tears, this reporter has found a new respect for this
incredible woman of music. She is my friend whom I love and respect dearly,
and I fondly call her sister. She is truly an angel, and wields the magic with
style, grace, heart and soul. She respects everyone no matter who they are and
will try to help anyone in need. Knowing her and jamming with her is an honor
and a privilege. You may contact her at or on

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