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Copyright © IFAC Low Cost Automation,

Shenyang, P.R. China, 1998



Feng Yong, Li Tao, Xu Dianguo, and Wang Yan

Department of Electrical Engineering, Harbin institute of Technology

Harbin 150001 , P.R. China, E-Mail: yfeng@!Zope. hit.

Abstract: This paper describes a master-slave computer control system of the wall-climbing
inspection robot. The optical fibers are used in the system to realize the long-distance
communication between the master computer and the slave computer. the data signal. audio
signal and video signal are mixed together to be transmitted. The communication protocol
between the master computer and the slave computer is designed to transmit the data
synchronously and correct any communication error automatically. Copyright © 1998 1FAC

Keywords: Computer control: Control system: Manipulators; Robot control: Robots.

l. INTRODUCTION canisters in oil and chemistry field .

Wall-climbing inspection robots are mainly used in The diagram of the wall-climbing inspection robot
inspecting outlook of walls of the wasted liquid system is shown in Fig.I . The system consists of
canister in radioactive wasted liquid workshop. The some subsystems, such as a wall-climbing robot, a
robots can find the hidden troubles caused by carrying cart, a manipulator, a humper, a remote
corroding revelation of radioactive wasted liquid, control station, and a diagnose equipment. The
assuring the safety of the circumstance. This kind of movement of the wall-climbing robot can be
robots can also be widely used in cleaning of controlled by operators with camera 1. The diagnose
skyscrapers. inspection, rust elimination. painting of equipment placed in the wall-climbing robot adopts

. This work is supported by 863 high tecnology project of China


STD Bus I---+---i PC Bus Contol

Computer 1--+---iC omputer Pannel

Fig. 1 The diagram of the wall-climbing inspection robot system

ultrasonic to detect flaws and thickness of the wasted date and state information. The baud rate of the selial
liquid canister. The carrying cart is used to carry the communication is 9600DB, the transmitting distance
wall-climbing robot from remote place to the vicinity is more than 100 meters.
of the wall to be inspected with the camera 2 and 3.
The manipulator is used to carry the wall-climbing (5)The system has the function of self diagnose and
robot from the carrying cart to the wall or take off the fault alarm.
robot from the wall with the camera 2 and 3. The
humper is used to avoid the wall-climbing robot (6)The pull-down menu in the master computer is
dropping from the wall accidentally. Operators can realized in Chinese.
control every subsystem in the remote control station
with the video system (the camera 1,2, and 3). (7)There are six operating modes: send robot, fetch
robot, manual check, automatic check, alone operate,
self diagnose.
CONTROL SYSTEM (8)The logical protection is adopted in the operating
The main specifications of the computer control
system of the robot can be described as follow
(1 )The control of the robot is line-remote. SYSTEM

(2)The structure of the computer control system is The computer control system is essential in the wall-
two lever. the master computer is placed in the climbing inspection robot system, its function is to
remote control station and the slave computer is coordinate and control all subsystems for inspecting
placed in the carrying cart. the outlook of the wasted liquid canister walls . At
the same time , the computer control system can also
(3 )The master computer can coordinate and manage monitor and display all the states of the system in the
the whole system. remote control station for operators.

(4 )The master computer of the system can make The structure of the computer control system is two-
communication with the slave computer through leveL the master computer is placed in the remote
serial ports and optical fibers, to transmit commands, control station, and the slave computer is placed on

the carrying cart. The master computer monitors and commands to the slave computer and receives the
controls the wall-climbing robot, the carrying cart, system state information from the slave computer.
the manipulator, the humper, and the diagnose
equipment through sending a serial of commands to Three video signals, one audio signal, and two data
the slave computer and receiving all the system state signals in the system must be transmitted using the
information from the slave computer. Meanwhile, optical fibers simultaneously. The communication
the slave computer controls and monitors all the between two computers is realized through RS232C
systems directly according to the commands from the serial port. There are six optical fibers in the optical
master computer. line, every optical fiber can transmit two channel
different signals. Fig.3 shows the transmission of one
The computer control system of the wall-climbing channel of video signal and one channel of audio
robot is shown in Fig.2. The two-level computer signal using one fiber; Fig.4 shows the transmission
structure is adopted in the system. The master of one channel of video signal and one channel of
computer is a PC bus computer. the slave computer is data signal using one fiber: and Fig.S shows the
a STD bus computer. The master computer transmission of one channel of audio signal and one
communicates with the slave computer through the channel of data signal using one fiber: the other two
optical fibers. The master computer transmits optical fibers are reserved for future .

;Master Comouter Control System: Wall-climbing

~--+I robot
Optic al T emUnal

;/ \ Manuplator



Hump er

~. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' RS232C Equipment

Fig.2 The computer system ofthe wall-climbing robot

Fig.3 The transmission of the audio and video signals

Fig.4 The transmission of the video and data signal

Fig.5 The transmission of the audio and data signal

4 THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MASTER the data communication between the two computers,
CONWUTERANDSLAVECONWUTER the master computer and the slave computer can
correct them automatically.
In order to realize the long-distance communication
between the master computer and the slave computer The idea of designing communication between the
of the wall-climbing robot control system, the optical master computer and the slave computer is that the
fibers can be used to link the master computer and communication is controlled by the master computer.
the slave computer. The master computer and the The slave computer makes communication according
slave computer communicate each other through the to the command from the master computer. The
RS-232C serial port, the speed of signal transmission master computer receives the state information of the
is the baud rate 9600DB. wall-climbing robot system from the slave computer.
The message exchange between the master computer
The communication between the master computer and the slave computer in the two directions is
and the slave computer is very important to the processed as the following protocol:
climbing robot control system. There must be two
problems to be considered in the design of the <ACK> <LN> <f\1ESSAGE> <LRC> (1)
computer control system. Since the control of the
wall-climbing robot system is real-time, the first where ACK=60h describes the transmission of the
problem is speed of signal transmission between the old message has ended and the transmission of new
two computers: the second is reliability of the system, message has started: LN(l byte) shows the length of
the commands from the master computer and the the useful message: :MESSAGE indicates the
state information from the slave computer are commands from the master or the response from the
required absolute exactness. if some errors occur in slave computer: LRC( I byte )is used to certify the

message transmitted, the algorithm of LRC can be computer and the slave computer can correct the
described as follow error automatically, so that the slave computer can
avoid operating the wrong commands from the
LRC=ACKEElLNEEl(1v1ESSAGE I master computer and the master computer can avoid
EElMESSAGE 2••••••EEl MESSAGE IN) (2) getting the wrong state information from the slave
where the symbol EEl indicates XOR logic operation;
MESSAGE i indicates the ith byte of the message.
The computer sending message must compute LRC 5 SOFTWARE DESIGN
as Eq.(2). then send them to another computer
according to Eq.(l) through the RS232C serial port. The master computer control system software is
Each of the two computers receiving the message programmed using C++ program language, the
which is formed as Eq.(l) will compute LRC software consists of six function modules: send robot,
according to Eq.(2), then compares the computed fetch robot, manual check, automatic check, alone
LRC with the received LRC. If the two LRC are same, operate, diagnose. The block diagram of the software
the logical certification is successful. But if the two in the master computer is shown in Fig.6. The
LRC are different the certification is faiL which program diagram shown in Fig.6 only lists the two-
shows the serial message received can not be used. level menu of the sole operate function, the other five
The computer receiving the message must send back function modules in the software are omitted in the
an empty message to another computer. If the paper.
computer receiving message does not receive the
additional message LRC, it will also send back the According to the requirements of the robot system,
same empty message to another computer. The empty the Chinese pull-down menu is adopted in the
message (NACK) to be transmitted is formed as software. The system adopts the Chinese menu in
follow English DOS. In order to save time for real-time
control. the paper builds a Chinese character font
<EOh> <OOh> <EOh> (3) base in the hard disk. When the control system
begins to run, the font base is read into RAM, the
If the computer receiving message finds any error in Chinese font module can be achieved only by access
communication, the computer can repeat sending an to RAM, and the different type Chinese characters
unsuccessful message (3), but the computer must set can be displayed together. Graphics and window
the limitation of sending times to avoid circulating. techniques are adopted in the system software to
the computer can also send another different message make the screen simply and clear.
to the computer sending message under the same
condition above. Accordingly, if the computer The keyboard interrupt and timing interrupt are
sending message receives an empty message adopted in the system software to manage all tasks of
(NACK). the computer will repeat the previous the control system conveniently. The timing interrupt
message. control uses the 8th interrupt in the master computer.
the sample time is set to be 50 ms. The keyboard
After design of the communication protocol between interrupt control uses the 9th interrupt in the master
the master computer and the slave computer computer. The main and the subroutine programs
according to the above idea, the specification of the setting and using these two interrupts in the master
wall-climbing inspection robot system can be computer are shown as follow
satisfied, the data communication synchronism of the
two computers can be realized automatically. If any void interrupt timerO:
error occurs in the communication. the master void interrupt keyO:


• + +
. + + ..
Send Fetch Manual Automatic Alone Self
Robot f-+ Robot H
..... Check r+ Operate

... 1
+ ~ + + +
Manuplator --i
System l-i Diagnose ~ Hump er -. Robot H Others

Fig.6 The block diagram of the software in the master computer


union bw{int i; The paper describes the wall-climbing inspection

unsigned char ch[1);}tbw robot computer control system. The system adopts
two-level computer structure. The optical fiber is
outportb(Ox43 ;Ox36); used in the system to realize the long-distance
tbw.i=59625: communication between the master computer and the
outportb(Ox40.[O) ); slave computer, the data signal, audio signal and
outportb(Ox41 ,[1) ); video signal are mixed together to be transmitted, so
setvector(8, timer); two different signal can be transmitted on one optical
setvector(9, key); fiber. The design of communication protocol between
outportb(0x21 ,Oxfc); the master computer and slave computer can make
the communication synchronous, and can correct any
} error automatically.

void interrupt timerO


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Kweon I. S., Kuno Y. , et a1.(1992) . Behavior-based
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