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A Major Project Report

(Home Automation using Microcontroller and Sensors)

Submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements for the award of the

Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Electrical Engineering

Under the guidance of

Er. Vikas Singhal
(Asst. Prof., EE)

Submitted By
(1216709) (1216719)
(3616601) (3616607)


September, 2020

I hereby declare that the work presented in this report entitled “Smart Home - Home
Automation Using Microcontroller and Sensors”, in fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of the degree Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering, submitted in Electrical
Department, JMIT affiliated to Kurukshetra University, is an authentic record of my own work
carried out during my degree under the guidance of Er. Vikas Singhal

The work reported in this has not been submitted by me for award of another degree or diploma.

Date: 07-09-2020
Place: Radaur


1216709 1216719 3616601 3616607


This is to certify that the Project work entitled “Smart Home - Home Automation Using
Microcontroller and Sensors” submitted by Deepak, Shubham Garg, Manik Suri & Sanjay
in fulfilment for the requirements of the award of Bachelor of Technology Degree in Electrical
Engineering at JMIT, Radaur is an authentic work carried out by him under my supervision
and guidance. To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the project has not been
submitted to any other University / Institute for the award of any Degree.

Date: 07-09-2020 Er. Vikas Singhal

(Asst. Prof., EE)


I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Nidhika Birla (HOD, EE) and Er. Vikas Singhal (A.P,
EE) for his valuable guidance and timely suggestions during the entire duration of my
dissertation work, without which this work would not have been possible. I would also like to
convey my deep regards to all other faculty members of department of EE, who have bestowed
their great effort and guidance at appropriate times without which it would have been very
difficult on my part to finish this work. Finally, I would also like to thank my friends for their
advice and pointing out my mistakes.


1. Fig. 2.1 Microcontroller 5

2. Fig. 2.2 IC L293D 6
3. Fig. 2.3 IC LM358 7
4. Fig. 2.4 Transistor 8
5. Fig. 2.5 Transistor Circuit 9
6. Fig. 2.6 Diode 9
7. Fig. 2.7 Diode Symbol 10
8. Fig. 2.8 Transformer 10
9. Fig. 2.9 Transformer Circuit 11
10. Fig. 2.10 Types of Transformer 12
11. Fig. 2.11 Step Down Transformer 12
12. Fig. 2.12 Resistor 13
13. Fig. 2.13 Resistor Symbol 13
14. Fig. 2.14 Voltage Regulator 14
15. Fig. 2.15 Capacitor 15
16. Fig. 2.16 Film Capacitor 17
17. Fig. 2.17 Ceramic Capacitor 17
18. Fig. 2.18 Electrolytic Capacitor 18
19. Fig. 2.19 Variable Capacitor 19
20. Fig. 2.20 Relay 19
21. Fig. 2.21 Relay Symbol 20
22. Fig. 2.22 IR Sensor 20
23. Fig. 2.23 PCB 21
24. Fig. 2.24 LED 22
25. Fig. 2.25 Photodiode Sensor 22
26. Fig. 2.26 LCD 23
27. Fig. 2.27 Toggle Switch 24
28. Fig. 2.28 Pushbutton Switch 24
29. Fig. 2.29 Temperature Switch 25
30. Fig. 2.30 Liquid Switch 25
31. Fig. 2.31 MATLAB 26
32. Fig. 3.1 Microcontroller Circuit 28

33. Fig. 3.2 LCD Circuit 28
34. Fig. 3.3 Fan Circuit 29
35. Fig. 3.4 Motor Circuit 29
36. Fig. 3.5 Light Circuit 29
37. Fig. 3.6 IR Sensor Circuit 30
38. Fig. 3.7 Temperature Sensing Circuit 30
39. Fig. 3.8 Power Supply Circuit 31
40. Fig. 3.9 Practical Circuit 31
41. Fig. 3.10 Half Wave Rectifier 34
42. Fig. 3.11 Centre Tapped Rectifier 35
43. Fig. 3.12 Bridge Rectifier 35


Candidate’s declaration i

Certificate ii

Acknowledgement iii

List of figures iv

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Need of Automation 2
1.3 Materials Required 2
Chapter 2 Hardware and Software Description 5

2.1 Components 5
2.2 Software Requirement 24
Chapter 3 Circuit Description 26

3.1 Circuit Diagram 26

3.2 Working 30
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Future scope 34

4.1 Conclusion 34
4.2 Future Scope 34
References 35



1.1 Introduction

With advancement of technology things are becoming simpler and easier for us. Automation
is the use of control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for human work
in the production of goods and services. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step
beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided human operators with machinery to
assist them with the muscular requirements of work, automation greatly decreases the need for
human sensory and mental requirements as well. Automation plays an increasingly important
role in the world economy and in daily experience. Automatic systems are being preferred over
manual system. Through in this project we have tried to show automatic control of a house as
a result of which power is saved to some extent.

Home automation is the control of any or all electrical devices in our home or office, whether
we are there or away. Home/office automation is one of the most exciting developments in
technology for the home that has come along in decades. There are hundreds of products
available today that allow us control over the devices automatically, either by remote control;
or even by voice command. Home automation (also called demotics) is the residential
extension of "building automation". It is automation of the home, housework or household
activity. Home automation may include centralized control of lighting, HVAC (heating,
ventilation and air conditioning), appliances, and other systems, to provide improved
convenience, comfort, energy efficiency and security. Disabled can provide increased quality
of life for persons who might otherwise require caregivers or institutional care. A home
automation system integrates electrical devices in a house with each other. The techniques
employed in home automation include those in building automation as well as the control of
domestic activities, such as home entertainment systems, houseplant and yard watering, pet
feeding, changing the ambiance "scenes" for different events (such as dinners or parties), and
the use of domestic robots. Devices may be connected through a computer network to allow
control by a personal computer, and may allow remote access from the internet.

Typically, a new home is outfitted for home automation during construction, due to the
accessibility of the walls, outlets, and storage rooms, and the ability to make design changes
specifically to accommodate certain technologies. Wireless systems are commonly installed
when outfitting a pre-existing house, as they reduce wiring changes. These communicate
through the existing power wiring, radio, or infrared signals with a central controller. Network
sockets may be installed in every room like AC power receptacles. Although automated homes
of the future have been staple exhibits for World's Fairs and popular backgrounds in science
fiction, complexity, competition between vendors, multiple incompatible standards and the
resulting expense have limited the penetration of home automation to homes of the wealthy or
ambitious hobbyists.

1.2 Need of Automation

Earlier, we looked into the face of future when we talked about automated devices, which could
do anything on instigation of a controller, but today it has become a reality.

a) An automated device can replace good amount of human working force, moreover humans
are more prone to errors and in intensive conditions the probability of error increases whereas,
an automated device can work with diligence, versatility and with almost zero error. Replacing
human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work. Replacing humans
in tasks done in dangerous environments (i.e. fire, space, volcanoes, nuclear facilities,
underwater, etc.) Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size, weight, speed,

b) Economy improvement. Automation may improve in economy of enterprises, society or

most of humankind. For example, when an enterprise that has invested in automation
technology recovers its investment, or when a state or country increases its income due to
automation like Germany or Japan in the 20th Century.

That is way this project looks into construction and implementation of a system involving
hardware to control a variety of electrical and electronics system.

1.3 Materials Required

Control Board Circuit:

1. Microcontroller: Pic16f887

2. Diode: IN4007 (4 pc)

3. Relay: 12V (2 pc)

4. Capacitor: 1000uf/50V (1 pc)

5. LCD: 16x2

6. IC: L293D (1 pc)

7. Transistor: BC547 (3 pc)

8. Micro Switch (2 pc)

9. Ceramic Capacitor: 0.1µf (2 pc)

10. Resistor: 1kΩ (5 pc)

11. Resistor: 10kΩ (5 pc)

12. PCB (1 pc)

Power Supply Circuit:

1. Transformer: 0-12 V/1 A (1 pc)

2. Diode: IN4007 (4 pc)
3. Ceramic Capacitor: 0.1µf (2 pc)
4. Electrolyte Capacitor: 100µf (2 pc)
5. Voltage Regulator: LM7805 (1 pc)
6. Zener Diode: 5.1V (2 pc)
7. LED: 2V (1 pc)
8. 1kΩ Resistor (1pc)
9. 2 Pin Connector (1 pc)
10. Shoes Cable (1 pc)
IR Sensor Module:

1. IR Sensor (2 pc)
2. Photodiode Sensor (2 pc)
3. IC: LM358 (2 pc)
4. Variable Resistor: 100kΩ (2 pc)
5. Resistor: 1kΩ, 10kΩ (8 pc)

External Peripherals:

1. Water Pump (1 pc)

2. DC Fan: 12V (1 pc)
3. Temperature Sensor: LM35 (1 pc)
4. Bulb Holder (1 pc)
5. LED Bulb (1 pc)
6. DVD Loader (1 pc)



2.1 Components

2.1.1 Microcontroller (PIC16F887)

Fig. 2.1 Microcontroller

PIC16F887 is a 40-pin (for PDIP package) and 8-bit CMOS PIC Microcontroller that comes
with Nano Watt technology. Economical price and user-friendly architecture make this device
easy to use and easy to configure. It is available in three packages known as PDIP, QFN, and
TQFP. The first one comes with a 40-pin layout design while remaining two contains 44 pins
on each layout. This PIC version, like other models in the PIC community, contains everything
that is required to make an embedded system and drive automation.

The PIC16F887 incorporates 256 bytes of EEPROM data memory, 368 bytes of RAM, and
program memory of 8K. Apart from self-programming capability, it also contains 2
Comparators,10-bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter with 14 channels, and capture, compare
and PWM functions. The asynchronous serial port is added on the chip that can be configured
both ways i.e. the 2-wire Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C™) Bus or 3-wire Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI™) The Enhanced Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (EUSART)
feature makes this chip compatible with the devices where serial communication is an integral
part of the project.

The functions that make this device unique in terms of ease of use include

1. Power-Saving Sleep mode

2. Industrial and Extended Temperature range
3. Wide operating voltage range (2.0V-5.5V)

4. SR Latch mode
5. Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
6. Power-on Reset (POR)
7. Ultra-Low-Power Wake-up (ULPWU)
8. Multiplexed Master Clear with pull-up/input pin
9. Individually programmable weak pull-ups
10. Brown-out Reset (BOR) with software control option
11. Enhanced low-current Watchdog Timer (WDT)

2.1.2 IC (L293D)

L293D is a typical Motor driver or Motor Driver IC which allows DC motor to drive on either
direction. L293D is a 16-pin IC which can control a set of two DC motors simultaneously in
any direction. It means that you can control two DC motor with a single L293D IC. Dual H-
bridge Motor Driver integrated circuit (IC). The L293D can drive small and quiet big motors
as well.

Fig. 2.2 IC L293D

It works on the concept of H-bridge. H-bridge is a circuit which allows the voltage to be flown
in either direction. As you know voltage need to change its direction for being able to rotate
the motor in clockwise or anticlockwise direction, Hence H-bridge IC are ideal for driving a
DC motor. In a single L293D chip there are two h-Bridge circuit inside the IC which can rotate
two dc motor independently. Due its size it is very much used in robotic application for

controlling DC motors There are 4 input pins for l293d, pin 2,7 on the left and pin 15 ,10 on
the right as shown on the pin diagram. Left input pins will regulate the rotation of motor
connected across left side and right input for motor on the right-hand side. The motors are
rotated on the basis of the inputs provided across the input pins as LOGIC 0 or LOGIC 1. In
simple you need to provide Logic 0 or 1 across the input pins for rotating the motor.

2.1.3 IC (LM358)

LM358 consists of two independent, high gain operational amplifiers in one package.
Important feature of this IC is that we do not require independent power supply for working of
each comparator for wide range of power supply. LM358 can be used as transducer amplifier,
DC gain block etc. It has large dc voltage gain of 100dB. This IC can be operated on wide
range of power supply from 3V to 32V for single power supply or from ±1.5V to ±16V for
dual power supply and it also support large output voltage swing.

Fig. 2.3 IC LM358

From the above figure you can see that operational amplifier has two inputs and one output in
one independent LM358. Inputs are at pin 2 (negative pin) and 3 (positive pin), positive pin is

used for positive feedback and negative pin is used for negative feedback. In ideal condition
when no feedback is applied, gain of the operational amplifier should be infinite. When voltage
at pin 2 is more than voltage at pin 3 it will raise the output towards the positive maximum
voltage and a slight increase at negative pin compared to positive pin will lower the output
towards the negative maximum. This feature of operational amplifier makes it suitable for the
purpose of level detection.

2.1.4 Transistor (BC507)

Fig. 2.4 Transistor

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and

electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals
for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's
terminals controls the current through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output)
power can be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Today,
some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found embedded in integrated

Earlier, the critical and important component of an electronic device was a vacuum tube; it is
an electron tube used to control electric current. The vacuum tubes worked but they are bulky,
require higher operating voltages, high power consumption, yield lower efficiency and cathode
electron-emitting materials are used up in operation. So, that ended up as heat which shortened
the life of the tube itself. To overcome these problems, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and
William Shockley were invented a transistor at Bell Labs in the year of 1947. This new device
was a much more elegant solution to overcome many of the fundamental limitations of vacuum

Fig. 2.5 Transistor Circuit

Transistor is a semiconductor device that can both conduct and insulate. A transistor can act as
a switch and an amplifier. It converts audio waves into electronic waves and resistor,
controlling electronic current. Transistors have very long life, smaller in size, can operate on
lower voltage supplies for greater safety and required no filament current. The first transistor
was fabricated with germanium. A transistor performs the same function as a vacuum tube
triode, but using semiconductor junctions instead of heated electrodes in a vacuum chamber. It
is the fundamental building block of modern electronic devices and found everywhere in
modern electronic systems.

2.1.5 Diode

Fig. 2.6 Diode

A diode is defined as a two-terminal electronic component that only conducts current in one
direction (so long as it is operated within a specified voltage level). An ideal diode will have
zero resistance in one direction, and infinite resistance in the reverse direction.

Although in the real world, diode’s can not achieve zero or infinite resistance. Instead, a diode
will have negligible resistance in one direction (to allow current flow), and a very high
resistance in the reverse direction (to prevent current flow). A diode is effectively like a valve
for an electrical circuit.

Semiconductor diodes are the most common type of diode. These diodes begin conducting
electricity only if a certain threshold voltage is present in the forward direction (i.e. the “low
resistance” direction). The diode is said to be “forward biased” when conducting current in this
direction. When connected within a circuit in the reverse direction (i.e. the “high resistance”
direction), the diode is said to be “reverse biased”.

A diode only blocks current in the reverse direction (i.e. when it is reverse biased) while the
reverse voltage is within a specified range. Above this range, the reverse barrier breaks. The
voltage at which this breakdown occurs is called the “reverse breakdown voltage”. When the
voltage of the circuit is higher than the reverse breakdown voltage, the diode is able to conduct
electricity in the reverse direction (i.e. the “high resistance” direction). This is why in practice
we say diode’s have a high resistance in the reverse direction – not an infinite resistance.

A PN junction is the simplest form of the semiconductor diode. In ideal conditions, this PN
junction behaves as a short circuit when it is forward biased, and as an open circuit when it is
in the reverse biased. The name diode is derived from “di–ode” which means a device that has
two electrodes.

Diode Symbol

Fig. 2.7 Diode Symbol

2.1.6 Transformer (Step Down)

Fig. 2.8 Transformer

A transformer is a passive electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or
more circuits. A varying current in one coil of the transformer produces a varying magnetic
flux, which, in turn, induces a varying electromotive force across a second coil wound around
the same core. Electrical energy can be transferred between the two coils, without a metallic
connection between the two circuits. Faraday's law of induction discovered in 1831 described
the induced voltage effect in any coil due to changing magnetic flux encircled by the coil.

Transformers are used for increasing or decreasing the alternating voltages in electric power
applications, and for coupling the stages of signal processing circuits. Since the invention of
the first constant-potential transformer in 1885, transformers have become essential for the
transmission, distribution, and utilization of alternating current electric power. A wide range
of transformer designs is encountered in electronic and electric power applications.
Transformers range in size from RF transformers less than a cubic centimetre in volume, to
units weighing hundreds of tons used to interconnect the power grid.

Fig. 2.9 Transformer Circuit

There are various types of transformer used in the electrical power system for different
purposes, like generation, distribution and transmission and utilization of electrical power. The
different types of transformer are Step up and Step-down Transformer, Power Transformer,
Distribution Transformer, Instrument transformer comprising current and Potential
Transformer, Single phase and Three phase transformer, Auto transformer, etc.

Fig. 2.10 Types of Transformer

Step up and Step down Transformer

This type of transformer is categorized on the basis of a number of turns in the primary and
secondary windings and the induced emf.

Step up transformer transforms a low voltage, high current AC into a high voltage, low current
AC system In this type of transformer the number of turns in the secondary winding is greater
than the number of turns in the primary winding. If (V2 > V1) the voltage is raised on the output
side and is known as Step up transformer

Step down transformer converts a high primary voltage associated with the low current into a
low voltage, high current. With this type of transformer, the number of turns in the primary
winding is greater than the number of turns in the secondary winding. If (V2 < V1) the voltage
level is lowered on the output side and is known as Step down transformer

Fig. 2.11 Step Down Transformer

2.1.7 Resistor

A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance

as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal
levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other
uses. High-power resistors that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as heat, may be
used as part of motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as test loads for generators.
Fixed resistors have resistances that only change slightly with temperature, time or operating
voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or
a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity.

Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are ubiquitous
in electronic equipment. Practical resistors as discrete components can be composed of various
compounds and forms. Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits.

Fig. 2.12 Resistor

The electrical function of a resistor is specified by its resistance: common commercial resistors
are manufactured over a range of more than nine orders of magnitude. The nominal value of
the resistance falls within the manufacturing tolerance, indicated on the component.

Symbol: - R

Fig. 2.13 Resistor Symbol

Formula: -

R = Resistance

V = Voltage Drop

I = Current

ρ = Resistivity conductor

L = Length of conductor

A = Area of cross section of conductor

2.1.8 Voltage Regulator (LM7805)

Fig. 2.14 Voltage Regulator

A voltage regulator is a system designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. A

voltage regulator may use a simple feed-forward design or may include negative feedback. It
may use an electromechanical mechanism, or electronic components. Depending on the design,
it may be used to regulate one or more AC or DC voltages.

Electronic voltage regulators are found in devices such as computer power supplies where they
stabilize the DC voltages used by the processor and other elements. In automobile alternators
and central power station generator plants, voltage regulators control the output of the plant. In
an electric power distribution system, voltage regulators may be installed at a substation or
along distribution lines so that all customers receive steady voltage independent of how much
power is drawn from the line.

A simple voltage/current regulator can be made from a resistor in series with a diode (or series
of diodes). Due to the logarithmic shape of diode V-I curves, the voltage across the diode
changes only slightly due to changes in current drawn or changes in the input. When precise
voltage control and efficiency are not important, this design may be fine. Since the forward
voltage of a diode is small, this kind of voltage regulator is only suitable for low voltage
regulated output. When higher voltage output is needed, a Zener diode or series of Zener diodes
may be employed. Zener diode regulators make use of the Zener diode's fixed reverse voltage,
which can be quite large.

Feedback voltage regulators operate by comparing the actual output voltage to some fixed
reference voltage. Any difference is amplified and used to control the regulation element in
such a way as to reduce the voltage error. This forms a negative feedback control loop;
increasing the open-loop gain tends to increase regulation accuracy but reduce stability.
(Stability is avoidance of oscillation, or ringing, during step changes.) There will also be a
trade-off between stability and the speed of the response to changes. If the output voltage is too
low (perhaps due to input voltage reducing or load current increasing), the regulation element
is commanded, up to a point, to produce a higher output voltage–by dropping less of the input
voltage (for linear series regulators and buck switching regulators), or to draw input current for
longer periods (boost-type switching regulators); if the output voltage is too high, the regulation
element will normally be commanded to produce a lower voltage. However, many regulators
have over-current protection, so that they will entirely stop sourcing current (or limit the current
in some way) if the output current is too high, and some regulators may also shut down if the
input voltage is outside a given range.

2.1.9 Capacitor

Fig. 2.15 Capacitor

A capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It is a passive electronic
component with two terminals.

The effect of a capacitor is known as capacitance. While some capacitance exists between any
two electrical conductors in proximity in a circuit, a capacitor is a component designed to add
capacitance to a circuit. The capacitor was originally known as a condenser or condensator.
The original name is still widely used in many languages, but not commonly in English.

Capacitors contain at least two electrical conductors often in the form of metallic plates or
surfaces separated by a dielectric medium. A conductor may be a foil, thin film, sintered bead
of metal, or an electrolyte. The nonconducting dielectric acts to increase the capacitor's charge
capacity. Materials commonly used as dielectrics include glass, ceramic, plastic film, paper,
mica, air, and oxide layers. Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many
common electrical devices. Unlike a resistor, an ideal capacitor does not dissipate energy.
When an electric potential, a voltage, is applied across the terminals of a capacitor, for example
when a capacitor is connected across a battery, an electric field develops across the dielectric,
causing a net positive charge to collect on one plate and net negative charge to collect on the
other plate. No current actually flows through the dielectric. However, there is a flow of charge
through the source circuit. If the condition is maintained sufficiently long, the current through
the source circuit ceases. If a time-varying voltage is applied across the leads of the capacitor,
the source experiences an ongoing current due to the charging and discharging cycles of the

From Coulomb's law a charge on one conductor will exert a force on the charge carriers within
the other conductor, attracting opposite polarity charge and repelling like polarity charges, thus
an opposite polarity charge will be induced on the surface of the other conductor. The
conductors thus hold equal and opposite charges on their facing surfaces, and the dielectric
develops an electric field. An ideal capacitor is characterized by a constant capacitance C, in
farads in the SI system of units, defined as the ratio of the positive or negative charge Q on
each conductor to the voltage V between them:


A capacitance of one farad (F) means that one coulomb of charge on each conductor causes a
voltage of one volt across the device. Because the conductors (or plates) are close together, the
opposite charges on the conductors attract one another due to their electric fields, allowing the
capacitor to store more charge for a given voltage than when the conductors are separated,
yielding a larger capacitance. In practical devices, charge build-up sometimes affects the
capacitor mechanically, causing its capacitance to vary. In this case, capacitance is defined in
terms of incremental changes:


Types of Capacitor: -

1. Film Capacitors:

Fig. 2.16 Film Capacitors

Film Capacitors are the most normally ready of numerous types of capacitors, comprising of a
generally expansive group of capacitors with the distinction being in their dielectric properties.
They are available in almost any value and voltages as high as 1500 volts. They come in any
tolerance from 10% to 0.01%. Film capacitors additionally arrive in a combination of shapes
and case styles. There are two types of film capacitors, radial lead type and axial lead type. The
electrodes of film capacitors may be metalized aluminium or zinc, applied on one or both sides
of the plastic film, resulting in metalized film capacitors called film capacitors. The film
capacitor is shown in figure below:

2. Ceramic Capacitors:

Fig. 2.17 Ceramic Capacitors

Ceramic capacitors are used in high frequency circuits such as audio to RF. They are also the
best choice for high frequency compensation in audio circuits. These capacitors are also called
as disc capacitors. Ceramic capacitors are made by coating two sides of a small porcelain or
ceramic disc with silver and are then stacked together to make a capacitor. One can make both
low capacitance and high capacitance in ceramic capacitors by changing the thickness of the
ceramic disc used. The ceramic capacitor is shown in figure below:

They come in values from a few Pico farads to 1 microfarad. The voltage range is from a few
volts up to many thousands of volts. Ceramics are inexpensive to manufacture and they come
with several dielectric types. The tolerance of ceramics is not great but for their intended role
in life they work just fine.

3. Electrolytic Capacitors:

Fig. 2.18 Electrolytic Capacitors

These are the most prevalently used capacitors which have a wide tolerance capacity.
Electrolytic capacitors are available with working voltages up to about 500V, although the
highest capacitance values are not available at high voltage and higher temperature units are
available, but uncommon. There are two types of electrolytic capacitor, tantalum and
aluminium in common.

Tantalums capacitors have ordinarily better exhibition, higher value, and are ready just in a
more limited extend of parameters. The dielectric properties of tantalum oxide is much superior
to those of aluminium oxide giving an easier leakage current and better capacitance strength
which makes them suitable for obstructing, decoupling, filtering applications.

The thickness of the aluminium oxide film and heightened breakdown voltage gives the
capacitors exceptionally elevated capacitance values for their size. In a capacitor the foil plates
are anodized by a dc current thus setting of the extremity of plat material and confirming
polarity of its side.

The tantalum and aluminium capacitors are shown in figure below:

4. Variable Capacitors:

Fig. 2.19 Variable Capacitors

A Variable Capacitor is one whose capacitance may be intentionally and repeatedly changed
mechanically. This type of capacitors utilized to set frequency of resonance in LC circuits, for
instance, to adjust the radio for impedance matching in antenna tuner devices.

2.1.11 Relay

Fig. 2.20 Relay

A relay is an electrically operated switch. It consists of a set of input terminals for a single or
multiple control signals, and a set of operating contact terminals. The switch may have any
number of contacts in multiple contact forms, such as make contacts, break contacts, or
combinations thereof.

Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by an independent low-power signal,
or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. Relays were first used in long-
distance telegraph circuits as signal repeaters: they refresh the signal coming in from one circuit
by transmitting it on another circuit. Relays were used extensively in telephone exchanges and
early computers to perform logical operations.

Fig. 2.21 Relay Symbol

The traditional form of a relay uses an electromagnet to close or open the contacts, but other
operating principles have been invented, such as in solid-state relays which use semiconductor
properties for control without relying on moving parts. Relays with calibrated operating
characteristics and sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits
from overload or faults; in modern electric power systems these functions are performed by
digital instruments still called protective relays.

2.1.12 IR Sensor

Fig. 2.22 IR Sensor

An infrared (IR) sensor is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared radiation in
its surrounding environment. Infrared radiation was accidentally discovered by an astronomer
named William Herschel in 1800. While measuring the temperature of each colour of light
(separated by a prism), he noticed that the temperature just beyond the red light was highest.
IR is invisible to the human eye, as its wavelength is longer than that of visible light (though it
is still on the same electromagnetic spectrum). Anything that emits heat (everything that has a
temperature above around five degrees Kelvin) gives off infrared radiation. There are two types
of infrared sensors: active and passive. Active infrared sensors both emit and detect infrared
radiation. Active IR sensors have two parts: a light emitting diode (LED) and a receiver. When
an object comes close to the sensor, the infrared light from the LED reflects off of the object
and is detected by the receiver. Active IR sensors act as proximity sensors, and they are
commonly used in obstacle detection systems (such as in robots).

2.1.13 PCB

A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic
components or electrical components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched
from one or more sheet layers of copper laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non-
conductive substrate. Components are generally soldered onto the PCB to both electrically
connect and mechanically fasten them to it.

Fig. 2.23 PCB

Generally, PCB is available in given three types: -


As the name suggests in these designs, the conductive pattern is only at in one side i.e. on the
one side of PCB components are mounted and on the other side soldering is performed. The
sizes of PCB’s of this kind are quite larger but these are cheap.


These are the PCBs on which the conductive pattern is in both sides i.e. soldering and mounting
of the components can be done on either of the two sides. The size of board is small in this case
but it is costlier than that of above.


In this case, the board consists of alternating layers of conducting pattern and insulating
material. The conductive material is connected across the layers through holes. The size of this
PCB is smaller than that of double-sided PCB but it is very costly.

PCBs may also be either rigid, flexible, or the combination of two (rigid flex). When the
electronic components have mounted on the PCB, the combination of PCB and components is
an electronic assembly also called the PRINTED CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY. This assembly is the

basic building block for all the electronic appliances such as television, computer and other

2.1.14 LED

Fig. 2.24 LED

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that emits light when current
flows through it. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes, releasing
energy in the form of photons. The colour of the light (corresponding to the energy of the
photons) is determined by the energy required for electrons to cross the band gap of the
semiconductor. White light is obtained by using multiple semiconductors or a layer of light-
emitting phosphor on the semiconductor device.

2.1.15 Photodiode Sensor

Fig. 2.25 Photo Diode Sensor

It is a form of light-weight sensor that converts light energy into electrical voltage or current.
Photodiode is a type of semi conducting device with PN junction. Between the p (positive) and
n (negative) layers, an intrinsic layer is present. The photo diode accepts light energy as input
to generate electric current. It is also called as Photo detector, photo sensor or light detector.
Photo diode operates in reverse bias condition i.e. the p – side of the photodiode is connected
with negative terminal of battery (or the power supply) and n – side to the positive terminal of
battery. Typical photodiode materials are Silicon, Germanium, Indium Gallium Arsenide
Phosphide and Indium gallium arsenide.

2.1.16 LCD

Fig. 2.26 LCD

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type of flat panel display which uses liquid crystals in its
primary form of operation. LEDs have a large and varying set of use cases for consumers and
businesses, as they can be commonly found in smartphones, televisions, computer monitors
and instrument panels. LCDs were a big leap in terms of the technology they replaced, which
include light-emitting diode (LED) and gas-plasma displays. LCDs allowed displays to be
much thinner than cathode ray tube (CRT) technology. LCDs consume much less power than
LED and gas-display displays because they work on the principle of blocking light rather than
emitting it. Where an LED emits light, the liquid crystals in an LCD produces an image using
a backlight. As LCDs have replaced older display technologies, LCDs have begun being
replaced by new display technologies such as OLEDs. A display is made up of millions of
pixels. The quality of a display commonly refers to the number of pixels; for example, a 4K
display is made up of 3840 x2160 or 4096x2160 pixels. A pixel is made up of three sub pixels;
a red, blue and green—commonly called RGB. When the sub pixels in a pixel change colour
combination, a different colour can be produced. With all the pixels on a display working
together, the display can make millions of different colours. When the pixels are rapidly
switched on and off, a picture is created. The way a pixel is controlled is different in each type
of display; CRT, LED, LCD and newer types of displays all control pixels differently. In short,
LCDs are lit by a backlight, and pixels are switched on and off electronically while using liquid
crystals to rotate polarized light. A polarizing glass filter is placed in front and behind all the
pixels, the front filter is placed at 90 degrees. In between both filters are the liquid crystals,
which can be electronically switched on and off.

2.1.17 Switch

The simplest type of switch is one where two electrical conductors are brought in contact with
each other by the motion of an actuating mechanism. Other switches are more complex,

containing electronic circuits able to turn on or off depending on some physical stimulus (such
as light or magnetic field) sensed. In any case, the final output of any switch will be (at least)
a pair of wire-connection terminals that will either be connected together by the switch’s
internal contact mechanism (“closed”), or not connected together (“open”). Any switch
designed to be operated by a person is generally called a hand switch, and they are
manufactured in several varieties:

1. Toggle Switches

Fig. 2.27 Toggle Switch

Toggle switches are actuated by a lever angled in one of two or more positions. The
common light switch used in household wiring is an example of a toggle switch. Most
toggle switches will come to rest in any of their lever positions, while others have an
internal spring mechanism returning the lever to a certain normal position, allowing for
what is called “momentary” operation.

2. Pushbutton Switches

Fig. 2.28 Pushbutton Switch

Pushbutton switches are two-position devices actuated with a button that is pressed and
released. Most pushbutton switches have an internal spring mechanism returning the button
to its “out,” or “unpressed,” position, for momentary operation. Some pushbutton switches
will latch alternately on or off with every push of the button. Other pushbutton switches
will stay in their “in,” or “pressed,” position until the button is pulled back out. This last

type of pushbutton switches usually has a mushroom-shaped button for easy push-pull

3. Temperature Switches

Fig. 2.29 Temperature Switch

An inexpensive temperature-sensing mechanism is the “bimetallic strip:” a thin strip of two

metals, joined back-to-back, each metal having a different rate of thermal expansion. When
the strip heats or cools, differing rates of thermal expansion between the two metals causes
it to bend. The bending of the strip can then be used to actuate a switch contact mechanism.
Other temperature switches use a brass bulb filled with either a liquid or gas, with a tiny
tube connecting the bulb to a pressure-sensing switch. As the bulb is heated, the gas or
liquid expands, generating a pressure increase which then actuates the switch mechanism.

4. Liquid Level Switch

Fig. 2.30 Liquid level Switch

A floating object can be used to actuate a switch mechanism when the liquid level in a tank
rises past a certain point. If the liquid is electrically conductive, the liquid itself can be used as
a conductor to bridge between two metal probes inserted into the tank at the required depth.
The conductivity technique is usually implemented with a special design of relay triggered by
a small amount of current through the conductive liquid. In most cases it is impractical and
dangerous to switch the full load current of the circuit through a liquid. Level switches can also

be designed to detect the level of solid materials such as wood chips, grain, coal, or animal feed
in a storage silo, bin, or hopper. A common design for this application is a small paddle wheel,
inserted into the bin at the desired height, which is slowly turned by a small electric motor.
When the solid material fills the bin to that height, the material prevents the paddle wheel from
turning. The torque response of the small motor than trips the switch mechanism. Another
design uses a “tuning fork” shaped metal prong, inserted into the bin from the outside at the
desired height. The fork is vibrated at its resonant frequency by an electronic circuit and
magnet/electromagnet coil assembly. When the bin fills to that height, the solid material
dampens the vibration of the fork, the change in vibration amplitude and/or frequency detected
by the electronic circuit.

2.2 Software Requirement


MATLAB is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and proprietary

programming language developed by MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations,
plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and
interfacing with programs written in other languages

Fig. 2.31 MATLAB

Hardware and Software Requirements

Required MathWorks Products

To use the I/O mode features of the Communications Toolbox™ Support Package
for USRP®[1] Embedded Series Radio, the following MathWorks® products are required:
• Communications Toolbox
• Signal Processing Toolbox™
• DSP System Toolbox™
To work with the hardware-software co-design workflow, the following MathWorks products
are also required:
• Simulink®
• To target the FPGA fabric on the device: HDL Coder™ Support Package for
Xilinx® Zynq® Platform (requires HDL Coder)
• To target the ARM® processor on the device: Embedded Coder® Support Package for Xilinx
Zynq Platform (requires Embedded Coder, Simulink Coder™, and the ARM Cortex®-A
support package)

Required Third-Party Tools

• Third-party tools required by the I/O mode features are automatically downloaded and installed
during the support package installation.
• To work with the hardware-software co-design and FPGA targeting workflows, you must
manually install the following third-party tools:
o Xilinx Vivado® development tools, version 2018.



3.1 Circuit Diagram

Fig. 3.1 Microcontroller Circuit

Fig. 3.2 LCD Circuit

Fig. 3.3 Fan Circuit

Fig. 3.4 Motor Circuit

Fig. 3.5 Light Circuit

Fig. 3.6 IR Sensor Circuit

Fig. 3.7 Temperature Sensing Circuit

Fig. 3.8 Power Supply Circuit

Fig. 3.9 Practical Circuit

3.2 Working

In this project we have made a 5v Dc Power supply that operate the microcontroller and other
5v devices in our model. This project is based on home automation with security, i.e. when you
enter in your home then firstly Enter the password through Switch for authentication if

password is correct then Microcontroller send the signal to L293D motor drive IC that Will
operate the gate Open and Close. When Gate is open and Person enter in the room then Lights
will automatically ON i.e., we attached IR sensor module in our project that acts as for detecting
the person in the room. Fan is also operating according to room temperature i.e. we attached
LM358 temp. Sensor with Microcontroller that provide the temperature detail to our
microcontroller for operating the fan. Water pump is also automatically Operate through water
sensor i.e. when your water storage tank is full then microcontroller automatically OFF the
Water pump switch for saving the wastage of water and electricity.

Power Supply:

A power supply is an electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical load. The
primary function of a power supply is to convert electric current from a source to the correct
voltage, current, and frequency to power the load. As a result, power supplies are sometimes
referred to as electric power converters. Some power supplies are separate standalone pieces
of equipment, while others are built into the load appliances that they power. Examples of the
latter include power supplies found in desktop computers and consumer electronics devices.
Other functions that power supplies may perform include limiting the current drawn by the
load to safe levels, shutting off the current in the event of an electrical fault, power conditioning
to prevent electronic noise or voltage surges on the input from reaching the load, power-factor
correction, and storing energy so it can continue to power the load in the event of a temporary
interruption in the source power (uninterruptible power supply).

All power supplies have a power input connection, which receives energy in the form of electric
current from a source, and one or more power output connections that deliver current to the
load. The source power may come from the electric power grid, such as an electrical outlet,
energy storage devices such as batteries or fuel cells, generators or alternators, solar power
converters, or another power supply. The input and output are usually hardwired circuit
connections, though some power supplies employ wireless energy transfer to power their loads
without wired connections. Some power supplies have other types of inputs and outputs as
well, for functions such as external monitoring and control.

Power Supply are of many types. Here we had used Ac to Dc Power Supply DC power supplies
use AC mains electricity as an energy source. Such power supplies will employ a transformer
to convert the input voltage to a higher or lower AC voltage. A rectifier is used to convert the

transformer output voltage to a varying DC voltage, which in turn is passed through an
electronic filter to convert it to an unregulated DC voltage.

The filter removes most, but not all of the AC voltage variations; the remaining AC voltage is
known as ripple. The electric load's tolerance of ripple dictates the minimum amount of filtering
that must be provided by a power supply. In some applications, high ripple is tolerated and
therefore no filtering is required. For example, in some battery charging applications it is
possible to implement a mains-powered DC power supply with nothing more than a
transformer and a single rectifier diode, with a resistor in series with the output to limit charging


A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which periodically
reverses direction, to direct current (DC), which flows in only one direction.The process is
known as rectification, since it "straightens" the direction of current. Physically, rectifiers take
a number of forms, including vacuum tube diodes, mercury-arc valves, stacks of copper and
selenium oxide plates, semiconductor diodes, silicon-controlled rectifiers and other silicon-
based semiconductor switches. Historically, even synchronous electromechanical switches and
motors have been used. Early radio receivers, called crystal radios, used a "cat's whisker" of
fine wire pressing on a crystal of galena (lead sulphide) to serve as a point-contact rectifier or
"crystal detector".

Rectifiers have many uses, but are often found serving as components of DC power supplies
and high-voltage direct current power transmission systems. Rectification may serve in roles
other than to generate direct current for use as a source of power. As noted, detectors of radio
signals serve as rectifiers. In gas heating systems flame rectification is used to detect presence
of a flame.

Depending on the type of alternating current supply and the arrangement of the rectifier circuit,
the output voltage may require additional smoothing to produce a uniform steady voltage.
Many applications of rectifiers, such as power supplies for radio, television and computer
equipment, require a steady constant DC voltage (as would be produced by a battery). In these
applications the output of the rectifier is smoothed by an electronic filter, which may be a

capacitor, choke, or set of capacitors, chokes and resistors, possibly followed by a voltage
regulator to produce a steady voltage.

Rectifier’s are of 2 types:

1. Half Wave Rectifier

Fig. 3.10 Half Wave Rectifier

In half-wave rectification of a single-phase supply, either the positive or negative half of the
AC wave is passed, while the other half is blocked. Mathematically, it is a step function (for
positive pass, negative block): passing positive corresponds to the ramp function being the
identity on positive inputs, blocking negative corresponds to being zero on negative inputs.
Because only one half of the input waveform reaches the output, mean voltage is lower. Half-
wave rectification requires a single diode in a single-phase supply, or three in a three-phase
supply. Rectifiers yield a unidirectional but pulsating direct current; half-wave rectifiers
produce far more ripple than full-wave rectifiers, and much more filtering is needed to
eliminate harmonics of the AC frequency from the output.

2. Full Wave Rectifier

A full-wave rectifier converts the whole of the input waveform to one of constant polarity
(positive or negative) at its output. Mathematically, this corresponds to the absolute value
function. Full-wave rectification converts both polarities of the input waveform to pulsating
DC (direct current), and yields a higher average output voltage. Two diodes and a centre tapped
transformer, or four diodes in a bridge configuration and any AC source (including a
transformer without centre tap), are needed.[3] Single semiconductor diodes, double diodes
with common cathode or common anode, and four-diode bridges, are manufactured as single

These are of 2 types: -

1) Center Tapped

Fig. 3.11 Centre Tapped Rectifier

2) Bridge Rectifier

Fig. 3.12 Bridge Rectifier



4.1 Conclusion

An automated home can be a very simple grouping of controls, or it can be heavily automated
where any appliance that is plugged into electrical power is remotely controlled. Costs mainly
include equipment, components, furniture, and custom installation.

Ongoing costs include electricity to run the control systems, maintenance costs for the control
and networking systems, including troubleshooting, and eventual cost of upgrading as
standards change. Increased complexity may also increase maintenance costs for networked

Learning to use a complex system effectively may take significant time and training.

Control system security may be difficult and costly to maintain, especially if the control system
extends beyond the home, for instance by wireless or by connection to the internet or other

4.2 Future Scope

Future of Automation: Future will be of Automation of all products. Each and every product
will be smart devices that we use daily and that will be controlled through a smart chip called
microcontrollers. Each and Every home appliance will be controlled either by PC or hand held
devices like PDA or mobile handsets. Some examples of it are when you want you can switch
on/off Fan of your home by mobile handset or PC.

Smart Grid: Home automation technologies are viewed as integral additions to the Smart
grid. The ability to control lighting, appliances, HVAC as well as Smart applications (load

shedding, demand response, real-time power usage and price reporting) will become
vital as Smart Grid initiatives are rolled out.

The future implications of this project is vast, it can cover entire things to be controlled around
the world. The project we have undertaken it can be taken as a greater level to show the
capabilities of the system it can cover temperature updates, weather forecasting, system
synchronization, etc. The project itself can be modified to achieve a complete Home
Automation System which can create a platform for the user to interface between himself and
his household. In future, the system will be more compact and handier with combining the
microcontroller and Bluetooth module. The electric failure shall not be taken place because
hardware will be self-contained. This appliance will have its own power bank and charging
system. This system is developed for mobile reporting application and many more. The
computer system will also be interfaced to record and process data base.

1. Security Tap your finger to turn on the lights when you get home so you worried about
what’s hiding in the shadows, or in your pathways. Or automate to turn on when you aren’t
home to look like you are to ward off potential robbers. Door locks are another automated home
product that can increase your home security.

2. Energy Efficiency Increase your home’s energy efficiency by remotely powering off systems
and appliances when they aren’t in use. In addition to the standard home automation products
that give you active control, some products actively monitor systems and arm the homeowner
with knowledge, insight and guidance to achieve greater control and energy efficiency.

3. Savings Home automation literally pays off. When you are able to use home systems and
appliances only when needed, the savings will be apparent in the first utility bill. No more
wasting money on lights left on when you aren’t home, or spending money on gas to drive
home because you forgot to lock the door. Monetary savings are apparent, but you’ll also be
saving time. No wasted trips home, no running through the house turning everything off, no
time spent worrying about what was or wasn’t turned off.

4. Convenience Don’t you hate having to rely on neighbours to watch your house when you’re
gone? With home automation, convenient control of your home is at your fingertips. You don’t
have to trust someone else with your most valued possessions.

5. Comfort Ever leave for work in the morning when it was a comfortable 68° outside only to
come home to a sweltering house because the temperature shot up to 90°? Connected home
products like the Sensi™ Wi-Fi Thermostats let you conveniently adjust your home
temperature from the mobile app so your family is always comfortable.




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