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Vacation Assignment

Computer C Programming

1. WAP to find the greatest number among four numbers using nested if statement
2. WAP to calculate the real roots of the quadratic equation
3. WAP using bitwise operators
4. WAP using special operator [sizeof operator]
5. WAP to convert Celsius temperature into Fahrenheit and vice-versa
6. WAP to check the given year is leap year or not using ladder of if else statement
7. Write a menu driven program for arithmetic operations using the choice of character operators (+,-,*,/,%)
8. WAP to find HCF and LCM of two numbers
9. WAP to find the factorial of the given number
10. WAP to print Fibonacci series up to nth term
11. WAP to display the series: 1 6 11 16 21 nth term
12. WAP to read n terms and calculate sum of series: 23 + 43 + 63+……… up to n terms
13. WAP to read n terms and calculate sum of series: 1 + 1/x + 1/x2 + 1/x3 +…….. +1/xn
14. WAP to check whether the given number is Prime or not.
15. WAP to check whether the given number is Palindrome or not.
16. WAP to check whether a number entered by user is Armstrong or not.
17. WAP to display the following output:
18. WAP to print the following output pattern:
* *
* * *
19. WAP on the given conditions:
A financial institution provides following incentive policy for its customer for the deposit:
a) for deposit of Rs. 5000 or above and time 2 years or above interest rate is 4%
b) for deposit of Rs. 5000 or above and time less than 2 years interest rate is 3%
c) on deposit below Rs. 5000 interest rate is 2% regardless of the period of the deposit
20. WAP to read a character from keyboard and convert it into uppercase if it is in lowercase and vice-versa

Q. Differentiate between the following:

(i) Selection Structure and Looping Structure
(ii) while loop and do while loop
(iii) for loop and while loop
(iv) if else and switch statements
(v) break statement and continue statement

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