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EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.

EasyIO Sedona kits

User Guide
(only for FC series)
Version 1.2
20th Sept 2014
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Document Change Log

20th Sept 2013

Document created.

20th Sept 2014

Updated new kits and objects.

24th Dec 2014

Minor updates
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

EasyIO FC20 is a product by EasyIO Holdings Pte Ltd

Sedona Framework is a trademark of Tridium, Inc.

EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................7
1. easyioFC ..................................................................................................................................................8
2. easyIOFC20 .............................................................................................................................................8
2.1. AO1 ~ AO4 ......................................................................................................................................9
2.2. DI1 ~ DI12 .....................................................................................................................................14
2.3. DO1 ~ DO4....................................................................................................................................17
2.4. PulseAccum1 ~ PulseAccum4 .......................................................................................................21
2.5. Totaliser1 ~Totaliser8...................................................................................................................23
2.6. UI1 ~UI12......................................................................................................................................25
3. easyioFC20Regs ....................................................................................................................................29
3.1. Bool ..............................................................................................................................................29
3.2. BoolWr .........................................................................................................................................30
3.3. Short .............................................................................................................................................31
3.4. ShortWr ........................................................................................................................................32
3.5. Long ..............................................................................................................................................33
3.6. LongWr .........................................................................................................................................34
3.7. Float .............................................................................................................................................35
3.8. FloatWr.........................................................................................................................................36
4. easyioFCControl....................................................................................................................................38
4.1 Add2 .............................................................................................................................................38
4.2 ADemux2 ......................................................................................................................................38
4.3 And4 .............................................................................................................................................39
4.4 ASW ..............................................................................................................................................39
4.5 Avg10............................................................................................................................................39
4.6 AvgN .............................................................................................................................................39
4.7 B2F................................................................................................................................................40
4.8 B2P ...............................................................................................................................................40
4.9 BSW ..............................................................................................................................................41
4.10 Cmpr .............................................................................................................................................41
4.11 ConstBool .....................................................................................................................................41
4.12 ConstFloat ....................................................................................................................................41
4.13 ConstInt ........................................................................................................................................42
4.14 Count ............................................................................................................................................42
4.15 DemuxI2B .....................................................................................................................................42
4.16 Div2 ..............................................................................................................................................42
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.17 DlyOff ...........................................................................................................................................43

4.18 DlyOn ............................................................................................................................................43
4.19 F2B................................................................................................................................................43
4.20 F2I .................................................................................................................................................44
4.21 FloatOffset....................................................................................................................................44
4.22 Freq ..............................................................................................................................................44
4.23 Hysteresis .....................................................................................................................................45
4.24 I2F .................................................................................................................................................45
4.25 ISW ...............................................................................................................................................45
4.26 Limiter ..........................................................................................................................................46
4.27 Linearize .......................................................................................................................................46
4.28 Max...............................................................................................................................................46
4.29 Min ...............................................................................................................................................47
4.30 MinMax ........................................................................................................................................47
4.31 Mul2 .............................................................................................................................................47
4.32 Neg ...............................................................................................................................................47
4.33 Not................................................................................................................................................47
4.34 OneShot........................................................................................................................................48
4.35 Or4................................................................................................................................................48
4.36 Ramp ............................................................................................................................................48
4.37 Round ...........................................................................................................................................49
4.38 SRLatch .........................................................................................................................................49
4.39 Sub2..............................................................................................................................................49
4.40 TickTock ........................................................................................................................................49
4.41 TimeAvg........................................................................................................................................49
4.42 Timer ............................................................................................................................................50
4.43 UpDn ............................................................................................................................................50
4.44 Xor ................................................................................................................................................51
5. easyioFCHVAC.......................................................................................................................................52
5.1 Drive .............................................................................................................................................52
5.2 Loop..............................................................................................................................................52
5.3 LSeq ..............................................................................................................................................53
5.4 Psychrometric ..............................................................................................................................54
5.5 ReheatSeq ....................................................................................................................................55
5.6 ReSet ............................................................................................................................................55
5.7 RunTime .......................................................................................................................................56
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

5.8 Thermostat ...................................................................................................................................56

6. easyioFCMath .......................................................................................................................................57
6.1 Ceiling ...........................................................................................................................................57
6.2 Exponential ..................................................................................................................................57
6.3 Float Absolute ..............................................................................................................................57
6.4 Floor .............................................................................................................................................58
6.5 Inverse ..........................................................................................................................................58
6.6 Log ................................................................................................................................................58
6.7 Log10 ............................................................................................................................................58
6.8 Power ...........................................................................................................................................59
6.9 Squareroot ...................................................................................................................................59
7. easyioFCSchedule .................................................................................................................................60
7.1. DailyScheduleBool ........................................................................................................................60
7.2. DaiyScheduleFloat ........................................................................................................................61
8. easyioFCTempTable ..............................................................................................................................62
8.1. TempTable....................................................................................................................................62
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1


This document describes kits that can only be used in an EasyIO FC series controller. FC series in not a
Sedona controller but uses the Sedona platform and environment for programming.
Objects are limited to only 150 objects and no additional kits are allowed.
Table below describe the kits available for the EasyIO FC Series.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

1. easyioFC
This kit contains no objects seen in the Sedona palette. It is an internal kit.

2. easyIOFC20
This kit contains all the physical IO objects for FC series.
These objects cannot be reuse. No duplication is allowed.

Below images display the kit objects.

EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

2.1.AO1 ~ AO4
AO or Analog Output, The Analogue Output (AO) component provides an interface to the physical
analogue output point that can source/drive a 0 to 20mA current or 0 to 10V voltage signal. There
are four analogue output points on EasyIO FC Series controller support voltage and current. The
output type is selected via AO configuration and hardware jumper setting.
The property sheet of the object is shown below.

 Out
Output value in percentage.

 Raw Value
Raw Value in voltage or curre

 Min Value
Recorded minimum value.

 Max Value
Recorded maximum value.

 In
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Input value for the AO object.

 Reverse Output
Enable the AO reverse output.

False = normal output

True = reverse output

The relationship between reverse output and the output value is as follow:

Reverse Output (%) = 100 - Output Value (%)

 Out of Service
This property is to disable the output value regardless of the input value.

 Square Root Output

Enable the AO square root output.
False = direct output
True = square root output

The relationship between output value and the physical value (expressed in percentage)

Physical Calculated Value (%) = Output (%) * Output (%)

Physical Value = Physical Calculated Value (%) * (Output High - Output Low) + Output Low

Output (%) = 100 * Output Value/ (Scale High Value - Scale Low Value)
Output High = 10V (voltage type), 20mA (current type)
Output Low = 0V (voltage type), 0mA (current type 0 - 20mA), 4mA (current type 4 - 20mA)

 Clamping High Enable

Enable the clamping high limit control for the Analog Output.

 Clamping Low Enable

Enable the clamping low limit control for the Analog Output.

 Reset Min Value

To reset the recorded minimum output value

 Reset Max Value

To reset the recorded maximum output value

 Clamping High
The high limit of the AO output value. This is to set the max value of the output even if it
exceeds the process value.

 Clamping Low
The low limit of the AO output value. This is to set the min value of the output even if it
exceeds the process value.

 Emergency
This property provides an override action to the input value.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Emergency has the highest priority.

To disable this function, a “nan” value must be key in.

A “zero” value will not disable it.

 Manual Override
This property provides an override action to the input value.
Manual override has the second highest priority.

To disable this function, a “nan” value must be key in.

A “zero” value will not disable it.

 Scale High
It defines the output value of the AO when the output at the hardware point equals to the
highest value.

Voltage (0 - 10V): 10V

Current (0 - 20mA): 20mA
Current (4 - 20mA): 20mA

The AO uses the ScaleLow and ScaleHigh to convert the output value to physical value.
Raw value property shows the physical output.

Physical Value = (Value (%) * (Scale High - Scale Low)

For instance:

Type= Current 4 - 20mA

Scale Low Value = 0%

Scale High Value = 100%
Current AO Value = 50%
Physical AO Value = 12mA (Raw Value)

 Scale Low
It defines the output value of the AO when the output at the hardware point equals to the
lowest value.

Voltage (0 - 10V): 0V
Current (0 - 20mA): 0mA
Current (4 - 20mA): 4mA

The AO uses the ScaleLow and ScaleHigh to convert the output value to physical value.
Raw value property shows the physical output.

Physical Value = (Value (%) * (Scale High - Scale Low)

For instance:

Type= Current 4 - 20mA

Scale Low Value = 0%

EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Scale High Value = 100%

Current AO Value = 50%
Physical AO Value = 12mA (Raw Value)

 AO Type
Selection of the AO output type.
Define the output type

Voltage , 0-10Volt
Current , 4mA-20mA
Current , 0mA-20mA

Example of setting the AO block with an external command to the In slot

EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Example of Emergency Override overriding the Example of Manual Override overriding the
In slot In Slot
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

2.2.DI1 ~ DI12
DI or Digital Input, The Digital Input function block provides a means of reading the digital value
connected to one of the physical input points on the controller. The typical usage is to monitor the
status of contact closures from various field devices such as switches, open/close sensors or any
other dry contact devices.
There are twelve digital input points on each controller. All of them are derived from universal input
(UI or AI) using value conversion (DI1 to DI12) under Resistance mode. Please refer to AI function
block section for the conversion.
The property sheet of the object is shown below.

 Out
Out state of the digital input.

 Alarm
Display the alarm state if “Alarm Enable” property is set to enable.

 Off Latch
The ON to OFF transition captured at the digital input state. Read-only
The state will be permanently ON unless the latch is clear.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

 On Latch
The OFF to ON transition captured at the digital input state. Read-only
The state will be permanently ON unless the latch is clear.

 Off Counter
Digital input state ON to OFF transition counter. Read only
This property increments by one on each digital input state changed from OFF to ON.

 On Counter
Digital input state OFF to ON transition counter. Read only
This property increments by one on each digital input state changed from ON to OFF.

 Off Timer
The duration (in seconds) of the digital input state remains in the OFF state.
The Off Timer is reset to 0 automatically when an OFF to ON transition is occurred at the
digital input state and it will hold the value when the digital input state is at OFF state.

 On Timer
The duration (in seconds) of the digital input state remains in the ON state.
The Off Timer is reset to 0 automatically when an ON to OFF transition is occurred at the
digital input state and it will hold the value when the digital input state is at ON state.

 Out of Service
This property is to disable the output state regardless of the physical input value.

 Polarity
Selection of either direct or reverse polarity for the digital input state.

Physical Hardware Physical State Polarity DI State

Open Contact Active Direct ON
Closed Contact Inactive Direct OFF
Open Contact Active Reverse OFF
Closed Contact Inactive Reverse ON

 User Set State

The output state if “out of service” property is enable.
By default the out= false.

 Alarm Enable
Enable alarm monitoring.

 Alarm Monitor State

Alarm state if alarm is enable.

Off = OFF state is alarm

On = ON state is alarm

 Alarm Reset Type

To reset the alarm.

Auto = alarm will be reset once the transition from alarm state to normal state.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Manual = alarm need to be manually reset if there is any transition from alarm state
to normal state by using the “Reset Alarm” property.

 Reset Alarm
This option will is enabled if “Alarm Reset Type” is set to Manual.
To reset the alarm choose “Reset”.

 Reset Off Counter

Reset the transition counter from ON to OFF.

 Reset On Counter
Reset the transition counter from OFF to ON.

 Reset Off Timer

Reset the timer OFF state.

 Reset On Timer
Reset the timer ON state.

 Clear OFF latch

Clear the OFF latch property OFF Latch.

 Clear ON latch
Clear the ON latch property OFF Latch.

 Alarm Delay Time

Time period to delay if value falls within the alarm state.
This property is set to avoid false alarm.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

2.3.DO1 ~ DO4
Digital Output. The Digital Output component provides a means of turning a physical digital output
point OFF or ON. The typical usage is for start/stop controls of external equipment such light, valve,
fan or any other digital control equipment. The DO component monitors the required set state and
determines the proper hardware output action based on its settings. There are four digital output
points on EasyIO FC Series controller. Each of them is driven by a dry contact relay (SPST Relay) which
is able to drive the external devices up to 1 Ampere (AC/DC).

Digital output is a prioritized command with 2 priorities control plus a default value (relinquish
default). Emergency Override has the highest priority & Manual Override has the lower priority.
In has the lowest priority.

The property sheet of the object is show as below.

 Out
Output state of the digital input.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

 Off Counter
Digital input state ON to OFF transition counter. Read only
This property increments by one on each digital input state changed from OFF to ON.

 On Counter
Digital input state OFF to ON transition counter. Read only
This property increments by one on each digital input state changed from ON to OFF.

 Off Timer
The duration (in seconds) of the digital input state remains in the OFF state.
The Off Timer is reset to 0 automatically when an OFF to ON transition is occurred at the
digital input state and it will hold the value when the digital input state is at OFF state.

 On Timer
The duration (in seconds) of the digital input state remains in the ON state.
The Off Timer is reset to 0 automatically when an ON to OFF transition is occurred at the
digital input state and it will hold the value when the digital input state is at ON state.

 In
Input value for the Digital Output object.

 Emergency Off
This property provides an override action to the input value.
Emergency has the highest priority.

If selection is set to “ON”, this mean it will force the output to OFF state regardless of input
or manual override.

To disable this function, an “off” value must be selected.

 Emergency On
This property provides an override action to the input value.
Emergency has the highest priority.

If selection is set to “ON”, this mean it will force the output to ON state regardless of input or
manual override.

To disable this function, an “off” value must be selected.

 Manual Override Off

This property provides an override action to the input value.
Emergency has the highest priority.

If selection is set to “ON”, this mean it will force the output to OFF state regardless of input
or manual override.

To disable this function, an “off” value must be selected.

 Manual Override On
This property provides an override action to the input value.
Emergency has the highest priority.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

If selection is set to “ON”, this mean it will force the output to ON state regardless of input or
manual override.

To disable this function, an “off” value must be selected.

 Out of Service
This property is to disable the output state regardless of the physical input value.

 Polarity
Selection of either direct or reverse polarity for the digital input state.

Physical Hardware Physical State Polarity DI State

Open Contact Active Direct ON
Closed Contact Inactive Direct OFF
Open Contact Active Reverse OFF
Closed Contact Inactive Reverse ON

 Min Off On Start

This parameter prevents the Output State change to ON state for a specified time which
state in Minimum On Time when the controller just powered on or reset.
 Reset Off Counter
Reset the transition counter from ON to OFF.

 Reset On Counter
Reset the transition counter from OFF to ON.

 Reset Off Timer

Reset the timer OFF state.

 Reset On Timer
Reset the timer ON state.

 Inter Output Delay

This property prevent the digital output to change state for a specific time after it state has
changed. This property prevent equipment from turning ON and OFF at the same time.

 Minimum On Time
The Minimum On Time prevents the Output State from being changed to OFF state from ON
state for a specified time. This ensures that the Output State will stay ON for a minimum
period (in seconds) before it can be turned off. This prevents short-cycling and helps to
increase equipment life-cycle.
 Minimum Off Time
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

The Minimum Off Time prevents the Output State from being changed to ON state from OFF
state for a specified time. This ensures that the Output State will stay OFF for a minimum
period (in seconds) before it can be turned off. This prevents short-cycling and helps to
increase equipment life-cycle.

Example of Emergency Override OFF overriding Example of Manual Override OFF overriding
the In slot Overriding the In Slot
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

2.4.PulseAccum1 ~ PulseAccum4
The Pulse Accumulator component detects and accumulating the digital pulse input and logging it to
the non-volatile memory. The total Count data will be written to non-volatile memory every 60
seconds. The minimum on duration of the pulse width is 10ms and off duration is 5ms.

Image below show the minimum pulse width for ON and OFF

The property sheet of the object is show as below.

 Count
The accumulated counts of the digital pulse input. This data will be logged into non-volatile
memory every 60 seconds

 Total Unit
Pulse Accumulator current total unit
The max pulse count is 4,294,967,295 (4.2 billion pulse count)

 Total Cost
Pulse Accumulator current total cost
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

 Enable
Enable Pulse Accumulator

 Unit per Pulse

The number of units represent by a pulse input.

 Cost per Unit

The cost per unit.
 Reset Count
Reset the current value of count.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

2.5.Totaliser1 ~Totaliser8
Totaliser component provides an accumulator function for analog input. Normally, the analog input
is the flow rate measurement value. The accumulated value is stored in the non-volatile memory. It
also provides alarm monitoring for the accumulated value.
The property sheet of the object is show as below.

 Value
Totalizer current accumulated value. Readonly

 Alarm
Totalizer current alarm state. Alarm will only occur if Alarm Enable = “Enable”.

 Input
Totalizer input value

 Input Selection
Define totalizer input source.
Manual = Input that been link to the object
UI1 – UI8 = Input source from UI channel.

 TimeBase
Set Totalizer time base used for accumulation
 Second
 Minute
 Hour

 Scale Factor
Set Totalizer scale factor for accumulated value
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

The ScaleFactor provides scale up or scale down function for the accumulated value. The
scale factor can be changed at anytime. For instance, to change liter/minute to
milliliter/minute, set the scale factor to 1000.

 Alarm Value
Totaliser accumulated value for alarm activation. The TotalValue is monitored and compared
to this value to initiate the Alarm sequence.

 Low Cut OffCount

Set Totalizer cutoff value
Some sensor might have unstable output at low range operation. The LowCutoff function
helps to filter the unstable value by forcing the output value to 0 when the input value is
lower than the LowCutoff value.

 Enable
Totalizer enable

 Reset Value
Reset the value to zero.

 Reset Alarm
Alarm set to false when set to true.
 Alarm Enable
Totalizer alarm monitoring enable.

 Alarm Reset Type

To reset the alarm.

Auto = alarm will be reset once the transition from alarm state to normal state.
Manual = alarm need to be manually reset if there is any transition from alarm state
to normal state by using the “Reset Alarm” property.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

2.6.UI1 ~UI12
UI or Universal Input, The Universal Input function block provides a means of reading both the digital
value and analog value connected to one of the physical input points on the controller. The typical
usage is to monitor the status of contact closures from various field devices such as switches,
open/close sensors or any other dry contact devices. Another usage is to monitor the status of analog
value given by other device such as sensor, resistance, voltage and current. For FC object such as UI is
fixed and can’t be changed it’s named or it will conflict with the system.
There are twelve universal input points on each controller. All of them are derived from universal
input (UI or AI) using value conversion (DI1 to DI12) under Resistance mode. Please refer to AI
function block section for the conversion.
The property sheet of the object is shown below.

 Out
Output value in percentage.

 Max Value
Recorded maximum value.

 Min Value
Recorded minimum value.

 Raw Value
Raw Value is the physical value in resistance, voltage or current

 Reliability
The AI sensor/input conditions when configured as sensor type input.
 Alarm
Alarm states of the selected alarm type.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

 Alarm Type
Determine which alarm currently active. For example, If High Alarm is enable and value given
exceed the alarm high limit then the type chooses is high.

 Alarm Reset Type

To set alarm reset type either auto or manual reset.

 High Alarm Enable

Enable the Alarm high limit control for the Analog Output.

 Low Alarm Enable

Enable the Alarm low limit control for the Analog Output.

 Low Cutoff Enable

Enable the low Cutoff function will force the output to reach 0 when input value lower than
Low Cutoff Value.

 Out Of Service
This property is to disable the output value regardless of the input value

 Linearization
This parameter will only applicable for Input type voltage and current. It will square root the
input value.

 Alarm Reset
Manually reset the alarm and if Alarm Type is manual.

 Reset Min Value

To reset the recorded minimum output value

 Reset Max Value

To reset the recorded maximum output value

 Alarm Deadband
This Deadband is applied to Low and High Alarm Limit values to determine the return from
alarm trip points. To return from High Alarm trip point, the AI Value must be lower than the
Alarm High limit by Alarm Deadband limit. To return from Low Alarm trip point, the AI Value
must be greater than the Alarm Low Limit by Alarm Deadband limit.

 Alarm Delay
AI alarm delay time, maximum 65535 seconds Delay time is the duration (in seconds) that
the AI Value must be:
- in the alarm condition before alarm state is generated
- in the non-alarm condition before returned from alarm state

 Alarm High Limit

The high limit of the AO output value. This is to set the max value of the output even if it
exceeds the process value.

 Alarm Low Limit

The low limit of the AO output value. This is to set the min value for alarm to be activated.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

 Decimal Point
Set the roundup decimal point precision of the AI Value during conversion. 0 – 4

 Digital Off Level

Set the OFF state level of the analog input value for digital transformation. A positive level
value means greater than, and a negative level value means lower than during comparison.

 Digital On Level
Set the ON state level of the analog input value for digital transformation. A positive level
value means greater than, and a negative level value means lower than during comparison.

 Low Cutoff Value

Set Low cutoff value. Some sensor might have unstable output at low range operation. The
LowCutoff function helps to filter the unstable value by forcing the output value to 0 when
the input value is lower than the LowCutoff value.

if(AI Value < lowCutOff Value)

AI Value = scaleLow Value

 Offset
Offset adjustment for the inputs.

 Scale High Value

It defines the input value of the AI when the input at the hardware point equals to the
highest value. Applicable for voltage and current inputs only.

For instance:

Type= Current 4 - 20mA

Scale Low Value = 0%

Scale High Value = 100%
Current AI Value = 50%
Physical AI Value = 12mA (Raw Value)

 Scale Low Value

It defines the input value of the AI when the input at the hardware point equals to the
lowest value. Applicable for voltage and current inputs only.

For instance:

Type= Current 4 - 20mA

Scale Low Value = 0%
Scale High Value = 100%
Current AI Value = 50%
Physical AI Value = 12mA (Raw Value)

 Temperature Table
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Select analog input temperature table choice from 1 to 16. This temperature table defines
the temperature curve table index used for lookup conversion for Temperature Sensor Input
Type selection. The controller has built in 8 default temperature tables (9 to 16) and 8 user
defined/customizable temperature tables (1 to 8). Please refer easyioFCTempTable section.

 Ui Type
The type of UI is determined to read the value from physical.
- Voltage 0 – 10
- Voltage 0 – 5
- Current 0 – 20(mA)
- Current 4 – 20(mA)
- Resistance
- Sensor

 User Set Value

User set point value.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

3. easyioFC20Regs
This is an internal register kit. It provides the means of software points to complete the application
Register address are all predefine and it not editable.
Below images display the kit objects.

Bool, Boolean register is a read only register. It is used to broadcast as a modbus register or bacnet
Maximum 16 Boolean registers are available.

Below table display the address for both modbus and bacnet.

Bacnet Register Type Bacnet Register address

BI Reg 1 binaryValue:2
BI Reg 2 binaryValue:3
BI Reg 3 binaryValue:4
BI Reg 4 binaryValue:5
BI Reg 5 binaryValue:6
BI Reg 6 binaryValue:7
BI Reg 7 binaryValue:8
BI Reg 8 binaryValue:9
BI Reg 9 binaryValue:10
BI Reg 10 binaryValue:11
BI Reg 11 binaryValue:12
BI Reg 12 binaryValue:13
BI Reg 13 binaryValue:14
BI Reg 14 binaryValue:15
BI Reg 15 binaryValue:16
BI Reg 16 binaryValue:17
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Modbus Discrete Input Reg Modbus Decimal Hex

Discrete Input Register 1 12001 2001 7D1
Discrete Input Register 2 12002 2002 7D2
Discrete Input Register 3 12003 2003 7D3
Discrete Input Register 4 12004 2004 7D4
Discrete Input Register 5 12005 2005 7D5
Discrete Input Register 6 12006 2006 7D6
Discrete Input Register 7 12007 2007 7D7
Discrete Input Register 8 12008 2008 7D8
Discrete Input Register 9 12009 2009 7D9
Discrete Input Register 10 12010 2010 7DA
Discrete Input Register 11 12011 2011 7DB
Discrete Input Register 12 12012 2012 7DC
Discrete Input Register 13 12013 2013 7DD
Discrete Input Register 14 12014 2014 7DE
Discrete Input Register 15 12015 2015 7DF
Discrete Input Register 16 12016 2016 7E0

BoolWr, Boolean register is a read write register. It is used to broadcast as a modbus register or
bacnet object.
Maximum 16 Boolean Read Write registers are available.

Below table display the address for both modbus and bacnet.

Bacnet Register Type Bacnet Register address

BO Reg 1 binaryValue:18
BO Reg 2 binaryValue:19
BO Reg 3 binaryValue:20
BO Reg 4 binaryValue:21
BO Reg 5 binaryValue:22
BO Reg 6 binaryValue:23
BO Reg 7 binaryValue:24
BO Reg 8 binaryValue:25
BO Reg 9 binaryValue:26
BO Reg 10 binaryValue:27
BO Reg 11 binaryValue:28
BO Reg 12 binaryValue:29
BO Reg 13 binaryValue:30
BO Reg 14 binaryValue:31
BO Reg 15 binaryValue:32
BO Reg 16 binaryValue:33
Modbus Coil Output Reg Modbus Decimal Hex
Coil Output Register 1 02001 2001 7D1
Coil Output Register 2 02002 2002 7D2
Coil Output Register 3 02003 2003 7D3
Coil Output Register 4 02004 2004 7D4
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Coil Output Register 5 02005 2005 7D5

Coil Output Register 6 02006 2006 7D6
Coil Output Register 7 02007 2007 7D7
Coil Output Register 8 02008 2008 7D8
Coil Output Register 9 02009 2009 7D9
Coil Output Register 10 02010 2010 7DA
Coil Output Register 11 02011 2011 7DB
Coil Output Register 12 02012 2012 7DC
Coil Output Register 13 02013 2013 7DD
Coil Output Register 14 02014 2014 7DE
Coil Output Register 15 02015 2015 7DF
Coil Output Register 16 02016 2016 7E0

Short, Short register is a read only register. It is used to broadcast as a modbus register or bacnet
Maximum 16 Short Read registers are available.

Below table display the address for both modbus and bacnet.

Bacnet AV Read Only Reg Bacnet Register Address

AVIS 1 analogValue:1
AVIS 2 analogValue:2
AVIS 3 analogValue:3
AVIS 4 analogValue:4
AVIS 5 analogValue:5
AVIS 6 analogValue:6
AVIS 7 analogValue:7
AVIS 8 analogValue:8
AVIS 9 analogValue:9
AVIS 10 analogValue:10
AVIS 11 analogValue:11
AVIS 12 analogValue:12
AVIS 13 analogValue:13
AVIS 14 analogValue:14
AVIS 15 analogValue:15
AVIS 16 analogValue:16
Modbus Input Registers (Integers) Modbus Decimal Hex
Input Register 1 32001 2001 7D1
Input Register 2 32002 2002 7D2
Input Register 3 32003 2003 7D3
Input Register 4 32004 2004 7D5
Input Register 5 32005 2005 7D5
Input Register 6 32006 2006 7D6
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Input Register 7 32007 2007 7D7

Input Register 8 32008 2008 7D8
Input Register 9 32009 2009 7D9
Input Register 10 32010 2010 7DA
Input Register 11 32011 2011 7DB
Input Register 12 32012 2012 7DC
Input Register 13 32013 2013 7DD
Input Register 14 32014 2014 7DE
Input Register 15 32015 2015 7DF
Input Register 16 32016 2016 7E0

ShortWr, ShortWr register is a read write register (integer data type). It is used to broadcast as a
modbus register or bacnet object.
Maximum 16 ShortWr Read Write registers are available.

Below table display the address for both modbus and bacnet.

Bacnet AV Read Write Reg Bacnet Register Address

AVOS 1 analogValue:33
AVOS 2 analogValue:34
AVOS 3 analogValue:35
AVOS 4 analogValue:36
AVOS 5 analogValue:37
AVOS 6 analogValue:38
AVOS 7 analogValue:39
AVOS 8 analogValue:40
AVOS 9 analogValue:41
AVOS 10 analogValue:42
AVOS 11 analogValue:43
AVOS 12 analogValue:44
AVOS 13 analogValue:45
AVOS 14 analogValue:46
AVOS 15 analogValue:47
AVOS 16 analogValue:48
Modbus Holding Registers (Integers) Modbus Decimal Hex
Holding Register 1 42001 2001 7D1
Holding Register 2 42002 2002 7D2
Holding Register 3 42003 2003 7D3
Holding Register 4 42004 2004 7D2
Holding Register 5 42005 2005 7D5
Holding Register 4 42006 2006 7D4
Holding Register 7 42007 2007 7D7
Holding Register 8 42008 2008 7D8
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Holding Register 9 42009 2009 7D9

Holding Register 10 42010 2010 7DA
Holding Register 11 42011 2011 7DB
Holding Register 12 42012 2012 7DC
Holding Register 13 42013 2013 7DD
Holding Register 14 42014 2014 7DE
Holding Register 15 42015 2015 7DF
Holding Register 16 42016 2016 7E0

Long, Long register is a read only register. It is used to broadcast as a modbus register or bacnet
These registers share the memory allocation with the Float register. A total combination (Long and
Float data type) of 16 registers are allowed.

Below table display the address for both modbus and bacnet.

Bacnet AV Read Only Reg Bacnet Register Address

AVIF 1 analogValue:17
AVIF 2 analogValue:18
AVIF 3 analogValue:19
AVIF 4 analogValue:20
AVIF 5 analogValue:21
AVIF 6 analogValue:22
AVIF 7 analogValue:23
AVIF 8 analogValue:24
AVIF 9 analogValue:25
AVIF 10 analogValue:26
AVIF 11 analogValue:27
AVIF 12 analogValue:28
AVIF 13 analogValue:29
AVIF 14 analogValue:30
AVIF 15 analogValue:31
AVIF 16 analogValue:32

Modbus Input Registers (Float or Long) Modbus Decimal Hex

Input Register 17 32017 2017 7E1
Input Register 19 32019 2019 7E3
Input Register 21 32021 2021 7E5
Input Register 23 32023 2023 7E7
Input Register 25 32025 2025 7E9
Input Register 27 32027 2027 7EB
Input Register 29 32029 2029 7ED
Input Register 31 32031 2031 7EF
Input Register 33 32033 2033 7F1
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Input Register 35 32035 2035 7F3

Input Register 37 32037 2037 7F5
Input Register 39 32039 2039 7F7
Input Register 41 32041 2041 7F9
Input Register 43 32043 2043 7FB
Input Register 45 32045 2045 7FD
Input Register 47 32047 2047 7FF

LongWr, Long register is a read write register. It is used to broadcast as a modbus register or bacnet
These registers share the memory allocation with the Float register. A total combination (Long and
Float data type) of 16 registers are allowed.
Below table display the address for both modbus and bacnet.

Bacnet AV Read Write Reg Bacnet Register Address

AVOF 1 analogValue:49
AVOF 2 analogValue:50
AVOF 3 analogValue:51
AVOF 4 analogValue:52
AVOF 5 analogValue:53
AVOF 6 analogValue:54
AVOF 7 analogValue:55
AVOF 8 analogValue:56
AVOF 9 analogValue:57
AVOF 10 analogValue:58
AVOF 11 analogValue:59
AVOF 12 analogValue:60
AVOF 13 analogValue:61
AVOF 14 analogValue:62
AVOF 15 analogValue:63
AVOF 16 analogValue:64

Modbus Holding Registers (Float or Long) Modbus Decimal Hex

Holding Register 17 42017 2017 7E1
Holding Register 19 42019 2019 7E3
Holding Register 21 42021 2021 7E5
Holding Register 23 42023 2023 7E7
Holding Register 25 42025 2025 7E9
Holding Register 27 42027 2027 7EB
Holding Register 29 42029 2029 7ED
Holding Register 31 42031 2031 7EF
Holding Register 33 42033 2033 7F1
Holding Register 35 42035 2035 7F3
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Holding Register 37 42037 2037 7F5

Holding Register 39 42039 2039 7F7
Holding Register 41 42041 2041 7F9
Holding Register 43 42043 2043 7FB
Holding Register 45 42045 2045 7FD
Holding Register 47 42047 2047 7FF

Float, Float register is a read only register. It is used to broadcast as a modbus register or bacnet
These registers share the memory allocation with the Float register. A total combination (Long and
Float data type) of 16 registers are allowed.

Below table display the address for both modbus and bacnet.

Bacnet AV Read Only Reg Bacnet Register Address

AVIF 1 analogValue:17
AVIF 2 analogValue:18
AVIF 3 analogValue:19
AVIF 4 analogValue:20
AVIF 5 analogValue:21
AVIF 6 analogValue:22
AVIF 7 analogValue:23
AVIF 8 analogValue:24
AVIF 9 analogValue:25
AVIF 10 analogValue:26
AVIF 11 analogValue:27
AVIF 12 analogValue:28
AVIF 13 analogValue:29
AVIF 14 analogValue:30
AVIF 15 analogValue:31
AVIF 16 analogValue:32
Modbus Input Registers (Float or Long) Modbus Decimal Hex
Input Register 17 32017 2017 7E1
Input Register 19 32019 2019 7E3
Input Register 21 32021 2021 7E5
Input Register 23 32023 2023 7E7
Input Register 25 32025 2025 7E9
Input Register 27 32027 2027 7EB
Input Register 29 32029 2029 7ED
Input Register 31 32031 2031 7EF
Input Register 33 32033 2033 7F1
Input Register 35 32035 2035 7F3
Input Register 37 32037 2037 7F5
Input Register 39 32039 2039 7F7
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Input Register 41 32041 2041 7F9

Input Register 43 32043 2043 7FB
Input Register 45 32045 2045 7FD
Input Register 47 32047 2047 7FF

FloatWr, Float register is a read write register. It is used to broadcast as a modbus register or bacnet
These registers share the memory allocation with the Float register. A total combination (Long and
Float data type) of 16 registers are allowed.
Below table display the address for both modbus and bacnet.

Bacnet AV Read Write Reg Bacnet Register Address

AVOF 1 analogValue:49
AVOF 2 analogValue:50
AVOF 3 analogValue:51
AVOF 4 analogValue:52
AVOF 5 analogValue:53
AVOF 6 analogValue:54
AVOF 7 analogValue:55
AVOF 8 analogValue:56
AVOF 9 analogValue:57
AVOF 10 analogValue:58
AVOF 11 analogValue:59
AVOF 12 analogValue:60
AVOF 13 analogValue:61
AVOF 14 analogValue:62
AVOF 15 analogValue:63
AVOF 16 analogValue:64

Modbus Holding Registers (Float or Long) Modbus Decimal Hex

Holding Register 17 42017 2017 7E1
Holding Register 19 42019 2019 7E3
Holding Register 21 42021 2021 7E5
Holding Register 23 42023 2023 7E7
Holding Register 25 42025 2025 7E9
Holding Register 27 42027 2027 7EB
Holding Register 29 42029 2029 7ED
Holding Register 31 42031 2031 7EF
Holding Register 33 42033 2033 7F1
Holding Register 35 42035 2035 7F3
Holding Register 37 42037 2037 7F5
Holding Register 39 42039 2039 7F7
Holding Register 41 42041 2041 7F9
Holding Register 43 42043 2043 7FB
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Holding Register 45 42045 2045 7FD

Holding Register 47 42047 2047 7FF
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4. easyioFCControl
This kit contains various objects as show below for application programming.
The control object are represent by either Boolean or integers or float.
Boolean objects are either true state or false state.
Integer objects are represented by a 32bit and display as whole number.
Float objects are represented by 32bit floating points and display with decimal point.

4.1 Add2
Add2 is an object that adds 2 inputs.
Data type supported is only float.

Out = In1 + In2

4.2 ADemux2
ADemux2 is single Input 2 Output analog de-multiplexer.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

If S1 = false, Out1 = In while Out2 = last Value at In before S1


If S1 = true, Out2 = In while Out1 = last value at In before S1


4.3 And4
And4 is an object 4 input with AND gate logic.
Data type supported is only Boolean.

4.4 ASW
ASW is an analog switch object between 2 inputs.
Data type supported is only Float.
This output selection of this object is determined by S1 state.

If S1 = false, Out = In1

If S1 = true, Out = In2

4.5 Avg10
Avg10 is an average object that takes summation of 10 values while dividing it by 10 in every scan. It
can only take float value.

4.6 AvgN
AvgN is an average object that takes summation of N values while dividing it by N in every scan.
It can only take float value.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.7 B2F
B2F is a Boolean to float conversion object. It allows up to 16 bit Boolean to float conversion.
LSB is In1 and MSB is In16. The count display total number of active inputs.

4.8 B2P
B2P is a Boolean to pulse object. It is a single shot oscillator.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.9 BSW
BSW is a Boolean switch object between 2 inputs.
Data type supported is only Boolean.
This output selection of this object is determined by S1 state.

If S1 = false, Out = In1

If S1 = true, Out = In2

4.10 Cmpr
Cmpr is a simple mathematic comparison object. It compares 2 float values.

If X > Y , Xgy = true , where Xgy = X greater than Y

If X = Y , Xey = true , where Xey = X equal Y
If X < Y , Xly = true , where Xly = X less than Y

4.11 ConstBool
ConstBool is a pre define Boolean state object.
This object is normally used to set a constant value in to other objects.
It is norm to use as writable object.

4.12 ConstFloat
ConstFloat is a pre define float value object.
This object is normally used to set a constant value in to other objects.
It is norm to use as writable object.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.13 ConstInt
ConstInt is a pre define integer value object.
This object is normally used to set a constant value in to other objects.
It is norm to use as writable object.

4.14 Count
Count is pulse counter object.
Count on false to true if Dir = true.
Count on true to false if Dir = false.
Maximum value count is an integer value.

To enable the count object, enable property has to true.

To reset the counter to zero, reset trigger of the property Reset is needed.

4.15 DemuxI2B
DemuxI2B is 4 output integers to Boolean de-multiplexer.

If In = Start At + 0 then Out1 = true else false

If In = Start At +1 then Out2 = true else false
If In = Start At + 2 then Out3 = true else false
If In = Start At + 3 then Out4 = true else false

4.16 Div2
Div2 is a division object where it divides 2 inputs.
Div0 property shows if In1 value is divided by zero.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

If In2 = Zero, Div0 = true.

Out = In1 / In2

4.17 DlyOff
DlyOff is a delay object where it delays the transition output from true to false after the Delay Time
Delay Time is in seconds.

Input transition from false to true state, Out = true.

Input transition from true to false state, Out = true after the delay
time expire.

4.18 DlyOn
DlyOn is a delay object where it delays the transition output from false to true after the Delay Time

Input transition from false to true state, Out = true.

Input transition from false to true state, Out = true after the delay
time expire.

4.19 F2B
F2B is a float to binary conversion object. It allows up to 16 bit Boolean to float conversion.
LSB is In1 and MSB is In16.

The Ovrf (Overflow) will display true if the input value is larger than 65535.
The object will ignored fractional value when computing the conversion.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.20 F2I
F2I is a float to integer conversion object. The output will be a whole number.
Any fractional value will be truncated.

4.21 FloatOffset
FloatOffset is that offset the input value.
The offset value is configurable in the property sheet.

Out = In + Offset

4.22 Freq
Freq is an object that calculates the input pulse frequency.
It has 2 calculation output, Pps (Pulse per second) and Ppm (Pulse per minute)
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Pps = Pulse Per Second

Ppm = Pulse Per Minute

4.23 Hysteresis
Hysteresis object provides 2 internal float properties, rising edge and falling edge to control the

If Rising Edge > Falling Edge,

If In > Rising, then Out = true.
If In < Falling, then Out = false.
If Rising Edge < Falling Edge,
If In < Rising, then Out = true.
If In > Falling, then Out = false.

4.24 I2F
I2F object provides conversion from Integer to Float.

4.25 ISW
ISW is an Integer switch object between 2 inputs.
Data type supported is only Integer.
This output selection of this object is determined by S1 state.

If S1 = false, Out = In1

If S1 = true, Out = In2
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.26 Limiter
Limiter limits the output value with a pre define high limit and low limit.

If In > High Limit, then Out = High Limit

If In < Low Limit, then Out = Low Limit
If In < High Limit and In > Low Limit, then Out = In

4.27 Linearize
Linearize custom table to linearize a non linear input. It provides 10 pairs of X and Y property.
The equation for this object is Y = mx + c

Where m = slope between adjacent points and c is the Y intercept.

If the input is out of range, the output will be nan.

4.28 Max
Max object is too compared between 2 values given. It selected the highest values.

If In1 > In2, then Out = In1

If In2> In1, then Out = In2
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.29 Min
Min object is too compared between 2 values given by input. It selected the lowest values.

If In1 < In2, then Out = In1

If In2 < In1, then Out = In2

4.30 MinMax
MinMax object will record and show the Min and Max value of a float input value. It computes min
and max of an input value every execute cycle

4.31 Mul2
Mul2 is an object that multiplies 2 float input.

Out = In1*In2

4.32 Neg
Negate will change the sign value

Out = -1(In)

4.33 Not
Not object will reverse the Boolean input.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Out =

4.34 OneShot
OneShot is an object which acts like a momentary push button or a Boolean toggle button.
A trigger at the action will set the out slot to true until the define time period is over.

4.35 Or4
Or is an object that sum of 4 Boolean inputs.

Out = In1|In2|In3|In4

4.36 Ramp
Ramp generates a repeating triangular wave with a float Input and Output. Min and Max value can
be adjustable. Ramp type is changeable either triangle wave or sawtooth.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.37 Round
Round will give the output by round up the decimal value of float. The decimal value place is
adjustable up to 5 places.

4.38 SRLatch
SRLatch or Set/Reset Latch is single-bit data storage

If Set = true and Reset = false then Out = true

If Set = false and Reset = true then Out = false
If Set = true and R = true then Out = false
If Set = false and Reset = false then Out = Out from the last scan

4.39 Sub2
Subtract is the object that subtract between 2 float input. In1 is the Minuend while In2 is the

Out = In1 – In2

4.40 TickTock
TickTock is will generates Boolean square wave with ticks per second. The periodic wave is
configurable from 1 to 10 pulses per sec.

Out = a periodic wave between 1 to 10 Hz

4.41 TimeAvg
TimeAvg object averages "In" over the configured time. The actual time is marked in a resolution of
scan period such that number of samples. Until a full time cycle has elapsed, the out is set to the
average off all samples collected up until that point.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.42 Timer
Timer outputs a pulse for the configured amount of time "in" is used to fire the timer:
- if low, out is forced to false
- if high, out = 1 until timer reaches "time" seconds
The Output will set to true until the count time reach zero.

4.43 UpDn
Up/down counter is the counter range between zero and a value that can be set with configurable
parameter Limit. Out is the current count and stop after reach or exceed the limit. The count is
selectable to either stop at limit or not.

Out = the current count

If Out Limit then Ovr is true
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

4.44 Xor
Xor is a two input exclusive or.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

5. easyioFCHVAC
This kit contains various objects as show below for application programming.

5.1 Drive
Drive component provides the mechanism to drive a floating type actuator by using two outputs
(Open and Close control). A single input with scale factor determines the desired position which
controls the hardware output. The open and close operation time is based on the full stroke travel
time. When the calculated position hits the minimum (0%) or maximum (100%), the open or close
output will continue run for the Drive Travel Time to make sure the actuator position is in place.

5.2 Loop
Loop object is a PID system that uses numerous configurable parameters to increase the steady state
error hence reduces the error that sent from feedback. Sp is the set point or the desired outcome. Cv
is the controlled variable which we are trying to make equal to the set point. The difference between
Cv and Sp is the error signal (e) that drives the output variable Out used to manipulate the controlled
variable. There are three gain factors which are Kp (Proportional), Ki (integral), and Kd (derivative)
where called tuning parameter. By setting the gain factor to zero will disables those particular

Typical controller operation is:

(P) – Proportional – only

(PI) – Proportional plus reset (integral)
(PID) – Proportional plus reset plus rate

In HVAC application, P and PI are the most common. PID is seldom used. Enable must be set true if
loop action is to occur. If Enable is set to false, control action ceases and the output will remain at its
last state.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

Loop Action can be set either direct or reverse. While direct is set, the output will increase if the Cv
becomes greater than Sp and if reverse is set the output will increase if the Cv becomes lower than

Max and Min are limits on the output swing and are considered the absolute boundaries to the
controller’s throttling range (proportional control range). Basically, the LP component includes
Limiter functionality.

Bias sets the output offset. The amount of bias is not influenced by the proportional gain Kp.

Cycle time is from 100 – 6000ms. Most HVAC loops are slow acting and faster cycle time won’t do any

5.3 LSeq
LSeq will provide a linear sequence of 1 to 16 loads. Analogous to a bar graph of the input value,
where the delta represented by each output is (inMax-inMin)/(numOuts + 1). So given an input value,
out 1 through and will be set true, and any remaining outputs will be false.

If in > inMax, then "numOuts" outputs will be set true and "ovfl" will be set true.

if in > inMin + 1*delta, then out1 = true
if in > inMin + 2*delta, then out1 and out2 = true
if in > inMin + 3*delta, then out1,out2, and out3 = true
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

5.4 Psychrometric
Psychometric is a component calculating the psychometric values with the input of a Temperature
and a Relative Humidity Value.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

5.5 ReheatSeq
ReheatSeq will provide a linear sequence of up to 4 loads based on configurable thresholds. It
sets an output true if the "in" value is greater than corresponding threshold, and returns the
output to false if the "In" value is less than threshold minus with the hysteresis value.

"D On" is the count of outputs that are true (0 to 4)

If "enable" is false, all outputs are set to false regardless of "In" value.

5.6 ReSet
Reset re-scales in value to "out" value object. This function performs a "reset" on the input value.
"Reset" is a HVAC term for scaling a number between two limits.

To calculate out, the following equation is used:

Min = Min output / Min input

If inA < inMin, the value is capped at outMin.

If inA > inMax, the value is capped at outMax.
When inMin < inA < inMax, the output value scales linearly between outMin and outMax.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

5.7 RunTime
RunTime will give the integer value that continuously counts up when the state is set to true. The
value reset back to 0 when the state is changed to false. The time is in second.

5.8 Thermostat
Thermostat provides On/Off or Floating Thermostat control raise & lower outputs operate
independently. The mode is set to either lower or rise for the "out" to be true. It contain offset for
control variable for cut in and cut out.
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

6. easyioFCMath
This kit contains various mathematical objects as show below for application programming.

6.1 Ceiling
Ceil or Round Up Value object
Returns the smallest integral value that is not less than x.

6.2 Exponential
Exp or Exponential Object

6.3 Float Absolute

Fabs or Absolute value of input
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

6.4 Floor
Floor or Round down Value object

6.5 Inverse
Inverse the input value. 1/x

6.6 Log
Log or compute natural logarithm

6.7 Log10
Log10 or compute common logarithm of input object
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

6.8 Power
Pow or raise to power object

6.9 Squareroot
Sqrt or compute square root object
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

7. easyioFCSchedule
This kit contains various objects as show below for application programming.

DailyScheduleBool object extends from DailySchedule to provide a boolean output. The selection is
made DailyScheduleBool represents a simple daily schedule with up to two active periods. Each
active period is defined by a start time and duration.

Out = Def if no active periods

Out = Val1 if period 1 is active
Out = Val2 if period 2 is active
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

DailyScheduleFloat object extends from DailySchedule to provide a ‘float’ output. The selection is made
DailyScheduleFloat represents a simple daily schedule with up to two active periods. Each active period is
defined by a start time and duration

Out = Def if no active periods

Out = Val1 if period 1 is active
Out = Val2 if period 2 is active
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

8. easyioFCTempTable
This kit contains an object as show below for application programming.

Temp Table is an object to scale the resistance versus temp value. This object enable user to define
the temp table according to particular manufacturer temp table. Table 1 to table 8 is user defined or
can be adjusted by user which called user Temperature Table. For table 9 until table 16 is fixed which
is called Fixed Temperature Table. It comes with 32 lines for custom temp table.

Below tables display the temperature versus resistance and type of sensor for User Temperature
Table. There are 8 type of sensor shown.

Table Number Temperature table Remarks

1 NTC 10K Type 2 User Defined
2 NTC 10K Type 2 Shunt 11K User Defined
3 NTC 10K Type 3 User Defined
4 NTC 10K Type 3 Shunt 11K User Defined
5 NTC 3K User Defined
6 NTC 20K User Defined
7 RTD 1K Platinum User Defined
8 RTD 1K Balco User Defined
9 NTC 10K Type 2 Fixed Temperature Table
10 NTC 10K Type 2 Shunt 11K Fixed Temperature Table
11 NTC 10K Type 3 Fixed Temperature Table
12 NTC 10K Type 3 Shunt 11K Fixed Temperature Table
EasyIO FC Series Sedona kit User Guide v1.1

13 NTC 3K Fixed Temperature Table

14 NTC 20K Fixed Temperature Table
15 RTD 1K Platinum Fixed Temperature Table
16 RTD 1K Balco Fixed Temperature Table

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