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European European Urology 45 (2004) 339–345


Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of Tadalafil in the

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
F. Montorsia,*, B. Verheydenb, E. Meulemanc, K.-P. Jünemannd, I. Moncadae,
L. Valiquettef, A. Casabég, C. Pachecoh, J. Dennei, J. Knighti, S. Segalj, V.S. Watkinsi
Department of Urology, Università Vita e Salute San Raffaele, Via Olgettina 60, 20312 Milan, Italy
Department of Urology, University Hospital of Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Edegem, Belgium
Department of Urology, University Hospital Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Department of Urology, Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany
Urology Department, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain
Department of Urology, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
Instituto Médico Especializado, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Clinica Londres, Mexico City, Mexico
Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Lilly ICOS LLC, Bothell, WA, and Indianapolis, IN, USA
Accepted 12 November 2003
Published online 2 December 2003

Objective: To assess the long-term safety and tolerability of tadalafil for patients with erectile dysfunction (ED).
Patients and Methods: This was a multicentre, open-label, 24-month extension trial involving 1173 men with ED.
The mean age was 57 (range 23–83) years and 74.8% of patients were taking concomitant medications for comorbid
conditions, including diabetes mellitus in 30.5% of men and hypertension in 29.5%. These patients had participated
in 1 of 5 previous 8-week or 12-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled tadalafil studies. In the present
trial, the starting 10 mg dose of tadalafil could be increased to 20 mg if the patient could not achieve satisfactory
intercourse or reduced to 5 mg for an adverse event that was persistent, intolerable and judged by the investigator to
be related to tadalafil.
Results: Four hundred ninety-three (42.0%) men completed 24 months of treatment. In addition, a further 234
(19.9%) completed 18 months of treatment due to a sponsor decision to reduce the study duration. The total tadalafil
exposure was 1676.0 patient-years. Tadalafil was safe and well tolerated. Headache (15.8%), dyspepsia (11.8%),
nasopharyngitis (11.4%), and back pain (8.2%) were the most common treatment-emergent adverse events. The rate
of discontinuations due to adverse events for this 18–24-month study was 6.3% and the rate for any individual event
was <1%. Serious adverse events occurred in 8.6% of patients. No consistent pattern of serious adverse events
assessed as causally associated with tadalafil administration was observed. None of the four deaths that occurred
during the study was assessed as tadalafil related. There were no clinically significant laboratory or electrocardio-
graphic findings or changes in vital signs in mean baseline-to-endpoint analysis attributable to tadalafil. Tadalafil
administration was not causally associated with drug-induced hepatotoxicity, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, or
renal dysfunction.
Conclusion: Tadalafil at doses of 5, 10, or 20 mg taken as needed up to once daily for 18 to 24 months was safe and
well tolerated. These findings support the long-term use of tadalafil in the clinical management of erectile
# 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Drug therapy; Impotence; Phosphodiesterase inhibitors; Safety; Tolerability

Corresponding author. Tel. þ1-39-02-26437286; Fax: þ1-39-02-26437298.
E-mail address: (F. Montorsi).

0302-2838/$ – see front matter # 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
340 F. Montorsi et al. / European Urology 45 (2004) 339–345

1. Introduction artery bypass surgery, percutaneous coronary intervention), unstable

angina pectoris, angina pectoris during intercourse, or congestive
heart failure. Also excluded were patients with (1) any supraven-
Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects approximately 150 tricular arrhythmia with an uncontrolled ventricular response
million men worldwide and the prevalence is projected (mean heart rate >100 beats per minute) at rest despite medical or
to more than double by the year 2025 [1,2]. The device therapy, (2) any history of spontaneous or induced sustained
anticipated increase in the population of patients seek- ventricular tachycardia (heart rate >100 beats per minute for 30
ing treatment for ED and the consequent requirement seconds) despite medical or device therapy, or (3) an automatic
internal cardioverter-defibrillator. Patients with poorly controlled
for safe and effective therapy have prompted develop- blood pressure (systolic >170 or <90 mmHg; diastolic >100 or
ment of novel therapies for ED, with oral dosing being <50 mmHg) or malignant hypertension at screening were also
the preferred route [3–5]. excluded. These cardiovascular exclusions are consistent with con-
Tadalafil is a selective, reversible phosphodiesterase sensus guidelines for risk-stratifying patients with sexual dysfunction
type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor with demonstrated efficacy as and cardiovascular disease [9].
Other exclusion criteria were clinically significant hepatobiliary
an oral ED treatment [6]. PDE5 inhibitors potentiate the
disease (e.g. alanine aminotransferase [ALT] or aspartate amino-
male erectile response to sexual arousal by amplifying transferase [AST] elevations >3 times the upper limit of normal at
the nitric oxide–cyclic guanosine monophosphate sig- screening); a recent (6-month) history of clinically significant
nalling pathway, with consequent penile vasodilation renal insufficiency; stroke or other significant central nervous
resulting in engorgement of the corpus cavernosum. system injury; or drug, alcohol, or substance abuse. Treatment
Tadalafil possesses a favourable pharmacokinetic with nitrates, cancer chemotherapy, or antiandrogens during the
study period was prohibited.
profile, with a rapid onset and prolonged duration of
proerectile effects [7]. In integrated analyses of 12- 2.2. Study design
week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled This was a multicentre, open-label, 24-month extension trial for
trials, more than 70% of sexual-intercourse attempts ED patients who had participated in any 1 of 5 prior 8-week or
were successfully completed from >30 minutes to 36 12-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled tadalafil
studies. In the 5 parent studies, patients received tadalafil, sildenafil,
hours after tadalafil dosing [6]. The pharmacokinetics or placebo. In this open-label trial, 1173 patents were enrolled at 69
of tadalafil are not affected by food intake [8]. centres in Canada (n ¼ 563), Europe (Belgium, Germany, Italy,
Because most patients with ED require treatment on Spain, The Netherlands) (n ¼ 520), Argentina (n ¼ 68), and Mexico
a chronic basis, therapeutic agents for ED treatment (n ¼ 22). An additional 5 patients (2 in Canada and 3 in Italy) were
must have satisfactory long-term safety profiles. To entered (consented) but discontinued before taking any study drug.
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of
assess the long-term safety and tolerability of tadalafil,
Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Local ethical
we conducted a multicentre, long-term, open-label review boards approved the protocol and informed consent docu-
extension study in men with ED who had participated ment before study onset. Patients and their sexual partners provided
in prior tadalafil placebo-controlled clinical trials. written informed consent.
Patients who met eligibility criteria and signed informed con-
sents were seen at months 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24.
Individuals who had completed a placebo-controlled active-com-
2. Methods parator trial underwent a 7-day washout period prior to screening
laboratory tests. For patients completing a tadalafil study 28 days
2.1. Patients before entry into this extension study, the physical examination and
Men who had participated in prior placebo-controlled tadalafil electrocardiograms (ECGs) of the prior study’s termination visit
studies, did not discontinue prematurely, and wished to continue were allowed to serve as baseline. Haematology, chemistry, and
ED treatment were eligible. The starting dose of tadalafil was urinalysis data from the prior trial’s termination visit could serve as
10 mg taken as needed before sexual intercourse at a maximum baseline if obtained 14 days of entry into the extension.
frequency of once daily. No other ED therapies were permitted for The initial tadalafil dose was 10 mg taken as needed before
7 days before the initial study dose and for 96 hours after the final intercourse at a maximum frequency of once daily. Increases or
visit. decreases in doses according to prespecified rules were allowed at
The 5 parent studies contributing patients into this open-label subsequent visits. At subsequent visits, of which some could be
study enrolled men aged 18 years who experienced a 3-month unscheduled visits, doses could be increased by 1 dose level
history of ED of various severities (i.e. mild, moderate, severe) and (e.g. from 10 to 20 mg or 5 to 10 mg) or decreased by 1 dose
aetiologies (i.e. organic, psychogenic, mixed), and who were in a level (e.g. from 10 to 5 mg or 20 to 10 mg). A decrease in dose of 1
stable heterosexual relationship. Erectile dysfunction was defined level was permitted if the patient experienced an adverse event that
as a consistent alteration in the quality of erections that adversely was persistent or disrupted daily activities and was deemed by the
affected the patient’s satisfaction with sexual intercourse. None of investigator to be related to treatment. A dose increase of 1 level
the 5 parent studies excluded patients who had used sildenafil prior was allowed if the patient could not attain sufficient hardness or
to entry, although 2 of the 5 did exclude patients with prior successfully complete intercourse after an adequate number of
unsuccessful sildenafil treatment. sexual attempts. At each of these visits, blood pressure and pulse,
Exclusion criteria included any of the following 6 months before adverse events, concomitant medications and the reason for dose
screening: myocardial infarction, cardiac intervention (e.g. coronary modification were recorded.
F. Montorsi et al. / European Urology 45 (2004) 339–345 341

2.3. Safety analysis months, 72% of patients received 20 mg. The mean
The primary objective of this trial was to evaluate the safety and duration of treatment with tadalafil was 523.3 days
tolerability of tadalafil (5–20 mg) taken as needed prior to inter-
course at a maximum frequency of once daily for up to 24 months.
(range: 2.0–815.0), during which patients received a
Patients were seen 1 month after study entry and at 3-month mean of 149.3 total doses of tadalafil (1.9 doses/week).
intervals beginning with month 3. Total exposure to tadalafil was 1676.0 patient-years,
Safety analyses included the evaluation of adverse events, vital including 1192.3 patient-years with tadalafil 20 mg and
signs, serum chemistry, haematology, ECGs, and urinalysis. Treat- 472.7 patient-years with tadalafil 10 mg.
ment-emergent adverse events were defined as any untoward
medical occurrences that either first appeared or worsened in a
Nine hundred ninety-one (84.5%) men received treat-
patient receiving tadalafil. Serious adverse events were defined ment with tadalafil at an as-needed dose of 10 mg for
according to regulatory requirements as adverse events that resulted a continuous interval of 6 months, including 870
in 1 of the following outcomes (or was significant for any other (74.2% of all enrolled patients) for 12 months and
reason): death; initial or prolonged inpatient hospitalisation; a life- 670 (57.1%) for 18 months. An as-needed tadalafil
threatening experience (i.e. immediate risk of dying); severe or
dose of 20 mg was taken continuously for 6 months
permanent disability; cancer; or congenital anomaly.
by 746 patients (63.6% of all enrolled patients), includ-
2.4. Statistical analysis ing 624 (53.2%) for 12 months and 374 (31.9%) for
Safety and tolerability were evaluated for all patients enrolled in 18 months.
the open-label extension study (n ¼ 1173). Data were summarised Baseline characteristics are presented in Table 1. The
according to treatment received in the previous study. Continuous mean patient age was 57 years; 94.6% of patients were
variables were summarised by mean, standard deviation, median
and minimum/maximum values, and categorical variables by
Caucasian; 25.5% of patients reported smoking; and
numbers and frequencies. 74.8% of patients were taking medications for con-
Treatment-emergent adverse events were coded using the Med- comitant conditions, including hypertension, diabetes
ical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) version 5.0. mellitus, and hypercholesterolaemia. The mean body
Proportions of patients experiencing an adverse event were calcu- mass index was 28.0 kg/m2. A total of 438 (37.3%)
lated and summarised by MedDRA body system and preferred term
and by severity. If a patient reported an event more than once, the
patients were taking concomitant antihypertensive
most closely related event and the most severe event were included. medication; 75 (6.4%) were on alpha-blockers.
Reasons for premature study discontinuation, including adverse
events, were also recorded and summarised by numbers and 3.2. Safety and tolerability
frequencies. Tadalafil was safe and well tolerated during long-term
Analyses of the proportions of patients with treatment-emergent
treatment. The most frequently reported treatment-
adverse events, abnormal ECGs, or laboratory analytes outside
reference ranges at the final visit (or at the maximum or minimum emergent adverse events included headache (15.8%),
value) were based on pooled data from all sites. dyspepsia (11.8%), nasopharyngitis (11.4%), and back
Table 1
Baseline characteristics
3. Results
Tadalafil (n ¼ 1173)
3.1. Patient characteristics Age, yrs (mean, range) 57.0 (23.4–82.8)
Of 1173 patients enrolled, most had been treated in Body mass indexa, kg/m2 (mean  S:D:) 28.0  4.2
the prior parent double-blind trials with tadalafil (n ¼ Systolic/diastolic blood pressureb, 132.4/80.3  14.8/8.4
mmHg (mean  S:D:)
727, 62.0%). Others had received either placebo (n ¼ Smokers (n (%)) 299 (25.5)
335, 28.6%) or sildenafil (n ¼ 111, 9.5%). A total of
Race/ethnicity (n (%))
493 (42.0%) patients completed 24 months of open- Caucasian 1110 (94.6)
label treatment. An additional 234 (19.9%) patients African 20 (1.7)
discontinued after 18 months of treatment due to a Hispanic 24 (2.0)
Asian 16 (1.4)
sponsor decision to reduce the duration of the study to
Other 3 (0.3)
18 months. Of the remaining 446 patients, there were 4
Comorbidity (n (%))
deaths, 40 lost to follow-up, and 402 study disconti-
Hypertension 346 (29.5)
nuations. For the 402 discontinuations, 173 were due to Diabetes mellitus 358 (30.5)
patient-perceived lack of efficacy, 94 personal conflict Hypercholesterolaemia 143 (12.2)
or other patient decision, 74 adverse events, 42 proto- Hyperlipidaemia 45 (3.8)
Depression 44 (3.8)
col and entry criteria violations, and 19 investigator or >1 concomitant medication 877 (74.8)
sponsor decisions.
Most patients increased the starting dose of tadalafil No baseline weight available for 6 patients.
No baseline blood pressure available for 5 patients.
to a dose of 20 mg within the first 3 months. At 3
342 F. Montorsi et al. / European Urology 45 (2004) 339–345

Table 2 7 (0.6%), myocardial infarction in 7 (0.6%), back pain

Treatment-emergent adverse events reported by 2% of patientsa
in 5 (0.4%), cerebrovascular accident in 5 (0.4%), and
Tadalafil (n ¼ 1173) angina pectoris in 4 (0.3%).
Patients with 1 adverse event 840 (71.6) Ocular events that may have been related to PDE
Headache 185 (15.8) inhibition—including eyelid oedema, conjunctival
Dyspepsia 139 (11.8) hyperaemia, and sensations described as pressure—
Nasopharyngitis 134 (11.4)
Back pain 96 (8.2)
were uncommon and generally mild or moderate. One
Influenza 52 (4.4) patient discontinued due to eyelid oedema. With regard
Hypertension 48 (4.1) to visual symptoms known to be associated with PDE6
Flushing 42 (3.6) inhibition, 1 patient complained of a single episode of
Nasal congestion 42 (3.6)
Arthralgia 41 (3.5)
mild blue vision, but the patient did not report this
Cough 38 (3.2) event after subsequent doses. No cases of priapism
Influenza-like illness 37 (3.2) were reported.
Myalgia 34 (2.9)
Bronchitis 32 (2.7)
Diarrhoea 30 (2.6)
Dizziness 28 (2.4) 4. Discussion
Upper-abdominal pain 27 (2.3)
Nausea 25 (2.1) In this open-label, long-term extension study, tada-
Limb pain 23 (2.0)
lafil was safe and well tolerated. Most patients received
Values are numbers (%). a tadalafil dose of 20 mg, and most of the remainder
received a dose of 10 mg. Tadalafil treatment was not
associated with any major safety concerns.
pain (8.2%) (Table 2). Most adverse events were mild or Demographics of this study reflected those of the
moderate. The percentage of events reported as mild or parent studies and ED populations in general [6,10],
moderate was 88% and the percentage of events reported including various degrees of ED severities and aetiol-
as severe was 12%. ogies. Compared with the Massachusetts Male Aging
Four deaths (3 cardiac deaths and 1 suicide) occurred Study (MMAS) [10], the present study population had
during the 24-month open-label study, none of which similar proportions of patients with vascular diseases
was assessed as related to study drug. Two additional or other factors that increase the risk of developing ED
deaths were reported after the patients had discontin- [11–13], including hypertension in 29.5% of patients,
ued from the study: 1 patient with bile-duct cancer and diabetes mellitus in 30.5% (vs. 6.8% in MMAS [10])
1 patient with metastatic prostate cancer (both assessed and smoking in 25.5% (vs. 22%). The incidence of
as unrelated to study drug). There were no clinically diabetes mellitus was increased because patients who
significant laboratory or ECG findings or changes in enrolled in this study also included patients from 1
vital signs in mean baseline-to-endpoint analysis attri- randomised clinical trial that investigated the effects of
butable to tadalafil. Tadalafil administration was not tadalafil in patients with diabetes mellitus who had ED.
causally associated with drug-induced hepatotoxicity, Treatment-emergent adverse events, including head-
neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, or renal dysfunction. ache, dyspepsia, flushing, back pain, myalgia, and nasal
Serious adverse events were experienced by 101 congestion, that occurred in this study are consistent
(8.6%) patients. Of these, 35 withdrew from treatment with the pharmacodynamic effects of PDE5 inhibition.
(3.0% of total enrolled). Serious adverse events All these adverse events have been reported previously
included myocardial infarction in 9 (0.8%) patients in association with this and the other PDE5 inhibitors,
and cerebrovascular accident in 5 (0.4%) patients. No sildenafil and vardenafil [14,15]. There is no obvious
consistent pattern of serious adverse events causally pharmacological explanation for myalgias associated
related to tadalafil emerged from this long-term study. with PDE5 inhibitor therapy [16]. Of the 1173 men in
Seventy-four (6.3%) patients discontinued the trial this long-term safety study, 34 (2.9%) reported myalgia
prior to completion of the 18–24 months of therapy and 96 (8.2%) back pain. However, of the 74 patients in
because of adverse events. Thirty-six (3.1%) patients this study who discontinued prior to completion of 18–
discontinued due to adverse events that were assessed 24 months of therapy because of adverse events, only 5
by the investigator as possibly related to tadalafil. For (0.4%) discontinued due to back pain.
any single adverse event, the discontinuation rate was In all, treatment-emergent adverse events prompted
less than 1%. Adverse events leading to discontinua- discontinuation in 6.3% of patients prior to completion
tion in 0.3% were headache in 9 (0.8%), dyspepsia in of the long-term (18–24 months) open-label therapy. A
F. Montorsi et al. / European Urology 45 (2004) 339–345 343

total of 173 (14.7%) men discontinued because of PDE5 inhibitors sildenafil and vardenafil, and are
patient-perceived lack of efficacy over 18–24 months attributed to PDE6 inhibition [15,18,20–25]. Focused
of treatment. Most discontinuations occurred within studies of colour vision assessments and retinal exam-
the first 6 months of this extension study. Sixty-eight inations have been associated with demonstrable
percent of patients who discontinued due to perceived abnormalities in a temporal fashion with sildenafil
lack of efficacy did so within the first 6 months, and administration [26,27]. Tadalafil is more selective
90% did so within the first 12 months. for PDE5 over PDE6 (700 times more selective)
Cardiovascular events occurred at low rates in the than sildenafil (6.8 times more selective) or vardenafil
present patient population, given the presence at base- (>15 times more selective) [15,28]. Only 1 patient
line of vascular disease or risk factors (e.g. hyperten- complained of blue vision in this long-term tadalafil
sion, diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia). Nine patients safety study. Furthermore, this was a single episode
experienced myocardial infarction. There were 3 that was not reported with additional doses of tadalafil.
deaths attributable to cardiac causes. In an analysis This is consistent with the low affinity of tadalafil for
of prior studies in which 4399 patients were treated PDE6 compared to PDE5. No impairment of blue-
with tadalafil, the incidence rate of myocardial infarc- green colour discrimination was detected in a previous
tion was 0.43 per 100 patient-years [17]. The incidence trial evaluating the effects of tadalafil on vision, and
rate for placebo controls in tadalafil and sildenafil colour-vision alterations were rare (<0.1%) across
studies was 0.60–1.17 [17,18] per 100 patient-years. tadalafil clinical trials [28].
In the present long-term study, for 1676.0 patient-years In conclusion, this long-term open-label extension
of exposure to open-label tadalafil, the incidence rate of study demonstrated that the favourable safety and
myocardial infarction was 0.54 per 100 patient-years. tolerability observed with tadalafil during earlier ran-
This rate is no higher than that expected for a similarly domised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of up
age-matched population [19]. The incidence rate of to 12 weeks duration were maintained over an addi-
cardiac death in this long-term study was 0.18 per 100 tional 18–24 months of open-label treatment. These
patient-years. This rate was no higher than that findings support the long-term use of tadalafil in the
observed in the general male population under 75 years clinical management of erectile dysfunction.
of age in the United Kingdom (an incidence rate of 0.26
per 100 patient-years) [19].
Cyanopsia (usually described as blue vision), other Acknowledgements
colour-visual abnormalities, increased brightness/sen-
sitivity to light, haziness, and other generally mild and Funding by Lilly ICOS LLC (Bothell, Washington,
transient visual effects have been reported with the and Indianapolis, Indiana, USA).


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Editorial Comment
Jeremy P.W. Heaton, Kingston, Ontario, Canada financial and domestic situations. In a few patients the
effects of the drug itself will cause the patients to
In the world of erectile dysfunction (ED) long-term discontinue prematurely—here only 3.1% of patients.
safety and tolerability studies are the less glamorous Most patients will choose to migrate to the highest
relatives of the beautiful acute efficacy studies. In dose (72% at 3 months had chosen 20 mg tadalafil)
practice they probably reveal more about the future as following the well established trend of men wanting to
long as the efficacy side of the equation is solid. This is be as good as they imagined themselves to be.
because studies like ‘‘Long-term safety and tolerability With a different selectivity profile from other pub-
of tadalafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction’’ lished PDE5 inhibitors visual disturbances were here
document the modern benign reality of living with ED limited to just 1 patient who complained of a single
and ED therapy. Furthermore long-term safety issues are episode that did not recur.
possibly the most likely to express the divergence in The patient population looked very like those
molecular design that places tadalafil as the least ‘typi- reported in the Massachusetts Male Aging Study
cal’ of the current generation of the class of selective, (MMAS) and other ED clinical trials. The present
reversible phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. study population had similar proportions of patients
This is not a comparative study but certainly there with cardiovascular diseases and in the 1676 patient
are particular issues that will interest clinicians that years represented here there were no deaths attributable
have been highlighted by personal experience, prior to drug. There were just 9 myocardial infarctions (0.8%
literature and rumour or urban legend. In fact compar- of patients) giving a rate that is similar to that reported
isons should not be constructed from these data in similar studies—with an average rate of 1.9 tablets a
because of the individual nature of study design, week and a long half-life it would be difficult to make a
patient inclusion and exclusion criteria and eventual case for complete absence of drug during all these
patient demographics including severity. events but neither did it alter the profile. There were 75
Staying in a long-term study is burdensome for the patients (6.4%) who were on alpha blockers and there
patient even if the drug is free—more than 60% is no specific mention of safety signals from them.
remained in evaluation until the end of their study Back pain (8.2%) joins the more familiar headache
period. Why the patients left the study is of some interest (15.8%), dyspepsia (11.8%) and nasopharyngitis
but whatever the data say these patients are still impo- (11.4%) that should be mentioned to patients as minor
tent—needing drug to function sexually—they have the issues that may affect a proportion of them at one time
same partner, the same image in the mirror and the same or another. We are no further ahead from this paper in
F. Montorsi et al. / European Urology 45 (2004) 339–345 345

understanding the various myalgias associated with favour. The new clinical properties for tadalafil we
PDE5 inhibitor therapy but neither was that an intent have seen documented elsewhere are complemented by
for the study. a solid long-term safety profile. Patients will tell their
In summary therefore, the growing diversity in oral physicians how they want their PDE5 inhibitor served
therapies for ED appears to be entirely in the patient’s up.

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