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Absenteeism: Its Effect Among Grade 11 Zara Students on their Academic Performance of

Dangcagan Senior High School.

Grade 11 STEM - Galileo

Submitted to:

Mrs. Maricar
Practical Research - 2 Adviser

December 2019


Background of the Study

Absenteeism takes place when students are already uneasy with the pressures coming in
from their daily school activities [1]. It is one of the many factors that affect the student
performances in academic areas. It is defined to the students as a deliberate or habitual absence
from going to school. Marburger [2] noted that absenteeism tended to be highest at the large
public university and lowest at the small liberal arts college. Absenteeism was lower for courses
with a significant mathematical component. profiles of behavior related to excessive absenteeism
which revealed that negative reinforcement involves avoidance, and positive reinforcement
involves gaining parental attention or getting tangible benefits from not attending.
When a student misses a day of school he/she must have lost the chance to hear others,
interpret and analyzing the lessons or joins the interaction within the class. This lost is being
rooted to two different courses and varying factors under these courses. The inquiry might be a
family situation or an individual problem. Then, under these courses are the factors that
contribute to a child’s regular truancy. These may be finance concerns, disability, psychotic
imbalance, poor school climate, family health, transportation problems, drug and alcohol use,
and differing community attitude towards education [3].
The issue of absenteeism can also be viewed in context of academic problems of students
which come in various forms such as difficulty in math subject, lack of motivation and study
habits, strict teachers and failed major examinations [4]. Absenteeism in one angle view point is
one of the most common causes of degrading performances of the students. Especially to those
who are included in the advance intelligence curriculum, absenteeism causes a great lose and
may result to giving up an aimed position. It can also cause social repletion especially when a
class is composed of a great number of students. This habit can cause a dilemma to the school
administration when big figures are involve and may decrease the school’s performance. On the
other hand, contamination of sickness and disease can be avoidable because of the absences of a
person [2].
Findings of the study of Rodriguez and Conchas [5] suggest that community-school
partnerships are critical in the quest to combat truancy and the alarming dropout rate among
urban youth. Meanwhile, Dube and Orpinas, [6] investigated the negative and positive
behavioral reinforcement liquor during school days. Parents and store owners were very
cooperative to the request. Additional request to people is by not allowing students to stay late
night watching television if it is school days.
The student’s attendance is very important for them to attain the learning which leads
them to be more competent and successful in the class. If the students are always absent the
school heads and faculty may also be affected by the absenteeism rate of their student, and so as
the population of those who practice absenteeism affect the whole school environment itself.
There are so many reasons and factor where absenteeism happened that the respondents of this
need to resolve. Hence, this research was conducted.

Statement of the Problem

What are the effects of absenteeism on the students of LSN of The University of Lahore?
This problem statement created various objectives of study which helped the author to
accomplish the complete research.

Objective of the Study

The study aims to determine the effects of absenteeism among fourth year students to
learning performance in San Agustin National High School. Specifically it seek to know the
following: the profile of the respondents; the common causes of absenteeism among students; the
effects of absenteeism among fourth year high school students and to determine the relationship
between absenteeism, learning performance and school performance among fourth year high
school students in San Agustin National High School.
Significance of the Study
The study aims to determine the effects of absenteeism among grade 11 Zara students to
their learning performance and it was beneficial for the students who were habitual absent maker
or late comers to assure them how the absenteeism badly affect their performance and future
carrier , so that they became agree to improve their attendance and reduce absent rate hence they
can able to get good grades and improve learning abilities and their performance in study by
attending the lectures regularly. It was beneficial for the students to make them punctual not only
for lectures but also for their personal life and assure them to show outstanding performance in
exams hence the outcomes of the organization became excellent.

Scope and Delimitation

There were 10 teachers and 62 students who served as the respondents of the study.
They answered the questions on the survey questionnaire adopted and distributed by the
researchers. They were the one to determine the performances of the students who engaged
to habitual absences, and its cause. They were also asked on how this absenteeism affects
the school performance. When the task is duly accomplished and the questionnaires were
retrieved, processed, tabulated. It was submitted to the statistic center of LPU for data

Definition of Terms

These absenteeism levels decrease the level of production because of work specialization.
One analysis given that, absenteeism brings out hundreds of cases of negative impact on the
building of future of students. Empirical evidences confirm that absenteeism produce the high
level of problems and failure.

Review of Related Literature

A review of related literature (RRL) is a detailed review of existing literature related to

the topic of a thesis or dissertation. In an RRL, you talk about knowledge and findings from
existing literature relevant to your topic. ... When writing the review, begin by providing the
background and purpose of the review.

Related Literature
Absenteeism is an issue that is widely discussed amongst academicians worldwide,
particularly those who are involved in education field such as school and higher education
institution. Absenteeism is a habit of failure to present himself or herself frequently in program
or event without a reasonable excuse and an absentee is used to describe somebody who is not
there to do a particular task in person. Absence can be defined as a very personal decision based
on both motivation to attend and ability to attend [1]. Previous studies have proven that
successful students in their academics’ performance were based on their attendance to classes or
Students who attend classes or lectures have better academic performances as compared
to truant students. Horn and Jansen [2] stated that academic performance should positively
correlate with class attendance. Research by Ahmed [3] revealed a significant moderate positive
relationship (r = 0.716) between student’s attendance and academic performance at Simad
University in Mogadishu, Somalia. The results indicated that one level increase of courses
attendances lead to a higher academic performance by 0.716. In addition, Anna [4] found that
exam point has a positive correlation (r = 0.54) with attendance in the university. Similarly, the
findings from Romer [5] and Park and Kerr [6] also indicated that attendance and academic
performance were positively correlated. However, some of the students still continue their
absenteeism due to several unreasonable excuses such as engaging in various forms
merrymaking and sleeping late [7].
According to Schmulian and Coetzee [8], students who passed in the final examination
had 93% of attendance whilst students who failed in the final examination had attendance at
89%. In addition, there were positive correlations between academic performance and attendance
of students for the first assessment (r = 0.29) and the second assessment (r = 0.23).
Many factors have been identified which associated academic performances and
absenteeism among students. Schmulian and Coetzee [8] suggested that the ethnic backgrounds,
cultural and student financial support influenced the academic performance among students in
South Africa. Hunter and Tetley [9] indicated that the way of lecturers deliver the subjects attract
the students to understand the subject matter. According to Gump [10], the reasons for
absenteeism include the failures of lecturers to connect the content or text of lecture to
assessment or the real world. Besides, factors such as poor quality of lecture content,
accessibility of lecture material on online forms, unchallenging lecturers, timing of lectures and
competing assignment commitments also contribute to the absenteeism.
In other cases, the failure to attend the lecture is due to students’ engagement in part-time
job to support their education. In the study by Ford, Wilson, and Bosworth [11] on the impact of
casual work on students’ performance stated that many study had shown that the large number,
between 27% and 57% of students, choose to do part time job which apparently resulted in
students tend to absent from class due to work commitments [12]. In addition, students only
focus on their assignments because they thought their assignments will contribute to high marks
Foy [14] studied on attendance and its effect on academic achievement in Alliance Public
School in Portland, Oregon. The findings indicated that there were significant negative
relationship between number of class absent and academic grades at all grades, fourth (r =
-0.364), eighth (r = -0.368) and eleventh grades (r = -0.171). Moreover, fourth and eighth grades
showed a strong negative correlation between absenteeism and mathematics results. In another
study by Griswold and Patterson [15], they found that absenteeism not only affected mathematics
and reading grades only, but so were language art achievement and social study achievement
scores. In addition to that, the findings from Blerkom [16] also yielded moderate negative
correlation between course grades and class attendance.
Marburger [17] who studied on absenteeism and undergraduate exam performance found
that the overall absenteeism reduced the average final exam marks by 2.3%. In addition to that,
the findings from Mohammed [18] also found that the class absenteeism negatively impacts
students’ ultimate course results. Rudina and Julinda [19] observed the case of student
attendance at less than 85% and they found that the probability of these students to get failing
grades was 37.5% whereas the probability not to get successful grades was 58.3%. Similarly,
Richard and Deirdre [20] studied on student’s attendance and academic performance in
undergraduate of medical student. The results showed that the majority of failure grade (60%)
occurred in the students with attendance rates lower than 80%. In general, this study was carried
out with the intention of determining the relationship between absenteeism and academic
performance among Calculus student in UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang. This study will also
determine the contribution of absenteeism to academic performance among students.

Research Methodology

Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,

process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the methodology section
allows the reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and reliability.

Research Design

Research Locale
This study was conducted at Dangcagan National High School, Bukidnon. Located at the
Municipality of Dangcagan, Purok-1B, Poblacion Dangcagan, Bukidnon, 8719, Region X,

(Picture sa location sa dangcagan)

Participants of the Study

Sampling Procedure
Research Instrument

The instruments used in the study are Questionnaire Form where this instrument was
adopted by the researchers to set up the sociodemographic profile of the student and teacher
respondents. The said instrument used to determine the gender and age of the respondents. The
evidences on the effects of absenteeism to school and individual performances and also its causes
whether it would be a self-inquiry or family problem were also listed in different sets and Survey
Questionnaire for Students and Teachers. This instrument used to determine the performances of
the student who has frequent absences to his classes and his contribution to school performance.

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