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Mary Joy S.

Summarization of Lesson 3
In Lesson 3 it is about Functions, Roles and Skills of a Manager. It states there that
GOOD MANAGERS discover how to master five basic functions. The Five Functions
of Manager are Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading and Controlling. It includes
the following:
Planning- This progression includes outlining precisely how to accomplish a
specific objective. State, for instance, that the association will probably improve
organization deals. The manager first needs to choose which steps are important
to achieve that objective. These means may incorporate increasing advertising,
inventory and sales staff . These essential advances are formed into a plan. At the
point when the plan is set up, the manager can tail it to achieve the objective of
improving organization deals.

Organizing- After planning is set up, a manager needs to compose her group and
materials as per her plan. Assigning work and granting authority are two
important elements of organizing

Staffing-After the manager perceives his territory's needs, he may choose to

expand his staffing by enrolling, choosing, preparing, and creating workers. A
manager in an enormous association frequently works with the organization's HR
office to achieve this objective.

Leading-A director needs to accomplish something other than plan, arrange, and
staff her group to accomplish an objective. She should likewise lead. It includes
persuading, conveying, managing, and empowering. It requires the manager to
mentor, help, and issue unravel with representatives.
Controlling: After different components are set up, a managers activity isn't done.
He needs to consistently check results against objectives and take any remedial
activities important to ensure that his region's arrangements stay on target.

All directors at all degrees of each association play out these capacities, however
the measure of time a manager spends on every one relies upon both the degree
of the executives and the particular association.
Every one relies upon both of the administration and the particular association.

Roles performed by manager

A manager wears numerous caps. The Managers is are not just managers yet the
person in question is additionally an organizer, coordinator, team promoter,
mentor, and issue solver and leader – all folded into one. Also, these are only a
couple of an administrator's jobs.

Moreover, manager’s time tables are typically jam-stuffed. Regardless of whether

they're occupied with representative gatherings, unforeseen issues or technique
meetings, chief regularly discover time on their schedule. (Furthermore, that does
exclude reacting to email)

In his exemplary book, The Nature of MANAGERIAL work, Henry Mintzberg

depicts resource of ten jobs

That a supervisor fills. These jobs fall into three classes:

• Interpersonal: This job includes human collaboration.

• Informational: This job includes the sharing and breaking down of data.
• Decisional: This job includes dynamic.

TABLE 1 Contains a more in-depth look at each category of roles that help
managers carry out all five functions described in the preceding “Functions of
Manager” section.
Category Role Activity
Informational Monitor Seek and receive
information; scan
periodicals and reports;
maintain personal
contact with stakeholders
Disseminator Forward information to
organization members via
memos, reports, and
phone calls.
Spokesperson Transmit information to
outsiders via reports,
memos, and speeches
Interpersonal Figurehead Perform ceremonial and
symbolic duties, such as
greeting visitors and
signing legal documents.
Leader Direct and motivate
subordinates; counsel
and communicate with
Liaison Maintain information
links both inside and
outside organization via
mail, phone calls, and
Entrepreneur Initiate improvement
projects; identify new
ideas and delegate idea
responsibility to others
Disturbance handler Take corrective action
during disputes or crises;
resolve conflicts among
subordinates; adapt to
Resource allocator Decide who gets
resources; prepare
budgets; set schedules
and determine priorities.
Negotiator Represent department
during negotiations of
union contracts,

As a manager, you probably fulfill many different roles every day.
For instance, as well as leading your team, you might find yourself resolving a
conflict, negotiating new contracts, representing your department at a board
meeting, or approving a request for a new computer system.
Put simply, you're constantly switching roles as tasks, situations, and expectations
change. Management expert and professor Henry Mintzberg recognized this, and
he argued that there are ten primary roles or behaviors that can be used to
categorize a manager's different functions.
Figurehead – As a manager, you have social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities.
You're expected to be a source of inspiration. People look up to you as a person
with authority, and as a figurehead.
Leader – This is where you provide leadership for your team, your department or
perhaps your entire organization; and it's where you manage the performance
and responsibilities of everyone in the group.
Liaison – Managers must communicate with internal and external contacts. You
need to be able to network effectively on behalf of your organization.
Monitor – In this role, you regularly seek out information related to your
organization and industry, looking for relevant changes in the environment. You
also monitor your team, in terms of both their productivity, and their well-being.
Disseminator – This is where you communicate potentially useful information to
your colleagues and your team.
Spokesperson – Managers represent and speak for their organization. In this role,
you're responsible for transmitting information about your organization and its
goals to the people outside it.
Entrepreneur – As a manager, you create and control change within the
organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas, and
implementing them.
Disturbance Handler – When an organization or team hits an unexpected
roadblock, it's the manager who must take charge. You also need to help mediate
disputes within it.
Resource Allocator – You'll also need to determine where organizational
resources are best applied. This involves allocating funding, as well as assigning
staff and other organizational resources.
Negotiator – You may be needed to take part in, and direct, important
negotiations within your team, department, or organization.
Not everyone can be a manager. Certain skills or abilities to translate
knowledge into action that results in desired performance are required to help
other employees become more productive. These skills fall under the following
Human skill -is being able to work with people.
Technical skill -is knowledge in a given activity or subject, and conceptual skill is
the ability to work with new ideas.
Conceptual skill-are used heavily at the executive level of business.
Skills and personal characteristics the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools
of Business (AACSB) is urging business schools to help their student’s
a. LEADERSHIP : - ability to influence others to perform tasks
b. SELF-OBJECTIVITY – ability to evaluate yourself realistically
c. TOLERANCE ANALYTIC THINKING – ability to interpret and explain
patterns in information
d. BEHAVIORFAL FLEXIB ILITY – ability to modify personal behavior to react
objectivity rather than subjectivity to accomplish organizational
e. ORAL COMMUNICATION - ability to express ideas clearly in words
f. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION – ability to express ideas clearly in writing
g. PERSONAL IMPACT- ability to create a good impression and instill
h. RESISTANCE TO STRESS – ability to perform under stressful condition
i. TOLERANCE FOR UNCERTAINTY- ability to perform in ambiguous

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