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Lesson 16: The Ethical

Challenges of Filinnials
Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. Define who the Filinnials are?
2. Be acquainted to the contemporary challenges of Filinnials.
Who are the Filinnials?
Filinnials are Filipino Millennials. But who are the Millennials?

Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 23 to 38 in 2019) is

considered a Millennial (
The term Millennials generally refers to the
generation of people born between the early
1980s and 1990s, according to the Merriam-
Webster Dictionary.

Some people also include children born in the

early 2000s. The Millennial Generation is also
known as Generation Y, because it comes after
Generation X — those people between the early
1960s and the 1980s (
Characteristics of Millennials

They are the first generation to truly witness the advent of technology
like the internet, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, there are a
variety of traits that people of Generation Y or Millennials might have:

1.Values meaningful motivation and experience

2.Challenges the hierarchy status-quo
3.Places importance on relationships with superiors
4.Intuitive knowledge of technology or technology savvy
5.Open or open minded and adaptive to change
6. Places importance on tasks rather than time
7. Passion for learning and values
8. Openly receptive to feedback and recognition.
9. Free-thinking and creative
10. Values social interactions in the workplace and
are socially conscious (
11. They always look for
12. They are educated and
knowledgeable (
13. Health conscious (
14. Financially conscious (
15. Spiritually conscious ( but
many also are non-religious
16.Masters of the art of multi-tasking
17.Browsers and not buyers
18.Creative problem solver
20.Famously frank
21. Strive for transparency
22. Price Picky (
23. Civic-oriented
24. Global citizens
25. Entrepreneurial
26. Flexible
27. Pragmatic idealists
28. Frugal
29. Liberal and progressive
30. Confident
31. Practical and result-oriented
32. Nomadic
33. Impatient (
Ethical Challenges of
-With all these characteristics we are left to challenge ourselves how
to live an ethical life according to the kinds of life we are in.
Ethical Challenges of
Millenials are also known to be the most educated
generation. The presence of advance technology enables this
generation to access knowledge and to discover the vast
undiscovered territories. With the advancement of knowledge comes
also a lot of questions as to how to live with all the new discoveries
and inventions. This leaves the millenials to be thrown into situations
which were unchartered before. This makes them susceptible to a
kind of living devoid of knowledge to deal with the situations. The
role of ethics then comes in.
Ethical Challenges

– How should Filipino Millenials (Fillinials) deal with the use of technology? Will
you let technology master over you or will you be in control of its use?
Ethical Challenges

– How should you deal with the environment? Will you see yourselves as part of it
or as masters over it?
Ethical Challenges

– How should you deal with freedom? How is it to be really free as a nation?
Ethical Challenges

– Who is a Filipino? How does a Filipino remain a Filipino even in the midst of

There are four challenges from the prior pages. Answer and choose one challenge
to take.
In answering, consider and use the lessons we have discussed during the whole

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