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Joseph Calianese

English 1001

Professor Hosten

6 November 2020

Annotated Bibliography

Isaacs, Marx. “Effective Speech Is Effective Communication.” Technical Communication,

vol. 16, no. 2, 1969, pp. 14–15. JSTOR, Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

This source from Marx Isaacs goes over characteristics and techniques of presenting and

effective speech. The source goes over the primary goals of a speech, the necessary organization

points, and how a speech should generally be presented. I plan on using this source to go into further

detail in Medium and Design to explain which aspects of this source David Foster Wallace’s speech

followed, and maybe what he may have done differently.


HEDGEHOG.” Freedom and the Self: Essays on the Philosophy of David Foster Wallace, edited by

Steven M. Cahn and Maureen Eckert, Columbia University Press, NEW YORK, 2015, pp. 109–

132. JSTOR, Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

This source is an excerpt of a fifth chapter from a book about David Foster Wallace. The

chapter is titled “David Foster Wallace as American Hedgehog.” The chapter begins with a quote

from Archilochus stating, “the fox knows many things; the hedgehog knows one big thing.” The

chapter then goes on to describe the themes found in Wallace’s work to describe whether he is a so-

called fox or hedgehog. I plan on using this source to go into further detail in Context. Giving a

background on David Wallace himself is important.


THE BIRTH OF A DISCIPLINE.” IJAS Online, no. 2, 2010, pp. 47–59. JSTOR, Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

This article from Adam Kelly, describes the affect that David Foster Wallace’s suicide had on

how his work is perceived. How after his death, his work was revisited by fans and critics, while also

new readers were introduced. The article explains how after Wallace’s death he was established as

one of the “most significant writers of his era.” I plan on using this article to describe more of the

context of Wallace’s speech for those reading it today after his death.

“The Ups and Downs of Graduation.” The Ups and Downs of Graduation - Counseling

& Psychological Services | Montana State University,


I plan on using this article to further describe the audience, and to describe how the group

of graduates listening to Wallace’s speech are feeling during it. The article explains how

graduates feel leading up to and during the graduation ceremony. This is important information

to know in order for Wallace to direct his speech to the specific audience.

Bitzer, Lloyd F. “The Rhetorical Situation.” Philosophy & Rhetoric, vol. 25, 1992, pp. 1–

14. JSTOR, Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

The article goes into detail describing exactly what a rhetorical situation is and how to define it

in different contexts. I plan to use this article in order to point down and help better define the

rhetorical situation of David Foster Wallace’s speech.

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