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SCHOOL : Junior High School

SUBJECT : Mathematics
TIME ALLOCATION : 8 x 40 minutes

A. Standard Competence
1. To understand algebraic form, function, and straight line equation

B. Basic Competence
1.1. To do the algebraic form operations

C. Learning Objectives
 Students are able to do addition and subtraction on algebraic form
 Students are able to do multiplication and division on algebraic form
 Students are able to do powering on algebraic form

D. Learning Materials
 Algebraic Form & Algebraic Operation

E. Learning Method / Learning Model

 Discussion
 Giving Task
 Question & Answer
 Telling Story
 Direct Instruction
 Cooperative Learning
 Problem Based Instruction

F. Learning Activity
First Opening
Meeting  Apperception:
Teacher reminds variable, term, coefficient, and constant
 Motivation:
Teacher tells a story that has relation with algebraic form
Main Activity
a. Exploration
 Teacher exemplifies algebraic
expression in daily life to introduce polynomials
 Teacher explain how to write a algebraic
 Teacher explain how to sum of algebraic
b. Elaboration
 Teacher explains the procedure of
addition and subtraction algebraic expressions
 Student discuss about how to addition
and subtraction algebraic expressions
 After discussion, teacher asked student
to do exercise about addition and subtraction
 Teacher guides student to conclude
about like term.
c. Confirmation
 Students are asked to do the worksheet
about addition and subtraction algebraic expression.
 Students try to solve it and teacher helps
 Some students shows their answer in
front of class
 Teacher guides students to make
 Teacher gives homework
Second Opening
Meeting  Apperception:
# Teacher and students discuss homework
# Some students shows their answer in front of class
# Teacher reminds the concepts of multiplication in whole numbers
Main Activity
a. Exploration
 Teacher gives example to determine area
of rectangle
 Teacher explains distributive property in
area rectangle
b. Elaboration
 Teacher explains how to multiplication
of binomials and polynomials using distributive property.
 Teacher gives example multiplication of
binomial and polynomials
 Students try to solve it and teacher helps
 Teacher explains how to multiplication
of binomial and polynomials using FOIL (First-Outer-Inner-Last)
 Teacher gives example multiplication of
binomial and polynomials
 Students try to solve it and teacher helps
c. Confirmation
 Students are asked to do the worksheet
about addition and subtraction algebraic expression.
 Students try to solve it and teacher helps
 Some students shows their answer in
front of class
 Teacher guides the students to make
 Teacher gives homework
Third Opening
Meeting  Apperception:
# Teacher and students discuss homework
# Some students shows their answer in front of class
# Teacher reminds the concepts of multiplication and powering in whole
Main Activity
a. Exploration
 Teacher guides student to define power
as multiplication
 Teacher explain power of algebraic
b. Elaboration
 Teacher explains power of binomial as
Pascal’s Triangle
 Teacher gives example to solve power of
binomial using Pascal’s Triangle
 Student discuss about example
 Teacher explains square of trinomial as
 Teacher gives example
 Student discuss the example
c. Confirmation
 Students are asked to do the worksheet
about addition and subtraction algebraic expression.
 Students try to solve it and teacher helps
 Some students shows their answer in
front of class
 Teacher guides the students to make
 Teacher gives homework
Fourth Opening
Meeting  Apperception:
# Teacher and students discuss homework
# Some students shows their answer in front of class
Main Activity
a. Exploration
 Teacher gives example operation of
algebraic expressions
b. Elaboration
 Teacher explains operations of algebraic
c. Confirmation
 Teacher gives quiz
 Student try to solve the quiz
 Teacher submit their answer

G. Learning Sources
 Student Book Class VIII
 Worksheet

H. Assessment
Type of
Indicator Attainment Technique Examples
To do addition and subtraction Written test - Worksheet x  3 y   2 x  y   ........
on algebraic form
Show the - Questions in  x  4 x  2  .......
To determine the form of a ability examples and
function when the values of a exercises (x – 3)3 = ……
function are known
- Quiz

Acquired Score
Final Score = ------------------------- x Ideal Score = …………….
Maximum Score

Jakarta, 2009
Principal of ………………. Mathematics Teacher

(…………………………..) (…………………………..)

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