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5S/E Chemistry Notes

Part IX Rate of Reaction

Ch 36 Rate of chemical reaction

36.1 Introducing rate of reaction

 The rate of reaction tells how quickly a chemical reaction occurs, e.g.
Type of reactions Rate of reaction
a) Reaction between hydrogen and oxygen in the Extremely fast
‘pop’ sound
b) Reaction between magnesium and dilute Moderate
sulphuric acid
c) Rusting of iron Slow

Class practice 36.1 (P. 3)

For each of the following pairs of experiments, circle the one in which the reaction proceeds with a higher
(a) Putting a piece of calcium in water / putting a piece of zinc in water
(b) Adding silver nitrate solution to sodium chloride solution / putting a piece of copper into silver
nitrate solution.

 It can be defined as
o  concentration of a product per unit time, or
o  concentration of a reactant per unit time

[P] and [R] represent the concentrations of a product and a reactant (usually in mol dm–3) respectively
 represents the change (final state – initial state)
t represents the time taken for the change

Class practice 36.2 (P. 7)

Nitrogen reacts with oxygen in a sealed discharge tube to give nitrogen dioxide.
N2(g) + 2O2(g)  2NO2(g)
The concentration of nitrogen dioxide changes from 0 to 0.48 mol dm–3 in 2 seconds. Calculate
(a) the rate of formation of nitrogen dioxide,

(b) the rate of consumption of nitrogen,

(c) the rate of consumption of oxygen.

36.2 Describing rate of reaction — concentration-time graph, average rate and instantaneous rate

Concentration-time graph

(a) (b)
A plot of concentration of (a) reactant or (b) product against time.

 Concentration-time graph is a plot of the concentration of a reactant (or a product) against time. It shows
the progress of a chemical reaction.

1. The curve starts from the origin when it is a plot of the concentration of product against time.
∵ no products are present at time zero
2. The curve is steep at first but becomes less steep with time and becomes horizontal finally. This
shows that the concentration of product remains constant. The reaction stops and no more products
form. The point F indicates the end of the reaction.
3. The curve shows the final concentration of product and the total time of the reaction.

Average rate
 The average rate of a reaction is the change in concentration of a reactant, –[R] (or a product, [P])
over a certain interval of time, t.

Instantaneous rate
 The rate at a particular instant of the reaction is called the instantaneous rate.

 The tangent drawn at time zero is the steepest and its slope is the largest. This shows that the rate of
reaction is the highest at the beginning. This is called the initial rate (i.e. the instantaneous rate at
time t = 0) of reaction.
 As the reaction proceeds, the slope of the tangents decreases (from t1 to t3) and finally becomes zero.
This indicates that the reaction becomes slower and slower and finally stops.

Class practice 36.3 (P. 12)

The concentration-time graph of a certain reaction is shown below:

(a) Calculate the corresponding instantaneous rate of reaction at points A, B and C.

(b) Describe the change of the rate during the course of the reaction.

(c) Calculate the average rate of the whole course of reaction.

Class practice 36.4 (P. 13)

An experiment was carried out to study the reaction of ethyl ethanoate with water in the presence of acid.
The reaction can be represented by the following equation:

The experimental results were tabulated as follows:

(a) Using the above data, plot a graph of the concentration of CH3COOH(aq) against time.

(b) Determine the initial rate of the reaction.

(c) Determine the instantaneous rate at the 125th minute.

(d) What can you tell about the change in instantaneous rate during the course of the reaction?

36.3 Methods of following the progress of a chemical reaction
1. Methods that measure different kinds of physical properties.
For example, methods that measure
(a) the change in volume of a gaseous product,
(b) the change in pressure of a reaction system,
(c) the change in mass of a reaction mixture,
(d) the change in colour intensity of a reaction mixture
2. Method based on titration, known as titrimetric analysis.

1. Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring the change in volume of a gaseous
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq)  MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
o The rate of the reaction can be investigated by measuring the volume of hydrogen gas produced at
regular time intervals.

i. Drop the magnesium ribbon into dilute HCl(aq).

ii. Start the stopwatch.
iii. Record the volume of gas in the syringe at regular time intervals until the end of the reaction.

Class practice 36.5 (P. 17)

A student investigated the rate of reaction between benzenediazonium chloride (C6H5N2Cl) and water. A
known mass of the chloride was added to a conical flask containing a large excess of water. The equation of
the reaction is shown below:
C6H5N2Cl(aq) + H2O(l)  C6H5OH(aq) + N2(g) + HCl(aq)
The volume of N2(g) liberated was recorded every minute and the results were tabulated as follows:

(a) Plot a graph of the volume of N2(g) (b) What was the maximum volume of N2(g)
liberated against time. liberated?

(c) Calculate the average rate of the reaction for

the first 4 minutes.

2. Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring the change in pressure of a reaction
o This method is used for the reactions involving a change in the number of moles of gas.
o The reaction system has to be a closed system which has a constant volume.
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq)  MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

Class practice 36.6 (P. 19)

1. A student investigated the rate of reaction between sodium and ethanol using the following set-up. A
small piece of freshly cut sodium was added to a test tube of ethanol as shown below.
2C2H5OH + 2Na  2C2H5ONa + H2

(a) Name apparatus X.

(b) Sketch a graph of the pressure (kPa) inside the boiling tube against time (min).

2. A student tried to investigate the rate of the following reaction:

Na2SO3(s) + 2HCl(aq)  2NaCl(aq) + SO2(g) + H2O(l)
Explain why it was not appropriate for the student to find the rate of reaction by measuring the volume
or pressure of SO2(g) generated.

3. Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring the change in mass of a reaction

 This method is used for the reactions involving a change in mass of the reaction mixture (not suitable to
reactions producing hydrogen as the change in mass is insignificant).
e.g. CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq)  CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)
 If a gas is given off from a reaction and is allowed to escape from the reaction mixture, the mass of the
reaction mixture decreases.
 In the experiment, the carbon dioxide gas produced escapes from the flask through the cotton wool plug.
  total mass of the flask and its content = the mass of carbon dioxide produced

Class practice 36.7 (P. 22)

A student used the set-up shown in Figure 36.9 to investigate the rate of the following reaction:
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq)  CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

(a) What causes the decrease in mass of the flask and its content during the experiment?

(b) Find the mass of CO2(g) produced at regular time intervals and fill in the table below.
(c) Plot a graph of the mass of CO2(g) produced against time. On your graph, mark the ‘total mass of
CO2 produced’, ‘the end of reaction’ and the ‘total time of reaction’.

(a) Calculate the initial rate of the reaction.

(b) Calculate the average rate for the whole course of the reaction.

4. Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring the change in colour intensity of a
reaction mixture
 This method is used for the reactions involving one of the reactants or products is coloured.
 The colour intensity of the mixture will gradually increase if the product is coloured.
e.g. 2MnO4–(aq) + 5C2O42–(aq) + 16H+(aq)  2Mn2+(aq) + 8H2O(l) + 10CO2(g)
 A colorimeter can be used to measure the change in colour intensity.
 Record the fraction of light absorbed (called the absorbance) by the reaction mixture at regular time
intervals. The higher the concentration of the coloured species, the higher is the absorbance recorded.

5. Following the progress of a chemical reaction by titrimetric analysis

 Quenching can be done by the following methods:
1. Cooling the reaction mixture rapidly in ice.
2. Diluting the reaction mixture with a sufficient amount of cold water or an appropriate solvent.
e.g. CH3COOCH2CH3(l) + NaOH(aq)  CH3COONa(aq) + CH3CH2OH(aq)
i. Mix ethyl ethanoate and dilute sodium hydroxide solution.
ii. At regular time intervals, withdraw small portions of the reaction mixture using a pipette.
iii. Quench the reaction in the small portions by pouring them into ice-cold distilled water.
iv. Titrate the quenched portions against standard HCl(aq), using phenolphthalein as
Class practice 36.8 (P. 29)

Propanone reacts with iodine in the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid.

At regular time intervals, 10.0 cm3 portion of the reaction mixture was withdrawn and poured into
20 cm3 ice-cold distilled water. The third portion required 6.50 cm3 of 5  10–3 mol dm–3 sodium thiosulphate
solution, Na2S2O3(aq), to react completely with the unreacted iodine.
(a) State the purpose of pouring the reaction mixture into 20 cm3 ice-cold distilled water.

(b) The ionic equation for the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and iodine is shown below:
2S2O32–(aq) + I2(aq)  S4O62–(aq) + 2I–(aq)
Calculate the concentration of iodine in the third portion.

Class practice 36.9 (P. 30)

Suggest an experimental method which can be used to follow the progress of each of the following
reactions. Explain your choice. (Each method can only be used once and detailed procedure of experiment
need NOT be included.)

(b) Mg(OH)2(s) + 2CH3COOH(aq)  (CH3COO)2Mg(aq) + 2H2O(l)

(c) 2NO(g) + 2H2(g)  N2(g) + 2H2O(g)

Chapter 37 Factors affecting rate of reaction

37.1 Factors affecting rate of reaction

 concentration of reactants
 temperature
 surface area of solid reactants
 presence of a catalyst

Collision theory
 The reactant particles must collide with each other in order for a chemical reaction to occur.
 If reactant particles collide in the right orientation and at a high speed (i.e. with sufficient kinetic
energy), they will give the product  Effective collision
 If reactant particles do not collide in the right orientation, they may just move apart without forming a

 The minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to occur is known as activation energy.
 If reactant particles collide in the right orientation but at a low speed, they may also just move apart
without forming a product.

 The rate of a reaction is proportional to the number of effective collisions per unit time (such as
second) between the reactant particles.

37.2 Effect of concentration of reactants on rate of reaction

Effect of concentration of reactants on rate of reaction

 Investigating effect of concentration of reactants on reaction rate

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq)  MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
 Same mass of magnesium ribbon and the same volume of hydrochloric acid are used each time.
 The concentrations of the acid are different (0.5 M, 1.0 M, 1.5 M, 2.0 M) in each case.
 Plot a graph of volume of hydrogen produced against time.
 The curve obtained by using 2.0 M hydrochloric acid shows the highest initial rate than that by using
acids of other concentrations.

 An increase in the concentration of a reactant increases the reaction rate.

  number of reactant particles per unit volume
  number of effective collisions per unit time
  reaction rate

 For reactions involving gases,

  pressure brings the reactant particles closer
  number of reactant particles per unit volume
  reaction rate

Class practice 37.1 (P. 7)

1. The graph below shows the curves for the reaction involving the same mass of zinc strips and excess
dilute hydrochloric acid of different concentrations.

(a) At what molarity of hydrochloric acid does the reaction take the shortest time to complete?

(b) Is the same volume of hydrogen produced in each case? Why?

(c) In the diagram, sketch the curve which would be obtained if 0.1 M hydrochloric acid is used. (Other
factors are kept the same at the start of the experiment.)

2. Two magnesium ribbons of the same mass (0.1 g) are added separately to50 cm3 of 2.0 M hydrochloric
acid and 50 cm3 of 2.0 M ethanoic acid.
(a) Which reaction takes a shorter time to complete? Explain.

(b) Do these two reactions produce the same amount of hydrogen gas? Explain.

37.3 Effect of temperature on rate of reaction
 Reaction between sodium thiosulphate and dilute HCl
S2O32–(aq) + 2H+(aq)  SO2(g) + S(s) + H2O(l)
 As the reaction proceeds, more and more sulphur forms. The reaction mixture becomes turbid.
 Eventually, there is enough sulphur to ‘blot out’ the cross under the beaker.

 The time taken to ‘blot out’ the cross is inversely proportional to the average rate of reaction.

 To investigate the effect of temperature on reaction rate, repeat the experiment at different
temperatures using the same concentration and volume of sodium thiosulphate and dilute
hydrochloric acid in all experiments

Temperature (C)
 The graph of rate of reaction against temperature is not a straight line, but an exponential curve.
 An increase in temperature raises the average kinetic energy of the reactant particles.
 The reactant particles
 have more energy and move faster
 have a greater frequency to collide with each other
 When temperature increases, more reactant particles have sufficient energy to react.

  number of effective collisions per unit time
  reaction rate

Class practice 37.2

A student performed an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of the following
Br2(aq) + HCO2H(aq)  2Br–(aq) + 2H+(aq) + CO2(g)
The progress of the reaction was monitored by measuring the colour intensity of the reaction mixture at
regular time intervals. The change in colour intensity of the reaction mixture with time at 25C is shown in
the following diagram.

(a) Explain the change in colour intensity of the reaction mixture with time in the experiment.

(b) The experiment was carried out at different temperatures in a water bath. Suggest how to get a
temperature about 10C below the room temperature.

(c) In the diagram above, sketch the change in colour intensity of the reaction mixture with time at 15C.

(d) With reference to your answer in (c), explain qualitatively the effect of decreasing the temperature on
the rate of this reaction.

37.4 Effect of surface area of solid reactant on rate of reaction
 Reaction between limestone and dilute HCl
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq)  CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
 Equal masses of lumps of limestone and powdered limestone are added separately to equal volumes
of 1 M hydrochloric acid at the same temperature.
 Due to the escape of carbon dioxide, the mass of the reaction mixture decreases.
 The decrease in mass of the reaction mixture is recorded at regular time intervals.
 Plot a graph of decrease in mass of the reaction mixture against time.

 The curve obtained by using powdered limestone shows a higher initial rate (the tangent at time t =
0 is steeper) than that by using lumps of limestone.
 The reaction using powdered limestone finishes earlier than the reaction using lumps of limestone.

 A larger surface area of solid results in a greater chance for the reactant particles to collide.
  number of effective collisions per unit time
  reaction rate

Class practice 37.3 (P. 13)
 A student added 1.5 g of powdered calcium carbonate to 50 cm3 of 1.25 M hydrochloric acid (excess) at
room temperature and pressure. The volume of carbon dioxide given off was recorded and the results
were plotted as curve A in the graph below:

(a) Write an ionic equation for the reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid.

(b) From the above graph, find the actual volume of carbon dioxide gas collected at the end of the

(c) Given that the theoretical volume of carbon dioxide gas collected is 360 cm3. Compare the actual and
theoretical volumes of carbon dioxide gas collected. Suggest TWO reasons that cause the
discrepancy found.

(d) Sketch another curve which is obtained by using the same mass of calcium carbonate lumps to
replace powdered calcium carbonate at the same temperature and pressure. Label the curve ‘B’.

(e) Suggest and explain TWO other properties of the reaction mixture that can be measured in order to
investigate the rate of this reaction.

Effect of catalyst on rate of reaction
 A catalyst changes (usually increases) the rate of a reaction without itself being chemically
changed at the end of the reaction.
 After the reaction has stopped, the catalyst is recovered from the reaction mixture.
 Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
2H2O2(aq)  2H2O(l) + O2(g)
 In the presence of manganese(IV) oxide (MnO2) powder, the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is
greatly speeded up.
 Manganese(IV) oxide is a catalyst which is not consumed in the decomposition process and can
be reused.

with MnO2(s) without MnO2(s)

 Since oxygen is allowed to escape from the reaction mixture, the mass of the reaction mixture decreases
during the decomposition.
 The effect of catalyst on the decomposition can be investigated by measuring the mass of the
reaction mixture over time.
 A small amount of MnO2(s) is added to H2O2(aq) and the experiment is repeated without the
addition of MnO2(s).
 The same concentration and volume of H2O2(aq) is used in each case.
 Plot a graph of mass of the reaction mixture against time with and without the addition of

 In the presence of MnO2(s), more oxygen forms and escapes in a shorter period of time.

Class practice 37.4 (P. 16)

The hydrogen peroxide decomposes much faster in the presence of copper(II) oxide. In an experiment,
0.5 g of the copper(II) oxide was added to a flask containing 100 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide solution. A gas
which relighted a glowing splint evolved. The gas was collected by a gas syringe and its volume was noted
every 10 seconds.

(a) Write a chemical equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of copper(II)

(b) What was the role of copper(II) oxide in the experiment?

(c) Plot a graph of the volume of gas evolved against time.

(d) Describe how the rate changed during the course of the reaction.

(e) When was the reaction complete?

(f) What mass of copper(II) oxide would be left in the flask after the end of the reaction.

(g) Sketch on your graph the curve that would have been obtained if copper(II) oxide had not been
added in the experiment.
37.6 Importance of catalyst in chemical industries and biological systems

Catalysts in chemical industries

 In the presence of a catalyst, a reaction can go faster at a given temperature.

 products can be produced more quickly
 saves time & reduces the cost of production
 A catalysed reaction may be carried out at a lower temperature.
 Saves the use of fuel

Manufacture of ammonia by Haber process

 Haber process is the production of ammonia from the reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen.
 Finely divided iron is used as the catalyst.

 Many useful nitrogen compounds, such as nitrogenous fertilizers are prepared from ammonia.

Manufacture of sulphuric acid by Contact process

 Sulphuric acid can be used to manufacture detergents, fertilizers, car batteries, dyes, etc.
 Contact process (involves several steps of reactions) is the manufacture of sulphuric acid.
 One of the steps is the catalytic oxidation of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide.
 Vanadium(V) oxide (V2O5) is used as the catalyst.

Catalysts in biological systems

 Chemical reactions within living cells are mostly catalysed by enzymes.
 Enzymes are biological catalysts.

Enzymes involved in the browning of fruits

 Browning of some fruits and vegetables is caused by the enzymes produced by their cells.
 These enzymes speed up the chemical reactions which lead to the formation of a brown substance in
fruits and vegetables.

Enzymes in human body
 Amylase in our saliva catalyses the conversion of starch into maltose (a disaccharide).

 Without enzymes, digestion of food and other reactions in human body would be too slow to keep us

Enzymes in yeast
 Yeast is a fungus that feeds on sugar.
 Zymase in yeast catalyses the conversion of glucose into ethanol and carbon dioxide in the absence of
 This process is called fermentation.
 Fermentation is commonly used in making beer and wine.

Chapter 38 Molar volume of gases at room temperature and pressure (r.t.p.)

 The molar volume of a substance (at certain conditions) is the volume occupied by one mole of the
substance (under those conditions).
 Molar volume is expressed in
 cm3 mol–1 for solids and liquids
 dm3 mol–1 for gases
 Molar volumes of solids and liquids in room condition (room temperature (25C) and pressure (1
atm) (i.e. r.t.p.).

 Determining the molar volume of a gas at room temperature and pressure

1. Add a known mass of magnesium ribbon to excess dilute hydrochloric acid.
2. Use a gas syringe to collect the hydrogen gas produced and record its volume.
3. Find the number of moles of hydrogen gas produced.
4. Calculate the molar volume of the gas at r.t.p..

 The molar volume of any gas is 24.0 dm3 mol–1 (24 000 cm3 mol–1) at 25C and 1 atm, i.e. room
temperature and pressure.
 Equal numbers of moles of gases at the same temperature and pressure occupy the same volume.
 Avogadro’s Law states that equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the
same number of molecules.

Class practice 38.1 (P. 38)

A certain volume of hydrogen gas is produced by the reaction of a known mass of zinc with an excess of
dilute sulphuric acid. The results obtained are shown below:
Mass of zinc used = 0.327 g
Volume of hydrogen collected in the gas syringe at room temperature and pressure = 120.0 cm3
(a) Write a chemical equation for the reaction.
(b) Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen produced.
(Relative atomic mass: Zn = 65.4)

(c) Calculate the molar volume of hydrogen at room temperature and pressure (in dm3 mol–1).

Class practice 38.2 (P. 8)

1. Calculate the number of molecules in 180 cm3 of HCl(g) at room temperature and pressure.
(Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24.0 dm3 mol–1; Avogadro constant = 6.02 ×
1023 mol–1)

2. Calculate the volumes (in dm3) of the following quantities of gases at room temperature and pressure.
(Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24.0 dm3 mol–1; Avogadro constant = 6.02 
1023 mol–1)
(a) 0.25 mol of Ar

(b) 2.41  1021 CH4 molecules

Class practice 38.3 (P. 12)

1. Carbon monoxide reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide according to the following equation:
2CO(g) + O2(g)  2CO2(g)
What are the volumes of carbon monoxide and oxygen required (measured at room temperature and
pressure) to produce 0.20 mol of carbon dioxide?
(Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24.0 dm3 mol–1)

2. Sulphur dioxide can be oxidized to sulphur trioxide according to the following equation. (Assume that
the conversion is complete.)

(a) (i) What is the volume of oxygen required to just react completely with 15.0 cm3 of sulphur dioxide?

(ii) Then what will be the volume of sulphur trioxide formed from (i)?

(b) Deduce the volume of sulphur dioxide and oxygen required to form 24.0 cm3 of sulphur trioxide?
(Assume that the volumes of gases are all measured at room temperature and pressure.)

3. The composition by volume of Hong Kong town gas is approximately 49.0% H2, 28.5% CH4, 3.0% CO
and 19.5% other incombustible gases. Calculate the volume of oxygen required to burn 100 dm3 of town
gas. (Assume that the volumes of gases are all measured at the same temperature and pressure.)

Class practice 38.4 (P. 14)

1. Calculate the mass of 0.464 dm3 of nitrogen gas at room temperature and pressure.
(Relative atomic mass: N = 14.0)
(Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24.0 dm3 mol–1)

2. A gas syringe contains 1.204  1021 molecules of oxygen at room temperature and pressure. Calculate (a)
the volume (at room temperature and pressure) and (b) the mass of oxygen.
(Relative atomic mass: O = 16.0; Avogadro constant = 6.02  1023 mol–1)
(Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24.0 dm3 mol–1)

Class practice 38.5 (P. 16)

On strong heating, lead(II) nitrate (Pb(NO3)2) decomposes according to the following equation:
2Pb(NO3)2(s)  2PbO(s) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
(Relative atomic masses: N = 14.0, O = 16.0, Pb = 207.2)
(Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24.0 dm3 mol–1)
(a) Calculate
(i) the theoretical volume of nitrogen dioxide formed (measured at room temperature and pressure),

(ii) the theoretical total volume of gases formed (measured at room temperature and pressure).when 5.6
g of lead(II) nitrate is heated.

(b) Experimental results showed that the total volume of gases collected (measured at room temperature and
pressure) was smaller than the theoretical volume calculated in (a)(ii). Explain.

Class practice 38.6 (P. 17)

1. Calculate the volume of hydrogen formed when 2.43 g of magnesium reacts with 30 cm3 of 2.0 M
hydrochloric acid at room temperature and pressure.
(Relative atomic mass: Mg = 24.3)
(Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24.0 dm3 mol–1)

2. Nitrogen gas forms when an aqueous solution containing benzenediazonium ions is heated to about
C6H5N2+(aq) + H2O(l)  C6H5OH(aq) + N2(g) + H+(aq)
Calculate (Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24.0 dm3 mol–1)
(a) the volume of nitrogen formed (measured at room temperature and pressure) when 100 cm3 of 0.5 M
aqueous solution of benzenediazonium ions is heated.

(b) the concentration of 250 cm3 aqueous solution of benzenediazonium ions needed to form 300 cm3 of
nitrogen (measured at room temperature and pressure).

3. Nitroglycerin (C3H5N3O9) is a typical explosive. It decomposes to liberate a huge amount of gases as

shown by the following equation:
4C3H5N3O9(l)  6N2(g) + 12CO2(g) + 10H2O(g) + O2(g)
Calculate the total volume of the gaseous products formed (measured at room temperature and pressure)
from 3 kg of nitroglycerin.
(Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24.0 dm3 mol–1)

HKDSE Past Papers (MCQ)
Part IX --- Rate of Reaction

1. 2011 Practice Paper 1A Q.25

2. 2011 Practice Paper 1A Q.29

3. 2012 Paper 1A Q.25

4. 2012 Paper 1A Q.26

5. 2013 Paper 1A Q.25

6. 2013 Paper 1A Q.33

7. 2014 Paper 1A Q.25

8. 2015 Paper 1A Q.28

9. 2015 Paper 1A Q.36

10. 2016 Paper 1A Q.25

11. 2016 Paper 1A Q.33

12. 2016 Paper 1A Q.34

13. 2017 Paper 1A Q.27

14. 2017 Paper 1A Q.28

HKDSE Past Papers (LQ)

Part IX --- Rate of Reaction

1. 2011 Practice Paper 1B Q.10

2. 2012 Paper 1B Q.11

3. 2013 Paper 1B Q.11

4. 2014 Paper 1B Q.10

5. 2015 Paper 1B Q.9d, 9e

6. 2016 Paper 1B Q.3b

7. 2016 Paper 1B Q.11

8. 2017 Paper 1B Q.10


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