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ARIZONA SENATE Senate Judiciary Committee SUBPOENA. 80% Wd SI O30 KR TO: Maricopa County Board of Supervisors YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce and permit inspection, copying, testing or sampling of te items identified inthe attached Exhibit 1 on ot before 5:00 p.m. on December 18, 2020 tothe Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee for inspection, copying, testing or sampling thereafter. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY FAILURE TO OBEY THIS SUBPOENA WITHOUT ADEQUATE EXCUSE MAY BE DEEMED CONTEMPT OF ‘THE LEGISLATURE. SIGNED this 15th day of December, 2020. Edie Fan / Eddie Famsworth, Chairman Senate Judiciary Committee Karen Fann, eat Keats a Arizona State Senate EXHIBIT ‘he following eleceonically stored eletion information shall be electronically produced fiom the November 2020 general election as follows (1) sepantely and distinctively each original unique native electronic ballot image cast for all mail-in and absentee ballots which were counted inthe November 2020 general eletion in Maricope County, Arizona containing the original metadata ofthe orignal electronic ballot image with: (resolution of leat 300 DPI in TIFF image and also (6) resolution of at least 300 DPI in PDF image, and also (©) resolution of least 300 DPI in JPG image (2) from the Dominion electronic eletion management system, the: 8) Dominion Hectronic Cast Vote Record b) Ballot Images - Raw Images ©) Ballo Images - Ballot Audit and Review 4 Vote-by-Mai Ballot Report ©) Provisional allot Report 1) Conditional Voter Registration Ballot Report 8) Cast Vote Record (Rav data)- JSON hy ImageCast Cental Logs 4) Ballot Scansing/Tabluation Machine Logs J) Dalit Scansing/Tabulation Machine Tape 1), Ranked-Cheiee Voting: Board of Supervisors, Final Detailed Report These system geneated report shouldbe provided as (a) an XML file, and (6) ISON file, and als (¢)a TXT fils (G) The native electoni ballot images cas forall mail-in and absentee ballots shall be produced as native original separate electronic ballots and shall not combine ballots into a single file or change the metadataof the original electronic ballot. (4) The electronically stored information required tobe produced herein shall be electronically uploaded to a computer drive supplied by the Senate Judiciary Committee ots agents.

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