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Fatigue resistance and crack propensity of novel "super-closed" sandwich

composite resin restorations in large MOD defects

Article  in  The international journal of esthetic dentistry · March 2016


4 3,938

4 authors, including:

Pascal Magne Silvana Batalha-Silva

University of Southern California

Mauro Amaral Caldeira de Andrada

Federal University of Santa Catarina


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Crack Tooth Syndrome View project

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Fatigue resistance and crack

propensity of novel “super-closed”
sandwich composite resin
restorations in large MOD defects
Pascal Magne, DMD, PhD
Associate Professor, The Don and Sybil Harrington Foundation Professor of Esthetic Dentistry,
Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, University of Southern California, USA

Silvana Silva, DMD, PhD

Private Practice, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina

Mauro de Andrada, DMD, PhD

Operative Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Hamilton Maia, DMD, PhD

Operative Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Correspondence to: Pascal Magne, DMD, PhD

Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, Division of Restorative Sciences, 925 West 34th Street, Room 382,

Los Angeles, CA 90089; E-mail:


Abstract isometric chewing (5 Hz), starting with

a load of 200 N (5,000  X), followed by
Objectives: To assess the influence of stages of 400, 600, 800, 1,000, 1,200,
conventional glass ionomer cement and 1,400 N at a maximum of 30,000 X
(GIC) vs resin-modified GIC (RMGIC) as each. Groups were compared using
a base material for novel, super-closed the life table survival analysis (α = .008,
sandwich restorations (SCSR) and its Bonferroni method).
effect on shrinkage-induced crack pro- Results: Group FJ showed the highest
pensity and in vitro accelerated fatigue survival rate (40% intact specimens)
resistance. but did not differ from group KM (20%)
Methods: A standardized MOD slot- or traditional direct restorations (13%,
type tooth preparation was applied to previous data). SCSR generated less
30 extracted maxillary molars (5 mm shrinkage-induced cracks. Most failures
depth/5 mm buccolingual width). A were re-restorable (above the cemento-
modified sandwich restoration was enamel junction [CEJ]).
used, in which the enamel/dentin bond- Conclusions: Inclusion of GIC/RMGIC
ing agent was applied first (Optibond bases under large direct SCSRs does
FL, Kerr), followed by a Ketac Molar not affect their fatigue strength but tends
(3M ESPE)(group KM, n  =  15) or Fuji II to decrease the shrinkage-induced
LC (GC) (group FJ, n = 15) base, leav- crack propensity.
ing 2 mm for composite resin material Clinical significance: The use of GIC/
(Miris 2, Coltène-Whaledent). Shrinkage- RMGIC bases and the SCSR is an easy
induced enamel cracks were tracked way to minimize polymerization shrink-
with photography and transillumination. age stress in large MOD defects without
Samples were loaded until fracture or weakening the restoration.
to a maximum of 185,000 cycles under (Int J Esthet Dent 2016;11:82–97)


Introduction uting to better marginal sealing and in-

terfacial adaptation,21-24 as well as in-
Adhesive dental restorative proced- creased cuspal stability.14 In the “open”
ures rely on the use of modern bond- SR, the glass ionomer is left exposed
ing agents, which have been continu- at the cervical margins. This localiza-
ously improved. However, the high tion is of particular importance because
bond strength results, combined with GIC has the capacity to release fluor-
the increased efficiency and intensity of ide and inhibit dentin demineralization
polymerization lights, have added to the lesions compared to composite resin.25
challenge of minimizing the effects of This specific feature was particularly
polymerization shrinkage on tooth struc- useful during the 1980s due to the lack
ture.1,2 Residual shrinkage stresses may of efficient dentin adhesives.26 Clinical
in turn have detrimental effects when it studies about open SRs with tradition-
comes to ensuring a high-quality, stable al GIC demonstrated low success rates,
bonding layer.3-5 Large intracoronal de- and some authors advised against this
fects in posterior teeth are particularly type of treatment.27,28 Several reasons
challenging. This adverse configuration account for those poor results. GICs suf-
is explained by the high C-Factor,4,6,7 re- fer from dissolution and progressive vol-
duced flow capacity,8 and large volume ume loss due to their high susceptibility
of filling material.9,10 Numerous clinical to early moisture contamination and to
consequences are expected such as the proximal region’s longer exposure
microleakage,11,12 postoperative sensi- to the acid environment, as compared,
tivity,13 cuspal deformation,9,14 and the for example, to buccal restorations.27,28
cracking of tooth structure.15,16 It has GIC also exhibits low flexural strength
therefore been suggested that the ap- compared to composite resin materials,
plication of direct composite resin be accounting for the many fractures found
limited to small and medium-size de- in the open SR group.28 This prompted
fects, and that luted restorations (inlays) the replacement of GIC with resin-modi-
be used for large, intracoronal restor- fied GIC (RMGIC) to improve the perfor-
ations.17,18 Direct restorations, however, mance of SRs, resulting in even better
remain a very successful socioeconom- marginal adaptation in dentin compared
ic alternative, even for large fillings.19,20 to teeth restored with compomers or
The sandwich restoration (SR), first dual-curing composite bases.12,29,30,31
introduced by McLean,21,22 constituted In some clinical studies, open SR with
a valuable solution that addressed the RMGIC yielded similar results to di-
problem of shrinkage and poor dentin rect composite restorations after up to
bond strength of earlier composite resin 9 years of evaluation.13,32 Others have
and adhesive formulations. By combin- emphasized the low degree of postop-
ing a glass-ionomer cement (GIC) as a erative sensitivity, and fewer incidence
dentin replacement with a composite of caries recurrence.33
resin as a covering “enamel,” the amount In the closed SR, the GIC/RMGIC base
of shrinking resin can be reduced, thus is totally confined within the preparation
limiting the residual stress and contrib- and does not extend to the margins. In


a 6-year clinical evaluation, van Dijken28

demonstrated the superiority of closed
SRs (23.5% of failures) even when us- a
ing a conventional GIC, compared to
open SRs (needed replacement in 75%
of cases). This configuration, when used b
with RMGIC, also demonstrates less
microleakage compared to composite
resin restoration alone.34 From a practi- c
cal standpoint, cracking of the GIC and
internal gaps may develop as a con-
sequence of dehydration before bond- d e
ing procedures. Gaps may also result
Fig 1 Clinical application of the SCSR. (a) Enam-
from the increased viscosity of the GIC/
el-dentin bonding, (b) dentin buildup with a RMGIC,
RMGICs, compared to resin bonding (c) dentin-like composite resin layer with stains, (d)
agents, which present optimal fluidity, enamel-like composite resin layer, and (e) postop-
intimate contact with dentin, and fewer erative view at 5 weeks, no cracks observed.

gaps or voids.14 Therefore, it was sug-

gested to use a resin adhesive before
the placement of the GIC/RMGIC.35,36
Consequently, a logical evolution of the
closed SR technique, suggested in the class II mesial-occlusal-distal (MOD)
present article, is the so-called super- SCSRs using GIC or RMGIC bases. The
closed sandwich restoration (SCSR), re- null hypotheses were that (1) no signifi-
sulting from the pre-hybridization of the cant difference would be found between
dentin or immediate dentin sealing (IDS) the two different base materials, and (2)
technique37,38 before placement of a no significant difference would be found
base material. Not only has IDS proven between SRs and traditional composite
to improve the bond strength of contem- resin restorations. These null hypotheses
porary dentin adhesives, it also reduces were tested by including previous data
gap formation and postoperative sensi- regarding large MOD composite resin
tivity in indirect restorations.38,39 In the restorations, and generated in strictly
case of SRs, applying the low-shrinkage identical conditions by the same opera-
and low-thermal expansion GIC/RMGIC tors and authors.16
base after sealing the tooth with an
enamel/dentin bonding agent (SCSR)
presents the same advantages as with Materials and methods
IDS, namely the isolation and separation
of the bonded interface from the overlay- Upon approval by the Ethics Commit-
ing shrinking composite resin (Fig 1). tee of the Federal University of Santa
This research assessed the acceler- Catarina, Brazil, and the Institutional Re-
ated fatigue strength and shrinkage-in- view Board of the University of Southern
duced enamel crack propensity of large California, 30 extracted sound human


third maxillary molars of similar size FJ (n  =  15) – SCSR with RMGIC base
and shape were carefully selected from (Fuji II LC, GC) and the same direct mi-
a large collection of teeth. They were crohybrid composite resin restoration
scaled, pumiced, and stored in 0.1% (Miris 2).
thymol solution. Each tooth was mount-
ed in a special positioning device using Restorative procedures
acrylic resin (Palapress, Heraeus Kulz-
er), embedding the root up to 3 mm be- For both groups, a 3-step etch-and-
low the cementoenamel junction (CEJ). rinse dentin bonding agent (Optibond
For the purpose of “enamel crack track- FL, Kerr) was used, and light polymer-
ing” during the experiment, each sur- ized for 20 s at 1,000 mW/cm2 (Valo, Ul-
face of each tooth was photographed tradent). A standardized natural layering
at baseline under standardized condi- technique (enamel and dentin shades)
tions at x1.5 magnification (Nikon D50 was applied in seven increments (Fig 3).
and Sigma 105 mm macro lens) using First, the proximal walls were raised with
a macro ring-flash (Sigma EM-140 DG). a 2-mm-thick dentin shade (Miris S2)
A second set of images was generated increment, followed by a 2-mm-thick
using transillumination (Microlux, Ad- enamel shade (Miris NR) increment for
Dent) to detect existing cracks, and for the marginal ridge (Figs 3a and b). Ap-
the detection of new cracks following the proximately 50% of the remaining class
subsequent procedures. I defect was then filled with either Ketac
Molar (group KM) or Fuji II LC (group
Specimen preparation FJ) (Figs 3c and d). For both groups, the
bases were delivered using encapsu-
Standard preparations simulated the re- lated automixing systems, according to
placement of a large MOD restoration the respective manufacturers’ instruc-
(Fig 2) using tapered diamond burs tions. To isolate and prevent desiccation
(313.029 and 314.021, Brasseler), and of GIC/RMGIC bases, another layer of
a 0.5 to 1 mm 45-degree bevel at the adhesive bond (bottle 2) was applied
cervical and ascending proximal angles and light polymerized for 20 s (Figs 3e
was created with a flame-shape fine di- and f). Special care was taken to cre-
amond bur (274.011904U0, Brasseler) ate a smooth GIC/RMGIC surface and
using continuous water cooling in a high- obtain about 2 mm of occlusal clear-
speed electric handpiece. After prepar- ance for the final layering with Miris 2
ation, photographic enamel crack track- (oblique increments individually polym-
ing was again performed to determine if erized, first with dentin shade (Miris S2)
preparation had caused any damage to increments, followed by enamel shade
the specimens. The teeth were then ran- (Miris NR) (Figs 3g, h, i, and j). Special
domly distributed into two groups: KM attention was given to strictly emulat-
(n = 15) – SCSR with GIC base (Ketac ing the cuspal inclination and occlusal
Molar, 3M ESPE) combined with direct anatomy, with reference to CAD/CAM
microhybrid composite resin restor- inlays from a previous study.16 Each
ation (Miris 2, Coltène-Whaledent), and increment was polymerized for 20 s at


5 mm

5 mm

a b

Fig 2 Standard MOD tooth preparation and corresponding measurements. (a) All preparations had
5 mm in buccopalatal width, and (b) 5 mm in depth.

1,000 mW/cm2, and final light polymer- ished and polished mechanically using
ization was performed for 10 s under an tungsten carbide burs and composite
air-blocking barrier (KY Jelly, Johnson resin polishers with diamond grit (kit
& Johnson). The restorations were fin- 4477 Q-Polishing System, Komet).

a c e g i

b d f h j

Fig 3 Standardized natural layering restorative technique for super-closed sandwich restoration (SCSR)
groups (KM and FJ). (a and b) After the application of the dentin bonding agent (Optibond FL), the
proximal walls were raised with dentin shade (Miris S2) and enamel shade (Miris NR) increments. (c) Ap-
proximately 50% of the remaining class I defect was then filled with either Ketac Molar (group KM) (d) or
Fuji II LC (group FJ). (e and f) Application of adhesive bond (bottle 2) and light polymerization to prevent
desiccation of GIC/RMGIC bases. The remaining occlusal clearance was built with oblique increments
individually polymerized, first with dentin shade (g and h), followed by enamel shade (i and j), strictly
emulating the models of reference.


a b

Fig 4 Fatigue test operation starts with (a) the positioning of the specimen under tripod contact using
a post-polymerized antagonist composite resin sphere, and (b) the completion of the load chamber with
distilled water to simulate a moist environment. During the isometric loading, the software in the attached
computer controls the masticatory forces and records the endured cycles.

Fatigue testing were loaded until fracture or to a maxi-

mum of 185,000 cycles, and the num-
Restored specimens were kept in dis- ber of endured cycles was registered.
tilled water at ambient temperature for Under an optical microscope and with
1 week following adhesive procedures. a two-examiner agreement, the distinc-
Each tooth surface was then subjected tion was made between restorable and
again to enamel crack tracking (transil- nonrestorable fractures (Fig 5). A restor-
lumination and photography). An artifi- able fracture is usually above the CEJ,
cial mouth using closed-loop servohy- meaning that even in the case of major
draulics (Mini Bionix II, MTS Systems) coronal substance loss, the tooth can
was used to simulate the masticatory be re-restored. A nonrestorable fracture
forces with an antagonist 7-mm-diame- involves a large portion of the tooth and
ter composite resin sphere (Filtek Z100, extends below the CEJ.
3M ESPE) (Fig 4a) post polymerized at
100ºC for 5 min.40 These composite resin Enamel crack detection
spheres contacted simultaneously and and tracking
equally the mesiobuccal, distobuccal,
and palatal cusps (tripod contact) with Specimens were evaluated 4 times dur-
isometric chewing under a frequency of ing the experiment to detect new enamel
5 Hz. The load chamber was filled with cracks at x1.5 magnification in stand-
distilled water until the complete immer- ardized conditions and with transillumi-
sion of the specimens. The first 5,000 nation (Nikon D50 and Sigma 105  mm
cycles was a warm-up load of 200 N, fol- macro lens, using a macro ring-flash
lowed by stages of 400, 600, 800, 1,000, Sigma EM-140 DG or Microlux) before
1,200, and 1,400 N at a maximum of and after tooth preparation, 1 week after
30,000 cycles each (Fig 4b). Specimens restoration, and at the end of the fatigue


a b c

d e f

Fig 5 Examples of some specimens at the end of the fatigue test. (a) Survived sample of KM group, (b)
survived sample of FJ group, (c) restorable fracture in KM group, (d) restorable fracture in FJ group, (e)
nonrestorable fracture in KM group, (f) and nonrestorable fracture in FJ group.

a b c

Fig 6 Examples of crack tracking with transillumination. (a) No visible cracks, (b) small visible crack
measuring less than 3 mm, and (c) severe crack measuring more than 3 mm.


compared using the log-rank test at a

significance level of .05. Additional data
were included from a previous study
Survival %

about large MOD composite resin res-
60% M2*

torations (generated in strictly identical
FJ conditions by the same operators and
20% authors).16 The life table survival analys-
is was used to compare the fatigue re-
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
sistance of SRs (groups KM and FJ from
Load (N)
the present study), traditional direct
technique (group M2), and MZ100 CAD/
Fig 7 Life table survival distribution of groups at
each load step (n = 15). *Data from previously pub- CAM inlays (group MZ100). Pairwise
lished study.16 post hoc comparisons were used to lo-
cate the differences at an alpha value of
0.008 (Bonferroni correction for 6 com-
parisons). The data were analyzed with
test. Where there was doubt, the sample statistical software MedCalc v.
was evaluated in a two-examiner agree- (MedCalc Software).
ment and analyzed under an optical mi-
croscope at 10:1 magnification (Leica
MZ 125, Leica Microsystems). Special Results
care was taken to differentiate between
pre-existing cracks and those created by Life table survival analysis (Table 1) of
polymerization shrinkage. Since many groups KM and FJ did not reveal signifi-
different-sized cracks were observed, cant differences (P = .296). Inclusion of
a classification with 3 categories was previous data (MZ100 and M2 groups),
created: (a) no cracks visible, (b) vis- however, demonstrated significant out-
ible cracks smaller than 3 mm, and (c) comes (P  <.001). Table 1 presents all
visible cracks larger than 3 mm (Fig 6). the pairwise post hoc comparisons with
the log-rank test. SRs made with RMGIC
Statistical analysis (group FJ) showed the highest survival
rate among direct techniques (40% in-
The fatigue resistance of the two groups tact specimens) but did not differ from
was compared using the life table sur- group KM (survival 20%, P  =  .296) or
vival analysis. At each time interval (de- traditional direct restorations (survival
fined by each load step), the number of 13%, previous data, P  =  .787) (Fig 7).
specimens beginning the interval intact, Both SRs (KM and FJ groups) gener-
and the number of fractured specimens ated less shrinkage-induced cracks
during the interval were counted, provid- (Table 2). None of the direct techniques
ing the survival probability (%) at each reached the performance of MZ100 in-
load step. The influence of the base lays (no failures and almost no cracks).
material on the fatigue resistance was Most failures were re-restorable (above
observed, and the survival curves were the CEJ) (Figs 5c and d), with only 1


Table 1 Pairwise post hoc comparisons with the log-rank test

MZ100* M2* KM FJ

MZ100* < .001 < .001 < .001

M2* 0.787 0.205

KM 0.296

FJ –

* From previously published data.16

Significant differences between materials for P values < .008 (Bonferroni – corrected for 6 comparisons).

Table 2 Crack propensity after 1 week of restoration and before fatigue test

Cracks of Cracks of
Group No cracks
less than 3 mm more than 3 mm

MZ100 (n = 15)* 14 (93%) 1 (7%) 0 (0%)

M2 (n = 15)* 8 (53%) 1 (7%) 6 (40%)

KM (n = 15) 10 (67%) 3 (20%) 2 (13%)

FJ (n = 15) 9 (60%) 2 (13%) 4 (27%)

* From previously published data.16

Table 3 Failure types, numbers, and percentages

Fracture above CEJ Fracture below CEJ

Group Intact specimen
or restorable or nonrestorable

MZ100 (n = 15)* 15 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

M2 (n = 15)* 2 (13%) 10 (67%) 3 (20%)

KM (n = 15) 3 (20%) 9 (60%) 3 (20%)

FJ (n = 15) 6 (40%) 8 (53%) 1 (7%)

* From previously published data.16

specimen in group FJ fracturing below No significant difference in survival was

the CEJ (vs 3 specimens in group KM, found between the three direct tech-
and 3 for traditional direct restorations) niques, even though FJ presented 40%
(Table 3) (Figs 5e and f). of intact specimens (vs 20% in KM, and
13% in M2), and only one nonrestorable
fracture (vs 3 for KM and M2). The sec-
Discussion ond null hypothesis can be rejected, in
part because MZ100 composite resin
Within the limitations of this in vitro study, inlays significantly increased the fatigue
the first null hypothesis was confirmed. resistance of large class II MOD defects


when compared to the direct composite products are plethoric and often short-
resin restorations (traditional or SR) us- lived, it is extremely important to have
ing Miris 2, and also because tradition- such a bench test in order to obtain fast
al composite resin restorations (M2) and valuable evaluations about the bio-
showed a higher crack propensity and mechanical behavior of new materials
more severe enamel cracks compared and techniques used with actual teeth
to all the other groups. and placed in a challenging simulated
Based on the main reasons for failure masticatory environment. The innovative
of composites and the clinical experi- load protocol covers physiological mas-
ence derived from the use of these ma- ticatory forces (8 to 880 N) in the first half
terials, the fatigue resistance mechani- of the test,48 and extends with above-
cal test is important in predicting clinical maximum bites forces49,50 in the second
performance, especially because it is half, accounting for extreme trauma and
likely that most materials fail due to ac- masticatory accidents.
cumulated damage from cyclic loading Survival of specimens following
in the oral cavity rather than a single 1,400 N of forces at the end of the exper-
loading event.41 The closed-loop ser- iment is also an indication of the behav-
vohydraulics used in the present study ior of the material/technique when used
closely reproduces physiologic human in more challenging situations, such as
mastication, since it provides constant bruxism patients, where failures of inlays
feedback like the neuromuscular system made of direct composite resins and
and indicates an excellent agreement SRs are observed.28 In that sense, it ap-
with clinical data.42 Clinical studies are pears that MZ100 inlays would stand as
not only time-consuming and expensive a reference, which is in agreement with
but also challenging to design because existing data produced in similar condi-
of the influence of patients’ masticato- tions and showing the absence of cata-
ry and dietary habits, individual caries strophic failures when using even thin
susceptibility, and the need for multiple MZ100 occlusal veneers.51,52 Clinically,
operators and evaluators.19,43 In the MZ100 even proved superior to ceramic
present study, due to the high level of inlays in their color-matching ability.53
standardization procedures (tooth di- Despite their outstanding performances,
mensions, tooth preparations, loading luted indirect restorations must often
protocol, occlusal anatomy developed give way to more socioeconomic solu-
by a single operator), it was possible to tions. Direct techniques, including SRs,
considerably limit the amount of con- are easier and faster to perform,33 and
founding variables, and obtain signifi- have the ability to provide very good ser-
cant results in an extremely timely fash- vices.19,20,54-56 Large direct restorations
ion. The accelerated fatigue protocol, (excluding SRs) exceeded the perfor-
originally introduced by Fennis et al,44 mances of amalgams in a 12-year clin-
is an intermediate test between the sim- ical study,19 especially regarding their
ple load-to-failure experiment and clas- cumulated rate of tooth fracture, restor-
sical fatigue tests.40,45-47 In a hyper- ation fracture, and cracked tooth (2.3%
active dental marketplace where new vs 11.3% for amalgams). According to


the results of the present study, it seems ials would make the SR technique less
that the inclusion of a GIC/RMGIC base complicated. For conventional GICs, in-
as a stress reliever for the polymerization advertent etching may also reduce the
shrinkage (or nonshrinking “megafiller”) bond strength to dentin.63 All these diffi-
does not affect the survival of large di- culties are resolved when using Optibo-
rect restorations. This result is somewhat nd FL for dentin prehybridization (before
surprising, considering GIC and RMGIC GIC/RMGIC placement) because it acts
have inferior mechanical properties like a flowable liner.37 Dentin bonding
compared to composite resins.57,58 Pos- agents present optimal fluidity, intimate
sibly, the bad reputation of GICs regard- contact with dentin, and fewer gaps or
ing mechanical performance is due to voids, unlike those resulting from the
an immediate occurrence of mastica- increased viscosity of GIC/RMGIC.14
tion stresses on restorations. The best Optimal properties of GIC are obtained
mechanical properties are limited over when it is placed under perfect moisture
time, as in Ketac Molar, which improves control. The preliminary enamel–dentin
its mechanical properties during water bonding assures a perfectly isolated
storage.59 field. The surface of the freshly placed
There are several elements that may GIC/RMGIC was immediately covered
explain the relatively good behavior of with Optibond FL adhesive, and light
SRs in the present work. First, the clin- polymerized. This may have contributed
ical delivery of GIC/RMGIC has been to improving the mechanical properties
improved significantly with the advent of the GIC due to the heat generated by
of encapsulated automixing systems, the polymerization light.64 Third, the lay-
decreasing the porosity and improving ering concept was carefully selected to
the mechanical properties.60,61 Intraoral facilitate the placement of the base. It
delivery directly from the capsule with a is advisable to start building the prox-
fine tip also makes it very easy to place, imal walls of the defect with composite
even in undercut preparations. Second, resin (converting the class II into a class I
the use of the SCSR technique may defect), and defining a confined volume
have improved the mechanical prop- for the application of the GIC/RMGIC. At
erties of the GIC/RMGIC when placed least 2 mm of occlusal clearance was
after bonding procedures. Cracking of kept for the overlaying composite resin.
the GIC and internal gaps commonly de- Lack of occlusal thickness of composite
velop as a consequence of desiccation resin may explain some of the mediocre
following enamel etching and drying, results of SRs reported in some clinical
before bonding procedures. Dietrich et studies.27,28 Fourth, accelerated water
al30,62 concluded that etching should sorption of RMGIC, which is a known
be performed prior to the application of phenomenon of resin-based materials,
RMGIC, but advised about the problem may have compensated for the shrink-
of enamel contamination by the condi- age stress, hence allowing for the rever-
tioner or primer of the RMGIC. These sal of the negative effects of shrinkage
authors suggest that using a single ad- cracks. In fact, polymerization shrinkage
hesive system for both restorative mater- can be totally compensated for by hygro-


scopic expansion within 4 weeks in teeth group resulted in the least amount of
restored with hydrophobic composite unrestorable failures (only 1 specimen).
resin, but can occur in only 1 week with This result, along with its highest survival
RMGIC.31,65 The “stress reversing” effect among direct techniques (40%), make it
of water sorption might not have been the first choice for closed SRs. Closed
possible in group M2 because speci- SRs using a RMGIC also represent a
mens were tested in accelerated fatigue valuable method for securing periph-
only 1 week after restoration placement. eral sealing of the definitive restoration
There is a concern that excessive water for pulp therapy, and prevent pulpal
sorption-induced expansion of RMGIC exposures when dealing with deep car-
might overcompensate for shrinkage ies lesions.68-70 Further studies should
deformation and cause serious structur- evaluate adaptation and microleakage
al challenge to the long-term survival of of the novel SCSR compared to regular
the restored tooth.65 However, it can be closed SR, as well as the use of newer
hypothesized that the use of the SCSR “nano-ionomers” and bulk-fill low-stress
in the present work limited this phenom- flowable composites.71
enon due to the isolation of the RMGIC
by the surrounding composite resin and
dentin bonding agent. Conclusions
Unlike fully bonded and fully layered
large direct composite resin restorations, It is suggested that the inclusion of GIC/
SCSRs allow the protection of the bond RMGIC bases under large MOD direct
because, in case of excessive stresses, composite resin restorations (SCSR)
the failure site is unlikely to be located does not affect their fatigue strength and
at the dentin–resin interface.36 This con- tends to decrease the shrinkage-induced
cept, also called selective bonding,66 enamel crack propensity. Most failures
seems to work well when using chemi- were re-restorable (above the CEJ), with
cally cured GIC, to prevent adherence only 1 specimen in group FJ fracturing
with the composite resin and allow a free below the CEJ (vs 3 specimens in group
surface to be created, reducing the C- KM, and 3 for traditional direct restor-
factor and minimizing the risks of post- ations). None of the direct techniques
operative sensitivity. This did not seem tested in this experiment could match
to be a limitation with Fuji II LC in the the outstanding behavior of composite
present experiment, as is witnessed by resin inlays (MZ100), which remain the
the almost identical number of postop- gold standard regarding strength and
erative shrinkage-induced cracks when cuspal stability, although indirect tech-
compared to Ketac Molar. Fuji II LC pre- niques may cost 4 to 5 times the value
sents improved properties, which make of direct composite restorations.
it successfully applicable even for the
open-sandwich technique.31 With an Conflict of interest statement
elastic modulus of 10 GPa,67 it seems
to be an excellent dentin substitute. As The authors declare that they have no
far as failure mode is concerned, the FJ conflict of interest.


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