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Balance of power was the idea to leave all countries, especially France with the same

amount of power so none of them could take over other countries since they were afraid
that France looked for revenge after the punishment the country gave. So the balance of
power is the way that none of the European countries could easily overpower others. 

Because Metternich's idea of a balance of power brought a peaceful period to Europe

where there was stability among the continent since the number of people who died due
to wars decreases rapidly, the country didn't spend money on the war damage, they spend
more money in the countries improvements. So Europe benefited from the balance of
power idea since they could improve their country and live peacefully.

I partially agree to the extent that the Balance of Power was a success since it
brought lots of advantages to the continent of Europe, it also caused a lot of
problems after it failed. To begin, the balance of power brought a peaceful period
to Europe, since all countries had the same power and none of them could
overtake others, wars weren't often. Which means that the money usually invested
in the damage of wars, could now be invested in improvements of the country. So
Europe was a stable continent. They had approximately 40 years of peace and

Yet, the monarchy was established as the new way of government in Europe, this
brought nationalist ideas, and the repercussions of the French revolution legacy of
"liberty, fraternity and equality" came back. This brought revolutions in Europe the
leading to new nations. The weaknesses of the countries caused the independence
of different areas like Spain.  The Balance of Power established a monarchy, but
people wanted a democracy. So it failed due to its longer effects and
consequences. The Balance of Power brought peace and a stabilized continent for
more than 40 years, but due to the restoration of the monarchy as the main way of
government in Europe, the nationalist ideas invaded the continent and caused
revolutions, wars, independence, and new nations. So we could conclude that the
Balance of power was partially a success.

The message of the cartoon represents how France took power over Europe. The
fact is that although they took power for almost the whole continent, they were
never satisfied enough to stop their empire from growing. The cartoon shows and
refers to the empire of Napoleon and the Brittain empire wanted to conquered and
own "the whole world". As we can see, they are eating the world as it was meat,
which refers to how they were the owners of the world,  and they are cutting the
world with their swords. Which refers to how they fought and conquered land. The
problem is when there is not enough "meat" for each of them and there is where
they are going to start taking from each other's plate. They are going to need to
take parts of the other because they are never satisfied enough. And that is what
the cartoon is showing.

The illustration represents the industrial revolutions since children needed to work
hard in very poor conditions. They didn't work in sanitized conditions and needed
to work for extremely long periods. Yet the problem the illustrations are showing is
how children didn't receive enough food nor food that could really help them to
grow healthy in their growth stage. Additionally, the image shows children labour
at the time since we can see they aren't well treated nor fed. The facial expressions
of the kids show how hungry and desperate they are. The illustration represents
one of the biggest social problems during the industrial revolution, the slavery of
children, refearing to the bad alimentary conditions.

Because this source shows how children are sad, hungry, and dirty. From this, we
can infer the source refers to the industrial revolution. Where children needed to
work in poor conditions since the factories were dirty and weren't sanitized, they
work for really long periods of time in hard activities. And additionally, they didn't
receive enough food nor healthy food to continue working. This literature source
reveals how children during the industrial revolution were treated as slaves. At the
time children received a bad quality of life since they had no education, not
enough food, nor reasonable hours of working. During the industrial revolution,
children could get sick due to the antigenic places they spent most of the time, and
couldn't feed themselves the way they should. So at the time, the percentage of
children's death raised in a significant way. The source isn't only showing how
hungry the kids look, is showing how they are slowly dying for their new way of

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