Accuracy of Blood Glucose Levels Between Commercial Control Serums High Abnormal Levels of Brands A and Brands B

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Ergasterio, Vol.5, No.2, Maret 2018 – September 2018

Accuracy of Blood Glucose Levels Between Commercial Control Serums

High Abnormal Levels of Brands A and Brands B

Ikke Nanda Amalia(1), Anik Handayati(2), Andreas Putro Ragil Santoso(1)

Program Studi D-IV Analis Kesehatan, Fakultas Kesehatan

Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya


Clinical laboratory must be guarantee of accuracy and precision on the result

laboratory examination, that is quality of laboratory test has really guaranteed.
The quality of good laboratory examination is really depend on the quality
assurance program being udertaken, one of them is measurement value of
accuracy using control sera. The differences between of the laboratory test result
with target value of control sera is an innacurate indicator of laboratory test. The
purpose of this study was to measure the differences of the value accuracy blood
glucose levels between commercial control sera abnormally high level of brand A
and B. The kind of this study was observational analit method using longitudinal
research approach. The samples were commercial control sera abnormally high
level brand A and B which measured accuracy through blood glucose
examination. The result showed that commercial control sera abnormally high
level of brand A has an average value of accuracy is 3,734% while brand B is
7,682%. The result of analysis using Mann-Whitney test showed that p value
0,001 that’s meaning p<α and H 0 is rejected. There is differences of the value
accuracy blood glucose levels between commercial control sera abnormally high
level of brand A and B.

Keywords: control sera, accuracy, blood glucose levels

1) Program Studi D-IV Analis Kesehatan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas

Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya.
2) Jurusan Analis Kesehatan, Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan

Accuracy of Blood Glucose Levels Between Commercial Control Serums

High Abnormal Levels of Brands A and Brands B

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