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Miliary tuberculosis - is a contagious bacterial infection that has spread from the lungs
to other parts of the body through the blood or lymph system

Ascites- Is a gastroenterological term for an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal


Tuberculin skin test - also known as mantoux test is a diagnostic tool for tuberculosis.
Tuberculin is a glycerol extract of the tubercle bacillus. Purified protein derivative (PPD)
tuberculin is a precipitate of non-species-specific molecules obtained from filtrates
of sterilized, concentrated cultures.

Parenchyma - The key elements of an organ essential to its functioning, as distinct

from the capsule that encompasses it and other supporting structures. The parenchyma
is thus opposed to the connective tissue framework, or stroma, of an organ.

Granuloma - is one of a number of forms of localized nodular inflammation found in


Gohns complex - is a lesion seen in the lung that is caused by tuberculosis

Meningitis - Inflammation of the meninges, usually due to a bacterial infection but

sometimes from viral, protozoan, or other cause.

Breathing – is the process of moving oxygen-rich air into and out of the lungs.

Cell-mediated immunity - A component of the immature response is interpreted

specific activated lymphocytes.

Primary TB – a person has become infected with the TB bacteria but often is not aware
of it, since this stage of the disease does not produce noticeable symptoms. It is not
contagious in this early stage

Secondary TB – the formerly dormant bacteria multiply and destroy tissue in the lungs.
They also may spread to the rest of the body via the bloodstream.

Tubercle - a tubercular lesion. A small nodule. An osseous elevation. If the area is

covered by nodules, this is tuberculated.

Pulmonary circulation - is the portion of the cardiovascular system which carries

oxygen-depleted blood away from the heart, to the lungs, and returns oxygenated blood
back to the heart.

Systemic circulation - is the part of the cardiovascular system which

carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body, and returns deoxygenated
blood back to the heart.

Malnutrition is the condition that results from taking an unbalanced diet in which certain
nutrients are lacking, in excess (too high an intake) , or in the wrong proportions.

Disseminated - Scattered or distributed throughout the body

Necrosis - The death of living cells or tissues. Necrosis can be due, for example,
toischemia (lack of blood flow). From the Greek "nekros" (dead body).

Alveoli - are tiny air sacs within the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide takes place

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