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Nursing Care Plan

Problem Identified: Ascites and grade 3 bipedal pitting edema

Nursing Diagnosis: Fluid Volume Excess related to decreased plasma proteins secondary to Miliary Tuberculosis
Cause Analysis: Any process that blocks the flow of the blood causes an increase in hydrostatic pressure. As portal pressure increases, plasma leaks directly from the liver capsule and the
congested portal vein into the peritoneal cavity. Congestion of lymph channels occurs, leading to the leakage of more plasma into the peritoneal cavity. Leading to edema.
Subjective: STO: Independent: STO:
1. Noted presence of medical 1. To assess causative or precipitating
“ Mabigat ang paa at tiyan ko”, as Within 3 days of providing conditions/ situations that potentiates factor. After 3 days of providing
verbalized by the paient nursing care the client will be able fluid excess (e.g, diffuse liver nursing care, the goal was not met.
to decrease her pitting edema parenchymal disease,as shown in the Her bipedal pitting edema was still
from grade 3 to grade 2. ultrasound of the whole abdomen). grade 3.
2. Auscultated lung sounds. 2. For presence of crackles or

3. Measured abdominal girth. 3. For changes that may indicate

Objective: increasing fluid retention or edema.
 Grade 3bipedal pitting
edema 4. Instructed SO the need for frequent 4. To prevent stasis and reduce risk of
 Abdominal girth: passive ROM of client and frequent tissue injury.
1st day: 88 cm change of position.
2nd day: 88cm
5. Recorded I/O accurately; calculated 5. To keep monitor closely the fluid
3rd day: 84 cm
24-hour fluid balance. intake and output for the whole day.
 Albumin- 17.37
 X-ray result suggesting left 6. For presence of decubitus/
6. Observed skin and mucous
pleural effusion at the base membranes. ulceration.
And minimal pleural fluid
at left upper lobe 7. Elevated edematous extremities. 7. To reduce tissue pressure and
 Lung sounds: risk of skin breakdown.
1st and 2nd day- (+)
wheezing and crackles Collaborative:
1. To promote elimination of excess
3rd day- (+)wheezing on 1. Administered Furosemide 200 mg
both lung fields IVTT now.
2. Administered Aminoleban 500cc @
 Hct-36-38 2. Since she have decreased plasma
20 cc/hour
protein level.
Nursing Care Plan

Problem Identified: Anxiety

Nursing Diagnosis: Anxiety related to stress secondary to hospitalizations
Cause Analysis: Anxiety is normal reaction to stress; it is an emotional reaction to the perception of reality that is experience physiologically, psychologically and behaviorally.(Psychaitric Nursing, p. 318)


“ Nag aalala na ako kasi mtagal 1. Helped the client to determine 1. These actions help the client
na ako dito sa hospital na Within 3 days of giving health the sources of anxiety. Helped the establish realistic understanding of After 3 days the goal was not
papabayaan ko na ang pag-aaral teaching and rendering nursing care client determine the level of the nature and cause of the met. Client was still anxious.
ko”, as verbalized by the client. the patient will have decreased anxiety. anxiety. Once the stress is
anxiety level as evidenced by accurately understood & the client
appearing relax and report anxiety is
can readily identify strategies for
reduced to manageable level.
2. Encouraged client to verbalize 2. Sharing concerns and expressing
feelings & express emotions. emotions can decrease the client’s
feeling being alone or
Objective: overwhelmed by stressful
 Worries about hospitalization 3. Decreased sensory stimulation. situation.
 Increased tension 3. Excessive sensory stimulation
 RR- 35-40 cpm may increase the client’s anxiety.
 HR- 85- 100bpm 4.Provided support, stayed with
the client, spoke slowly and calmly 4.Providing reassuring presence
and conveyed a sense of caring decreases the client stress of
and empathy. alones and support the client in
5. Allowed the behavior to belong
to the client: didn’t respond 5. The nurse may respond
personally. inappropriately , escalating the
situation to a non therapeutic

6. Provided non threatening,

consistent environment / 6. To lessen effect of transmission
atmosphere . of feelings.
Nursing Care Plan

Problem Identified: Difficulty of sleeping

Nursing Diagnosis: Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to external stimulus: sustained environmental stimulation
Cause Analysis: Environmental stimulus can either promote or hinder sleep. Environmental stimuli such as light, humid room atmosphere, routine hospital activities,
conversation of the staff nurse and other environmental stimuli can hinder sleep especially to hospitalized persons, resulting to altered sleeping pattern in which the
individual experiences a disruption in the amount or quantity of sleep, causing discomfort.
(Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier and Erb & Nursing diagnosis Handbook By Ackley)


“Gusto kong matulog pero hindi 1. Assessed patient’s sleep 1. Usual sleep patterns are
ako maka tulog”, as verbalized by Within 3 days of pattern and usual bedtime individual, data collected After 3 days of rendering
the client. rendering effective nursing rituals and incorporate this through a comprehensive effective nursing interventions,
interventions, the patient to the plan of care. and holistic assessment are goal was met. The patient was able
will be able to report needed to determine the to sleep for 8 hours straight.
improvement on sleep/rest etiology of the disturbance
pattern as evidenced by 2. Observed client’s 2. Difficulty sleeping can be a
increased hours of sleep medications, diet, and side effect of some
from 5-6 hours to 8-10
caffeine intake. medications; caffeine
Objective: intake can interfere with
 Irritability sleep.
 Patient appeared 3. Provided measures to 3. Simple measures can
exhausted/weak during assist with sleep such as increase quality of sleep;
the day quiet time before bed or a research on back massage
 Appeared anxious back massage. has shown it to be
 Decreased attention span effective.
4. Encouraged client to 4. Good bedtime rituals will
develop a bedtime rituals promote or induce sleep.
that include quite activities
such as watching
television, 5. To preventing impairment
5. Suggested by abstaining of ability to sleep at night.
from daytime naps

Reference: Nursing Diagnosis Handbook by Ackley 2nd Edition ; Manual of Nursing Diagnosis by Doenges
Nursing Care Plans
Problem Identified: inability to perform ADL’s
Nursing Diagnosis: Self care deficit: bathing/ hygiene, dressing/ grooming, feeding, toileting related to fatigue
Cause Analysis: Mechanical insufficiency in breathing leading to hypoxia and decrease in O2 to the muscles, decreasing level of spontaneous physical activity causing
fatigue. Fatigue would lead to decrease ability of the individual to carry out ADL’s.. (Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier p.698 and 1133)



“ Hindi ko na naaalagaan ang Within 3 days of rendering 1. Assessed abilities and 1. Aids in anticipating/ After 3 days of rendering
sarili ko dahil nanghihina na ang nursing care the client will be able level of deficit for planning for meeting nursing care the goal was not met.
katawan ko”, as verbalized by the to perform self care activities performing ADL’s individual needs. Client was still dependent on SO in
client. within level of own ability such as performing self care activities.
combing her hair. 2. Observed for signs of 2. Revisions of the
readiness to increase functional level status
the amount of self-care. are necessary to ensure
optimal self-care activity.

3. Monitor all self-care 3. Adverse signs indicate

activities to determine the need for more
energy expenditure and assistance.
Objective: activity tolerance,
-Pt is dependent on her SO assessed vital signs and
-Muscle grading: observed the client for
Upper extremities- 3 fatigue and
Lower extremities- discouragement.
- Always lying on bed
-Limited movement 4. Assisted patient in 4. Appropriate assistance
-unable to do ADLs by herself performing ADL. prevents client fatigue
and injury.

5. Maintained a supportive, 5. Clients need empathy

firm attitude, allow client and to know caregivers
sufficient time to will be consistent in their
accomplish tasks. assistance.

6. Encouraged patient to 6. This maintains functional

do as much possible to capacity and self-
self. esteem.
7. Provided positive 7. Enhances sense of self
feedback for efforts and worth, promotes
accomplishments. independence, and
encourages client to
continue endeavors.

Sources: NCP by Doenges et. Al pp 291-292

Nursing Care Plan

Problem identified: lack of knowledge

Nursing Diagnosis: Knowledge Deficit related to unfamiliarity with information resources
Cause Analysis: The total range of what has been learned or perceived as true is knowledge. It is accumulated through experience, study, or investigation. Culture, socio
economic factors, age affects knowledge or perception (p39, General Sociology Focus on the Philippines 3rd ed by Panopio, Raymundo, Cordero-MacDonald)
Subjective: STO: STO:
“ Bakit kaya PTB ang naging Within 3 days of providing 1. Assess motivation and 1. Some patients are ready to After 3 days of providing
sakit ko gayong pag laki lang daily information regarding willingness of patient and learn soon after they are daily information regarding
care-givers to learn. diagnosed; others cope better
nang tiyan ang problema ko as present condition the client will present condition, the goal was
by denying or delaying the
verbalized by the client. initiate necessary lifestyle need for instruction. Patients met. Client participated in her
changes and participate in also have a right to refuse treatment regimen.
treatment regimen. educational services.
2. Determine patient’s 2. Some persons may prefer
learning style, especially if written over visual materials,
patient has learned and or they may prefer group
Objective: retained new information in versus individual instruction.
the past. Matching the learner’s
 always asks questions preferred style with the
educational method will
regarding present
facilitate success in mastery of
condition knowledge.
3. Provide an atmosphere of 3. This is especially important
respect, openness, trust, when providing education to
and collaboration. patients with different values
and beliefs about health and
4. Encourage questions. 4. Learners often feel shy or
embarrassed about asking
questions and often want
permission to ask them.
5. Encourage repetition of 5. This assists in remembering.
information or new skill.

6. Assist the learner in 6. This helps learner make

integrating information into adjustments in daily life that
daily life. will result in the desired
change in behavior .
Sources: Nursing Care Plans and Documentation by L. Carpenito; Nursing care plan by M. Doenges; Nursing care planning guide by S. Ultic

Nursing Care Plan

Problem Identified: generalized body weakness

Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Physical mobility related to decreased muscle strength
Cause Analysis: Mechanical insufficiency in breathing leading to hypoxia and decrease in O2 to the muscles, decreasing level of spontaneous physical activity.Fatigue,
especially chronic fatigue, can seriously impact the ability to function effectively in everyday life. Underlying diseases, disorders or conditions of fatigue can also cause complications.


“Nanghihina na ang katawan 1.Noted presence of factors 1. Fatigue affects both the client’s
ko”, as verbalized by the client. Within 3 days of giving health contributing to fatigue(e.Gchronic actul and perceived ability to After 3 days the goal was
teaching and rendering nursing disease) participate in activities . only partially met. Client
care the client will be able to 2. Evaluated client’s actual and 2. Provides comparative baseline and hesitated in participating on
perceived limitations or degree of provides information about needed certain activities, at times.
identify negative factors affecting
deficit in light of usual status. education or interventions regarding
activity intolerance and eliminate quality of life.
or reduce their effects when 3. Ascertained ability to stand and 3. To determine current status and
possible and participate willingly in move about and degree of assistance needs associated with participation in
desired activities. necessary/ use of equipment. needed/ desired activities.
Objective: 4.Provided positive atmosphere , while 4. Helps to minimize frustration and re
 Patient has limited ROM, acknowledging difficulty of the channel energy.
 grade 3muscle grading on situation for the client .
upper extremities
 grade 3 muscle grading on 5. Planned for maximal activity within 5. Promotes the idea of need for or
lower extremities the client,s ability . normalcy of progressive abilities in this
 exertional discomfort area.
 Hgb-121-127
 RBC-4.3-4.62 6. Planned for progressive increase of 6. Both activity tolerance and health
activity level or participation in status may improve with progressive
exercise training, as tolerated by training.
7. Encouraged client to maintain 7. To enhance sense of well-being.
positive attitude; suggest us of
relaxation techniques, such as
visualization / guided imagery, as

Nursing Care Plan

Problem identified: grade3 bipedal edema and ascites
Nursing Diagnosis: Disturbed body image related to presence of edema and ascites
Cause Analysis: Throughout the lifespan, body image changes as a matter of development, growth and maturation, changes that occur as a result of aging and changes that occur or are imposed as a result
of injury or illness.(Gulanick and Meyer’s.Nursing Care Plans:Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions 6 th ed.(2007) p.21)
1 .Acknowledged and accepted 1. Acceptance of this feeling as a
“ Mabigat ang paa at tiyan Within 3 days of rendering expression of feelings of frustration, normal response to what has occurred
ko”, as verbalized by the paient nursing intervention the patient grief, hostility. Note withdrawn facilitates resolution. It is not helpful After 3 days, goal was not met
will be able to recognize and behavior and use of denial. of possible to push patient ready to patient showed low self esteem
incorporate body image change deal with situation. Denial maybe regarding present body image.
prolonged and be an adaptive
into self- concept in accurate
mechanism because patient is not
manner without negating self- ready to cope with personal problems.
esteem. 2. Was realistic and positive during 2. Enhance trust and rapport between
treatments in health teaching and patient and nurse.
setting goals within limitations.

Objective: 3. Provided hope within parameters of 3. Promotes positive attitude and

individual situation, didn’t give false provides opportunity to set goals and
 Not touching the body part reassurance. plan for future based on reality.
 Change in social involvement
 Actual change in structure 4. Gave positive reinforcement of 4.Words of encouragement can
progress and encourage endeavors support development of positive
 Grade 3bipedal pitting
toward attainment of rehabilitation coping behaviors.
 Abdominal girth:
1st day: 88 cm 5. Encouraged family interaction with 5. Maintain open lines of
2nd day: 88cm each other and with rehabilitation communication and provides on
3rd day: 84 cm team. ongoing support for patient and
6. Encouraged SO to look for support. 6. Promotes ventilation of feelings
Give information about how so can be and allow for more helpful responses
helpful to patient. to patient.

7. Encouraged patient to look at/ 7. To begin to incorporate changes in

touch affected body part. body image.

Nursing Care Plan

Problem Identified: occasional productive cough
Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective Airway Clearance related to ineffective cough and fatigue
Cause Analysis: In tuberculosis, the infected lung inflames causing further development of bronchopneumonia where there is exudates formation. REFERENCE: Joyce M. Black, ,
Medical Surgical Nursing, Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes, 6th edition and Nursing Care plan 10th Edition)
“ Nahihirapan siyang e –dura 1. Assessed cough for effectiveness 1. Consider possible causes for
ang plema niya kasi parang Within 3 days of rendering and productivity ineffective cough (e.g., respiratory After 3 days the goal was
nahihirapan siyang huminga”, as effective nursing intervention the muscle fatigue, severe partially met. Client was able to
verbalized by the SO. client will be able to mobilize bronchospasm, or thick tenacious expectorate a little amount of her
secretions effectively and airway is secretions). phlegm but not all.
maintained free of secretions, as
evidenced by clear lung sounds. 2. Sent a sputum specimen for 2. Respiratory infections increase
culture and sensitivity as the work of breathing; antibiotic
appropriate. treatment is indicated.

3. Noted presence of sputum; 3. This may be a result of infection,

assess quality, color, amount, odor, A sign of infection is discolored
and consistency. sputum (no longer clear or white);
an odor may be present.
Objective: 4. Used positioning (if tolerated, 4. These promote better lung
 Occasional productive head of bed at 45 degrees) expansion and improved air
cough exchange.
 Sputum is yellowish and 5. Maintained planned rest 5. Fatigue is a contributing factor
slightly sticky periods. Promote energy- to ineffective coughing.
 (+) crackles on both lung conservation techniques.
fileds 6.. Demonstrated and taught 6. Patient will understand the
 (+) wheezing on both lung coughing, deep breathing, and rationale and appropriate
fields splinting techniques. techniques to keep the airway
 O2 saturation- 80% clear of secretions.
7. Explained effects of smoking, 7. Smoking contributes to
including second-hand smoke. bronchospasm and increased
mucus production in the airways.
1. Gave Beradual 1 nebule every 8 1. A bronchodilator is a substance
hours, Salbutamol 1 nebule every 4 that dilates the bronchi and
hours, Flixotid 1 nebule every 12 bronchioles, decreasing resistance
hours in the respiratory airway and
increasing airflow to the lungs.
Nursing Care Plan
Problem Identified: tachypnea
Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective Breathing pattern related to inflammation of the infected lung
Cause Analysis: In tuberculosis, the infected lung inflames causing further development of bronchopneumonia where there is exudates formation then obstructs the alveoli and narrowing
of the bronchioles causing impairment in gas exchange of the lungs.( Pathophysiology by Porth and Med Surg by Smeltzer)
“Mabilis ang paghinga ko”, as 1. Assessed respiratory rate and 1. Respiratory rate and rhythm
verbalized by the client. Within 3 days of rendering depth by listening to lung sounds. changes are early warning signs of After 3 days of duty, the goal
effective nursing care the client impending respiratory difficulties. was not met. Clients O2 sat is still
will be able to maintain effective 2. Assessed for dyspnea at rest 2. Dyspnea that occurs with decreasing at times, especially
breathing pattern as evidenced by versus activity and note changes. activity may indicate activity during 11pm- 7am.
Oxygen saturation above 95 %. 3. Assess ability to clear secretions. intolerance.
3. The inability to clear secretions
may add to a change in breathing
4. Used pulse oximetry to monitor pattern.
oxygen saturation and pulse rate. 4. Pulse oximetry is a useful tool to
detect changes in oxygenation
Objective: early on; however, for CO2 levels,
 Tachypnea end tidal CO2 monitoring or arterial
 Occasional productive blood gases (ABGs) would need to
cough 5. Monitored ABGs as appropriate; be obtained.
 RR- 35-48cpm note changes. 5. Increasing PaCO2 and
 Respiratory depth changes decreasing PaO2 are signs of
 O2 saturation- 80% respiratory failure. As the patient
begins to fail, the respiratory rate
6. Explained use of oxygen therapy, decreases and PaCO2 begins to
including the type and use of rise.
equipment and why its 6. Issues related to home oxygen
maintenance is important. use, storage, and precautions need
to be addressed.
1. Administered O2 inhalation @ 8
1. The appropriate amount of
oxygen is continuously delivered so
2. Gave Beradual 1 nebule every 8 that the patient does not
hours, Salbutamol 1 nebule every 4 desaturate.
hours, Flixotid 1 nebule every 12 2.. A bronchodilator is a substance
hours that dilates the bronchi
andbronchioles, decreasing
resistance in the respiratory airway
and increasing airflow to the lungs.
Nursing Care Plan

Problem Identified: pain in left lower extremity upon elevation, headache, abdominal tenderness
Nursing Diagnosis: Acute pain related to injuring agents (physical: edematous feet, ascites; chemical:adverse reaction of peptaz medication)
Cause Analysis: Headache is one of the most common side effects of her medication peptaz. Her pain in the left lower extremity is due to prolonged immobilization and presence of grade
3 pitting edema. Her abdominal tenderness is due accumulation of fluids in her abdomen.
“ Masakit ang ulo ko, tiyan ko Within 3 days of rendering 1. Observed or monitored signs 1. Some people deny the After 3 days the goal was met.
tsaka yong kaliwang paa ko kapag nursing intervention the client will and symptoms associated with experience of pain when it is Client did not complained of pain
inaangat siya”, as verbalized by be able to verbalize reduction of pain, such as BP, heart rate, present. Attention to associated anymore.
the client pain to adequate relief of pain as temperature, color and moisture signs may help the nurse in
Pan scale: evidenced by pain scale from 4/10 of skin, restlessness, and ability to evaluating pain.
headache-4/10, after giving Peptaz to 2/10. focus.
SINUSES-3/10, upon palpation 2. Assessed for probable cause of 2. Different etiological factors
STOMACH- 2/10, upon movement pain. respond better to different
Left Lower leg-3/10, upon elevtion therapies.
3. Responded immediately to 3. In the midst of painful
complaint of pain. experiences a patient’s perception
Objective: of time may become distorted.
 Guarding behavior, Prompt responses to complaints
protecting body part may result in decreased anxiety in
 Self-focused the patient. Demonstrated concern
 Narrowed focus for patient’s welfare and comfort
 RR- 40cpm fosters the development of a
 PR- 100bpm trusting relationship.
4 Eliminated additional stressors or 4. Patients may experience an
sources of discomfort whenever exaggeration in pain or a
possible.. decreased ability to tolerate
painful stimuli if environmental,
intrapersonal, or intrapsychic
factors are further stressing them.
5. Provided rest periods to 5. The patient’s experiences of pain
facilitate comfort, sleep, and may become exaggerated as the
relaxation. result of fatigue. In a cyclic fashion,
pain may result in fatigue, which
may result in exaggerated pain
and exhaustion. A quiet
environment, a darkened room,
and a disconnected phone are all
measures geared toward
facilitating rest.
Nursing Care Plan

Problem Identified:ineffective mobilization of sputum/ phlegm

Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Aspiration related to ineffective mobilization of sputum.
Cause Analysis: When phlegm is not effectively expectorated, especially if it is thick in consistency it could put the person at great risk for aspiration. If swallowed, a foreign object may
become stuck along the gastrointestinal (GI)tract, which can lead to infection or bleeding. (
No cues, problems has not STO: INDEPENDENT: STO:
occurred yet. 1 Monitored level of 1. A decreased level of
Within 3 days of rendering consciousness.. consciousness is a prime risk factor After 3 days the goal was
nursing care the patient will be for aspiration. met. Client was not aspirated.
able to maintain patent airway and
will not experience aspiration. 2. A depressed cough or gag
2. Assessed cough and gag reflex increases the risk of
reflexes. aspiration.

3. Aspiration of small amounts can

occur without coughing or sudden
3. Assessed pulmonary status for onset of respiratory distress,
clinical evidence of aspiration. especially in patients with
Auscultate breath sounds for decreased levels of consciousness.
development of crackles and/or
rhonchi. 4. This is necessary to maintain a
patent airway.
4. Kept suction setup available (in
both hospital and home settings) 5. This removes residuals and
and use as needed. reduces pocketing of food that can
be later aspirated.
5. Provided oral care after meals. 6. This decreases the risk of

6. Explained to patient/caregiver 7. This aids in appropriately

the need for proper positioning. assessing high-risk situations and
determining when to call for
7. Instruct on signs and
further evaluation.
symptoms of aspiration.
Nursing Care Plan
Problem Identified: skin lesion approximately 2 cm in diameter and reddish in color on sacral area
Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Skin Integrity related to presence of sacral skin lesion secondary to prolonged bed rest.
Cause Analysis: Normal blood circulation relies on muscular activity. Immobility impedes circulation and diminished the supply of nutrients to specific areas as a result of
breakdown and formation of pressure ulcers can occur. (Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier p. 1071)
“May rashes ako sa may puwet, 1. Assessed general condition of 1. Healthy skin varies from
kasi yung tita ko hindi marunong Within 3 days of rendering skin. individual to individual, but should After 3 days the goal was not
mag linis kapag nag tae ako”, as nursing intervention the clients’ have good turgor (an indication of met. Pressure ulcer was not
verbalized by the client skin lesion will not be worsen as moisture), feel warm and dry to evaluated because client hesitated.
evidenced by decrease redness the touch, be free of impairment
and diameter will not increase in (scratches, bruises, excoriation,
size. rashes), and have quick capillary
Objective: refill (<6 seconds).
 skin lesion approximately 2
cm in diameter and 2. Limited chair sitting to 2 hours at 2. Pressure over sacrum may
reddish in color on sacral any one time. exceed 100 mm Hg pressure during
area sitting. The pressure necessary to
 Grade 3 bipedal pitting close skin capillaries is around 32
edema mm Hg; any pressure greater than
32 mm Hg results in skin ischemia.

3. Encourage use of lift sheets to 3. These measures reduce shearing

move patient in bed and forces on the skin.
discourage patient or caregiver
from elevating HOB repeatedly.

4. Increased tissue perfusion by 4. Massaging reddened area may

massaging around affected area. damage skin further.

5. Elevated lower extremities 5. Enhance venous return,

when sitting. reducing venous stasis/edema.

6.Encouraged continuation of 6. To enhance circulation.

regular exercise program
Nursing Care Plan

Problem Identified: fever

Nursing Diagnosis: Hyperthermia related to illness secondary to Miliary Tuberculosis
Cause Analysis: When you have an infection, the bacteria or virus is thriving in that homeostatic environment and spreading. Your body's reponse is to interupt or alter the
normal homeostatic environment in order to kill or slow down the spread of the infection. Thus the body will temporarly raise your normal body temperature to a
temoperature which it can tolerate but which is outside the parameters for that microorganism.


“ Maginaw ang pakiramdam 1. Monitored client temperature 1. Chills often precede
ko”, as verbalized by the client. Within 8 hours of rendering (degree and pattern), note shaking temperature spikes. After 8 hours the goal was
nursing intervention the client will chills/ profuse diaphoresis. met. Client’s fever was relieved.
be able to be relieved of fever as
evidenced by temperature of 37.2 2. Monitored environmental 2. Room temperature/ number of
and below. temperature, limit/add bed linens blankets should be altered to
as indicated. maintain near- normal body
 T- 38.7 3. Provided tepid sponge baths, 3. May help reduce fever .use of
 Skin warm to touch avoid use of alcohol. ice water/ alcohol may Cause
 Flushed skin chills, actually elevating
 Tachypnea temperature. In addition, alcohol is
 RR- 48cpm very drying to skin.

1. Administered paracetamol 500 1. To relieve fever.
mg 1 tab PRN for fever.

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