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ASME B31.1
ASME B31.3
AWS D1.1
API 1104

API - 1104
2" s/10 - 0.109" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.343" 16.8402 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.343" 16.8402 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.172" 4.3688 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
2" s/10 - 0.109" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.244 inches or 35.6 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 2.375
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 7.469" 189.7126mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 0.59752" 15.1770mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
2" s/40 & Std. - 0.154" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.433" 10.9982 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.433" 10.9982 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.217" 5.5118 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
2" s/40 & Std. - 0.154" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.244 inches or 35.6 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 2.375
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 7.469" 189.7126 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 0.59752" 15.1770mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
2" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.218" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.561" 14.2494 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.561" 14.2494 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.281" 7.1374


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
2" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.218" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.244 inches or 35.6 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 2.375
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 7.469" 189.7126 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 0.59752" 15.1770mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
2" s/160 - 0.344" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.813" 20.6502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.813" 20.6502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.407" 10.3378 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
2" s/160 - 0.344" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.244 inches or 35.6 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 2.375
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 7.469" 189.7126 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 0.59752" 15.1770mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
2" XX Strong - 0.436" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.997" 25.3238 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.997" 25.3238 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.499" 12.6746 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 15.1770 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
2" XX Strong - 0.436" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 15.1770mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.244 inches or 35.6 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 15.1770mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 2.375
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 7.469" 189.7126 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 0.59752" 15.1770mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
3" s/10 - 0.120" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.365" 9.2710 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.365" 9.2710 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.183" 4.6482 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
3" s/10 - 0.120" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.835" 46.6090 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 3.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 11.0075 279.5905 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 0.8806 22.3672 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
3" s/40 & Std. - 0.216" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.557" 14.1478 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.557" 14.1478 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.279" 7.0866 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
3" s/40 & Std. - 0.216" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.835" 46.6090 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 3.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 11.0075 279.5905 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 0.8806 22.3672 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
3" s/80 and Extra Strong - 0.300" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.725" 18.4150 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.725" 18.4150 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.363" 9.2202 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
3" s/80 and Extra Strong - 0.300" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.835" 46.6090 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 3.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 11.0075 279.5905 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 0.8806 22.3672 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
3" s/160 - 0.438" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.001" 25.4254 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.001" 25.4254 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.500" 12.7000 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
3" s/160 - 0.438" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.835" 46.6090 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 3.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 11.0075 279.5905 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 0.8806 22.3672 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
3" XX Strong - 0.600" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.325" 33.6550 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.325" 33.6550 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.663" 16.8402 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
3" XX Strong - 0.600" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: N/A since total weld is under 12 inches.
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 1.835" 46.6090 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: N/A
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 22.3672 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 3.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 11.0075 279.5905 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 0.8806 22.3672 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/10 - 0.120" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.365" 9.2710 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.365" 9.2710 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.183" 4.6482 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/10 - 0.120" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 2.35875" 59.9123 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 4.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 14.1525" 359.4735 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 1.1322" 28.7579 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/40 & Std. - 0.237" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .599" 15.2146 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .599" 15.2146 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .300" 7.6200 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/40 & Std. - 0.237" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 2.35875" 59.9123 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 4.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 14.1525" 359.4735 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 1.1322" 28.7579 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/80 and Extra Strong - 0.337" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.799" 20.2946 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.799" 20.2946 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.400" 10.1600 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/80 and Extra Strong - 0.337" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 2.35875" 59.9123 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 4.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 14.1525" 359.4735 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 1.1322" 28.7579 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/120 - 0.438" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.001" 25.4254 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.001" 25.4254 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.501" 12.7254 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/120 - 0.438" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 2.35875" 59.9123 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 4.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 14.1525" 359.4735 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 1.1322" 28.7579 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/160 - 0.531" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.187" 30.1498 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.187" 30.1498 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.594" 15.0876 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
4" s/160 - 0.531" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 2.35875" 59.9123 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 4.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 14.1525" 359.4735 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 1.1322" 28.7579 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
4" XX Strong - 0.674" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.473" 37.4142 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.473" 37.4142 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.737" 18.7198 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
4" XX Strong - 0.674" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 2.35875" 59.9123 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 28.7579 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 4.5"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penny in the center of the weld
Total weld length: 14.1525" 359.4735 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 1.1322" 28.7579 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/10 - 0.134" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.393" 9.9822 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.393" 9.9822 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.197" 5.0038 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/10 - 0.134" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 3.473" 88.2142 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 6.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 20.836" 529.2344 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 1.66685" 42.3380 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/40 & Std. - 0.280" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.685" 17.3990 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.685" 17.3990 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.343" 8.7122 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/40 & Std. - 0.280" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 3.473" 88.2142 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 6.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 20.836" 529.2344 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 1.66685" 42.3380 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.432" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.989" 25.1206 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.989" 25.1206 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.495" 12.5730 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.432" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 3.473" 88.2142 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 6.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 20.836" 529.2344 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 1.66685" 42.3380 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/120 - 0.562" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.249" 31.7246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.249" 31.7246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/120 - 0.562" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 3.473" 88.2142 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 6.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 20.836" 529.2344 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 1.66685" 42.3380 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/160 - 0.719" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.563" 39.7002 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.563" 39.7002 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.782" 19.8628 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
6" s/160 - 0.719" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 3.473" 88.2142 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 6.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 20.836" 529.2344 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 1.66685" 42.3380 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
6" XX Strong - 0.864" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.853" 47.0662 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.853" 47.0662 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.927" 23.5458 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
6" XX Strong - 0.864" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 3.473" 88.2142 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 42.3380 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 6.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 20.836" 529.2344 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 10" 4.5 x 10"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 1.66685" 42.3380 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
8" s/10 - 0.148" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.296" 7.5184 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.296" 7.5184 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.211" 5.3594 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
8" s/10 - 0.148" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 4.521 114.8334 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 8.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 27.125625" 688.9909 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 2.17005" 55.1193 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
8" s/40 & Std. - 0.322" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.769" 19.5326 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.769" 19.5326 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.385" 9.7790 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
8" s/40 & Std. - 0.322" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 4.521 114.8334 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 8.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 27.125625" 688.9909 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 2.17005" 55.1193 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
8" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
8" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 4.521 114.8334 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 8.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 27.125625" 688.9909 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 2.17005" 55.1193 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
8" s/140 - 0.812" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.749" 44.4246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.749" 44.4246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.8745" 22.2123 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
8" s/140 - 0.812" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 4.521 114.8334 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 8.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 27.125625" 688.9909 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 2.17005" 55.1193 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
8" s/120 - 0.719" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.563" 39.7002 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.563" 39.7002 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.782" 19.8628 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
8" s/120 - 0.719" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 4.521 114.8334 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 8.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 27.125625" 688.9909 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 2.17005" 55.1193 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
8" s/160 - 0.906" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.937" 49.1998 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.937" 49.1998 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.9685" 24.5999 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
8" s/160 - 0.906" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 4.521 114.8334 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 8.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 27.125625" 688.9909 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 2.17005" 55.1193 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
8" XX Strong - 0.875" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.875" 47.6250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.875" 47.6250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.9375" 23.8125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
8" XX Strong - 0.875" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 4.521 114.8334 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 55.1193 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 8.625"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 27.125625" 688.9909 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 2.17005" 55.1193 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/10 - 0.165" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.455" 11.5570 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.455" 11.5570 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.2275" 5.7785 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/10 - 0.165" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 5.635" 143.1290 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 10.750"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 33.80875" 858.7105 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 2.7047" 68.6994 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/40 & Std. - 0.365" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.855" 21.7170 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.855" 21.7170 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.4275" 10.8585 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/40 & Std. - 0.365" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 5.635" 143.1290 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 10.750"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 33.80875" 858.7105 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 2.7047" 68.6994 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/80 - 0.594" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.313" 33.3502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.313" 33.3502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.6565" 16.6751 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/80 - 0.594" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 5.635" 143.1290 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 10.750"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 33.80875" 858.7105 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 2.7047" 68.6994 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/120 - 0.843" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.811" 45.9994 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.811" 45.9994 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.9055" 22.9997 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/120 - 0.843" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 5.635" 143.1290 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 10.750"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 33.80875" 858.7105 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 2.7047" 68.6994 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
10" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
10" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 5.635" 143.1290 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 10.750"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 33.80875" 858.7105 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 2.7047" 68.6994 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/140 - 1.000" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.0625" 26.9875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/140 - 1.000" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 5.635" 143.1290 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 10.750"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 33.80875" 858.7105 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 2.7047" 68.6994 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/160 - 1.125" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.375" 60.3250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.375" 60.3250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.1875" 30.1625 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
10" s/160 - 1.125" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 5.635" 143.1290 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 10.750"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 33.80875" 858.7105 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 2.7047" 68.6994 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
10" XX Strong - 1.00" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.0625" 26.9875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
10" XX Strong - 1.00" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 5.635" 143.1290 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 68.6994 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 10.750"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 33.80875" 858.7105 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 2.7047" 68.6994 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/10 - 0.180" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .485" 12.3190 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .485" 12.3190 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .2425" 6.1595


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/10 - 0.180" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .4375" 11.1125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" Standard - 0.375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/40 - 0.406" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .937" 23.7998 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .937" 23.7998 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .4685" 11.8999 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/40 - 0.406" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/80 - 0.688" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.501" 38.1254 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.501" 38.1254 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .7505" 19.0627 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/80 - 0.688" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/140 - 1.125" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.375" 60.3250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.375" 60.3250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.1875" 30.1625 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/140 - 1.125" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" XX Strong - 1.00" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.0625" 26.9875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" XX Strong - 1.00" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/120 - 1.00" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.0625" 26.9875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/120 - 1.00" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/120 - 1.00" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.125" 53.9750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.0625" 26.9875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/120 - 1.00" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/160 - 1.312" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.749" 69.8246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.749" 69.8246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.3745" 34.9123 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
12" s/160 - 1.312" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 6.683125" 169.7514 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 81.4807 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 12.750 "
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 40.09875" 1018.5083 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 3.2079" 81.4807 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/10 - .250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .3125" 7.9375 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/10 - .250" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 7.3383" 186.3937 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 14.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 44.03 1118.3620 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.5224" 89.4690 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/40 - .437" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .999" 25.3746 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .999" 25.3746 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .562" 14.2748 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/40 - .437" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 7.3383" 186.3937 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 14.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 44.03 1118.3620 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.5224" 89.4690 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
14" Standard - .375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: .875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .500" 12.7000 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
14" Standard - .375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 7.3383" 186.3937 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 14.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 44.03 1118.3620 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.5224" 89.4690 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/80 - .750" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.625" 41.2750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.625" 41.2750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .8125" 20.6375 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/80 - .750" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 7.3383" 186.3937 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 14.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 44.03 1118.3620 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 3.5224" 89.4690 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
14" Extra Heavy - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
14" Extra Heavy - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 7.3383" 186.3937 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 14.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 44.03 1118.3620 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 3
8% of weld: 3.5224" 89.4690 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/120 - 1.093" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.311" 58.6994 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.311" 58.6994 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.1555" 29.3497 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/120 - 1.093" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 7.3383" 186.3937 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 14.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 44.03 1118.3620 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 3.5224" 89.4690 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/140 - 1.250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.311" 58.6994 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.311" 58.6994 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.1555" 29.3497 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/140 - 1.250" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 7.3383" 186.3937 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 14.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 44.03 1118.3620 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 3.5224" 89.4690 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/160 - 1.406" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.937" 74.5998 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.937" 74.5998 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.4685" 37.2999 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
14" s/160 - 1.406" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 7.3383" 186.3937 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 89.4690 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 14.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 44.03 1118.3620 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 3.5224" 89.4690 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
16" s/10 - 0.250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.3125" 7.9375 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
16" s/10 - 0.250" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 8.387" 213.0298 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 16
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 50.32" 1278.1280 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.0256" 102.2502 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
16" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.4375" 11.1125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
16" Standard - 0.375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 8.387" 213.0298 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 16
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 50.32" 1278.1280 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.0256" 102.2502 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
16" s/40 - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
16" s/40 - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 8.387" 213.0298 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 16
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 50.32" 1278.1280 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.0256" 102.2502 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
16" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
16" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 8.387" 213.0298 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 16
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 50.32" 1278.1280 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.0256" 102.2502 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
16" s/80 - 0.844" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.813" 46.0502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.813" 46.0502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: .9065" 23.0251 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
16" s/80 - 0.844" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 8.387" 213.0298 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 16
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 50.32" 1278.1280 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.0256" 102.2502 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
16" s/120 - 1.219" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.563" 65.1002 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.563" 65.1002 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.2815" 32.5501 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
16" s/120 - 1.219" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 8.387" 213.0298 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 16
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 50.32" 1278.1280 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 4.0256" 102.2502 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
16" s/140 - 1.437" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.999" 76.1746 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.999" 76.1746 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.4995" 38.0873 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
16" s/140 - 1.437" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 8.387" 213.0298 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 16
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 50.32" 1278.1280 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 4.0256" 102.2502 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
16" s/160 - 1.594" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.313" 84.1502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.313" 84.1502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.6565" 42.0751 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
16" s/160 - 1.594" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 8.387" 213.0298 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 102.2502 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 16
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 50.32" 1278.1280 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 4.0256" 102.2502 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
18" s/10 - 0.250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.3125" 7.9375 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
18" s/10 - 0.250" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 9.435" 239.6490 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 18.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 56.61" 1437.8940 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.5288" 115.0315 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
18" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.4375" 11.1125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
18" Standard - 0.375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 9.435" 239.6490 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 18.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 56.61" 1437.8940 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.5288" 115.0315 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
18" s/40 - 0.562" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.249" 31.7246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.249" 31.7246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.6245" 15.8623 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
18" s/40 - 0.562" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 9.435" 239.6490 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 18.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 56.61" 1437.8940 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.5288" 115.0315 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
18" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
18" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 9.435" 239.6490 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 18.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 56.61" 1437.8940 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.5288" 115.0315 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
18" s/80 - 0.937" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.999" 50.7746 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.999" 50.7746 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.9995" 25.3873 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
18" s/80 - 0.937" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 9.435" 239.6490 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 18.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 56.61" 1437.8940 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 4
8% of weld: 4.5288" 115.0315 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
18" s/120 - 1.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.875" 73.0250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.875" 73.0250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.4375" 36.5125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
18" s/120 - 1.375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 9.435" 239.6490 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 18.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 56.61" 1437.8940 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 4.5288" 115.0315 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
18" s/140 - 1.562" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 S/S Hole: 40
F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 F/S Hole: 35
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.249" 82.5246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.249" 82.5246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.6245" 41.2623 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
18" s/140 - 1.562" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 9.435" 239.6490 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 18.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 56.61" 1437.8940 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 4.5288" 115.0315 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
18" s/160 - 1.781" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 S/S Hole: 40
F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 F/S Hole: 35
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.687" 93.6498 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.687" 93.6498 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.8435" 46.8249 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
18" s/160 - 1.781" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 9.435" 239.6490 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 115.0315 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 18.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 56.61" 1437.8940 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 4.5288" 115.0315 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/10 - 0.250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.3125" 7.9375 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/10 - 0.250" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 10.4833" 266.2758 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 20.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 62.9" 1597.6600 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.032" 127.8128 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
20" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.4375" 11.1125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
20" Standard - 0.375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 10.4833" 266.2758 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 20.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 62.9" 1597.6600 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.032" 127.8128 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/40 - 0.594" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.313" 33.3502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.313" 33.3502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.6565" 16.6751 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/40 - 0.594" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 10.4833" 266.2758 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 20.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 62.9" 1597.6600 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.032" 127.8128 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
20" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
20" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 10.4833" 266.2758 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 20.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 62.9" 1597.6600 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.032" 127.8128 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/80 - 1.031" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.187" 55.5498 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.187" 55.5498 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.0935" 27.7749 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/80 - 1.031" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 10.4833" 266.2758 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 20.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 62.9" 1597.6600 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.032" 127.8128 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/120 - 1.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.125" 79.3750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.125" 79.3750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.5625" 39.6875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/120 - 1.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 10.4833" 266.2758 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 20.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 62.9" 1597.6600 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.032" 127.8128 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/140 - 1.750" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.625" 92.0750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.625" 92.0750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.8125" 46.0375 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/140 - 1.750" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 10.4833" 266.2758 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 20.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 62.9" 1597.6600 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 5.032" 127.8128 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/160 - 1.969" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 S/S Hole: 40
F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 F/S Hole: 35
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 4.063" 103.2002 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 4.063" 103.2002 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 2.0315" 51.6001 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
20" s/160 - 1.969" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 10.4833" 266.2758 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 127.8128 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 20.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 62.9" 1597.6600 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 5.032" 127.8128 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/10 - 0.250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.3125" 7.9375 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/10 - 0.250" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 11.532" 292.9128 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 22.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 69.19" 1757.4260 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.5352" 140.5941 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
22" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.4375" 11.1125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
22" Standard - 0.375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 11.532" 292.9128 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 22.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 69.19" 1757.4260 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.5352" 140.5941 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
22" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
22" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 11.532" 292.9128 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 22.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 69.19" 1757.4260 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.5352" 140.5941 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/80 - 1.125" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.375" 60.3250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.375" 60.3250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.1875" 30.1625 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/80 - 1.125" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 11.532" 292.9128 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 22.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 69.19" 1757.4260 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 5
8% of weld: 5.5352" 140.5941 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/120 - 1.625" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 S/S Hole: 40
F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 F/S Hole: 35
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.375" 85.7250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.375" 85.7250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.6875" 42.8625 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/120 - 1.625" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 11.532" 292.9128 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 22.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 69.19" 1757.4260 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 5.5352" 140.5941 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/140 - 1.875" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 S/S Hole: 40
F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 F/S Hole: 35
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.875" 98.4250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.875" 98.4250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.9375" 49.2125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/140 - 1.875" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 11.532" 292.9128 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 22.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 69.19" 1757.4260 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 5.5352" 140.5941 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/160 - 2.125" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 S/S Hole: 40
F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 F/S Hole: 35
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4 S/S Hole: 50
F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 F/S Hole: 40
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 4.375" 111.1250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 4.375" 111.1250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 2.1875" 55.5625 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
22" s/160 - 2.125" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 11.532" 292.9128 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 140.5941 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 22.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 69.19" 1757.4260 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 5.5352" 140.5941 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/10 - 0.250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 S/S Hole: 12
F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3 F/S Hole: 10
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.625" 15.8750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.3125" 7.9375 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/10 - 0.250" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 12.58" 319.5320 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 24.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 75.48" 1917.1920 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.0384" 153.3754 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/40 - 0.687" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.499" 38.0746 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.499" 38.0746 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.7495" 19.0373 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/40 - 0.687" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 12.58" 319.5320 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 24.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 75.48" 1917.1920 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.0384" 153.3754 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
24" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.4375" 11.1125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
24" Standard - 0.375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 12.58" 319.5320 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 24.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 75.48" 1917.1920 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.0384" 153.3754 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
24" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
24" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 12.58" 319.5320 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 24.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 75.48" 1917.1920 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.0384" 153.3754 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/80 - 1.218" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 S/S Hole: 30
F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 F/S Hole: 25
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.561" 65.0494 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 2.561" 65.0494 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.2805" 32.5247 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/80 - 1.218" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 12.58" 319.5320 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 24.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 75.48" 1917.1920 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.0384" 153.3754 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/120 - 1.812" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 S/S Hole: 35
F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2 F/S Hole: 30
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 S/S Hole: 40
F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 F/S Hole: 35
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.749" 95.2246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 3.749" 95.2246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.8745" 47.6123 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/120 - 1.812" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 12.58" 319.5320 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 24.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 75.48" 1917.1920 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.0384" 153.3754 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/140 - 2.062" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 S/S Hole: 40
F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 F/S Hole: 35
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4 S/S Hole: 50
F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 F/S Hole: 40
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 4.249" 107.9246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 4.249" 107.9246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 2.1245" 53.9623 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/140 - 2.062" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 12.58" 319.5320 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 24.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 75.48" 1917.1920 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.0384" 153.3754 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/160 - 2.344" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 S/S Hole: 40
F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6 F/S Hole: 35
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4 S/S Hole: 50
F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5 F/S Hole: 40
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 4.813" 122.2502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 4.813" 122.2502 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 2.4065" 61.1251 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
24" s/160 - 2.344" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 12.58" 319.5320 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 153.3754 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 24.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 75.48" 1917.1920 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.0384" 153.3754 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
26" s/10 - 0.312" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.749" 19.0246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.749" 19.0246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.3745" 9.5123 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
26" s/10 - 0.312" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 13.6283" 346.1588 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 26.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 81.77" 2076.9580 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.5416" 166.1566 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
26" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.4375" 11.1125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
26" Standard - 0.375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 13.6283" 346.1588 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 26.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 81.77" 2076.9580 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.5416" 166.1566 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
26" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
26" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 13.6283" 346.1588 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 166.1566 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 26.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 81.77" 2076.9580 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 6.5416" 166.1566 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
36" s/10 - 0.312" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.749" 19.0246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.749" 19.0246 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.3745" 9.5123 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
36" s/10 - 0.312" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 18.87" 479.2980 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 36.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 113.22" 2875.7880 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 9.0576" 230.0630 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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API - 1104
36" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 S/S Hole: 15
F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2 F/S Hole: 12
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 0.875" 22.2250 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.4375" 11.1125 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
36" Standard - 0.375" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 18.87" 479.2980 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 36.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 113.22" 2875.7880 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 9.0576" 230.0630 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
36" s/40 - 0.750" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3 S/S Hole: 25
F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 F/S Hole: 20
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.625" 41.2750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.625" 41.2750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.8125" 20.6375 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

Page 1 of 2
API - 1104
36" s/40 - 0.750" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 18.87" 479.2980 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 36.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 113.22" 2875.7880 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 9.0576" 230.0630 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

Page 2 of 2
API - 1104
36" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 S/S Hole: 17
F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6 F/S Hole: 15
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4 S/S Hole: 20
F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5 F/S Hole: 17
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625"/per side
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/SWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with DWE/DWV: 0.125" Total of walls + reinforcement: 1.125" 28.5750 mm
Maximum reinforcement with SWE/SWV: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.5625" 14.2875 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IP : 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IP in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indication of IPD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of IPD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 3" 75 mm


Maximum length of an individual indication of ICP: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of indications of ICP in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm

Maximum length of an individual indication of IF: 1 inch or 25mm
Maximum length of IF in 8% of weld: N/A since total weld exceeds 12 inches
Maximum length of indications of IF in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1" 25 mm


Maximum length of individual indications of IFD: 2 inches or 50mm
Maximum length of IFD in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm
Maximum length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 25 mm

INTERNAL CONCAVITY Any length of IC is acceptable, provided the density of the radiographic image of the
internal concavity does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent parent material. For areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the criteria for burn through are applicable.

Maximum dimension of BT's image : unacceptable if it exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent metal.
Maximum dimension of BT: 1/4" or 6mm
Maximum dimension is unacceptable if: it exceeds the thinner of the nonnal wall thickness joined, and the density
of the BT's image exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent material.
The sum of the max dimensions of separate BBT's whose image density exceeds that of the thinnest adjacent parent
material exceeds 1/2 inch or 13mm in any continuous 12" length of weld or the total weld length(whichever is less).

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API - 1104
36" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall

Elongated slag inclusions (ESI)
Maximum length of an ESI: 2 inches or 50mm
Parallel ESI indications (Wagon Tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of them exceed
1/32" or 0.8mm. In that event they shall be considered separate indications.
Maximum length of ESI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum width of an individual ESI indication: 1/16" or 1.6mm
Isolated slag inclusions (ISI)
Maximum length of ISI indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum width of an ISI indication: 1/8" or 3mm
Maximum length of ESI and ISI in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm

Individual or Scattered Porosity.
Maximum size of an individual pore: 1/8" or 3mm
The size of an individual pore exceeds 25% of the thinner of the nonimal wall thickness joined.
The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted in Figures 19 or 20.
Cluster Porosity (CP)
Maximum diameter of the cluster: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of CP indications in any continuous 12" length of weweld: 1/2" 13 mm
Maximum length of an individual pore within a cluster: 1/16 inch or 2mm
Hollow Bead Porosity (HB)
Maximum length of an individual indication of HB: 1/2 inch or 13mm
Maximum length of HB indications in any continuous 12" length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of HB in 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm
NOTE: The weld is unacceptable if individual indications of HB, each greater than 1/4 inch or 6mm in length, are
seperated by less than 2 inches or 50 mm.

Note: Any crack which is not a shallow crater crack or star crack is unacceptable.
Maximum length of shallow crater cracks or star cracks: 5/32 inch or 4mm

Undercutting adjacent to the cover pass (EU) and Undercutting adjacent to the root pass (IU)
Maximum length of EU and IU indications (in any combination) in a 12 inch length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of EU and IU indications: 18.87" 479.2980 mm (This value is 1/6 th of the total weld length)

Maximum length of AI indications in any continuous 12 inch or 300 mm length of weld: 2" 50 mm
Maximum length of AI indications of 8% of weld: 230.0630 mm

Pipe O.D. in inches: 36.00"
Amount of Penetrameters required for each shot: 1 penetrameter 1" from the end of film and 1 penny in the center.
Total weld length: 113.22" 2875.7880 mm
Cassette size to complete weld in most efficient way: 3.5 x 17" 4.5 x 17"
Amount of shots to complete weld with 1" on each side of readable film: 6
8% of weld: 9.0576" 230.0630 mm
Hole penetrameters are adjacent to the weld and Wire penetrameters are parallel to the weld.

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1/2" s/40 & Std. - 0.109" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.172"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.218 Max Individual Width: 0.055" Max Cumulative Length: 0.436 in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.036" Max Individual Width: 0.036" Max Cumulative Length: 0.109" in 1.308" of w.

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.012

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.027" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.036"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.109" in a 1.308" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.218"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of of weld = 12

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.027" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.036"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.109" in a 1.308" length of weld.
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.218
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12
1/2 s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.147" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.210"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.294" Max Individual Width: 0.074" Max Cumulative Length: 0.588" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.049" Max Individual Width: 0.049" Max Cumulative Length: 0.147" in 1.764" of w.

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.037" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.049"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.147" in a 1.764" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.294"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.037" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.049"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.147" in a 1.764" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.294"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1/2" s/160 - 0.188" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.251"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.376" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.752" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.063" Max Individual Width: 0.063" Max Cumulative Length: 0.188" in 2.256" of w.

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.047" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.063"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.188" in a 2.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.376"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.047" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.063"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.188" in a 2.256" length of weld.
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.376"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
3/4" s/40 & Std. - 0.113" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.176"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.226" Max Individual Width: 0.057" Max Cumulative Length: 0.452" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.038" Max Individual Width: 0.038" Max Cumulative Length: 0.113" in 1.356" of w.

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.012

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.028" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.038"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.113" in a 1.356" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.226"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of of weld = 12

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.028" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.038"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.113" in a 1.356" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.226"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12
3/4" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.154" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.217"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.308" Max Individual Width: 0.077" Max Cumulative Length: 0.616" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.051" Max Individual Width: 0.051" Max Cumulative Length: 0.154" in 1.848" of w.

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.039" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.051"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.154" in a 1.848" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.308"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.039" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.051"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.154" in a 1.848" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.308"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
3/4" s/160 - 0.219" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.282"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.438" Max Individual Width: 0.110" Max Cumulative Length: 0.876" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.073" Max Individual Width: 0.073" Max Cumulative Length: 0.219" in 2.628" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.055" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.073"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.219" in a 2.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.438"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.055" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.073"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.219" in a 2.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.438"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
3/4" XX Strong - 0.308" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.433"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.616" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.232" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.103" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.308" in 3.696" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031"

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.116" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.154"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.462" in a 3.696" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.924"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.077" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.103"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.308" in a 3.696" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.616"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1" s/10 - 0.109" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.172"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.218" Max Individual Width: 0.055" Max Cumulative Length: 0.436" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.036" Max Individual Width: 0.036" Max Cumulative Length: 0.109" in 1.308" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.012

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.027" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.036"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.109" in a 1.308" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.218"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.027" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.036"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.109" in a 1.308" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.218"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12
1" s/40 & Std. - 0.133" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.196"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.266" Max Individual Width: 0.067" Max Cumulative Length: 0.532" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.044" Max Individual Width: 0.044" Max Cumulative Length: 0.133" in 1.596" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.033" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.044"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.133" in a 1.596" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.266"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.033" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.044"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.133" in a 1.596" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.266"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.179" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: ` 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.242"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.358" Max Individual Width: 0.090" Max Cumulative Length: 0.716" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.060" Max Individual Width: 0.060" Max Cumulative Length: 0.179" in 2.148" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.045" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.060"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.179" in a 2.148" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.358"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.045" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.060"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.179" in a 2.148" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.358"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1" s/160 - 0.250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.313"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.500" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.000 in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.083" Max Individual Width: 0.083" Max Cumulative Length: 0.250" in 3.000" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.063" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.083"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.250" in a 3.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.063" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.083"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.250" in 3.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1" XX Strong - 0.358" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.483"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.716" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.432" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.119" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.358" in 4.296" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.134" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.179"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.537" in a 4.296" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.074"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.090" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.119"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.358" in a 4.296" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.716"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1.25" s/10 - 0.109" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.172"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.218" Max Individual Width: 0.055" Max Cumulative Length: 0.436" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.036" Max Individual Width: 0.036" Max Cumulative Length: 0.109" in 1.308" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.012

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.027" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.036"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.109" in a 1.308" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.218"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12
Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.027" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.036"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.109" in a 1.308" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.218"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12
1.25" s/40 & Std. - 0.140" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.203"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.280" Max Individual Width: 0.070" Max Cumulative Length: 0.560" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.047" Max Individual Width: 0.047" Max Cumulative Length: 0.140" in 1.680" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.035" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.047"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.140" in a 1.680" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.280"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.035" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.047"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.140" in a 1.680" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.280"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1.25" s/160 - 0.250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.313"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.500" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.083" Max Individual Width: 0.083" Max Cumulative Length: 0.250" in 3.000" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.063" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.083"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.250" in a 3.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.063" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.083"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.250" in 3.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1.25" XX Strong - 0.382" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.507"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.764" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.528" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.127" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.382" in 4.584" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.143" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.191"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.573" in a 4.584" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.146"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.096" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.127"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.382" in a 4.584" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.764"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1.5" s/10 - 0.109" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.172"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.218" Max Individual Width: 0.055" Max Cumulative Length: 0.436" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.036" Max Individual Width: 0.036" Max Cumulative Length: 0.109" in 1.308" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.012

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.027" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.036"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.109" in a 1.308" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.218'
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of of weld = 12

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.027" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.036"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.109" in a 1.308" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.218"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12
1.5" s/40 & /Std. - 0.145" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.208"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.290" Max Individual Width: 0.073" Max Cumulative Length: 0.580" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.048" Max Individual Width: 0.048" Max Cumulative Length: 0.145" in 1.740" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.036" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.048"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.145" in a 1.740" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.290"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.036" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.048"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.145" in a 1.740" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.290"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1.5" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.200" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.263"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.400" Max Individual Width: 0.100" Max Cumulative Length: 0.800" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.067" Max Individual Width: 0.067" Max Cumulative Length: 0.200" in 2.400" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.050" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.067"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.200" in a 2.400" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.400"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.050" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.067"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.200" in a 2.400" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.400"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1.5" s/160 - 0.281" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.406"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.562" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.124" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.094" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.281" in 3.372" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.105" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.141"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.422" in a 3.372" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.843"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.070" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.094"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.281" in a 3.372" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.562"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1.5" XX Strong - 0.400" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.525"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.800" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.600" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.133" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.400" in 4.800" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.150" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.200"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.600" in a 4.800" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.200"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.100" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.133"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.400" in a 4.800" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.800"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
2" s/40 & Std. - 0.154" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.217"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.308" Max Individual Width: 0.077" Max Cumulative Length: 0.616" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.051" Max Individual Width: 0.051" Max Cumulative Length: 0.154" in 1.848" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.039" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.051"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.154" in a 1.848" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.308"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.039" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.051"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.154" in a 1.848" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.308"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
2" s/80 and Extra Strong - 0.218" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.281"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.436" Max Individual Width: 0.109" Max Cumulative Length: 0.872" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.073" Max Individual Width: 0.073" Max Cumulative Length: 0.218" in 2.616" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.055" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.073"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.218" in a 2.616" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.436"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.055" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.073"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.218" in a 2.616" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.436"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
2" s/160 - 0.344" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.469"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.688" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.376" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.115" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.344" in 4.128" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.129" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.172"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.516" in a 4.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.032"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.086" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.115"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.344" in a 4.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.688"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
2" XX Strong - 0.436" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.561"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.872" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.744" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.145" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.436" in 5.232" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.164" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.218"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.654" in a 5.232" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.308"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.109" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.145"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.436" in a 5.232" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.872"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
3" s/10 - 0.120" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.183"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.240" Max Individual Width: 0.060" Max Cumulative Length: 0.480" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.040" Max Individual Width: 0.040" Max Cumulative Length: 0.120" in 1.440" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.013

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.030" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.040"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.120" in a 1.440" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.240"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of of weld = 12

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.030" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.040"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.120" in a 1.440" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.240"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12
3" s/40 & Std. - 0.216" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.279"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.432" Max Individual Width: 0.108" Max Cumulative Length: 0.864" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.072" Max Individual Width: 0.072" Max Cumulative Length: 0.216" in 2.592" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.054" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.072"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.216" in a 2.592" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.432"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.054" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.072"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.216" in a 2.592" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.432"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
3" s/80 and Extra Strong - 0.300" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.425"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.600" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.200" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.100" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.300" in 3.600" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.113" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.150"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.450" in a 3.600" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.900"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.075" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.100"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.300" in a 3.600" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.600"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
3" s/160 - 0.438" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.563"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.876" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.752" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.146" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.438" in 5.256" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.164" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.219"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.657" in a 5.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.314"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.110" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.146"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.438" in a 5.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.876"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
3" XX Strong - 0.600" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.756"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.200" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.400" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.200" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.600" in 7.200" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.225" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.300"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.900" in a 7.200" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.150" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.200"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.600" in a 7.200" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
4" s/10 - 0.120" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.183"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.240" Max Individual Width: 0.060" Max Cumulative Length: 0.480" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.040" Max Individual Width: 0.040" Max Cumulative Length: 0.120" in 1.440" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.013

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.030" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.040"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.120" in a 1.440" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.240"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.030" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.040"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.120" in a 1.440" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.240"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant internal porosity in a 6" length of weld = 12
4" s/40 & Std. - 0.237" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.183"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.474" Max Individual Width: 0.119" Max Cumulative Length: 0.948" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.079" Max Individual Width: 0.079" Max Cumulative Length: 0.237" in 2.844" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.059" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.079"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.237" in a 2.844" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.474"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.059" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.079"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.237" in a 2.844" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.474"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
4" s/80 and Extra Strong - 0.337" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.462"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.674" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.348" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.112" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.337" in 4.044" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.126" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.169"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.506" in a 4.044" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.011"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.084" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.112"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.337" in a 4.044" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.674"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
4" s/120 - 0.438" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.563"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.876" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.752" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.146" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.438" in 5.256" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.164" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.219"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.657" in a 5.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.314"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.110" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.146"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.438" in a 5.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.876"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
4" s/160 - 0.531" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.687"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.062" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.124" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.177" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.531" in 6.372" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.199" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.266"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.797" in a 6.372" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.133" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.177"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.531" in a 6.372" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
4" XX Strong - 0.674" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.830"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.348" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.696" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.225" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.674" in 8.008" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.337"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.011" in a 8.088" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.225"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.674" in a 8.088" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
6" s/10 = 0.134" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.197"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.268" Max Individual Width: 0.067" Max Cumulative Length: 0.536" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.045" Max Individual Width: 0.045" Max Cumulative Length: 0.134" in 1.608" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.034" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.045"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.134" in a 1.608" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.268"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.034" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.045"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.134" in a 1.608" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.268"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
6" s/40 & Std. - 0.280" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.405"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.560" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.120" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.093" Max Individual Width: 0.093" Max Cumulative Length: 0.280" in 3.360" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.105" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.140"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.420" in a 3.360" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.840"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.070" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.093"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.280" in a 3.360" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.560"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
6" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.432" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.557"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.864" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.728" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.144" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.432" in 5.184" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.162" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.216"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.648" in a 5.184" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.296"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.108" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.144"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.432" in a 5.184" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.864"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
6" s/160 - 0.719" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.875"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.438" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.876" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.240" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.719" in 8.628" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.360"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.079" in a 8.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.240"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.719" in a 8.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
6" XX Strong - 0.864" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.020"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.728" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 3.456" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.288" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.864" in 10.368"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.296" in a 10.368" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.432"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.864" in a 10.368" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.288"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
8" s/10 - 0.148" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.211"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.296" Max Individual Width: 0.074" Max Cumulative Length: 0.592" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.049" Max Individual Width: 0.049" Max Cumulative Length: 0.148" in 1.776" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.037" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.049"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.148" in a 1.776" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.296"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.037" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.049"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.148" in a 1.776" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.296"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
8" s/40 & Std. - 0.322" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.447"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.644" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.288" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.107" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.322" in 3.864" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.121" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.161"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.483" in a 3.864" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.966"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.081" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.107"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.322" in a 3.864" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.644"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
8" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Penetrameter Selection
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.625"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.167" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.500" in 6.000" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.188" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.750" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.500" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
8" s/120 - 0.719" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.875"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.438" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.876" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.240" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.719" in 8.628" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.360"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.079" in a 8.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.240"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.719" in a 8.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
8" s/160 - 0.906" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.062"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.812" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 3.624" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.302" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.906" in 10.872"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.359" in a 10.872" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.453"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.906" in a 10.872" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.302"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
8" XX Strong - 0.875" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.031"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.750" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 3.500" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.292" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.875" in 10.500"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.313" in a 10.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.438"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.875" in a 10.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.292"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
10" s/10 - 0.165" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.228"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.330" Max Individual Width: 0.083" Max Cumulative Length: 0.660" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.055" Max Individual Width: 0.055" Max Cumulative Length: 0.165" in 1.980" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.041" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.055"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.165" in a 1.980" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.330"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.041" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.055"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.165" in a 1.980" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.330"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
10" s/40 & Std. - 0.365" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.490"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.730" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.460" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.122" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.365" in 4.380" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.137" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.183"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.548" in a 3.864" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.095"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.091" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.122"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.365" in a 4.380" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.730"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
10" s/80 - 0.594" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.750"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.188" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.376" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.198" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.594" in 7.128" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.223" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.297"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.894" in a 7.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.149" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.198"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.594" in a 7.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
10" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.625"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.167" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.500" in 6.000"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.188" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.750" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.500" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
10" s/120 - 0.844" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.000"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.688" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 3.376" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.281" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.844" in 10.128"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.266" in a 10.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.422"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.844" in a 10.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.281"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
10" s/160 - 1.125" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.188" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.313"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 2.250" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 4.5" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.375" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.125" in 13.500"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.688" in a 13.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.563"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.125" in a 13.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
10" XX Strong - 1.00" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.156"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 2.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 4.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.333" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.000" in 12.00"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.500" in a 12.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.000" in a 12.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.333"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
12" s/10 - 0.180" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.243"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.360" Max Individual Width: 0.090" Max Cumulative Length: 0.720" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.060" Max Individual Width: 0.060" Max Cumulative Length: 0.180" in 2.160" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall


Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.045" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.060"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.180" in a 2.160" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.360"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.045" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.060"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.180" in a 2.160" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.360"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
12" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.500"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.750" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.500" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.125" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.375" in 4.5" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.141" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.188"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.563" in a 4.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.125"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.375" in a 4.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
12" s/40 - 0.406" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.531"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.812" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.624" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.135" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.406" in 4.872"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.152" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.203"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.609" in a 4.872" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.218"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.102" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.135"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.406" in a 4.872" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.812"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
12" s/80 - 0.688" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.844"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.376" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.752" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.229" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.688" in 8.256" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.344"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.032" in a 8.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.229"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.688" in a 8.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
12" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.625"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.167" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.500" in 6.0" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.188" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.750" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.500" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
12" XX Strong - 1.00" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.156"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 2.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 4.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.333" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.000" in 12.00"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.500" in a 12.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.000" in a 12.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.333"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
12" s/120 - 1.00" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.156"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 2.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 4.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.333" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.000" in 12.00"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.500" in a 12.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.000" in a 12.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.333"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
12" s/160 - 1.312" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.188" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.500"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 2.624" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 5.248" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.437" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.312" in 15.744"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.968" in a 15.744" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.656"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.312" in a 15.744" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.437"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
16" s/10 - 0.188" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.251"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.376" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.752" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.063" Max Individual Width: 0.063" Max Cumulative Length: 0.188" in 2.256" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.047" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.063"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.188" in a 2.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.376"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.047" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.063"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.188" in a 2.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.376"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
16 " Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.500"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.750" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.500" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.125" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.375" in 4.500"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.141" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.188"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.563" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.125"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.375" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
16" s/40 - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.625"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.167" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.500" in 6.0" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.188" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.750" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.500" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
16" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.625"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.167" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.500" in 6.0" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.188" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.750" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.500" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
16" s/80 - 0.844" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.00"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.688" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 3.376" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.281" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.844" in 10.128"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.266" in a 10.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.422"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.844" in a 10.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.281"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
16" s/120 - 1.219" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.188" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.407"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 2.438" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 4.876" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.406" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.219" in 14.628"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.829" in a 14.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.610"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.219" in a 14.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.406"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
16" s/160 - 1.594" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.188" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.782"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 3.188" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 6.376" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.531" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.594" in 19.128"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 2.391" in a 19.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.797"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.594" in a 19.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.531"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
20" s/10 - 0.218" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.281"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.436" Max Individual Width: 0.109" Max Cumulative Length: 0.872" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.073" Max Individual Width: 0.073" Max Cumulative Length: 0.218" in 2.616" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.055" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.073"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.218" in a 2.616" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.436"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.055" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.073"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.218" in a 2.616" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.436"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
20" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.500"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.750" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.500" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.125" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.375" in 4.5" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.141" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.188"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.563" in a 4.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.125"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.375" in a 4.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
20" s/40 - 0.594" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.750"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.188" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.376" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.198" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.594" in 7.128" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.223" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.297"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.891" in a 7.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.149" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.198"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.594" in a 7.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
20" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.625"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.167" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.500" in 6.000"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.188" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.750" in a 6.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.500" in a 6.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
20" s/80 - 1.031" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.188" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.219"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 2.062" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 4.124" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.344" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.031" in 12.372"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.547" in a 12.372" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.516"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.031" in a 12.372" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.344"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
20" s/120 - 1.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.188" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.688"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 3.00" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 6" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.500" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.500" in 18.00"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 2.250" in a 18.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.500" in a 18.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
20" s/160 - 1.969" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.188" Total of wall + reinforcement: 2.157"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 3.938" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 7.876" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.656" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 1.696" in 23.628"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 2.954" in a 23.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.985"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.969" in a 23.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.656"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
24" s/10 - .250" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.313"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.500" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.00" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.083" Max Individual Width: 0.083" Max Cumulative Length: 0.250" in 3.00" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.016

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.063" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.083"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.250" in a 3.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.063" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.083"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.250" in a 3.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
24" s/40 - 0.688" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.844"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.376" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.752" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.229" Max Individual Width: 0.094 Max Cumulative Length: 0.688" in 8.256"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.344"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.032" in a 8.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.229"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.688" in a 8.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
24" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.500"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.750" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.500" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.125" Max Individual Width: 0.094 Max Cumulative Length: 0.375" in 4.5" of w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.141" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.188"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.563" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.125"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.375" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
24" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforce` S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.625"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.167" Max Individual Width: 0.094 Max Cumulative Length: 0.500" in 6.000"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.188" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.750" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.500" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
24" s/80 - 1.218" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.188" Total of wall + reinforcement: 1.406"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 2.438" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 4.876" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.406" Max Individual Width: 0.094 Max Cumulative Length: 1.219" in 14.628"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.829" in a 14.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.610"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.219" in a 14.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.406"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
24" s/160 - 2.344" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.188" Total of wall + reinforcement: 2.532"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 4.688" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 9.376" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.781" Max Individual Width: 0.094 Max Cumulative Length: 2.344" in 28.128"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.563"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 3.516" in a 28.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 1.125"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 2.344" in a 28.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
36" s/10 - 0.312" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.437"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.624" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.248" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.104" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.312" in 3.744"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.117" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.156"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.468" in a 3.744" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.936"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.078" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.104"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.312" in a 3.744" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.624"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
36" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.500"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 0.750" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 1.500" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.125" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.375" in 4.500"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.141" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.188"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.563" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.125"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.375" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
36" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.625"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.000" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 2.000" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.167" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.500" in 6.000"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.188" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.750" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.500" in a 6.000" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
36" s/40 - 0.750" Wall
Note: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from
largest to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.156" Total of wall + reinforcement: 0.906"
None Allowed

Normal Service
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections: Max 1.5" in a 6" length of weld.
Longitudinal Groove: None allowed

Severe Cyclic
Girth and Miter Groove, Branch Connections, and Longitudinal Groove: None allowed


Normal Service
Max Individual Length: 1.500" Max Individual Width: 0.125" Max Cumulative Length: 3.00" in 6" of weld

Severe Cyclic Conditions

Max Individual Length: 0.250" Max Individual Width: 0.094" Max Cumulative Length: 0.750" in 9.00"/w

Normal Services: Not a factor for normal service

Severe Cyclic: Zero allowed


Normal Services and Severe Cyclic: Unacceptable if concave root is darker than the wall

Relevant Indication: 0.031

Normal Services:
Max Size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.234" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max Sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 1.125" in a 9.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.500"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.5"

Severe Cyclic:
Max size of Random Internal Porosity: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Porosity: 0.750" in a 9.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Internal Porosity: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.000"
Max group length of Cluster Internal Porosity if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
1/16" Plate - 0.0625" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 S/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 S/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.031" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.094"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.063" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.125"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.125"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.0625" in a length of weld equal to 0.750" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.006
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.016" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.021"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.0625" in a 0.750" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.125"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.0625" in a 0.375" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.0625"
1 13/16" Plate - 1.8125" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.938"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.063"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.938"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.604"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.8125" in a length of weld equal to 21.750" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.8125" in a 21.750" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.604"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.8125" in a 10.875" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.8125"
1 7/8" Plate- 1.875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.000"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.125"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.00"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.625"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.875" in a length of weld equal to 22.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.875" in a 22.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.625"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.875" in a 11.250" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.875"
3/16" Plate - 0.1875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.063"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.188"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.063"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.646"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.9375" in a length of weld equal to 23.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.9375" in a 23.250" length of weld.
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.646"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.9375" in a 11.625" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.9375"
3/16" Plate - 0.1875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 S/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.250"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.3125"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.250"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.1875" in a length of weld equal to 2.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.047" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.063"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.1875" in a 2.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.1875" in a 1.125" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.1875"
1/4" Plate - 0.250" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.344"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.4375"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.313"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.250" in a length of weld equal to 3.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.063" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.083"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250" in a 3.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.250" in a 1.500" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.250"
5/16" Plate - 0.3125" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.407"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.500"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.375"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.3125" in a length of weld equal to 3.750" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.078" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.104"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.3125" in a 3.750" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.625"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.3125" in a 1.875" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.3125"
3/8" Plate - 0.375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.469"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.563"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.438"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.375" in a length of weld equal to 4.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.375" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.375" in a 2.250" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.375"
7/16" Plate - 0.4375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.532"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.625"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.500"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.4375" in a length of weld equal to 5.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.109" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.146"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.4375" in a 5.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.875"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.292"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.4375" in a 2.625" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.4375"
1/2" Plate - 0.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.594"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.6875"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.500" in a length of weld equal to 6.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500" in a 6.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.334"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.500" in a 3.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.500"
9/16" Plate - 0.5625" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.657"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.750"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.657"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.5625" in a length of weld equal to 6.750" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.141" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.188"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.5625" in a 6.750" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.375"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.5625" in a 3.375" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.5625"
5/8" Plate - 0.625" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.719"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.813"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.719"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.625" in a length of weld equal to 7.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.208"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.625" in a 7.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.417"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.625" in a 3.75" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.625"
11/16" Plate - 0.6875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.782"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.875"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.782"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.6875" in a length of weld equal to 8.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.229"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.6875" in a 8.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.459"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.6875" in a 4.125" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.6875"
3/4" Plate - 0.750" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.844"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.938"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.844"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.750" in a length of weld equal to 9.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750" in a 9.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.500"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.750" in a 4.500" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.750"
13/16" Plate - 0.8125" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.907"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.00"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.907"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.271"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.8125" in a length of weld equal to 9.750" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.8125" in a 9.750" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.271"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.542"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.8125" in a 4.875" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.8125"
7/8" Plate - 0.875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.969"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.063"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.969"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.292"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.875" in a length of weld equal to 10.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.875" in a 10.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.292"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.584"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.875" in a 5.25" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.875"
15/16" Plate - 0.9375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.032"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.125"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.032"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.313"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.9375" in a length of weld equal to 11.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.9375" in a 11.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.313"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.625"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.9375" in a 5.625" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.9375"
1" Plate - 1.00" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.094"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.1875" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.1875"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.094"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.333"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.00" in a length of weld equal to 12.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.00" in a 12.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.333"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.667"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.00" in a 6.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.00"
1 1/16" Plate - 1.0625" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.188"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.313"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.188"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.354"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.0625" in a length of weld equal to 12.75" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.0625" in a 12.75" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.354"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.709"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.0625" in a 6.375" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.0625"
1 1/8" Plate - 1.125" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.250"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.375"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.250"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.375"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.125" in a length of weld equal to 13.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.125" in a 13.5 length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.125" in a 6.750" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.125"
1 3/16" Plate - 1.1875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.313"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.438"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.313"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.396"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.1875" in a length of weld equal to 14.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.1875" in a 14.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.396"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.1875" in a 7.125" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.1875"
1 1/4" Plate - 1.250" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.375"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.500"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.375"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.417"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.250" in a length of weld equal to 15.0" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.250" in a 15.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.417"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.250" in a 7.500" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.250"
1 5/16" Plate - 1.3125" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.438"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.5625"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.438"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.438"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.3125" in a length of weld equal to 15.75" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.3125" in a 15.75" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.438"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.3125" in a 7.875" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.3125"
1 3/8" Plate - 1.375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.500"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.625"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.500"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.458"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.375" in a length of weld equal to 16.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.375" in a 16.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.458"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.375" in a 8.250" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.375"
1 7/16" Plate - 1.4375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.563"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.688"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.479"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.4375" in a length of weld equal to 17.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.4375" in a 17.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.479"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.4375" in a 8.625" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.4375"
1 1/2" Plate - 1.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.625"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.750"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.625"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.500"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.500" in a length of weld equal to 18.0" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.500" in a 18.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.500" in a 9.0" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.500"
1 9/16" Plate - 1.5625" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.688"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.813"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.688"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.521"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.5625" in a length of weld equal to 18.75" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.5625" in a 18.75" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.521"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.5625" in a 9.375" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.5625"
1 5/8" Plate - 1.625" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.750"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.875"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.750"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.542"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.625" in a length of weld equal to 19.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.625" in a 19.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.542"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.625" in a 9.750" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.625"
1 11/16" Plate - 1.6875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.813"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.938"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.813"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.563"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.6875" in a length of weld equal to 20.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.6875" in a 20.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.563"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.6875" in a 10.125" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.6875"
1 3/4" Plate - 1.750" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.875"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.000"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.875"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.583"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.750" in a length of weld equal to 21.0" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.750" in a 21.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.583"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.750" in a 10.500" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.750"
2" s/10 - 0.109" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 S/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.234"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.359"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.172"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.109" in a length of weld equal to 1.308" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.012
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.027" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.036"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.109" in a 1.308" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.218"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number of relevant rounded indications in a 6" length of weld = 12

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions:
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.109" in a 0.654" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.375"
2" s/40 & Std. - 0.154" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.279"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.404"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.217"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.154" in a length of weld equal to 1.848" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.039" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.051"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.154" in a 1.848" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.308"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.154" in a 0.924"` length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.375"
2" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.218" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.374"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.530"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.281"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.218" in a length of weld equal to 2.616" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.055" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.073"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.218" in a 2.616" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.436"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.218" in a 1.308" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.375"
2" s/160 - 0.344" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B 5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.500"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.656"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.407"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.344" in a length of weld equal to 4.128" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.086" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.115
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.344" in a 4.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.688"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.344" in a 2.064" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.375"
2" Plate - 2.00" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.592"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.748"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.499"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.436" in a length of weld equal to 5.232" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.109" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.145"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.436" in a 5.232" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.872"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.291"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.436" in a 2.616" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.375"
2" Plate - 2.00" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.125"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.250"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.125"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.667"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.00" in a length of weld equal to 24.0" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.00" in a 24.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.667"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.00" in a 12.0" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.00"
2 1/16" Plate - 2.0625" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.219"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.375"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.188"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.688"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.0625" in a length of weld equal to 24.750" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.0625" in a 24.750" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.688"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.0625" in a 12.375" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.0625"
2 1/8" Plate - 2.125" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.281"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.438"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.250"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.708"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.125" in a length of weld equal to 25.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.125" in a 25.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.708"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.125" in a 12.750" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.125"
2 3/16" Plate - 2.1875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.344"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.500"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.313"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.729"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.1875" in a length of weld equal to 26.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.1875" in a 26.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.729"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.1875" in a 13.125" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.1875"
2 1/4" Plate - 2.250" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.406"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.563"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.375"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.250" in a length of weld equal to 27.0" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.250" in a 27.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.250" in a 13.500" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.250"
2 5/16" Plate - 2.3125" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.469"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.625"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.438"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.3125" in a length of weld equal to 27.750" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.3125" in a 27.750" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.3125" in a 13.875" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.3125"
2 3/8" Plate - 2.375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.531"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.688"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.500"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.375" in a length of weld equal to 28.5" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.375" in a 28.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.375" in a 14.25" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.375"
2 7/16" Plate - 2.4375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.594"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.750"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.4375" in a length of weld equal to 29.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.4375" in a 29.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.4375" in a 14.625" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.4375"
2 1/2" Plate - 2.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.656"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.813"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.625"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.500" in a length of weld equal to 30.0" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.500" in a 30.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.500" in a 15.0" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.500"
2 9/16" Plate - 2.5625" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.719"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.875"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.688"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.5625" in a length of weld equal to 30.750" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.5625" in a 30.750" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.5625" in a 15.375" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.5625"
2 5/8" Plate - 2.625" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.781"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.938"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.750"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.625" in a length of weld equal to 31.5" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.625" in a 31.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.625" in a 15.750" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.625"
2 11/16" Plate - 2.6875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.844"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.000"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.813"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.6875" in a length of weld equal to 32.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.6875" in a 32.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.6875" in a 16.125" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.6875"
2 3/4" Plate - 2.750" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.906"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.0625"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.875"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.750" in a length of weld equal to 33.0" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.750" in a 33.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.750" in a 16.5" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.750"
2 13/16" Plate - 2.8125" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.969"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.125"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.938"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.8125" in a length of weld equal to 33.750" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.8125" in a 33.750" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.8125" in a 16.875" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.8125"
2 7/8" Plate - 2.875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.031"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.188"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.00"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.875" in a length of weld equal to 34.5" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.875" in a 34.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.875" in a 17.25" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.875"
2 15/16" Plate - 2.9375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.094"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.250"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.063"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.9375" in a length of weld equal to 35.250" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.9375" in a 35.250" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.9375" in a 17.625" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.9375"
3" s/40 & Std. - 0.216" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.372"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.528"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.279"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.216" in a length of weld equal to 2.592" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.054" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.072"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.216" in a 2.592" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.432"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.216" in a 1.296" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 3.284"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.216"
3" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.300" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.456"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.612"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.363"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.300" in a length of weld equal to 3.600" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.075" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.100"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.300" in a 3.600" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.600"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.300" in a 1.800" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 3.200"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.300"
3" s/160 - 0.438" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.594"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.750"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.501"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.438" in a length of weld equal to 5.256" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.110" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.146"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.438" in a 5.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.876"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.292"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.438" in a 2.628" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 3.062"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.438"
3" XX Strong - 0.600" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.788"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.975"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.694"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.600" in a length of weld equal to 7.200" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.150" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.200"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.600" in a 7.200" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.400"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.600" in a 3.600" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 2.900"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.600"
3" Plate - 3.00" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.156"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.3125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.3125"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 F/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 3.125"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 3.00" in a length of weld equal to 36.0" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 3.00" in a 36.0" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 3.00" in a 18.0" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object; As measured in the field.

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 3.00"
4" s/10 - 0.120" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 S/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.245"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.370"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.183"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.120" in a length of weld equal to 1.440" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.013
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.030" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.040"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.120" in a 1.440" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.240"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max number or relevant rounded indications in a 6" length of weld = 12
Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.120" in a 0.720" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 4.380"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.120"
4" s/40 & Std. - 0.237" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.393"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.549"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.300"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.237" in a length of weld equal to 2.844" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.059" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.079"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.237" in a 2.844" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.474"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.237" in a 1.422" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 4.263"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.237"
4" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.337" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.493"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.649"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.400"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.337" in a length of weld equal to 4.044" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.084" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.112"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.337" in a 4.044" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.674"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.337" in a 2.022" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 4.163"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.337"
4" s/120 - 0.438" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.594"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.750"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.501"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.438" in a length of weld equal to 5.256" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.110" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.146"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.438" in a 5.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.876"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.292"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.438" in a 2.628" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 4.062"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.438"
4" s/160 - 0.531" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.719"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.906"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.625"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.531" in a length of weld equal to 6.372" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.133" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.177"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.531" in a 6.372" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.354"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.531" in a 3.186" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 3.969"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.531"
4" XX Strong - 0.674" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.862"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.049"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.768"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.674" in a length of weld equal to 8.088" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.225"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.674" in a 8.088" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.450"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.674" in a 4.044" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 3.826"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.674"
4" XX Strong - 0.674" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.862"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.049"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.768"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.674" in a length of weld equal to 8.088" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.225"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.674" in a 8.088" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.450"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.674" in a 4.044" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 3.826"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.674"
6" s/10 - 0.134" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.259"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.384"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.197"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.134" in a length of weld equal to 1.608" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.034" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.045"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.134" in a 1.608" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.268"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.134" in a 0.804" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 6.491" Panoramic: 3.179"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.134"
6" s/40 & Std. - 0.280" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.436"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.592"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.343

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.280" in a length of weld equal to 3.360" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.070" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.093"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.280" in a 3.360" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.560"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.280" in a 1.680" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 6.345" Panoramic: 3.033"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.280"
6" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.432" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.588"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.744"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.495"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.432" in a length of weld equal to 5.184" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.108" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.144"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.432" in a 5.184" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.864"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.288"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.432" in a 2.592" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 6.193" Panoramic: 2.881"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.432"
6" s/120 - 0.562" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.750"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.937"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.656"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.562" in a length of weld equal to 6.744" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.141" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.187"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.562" in a 6.744" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.375"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.562" in a 3.372" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 6.063" Panoramic: 2.751"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.562"
6" s/160 - 0.719" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.907"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.094"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.813"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.719" in a length of weld equal to 8.628" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.240"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.719" in a 8.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.480"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.719" in a 4.314" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 5.906" Panoramic: 2.594"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.719"
6" XX Strong - 0.864" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.052"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.239"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.958"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.288"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.864" in a length of weld equal to 10.368" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.864" in a 10.368" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.288"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.576"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.864" in a 5.184" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 5.761" Panoramic: 2.449"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.864"
8" s/10 - 0.148" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.273"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.398"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.211"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.148" in a length of weld equal to 1.776" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.037" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.049"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.148" in a 1.776" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.296"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.148" in a 0.888" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 8.447" Panoramic: 4.165"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.148"
8" s/40 & Std. - 0.322" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.478"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.634"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.385"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.322" in a length of weld equal to 3.864" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.081" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.107"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.322" in a 3.864" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.644"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.322" in a 1.932" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 8.303" Panoramic: 3.991"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.322"
8" s/80 & Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.656"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.812"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.500" in a length of weld equal to 6.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500" in a 6.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.334"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.500" in a 3.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 8.125" Panoramic: 3.813"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.500"
8" s/120 - 0.719" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.907"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.094"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.813"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.719" in a length of weld equal to 8.628" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.240"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.719" in a 8.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.480"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.719" in a 4.314" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 7.906" Panoramic: 3.594"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.719"
8" s/160" - 0.906" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.094"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.281"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.00"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.302"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.906" in a length of weld equal to 10.872" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.906" in a 10.872" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.302"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.604"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.906" in a 5.436" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 7.719" Panoramic: 3.407"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.906"
8" XX Strong - 0.875" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.063"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.250"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.969"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.292"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.875" in a length of weld equal to 10.5" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.875" in a 10.5" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.292"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.584"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.875" in a 5.250" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 7.750" Panoramic: 3.438"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.875"
10" s/10 - 0.165" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.290"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.415"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn. Wire: A3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.228"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.165" in a length of weld equal to 1.980" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.041" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.055"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.165" in a 1.980" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.330"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.165" in a 0.990" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 10.585" Panoramic: 5.210"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.165"
10" s/40 & Std. - 0.365" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.521"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.677"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.428"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.365" in a length of weld equal to 4.380" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.091" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.122"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.365" in a 4.380" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.730"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.365" in a 2.190" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 10.385" Panoramic: 5.010"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.365"
10" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.656"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.812"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.500" in a length of weld equal to 6.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500" in a 6.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.334"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.500" in a 3.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 10.250" Panoramic: 4.875"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.500"
10" s/80 - 0.594" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.782"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.969"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.688"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.594" in a length of weld equal to 7.128" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.149" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.198"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.594" in a 7.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.396"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.594" in a 3.564" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 10.156" Panoramic: 4.781"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.594"
10" s/120 - 0.844" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.032"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.219"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.938"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.281"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.844" in a length of weld equal to 10.128" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.844" in a 10.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.281"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.563"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.844" in a 5.064" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 9.906" Panoramic: 4.531"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.844"
10" XX Strong - 1.00" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.188"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.375"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.094"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.333"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.00" in a length of weld equal to 12.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.00" in a 12.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.333"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.667"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.00" in a 6.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 9.750" Panoramic: 4.375"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.00"
12" s/80 - 0.688" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.876"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.063"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.782"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.688" in a length of weld equal to 8.256" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.229"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.688" in a 8.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.459"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.688" in a 4.128" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 12.062" Panoramic: 5.687"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.688"
12" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.656"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.812"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.500" in a length of weld equal to 6.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500" in a 6.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.334"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.500" in a 3.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 12.250" Panoramic: 5.875"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.500"
12" s/120 - 1.00" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.188"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.375"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.094"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.333"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.00" in a length of weld equal to 12.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.00" in a 12.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.333"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.667"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.00" in a 6.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 11.750" Panoramic: 5.375"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.00"
12" s/160 - 1.312" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.562"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.500" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.812"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.437"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.437"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.312" in a length of weld equal to 15.744" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.312" in a 15.744" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.437"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.312" in a 7.872" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 11.438" Panoramic: 5.063"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.312"
12" XX Strong - 1.00" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.188"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.375"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.094"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.333"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.00" in a length of weld equal to 12.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.00" in a 12.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.333"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.667"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.00" in a 6.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 11.750" Panoramic: 5.375"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.00"
16" s/10 - 0.188" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.313"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.438"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.251"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.188" in a length of weld equal to 2.256" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.047" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.063"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.188" in a 2.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.376"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.188" in a 1.128" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 15.812" Panoramic: 7.812"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.188"
16" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.531"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.687"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.438"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.375" in a length of weld equal to 4.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.375" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.375" in a 2.250" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 15.625" Panoramic: 7.625"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.375"
16" s/40 & Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.656"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.812"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.500" in a length of weld equal to 6.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500" in a 6.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.334"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.500" in a 3.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 15.500" Panoramic: 7.500"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.500"
16" s/80 - 0.844" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.032"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.219"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.938"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.281"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.844" in a length of weld equal to 10.128" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.844" in a 10.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.281"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.563"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.844" in a 5.064" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 15.156" Panoramic: 7.156"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.844"
16" s/120 - 1.219" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.469"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.500" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.719"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.344"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.406"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.219" in a length of weld equal to 14.628" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.219" in a 14.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.406"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.219" in a 7.314" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 14.781" Panoramic: 6.781"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.219"
16" s/160 - 1.594" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.844"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.500" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.094"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.719"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.531"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.594" in a length of weld equal to 19.128" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.594" in a 19.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.531"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.594" in a 9.564" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 14.406" Panoramic: 6.406"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.594"
20" s/10 - 0.218" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.374"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.530"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.281"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.218" in a length of weld equal to 2.616" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.055" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.073"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.218" in a 2.616" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.436"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.218" in a 1.308" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 19.782" Panoramic: 9.782"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.218"
20" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.531"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.687"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
` F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.438"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.375" in a length of weld equal to 4.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.375" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.375" in a 2.250" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 19.625" Panoramic: 9.625"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.375"
20" s/40 - 0.594" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.782"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.969"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
` F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.688"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.594" in a length of weld equal to 7.128" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.149" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.198"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.594" in a 7.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.396"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.594" in a 3.564" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 19.406" Panoramic: 9.406"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.594"
20" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.656"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.812"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.500" in a length of weld equal to 6.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500" in a 6.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.334"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.500" in a 3.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 19.500" Panoramic: 9.500"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.500"
20" s/80 - 1.031" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.281"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.500" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.531"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.156"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.344"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.031" in a length of weld equal to 12.372" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.031" in a 12.372" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.344"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.688"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.031" in a 6.186" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 18.969" Panoramic: 8.969"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.031"
20" s/120 - 1.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.750"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.500" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.000"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.625"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.500"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.500" in a length of weld equal to 18.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.500" in a 18.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.500" in a 9.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 18.500" Panoramic: 8.500"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.500"
20" s/160 - 1.969" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 F/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.129"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.500" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.469"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.094"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.656"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.969" in a length of weld equal to 23.628" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.969" in a 23.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.656"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.969" in a 11.814" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 18.031" Panoramic: 8.031"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.969"
24" s/10 - 0.250" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 12 S/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
F/S Hole: 10 F/S Wire: 0.006 Esn Wire: A3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.406"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.562"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.313"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.250" in a length of weld equal to 3.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.016"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.063" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.083"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250" in a 3.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.500"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.250" in a 1.500" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 23.750" Panoramic: 11.750"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.250"
24" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.531"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.687"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.438"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.375" in a length of weld equal to 4.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.375" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.375" in a 2.250" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 23.625" Panoramic: 11.625"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.375"
24" s/40 - 0.688" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.188" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.876"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.375" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.063"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 F/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.094" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.782"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.688" in a length of weld equal to 8.256" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.229"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.688" in a 8.256" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.459"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.688" in a 4.128" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 23.312" Panoramic: 11.312"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.688"
24" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.656"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.812"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.500" in a length of weld equal to 6.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500" in a 6.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.334"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.500" in a 3.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 23.500" Panoramic: 11.500"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.500"
24" s/80 - 1.219" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 35 S/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6
F/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.469"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.500" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.719"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 30 S/S Wire: 0.025 Esn. Wire: B2
F/S Hole: 25 F/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 1.344"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.406"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 1.219" in a length of weld equal to 14.628" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 1.219" in a 14.628" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.406"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 1.219" in a 7.314" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 22.781" Panoramic: 10.781"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 1.219"
24" s/160 - 2.344" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn Wire: B1 or C6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 50 S/S Wire: 0.050 Esn. Wire: C4
F/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.250" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.594"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.500" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.844"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 40 S/S Wire: 0.040 Esn. Wire: C5
F/S Hole: 35 F/S Wire: 0.032 Esn. Wire: B1 or C6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.125" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 2.469"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 2.344" in a length of weld equal to 28.128" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.063"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.156" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.375"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 2.344" in a 28.128" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.750"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 2.344" in a 14.064" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 21.656" Panoramic: 9.656"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 2.344"
36" s/10 - 0.312" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.468"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.624"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.375"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.312" in a length of weld equal to 3.744" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.078" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.104"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.312" in a 3.744" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.624"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.312" in a 1.872" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 35.688" Panoramic: 17.688"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.312"
36" s/10 - 0.312" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.468"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.624"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn. Wire: A2

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.375"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.312" in a length of weld equal to 3.744" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.078" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.104"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.312" in a 3.744" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.624"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.312" in a 1.872" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 35.688" Panoramic: 17.688"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.312"
36" Standard - 0.375" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 15 S/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
F/S Hole: 12 F/S Wire: 0.008 Esn Wire: A2
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.531"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.438"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn. Wire: A1 or B6

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.438"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.375" in a length of weld equal to 4.500" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.094" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.125"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.375" in a 4.500" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 0.750"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.375" in a 2.250" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 35.625" Panoramic: 17.625"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.375"
36" Extra Strong - 0.500" Wall
Note: Esn. Wire: The letter refers to the ASTM set, the number is how many wires must be visible from largest
to smallest.
Welds without reinforcement: SS/S Hole 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn Wire: B5
F/S Hole: 15 F/S Wire: 0.010 Esn Wire: A1 or B6
Reinforced welds welded from
one side: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 S/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5
Reinforced welds welded from
two sides: S/S Hole: 25 S/S Wire: 0.020 Esn. Wire: B3
F/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4

Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from one side: 0.156" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.656"
Maximum allowable reinforcement if welded from two sides: 0.312" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.812"


Welds without reinforcement: Same as above
Welds with reinforcement: S/S Hole: 20 S/S Wire: 0.016 Esn. Wire: B4
F/S Hole: 17 F/S Wire: 0.013 Esn. Wire: B5

Maximum allowable reinforcement: 0.0625" Total of Wall + Reinforcement 0.563"

UW-51; API 620, 650, & 653

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion: None Allowed
Other Elongated Indications (UW-51 only):
Max Length of other elongated indications: 0.250"
Max Cumulative length of aligned indications is 0.500" in a length of weld equal to 6.00" unless
seperated by the length of 6L
Rounded Indications (UW-51 Only):
Relevant Indications: 0.031"
Max Size of Random Indications: 0.125" Max Size of Isolated Rounded Indications: 0.167"
Max sum of diameters of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.500" in a 6.00" length of weld
Max group length of Aligned Rounded Indications: 0.250"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.00"
Max group length of Cluster Rounded Indications if more than 1 group is present in a 6" length of weld: 1.0"

Cracks, Incomplete Penetration, and Incomplete Fusion:
Slag Inclusions:
Max Size of slag inclusions: 0.334"
Max Cumulative length of acceptable in-line indications (other than rounded): 0.500" in a 3.00" length of
welds and must be seperated by the length of 3L of acceptable weld metal.

Technique Sheet Info (Source Side of Object to Film and Source Distances)
Reinforcement is found in the applicable penetrameter selection boxes above.

Source to Source Side of Object distance; DWE/DWV 35.500" Panoramic: 17.500"

Source Side of Object to Film Distance: 0.500"

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