Newtons Law Force & Friction WA (English)

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THEORY .............................................................................. Page –2
EXERCISE–I ...................................................................... Page –4

EXERCISE–II ..................................................................... Page –6

EXERCISE–III ................................................................... Page –8

OBJECTIVE QUESTION BANK...................................... Page –10

ANSWER KEY .................................................................... Page –18

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1. There are, basically, five forces, which are commonly encountered in mechanics.
(i) Weight : Weight of an object is the force with which earth attracts it. It is also called the force of gravity
or the gravitational force.

(ii) Contact Force : When two bodies come in contact they exert forces on each other that is called contact
(a) Normal force (N) : It is the component of contact force normal to the surface.
It measures how strongly the surfaces in contact are pressed together.
(b) Frictional force : It is the component of contact force parallel to the surface.
It opposes the relative motion (or attempted motion) of the two surfaces in contact.

(iii) Tension : The force exerted by the end of a taut string, rope or chain is called the tension. The direction
of tension is to pull the body while that of normal reaction is to push the body.

(iv) Spring force : The force exerted by a spring is given by F = – kx, where x is the change in length and k
is the stiffness constant or spring constant (units Nm–1).

2. Newton's First Law : Every particle continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line
unless it is compelled to change that state by the action of an applied force.

 
3. Newton's Second Law : Fnet  m a

4. Newton's Third Law : Whenever two bodies interact they exert forces on each other which are equal
in magnitude and opposite in direction. So whenever body A exerts a force F on body B, B exerts a

force – F on A.
Inertial Reference Frame : A reference frame in which Newton’s first law is valid is called an inertial
reference frame. An inertial frame is either at rest or moving with uniform velocity.
Non-Inertial Frame : An accelerated frame of reference is called a non-inertial frame. Objects in non-
inertial frames do not obey Newton’s first law.

The force of friction comes into action only when there is a relative motion between the two contact
surfaces or when an attempt is made to have it.
The force of friction on each body is in a direction opposite to its motion (existing or impending) relative
to other body.
5. Static friction : The frictional force acting between any two surfaces at rest with respect to each other
is called the force of static friction (fs).
fs  sN
where s is the static coefficient of friction.

Newtons Law Force & Friction [2]

6. Kinetic friction : The frictional force acting between surfaces in relative
motion with respect to each other is called the force of kinetic friction or
sliding friction (fk).
fk = kN
where k is the coefficient of kinetic friction.
s > k

Angle of friction () : Mathematically, the angle of friction () may be defined as the angle between the
normal reaction N and the resultant of the maximum friction force f and the normal reaction.
Thus tan =
Since f = N, therefore,
tan  = 

Newtons Law Force & Friction [3]

Q.1 Figure shows three blocks in contact and kept on a smooth horizontal surface. What is ratio of force
exerted by block A on B to that of B on C.
F = 16N
5kg C
2kg 1kg

Q.2 A force F applied to an object of mass m1 produces an acceleration of 3.00 m/s2. The same force
applied to a second object of mass m2 produces an acceleration of 1.00 m/s2. (a) What is the value of
the ratio m1 / m2 ? (b) If m1 and m2 are combined, find their acceleration under the action of the force F.

Q.3 Consider the shown arrangement where the blocks A and B connected by means
of a uniform string is being moved vertically up by the force F. Each block weighs
2 kg while the mass of string is 500 gm. The tension at midpoint of
the string equals ________.
Q.4 In the system shown in figure, a horizontal force of magnitude Fx acts on • kg Fx
the 8.00 kg object. The horizontal surface is frictionless. (a) For what
values of Fx does the 2.00 kg object accelerate upward? (b) For what
values of Fx is the tension in the cord zero? kg

Q.5 A van accelerates down a hill (Fig.), going from rest to 30.0 m/s in 6.00 s. During the acceleration, a toy
(m = 0.100 kg) hangs by a string from the van’s ceiling. The acceleration is such that the string remains
perpendicular to the ceiling. Determine (a) the angle  and (b) the tension in the string.

Q.6 Consider the pulley system in the diagram below. The unknown force F being applied is just sufficient to
hold the system in equilibrium. The block has mass M, while the pulleys and ropes have negligibly small
masses. Draw the free body diagram of M. What is the tension T in the upper cable (i.e. the cable
connecting the top pulley to the ceiling) in terms of M and the acceleration due to gravity g only.

Newtons Law Force & Friction [4]

Q.7 To paint the side of a building, painter normally hoists himself up by pulling on
the rope A as in figure. The painter and platform together weigh 200N. The
rope B can withstand 300N. Find
(a) the maximum acceleration of the painter.
(b) tension in rope A
(i) when painter is at rest
(ii) when painter moves up with an acceleration 2 m/s2.

Q.8 Same spring is attached with 2 kg, 3 kg and 1 kg blocks in three different cases as shown in figure. If x1,
x2 and x3 be the constan extensions in the spring in these three cases then find the ratio of their extensions.

(a) (b) (c)

Q.9 What horizontal force must be applied to the cart shown in figure in order that the blocks remain stationary
relative to the cart? Assume all surfaces, wheels, and pulley are frictionless.



Q.10 Inclined plane is moved towards right with an acceleration of 5 ms–2

as shown in figure. Find force in newton which block of mass 5 kg
exerts on the incline plane. (All surfaces are smooth)

Q.11 Find force in newton which mass A exerts on mass B if B is moving

towards right with 3 ms–2. Also find mass of A. (All surfaces are smooth)

Q.12 Force F is applied on upper pulley. If F = 30t where t is time

in second. Find the time when m1 loses contact with floor.
(assume pulley to be ideal)

Q.13 In the figure, what should be mass m so that block A slide up with a
constant velocity?

Newtons Law Force & Friction [5]

Q.14 Find minimum normal force to be applied by each hand to hold three identical
books in vertical position. Each book has mass 'm' and value of coefficient of
friction between the books as well as between hand and the
book is .

Q.15 Block M slides down on frictionless incline as shown. Find the minimum
friction coefficient so that m does not slide with respect to M.

Q.16 Find the acceleration of the blocks and magnitude & direction of frictional
force between block A and table, if block A is pulled towards
left witha force of 50N.

Q.17 Coefficient of friction between 5 kg and 10 kg block is 0.5. If friction between them is
20 N. What is the value of force being applied on 5 kg. The floor is frictionless.

Q.1 A string passing over a light frictionless pulley carries at its ends two variable unequal masses where sum
of the masses (m) is constant. If the breaking tension of the string is 15/32 of the weight of the sum of
masses (a) find the least acceleration (b) find the least value of the greater mass.

Q.2 In figure shown, pulleys are ideal m1 > 2 m2. Initially the system is in
equilibrium and string connecting m2 to rigid support below is cut. Find
the initial acceleration of m2?

Q.3 The system shown adjacent is in equilibrium. Find the acceleration of the
blocks A, B & C all of equal masses m at the instant when
(Assume springs to be ideal)
(a) The spring between ceiling & A is cut.
(b) The string (inextensible) between A & B is cut.
(c) The spring between B & C is cut.
Also find the tension in the string when the system is at rest and in the above 3 cases.

Q.4 In the manufacturing process disks are moved from level A to level B by the B
lifting arm shown. The arms start from level A with no initial velocity , moves
first with a constant acceleration a1 as shown and then with a constant
deceleration a2 and comes to stop at level B. Knowing that the coefficient of
static friction between the disks and the arm is 0.30, determine the largest Disk
allowable acceleration a1 and the largest allowable deceleration a2 of the
disks are not to slide. A

Newtons Law Force & Friction [6]

Q.5 A block of mass m lies on wedge of mass M as shown in figure. Answer
following parts separately. m

(a) With what minimum acceleration must the wedge be moved towards M

right horizontally so that block m falls freely.
(b) Find the minimum friction coefficient required between wedge M and ground so that it does not move
while block m slips down on it.

Q.6 In the figure masses m1, m2 and M are 20 kg, 5 kg and 50 kg

respectively. The co-efficient of friction between M and ground is
zero. The co-efficient of friction between m1 and M and that between
m2 and ground is 0.3. The pulleys and the string are massless . The
string is perfectly horizontal between P1 and m1 and also between P2
and m2 . The string is perfectly vertical between P1 and P2.An external
horizontal force F is applied to the mass M. Take g = 10 m/s2.
(a) Draw a free-body diagram for mass M, clearly showing all the forces.
(b) Let the magnitude of the force of friction between m1 and M be f1 and that between m2 and ground
be f2. For a particular F it is found that f1 = 2 f2 . Find f1 and f2 . Write down equations of motion
of all the masses . Find F, tension in the string and accelerations of the masses. [JEE 2000]

Q.7 With two fingers, you hold a cone motionless upside down, as shown in figure. The mass of the cone is
(m = 1kg), and the coefficient of static friction between you fingers and the cone is ( = 0.5). What is the
minimum normal force (in Newton) you must apply with each finger in order to hold up the cone ?
Consider only translational equilibrium.
Finger Finger



Q.8 A paper cone is in shape of hill. A block kept on it slides down with constant velocity. When the cone is
cut along line along the slant surface of the cone and laid flat on the surface, it forms a semicircle. The
coefficient of friction on the surface of cone is ' µ '. Fill µ2 in OMR.

Newtons Law Force & Friction [7]

Q.1 The pulleys and strings shown in the figure are smooth and of A B
negligible mass. For the system to remain in equilibrium, the
angle  should be [JEE (Scr) 2001] 
(A) 0° (B) 30° m m
(C) 45° (D) 60° 21/2 m

Q.2 A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass

m supports a block of mass M as shown in the figure. The
force on the pulley by the clamp is given [JEE (Scr) 2001]
(A) 2 Mg (B) 2 mg M
2 2
(C) (M  m)  m g (D) (M  m) 2  M 2 g

Q.3 A block of mass 3 kg is placed on a rough horizontal surface whose coefficient

of friction is 1 2 3 minimum value of force F (shown in figure) for which the
block starts to slide on the surface. (g=10m/s2)
(A) 20 N (B) 20 3 N
(C) 10 3 N (D) None of these [JEE (Scr) 2003]

Q.4 Two blocks A and B of masses 2m and m, respectively, are connected by a massless
and inextensible string.The whole system is suspended by a massless spring as shown in
the figure.The magnitudes of acceleration of A and B, immediately after the string is cut,
are respectively [JEE 2006]
(A) g, g (B) g, g/2
(C) g/2, g (D) g/2, g/2

Q.5 Two particles of mass m each are tied at the ends of a light string of length 2a. The
whole system is kept on a frictionless horizontal surface with the string held tight so
that each mass is at a distance ‘a’ from the center P (as shown in the figure). Now,
the mid-point of the string is pulled vertically upwards with a small but constant force
F. As a result, the particles move towards each other on the surfaces. The magnitude
of acceleration, when the separation between them becomes 2x, is [JEE 2007]
F a F x F x F a2  x2
(A) 2m (B) 2m (C) (D)
a2  x2 a2  x2 2m a 2m x

Q.6 STATEMENT-1 A cloth covers a table. Some dishes are kept on it. The cloth can be pulled out without
dislodging the dishes from the table
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True [JEE 2007]

Newtons Law Force & Friction [8]

Q.7 STATEMENT-1 : It is easier to pull a heavy object that to push it on a level ground. [JEE 2008]
STATEMENT-2 : The magnitude of frictional force depends on the nature of the two surfaces in
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True ; STATEMENT-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True ; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True

Q.8 A block of mass m is on an inclined plane of angle . The coefficient of friction between the block and the
plane is µ and tan  > µ. The block is held stationary by applying a force P parallel to the plane. The
direction of force pointing up the plane is taken to be positive. As P is varied from P1 = mg (sin  – µ cos
) to P2 = mg(sin  + µ cos ), the frictional force f versus P graph will look like


f f

P1 P P1 P2 P
(A) (B)

f f

P1 P1 P2
P2 P P
(C) (D)

Q.9 A block is moving on an inclined plane making an angle 45° with the horizontal and the coefficient of
friction is µ. The force required to just push it up the inclined plane is 3 times the force required to just
prevent it from sliding down. If we define N = 10 µ, then N is [JEE-2011]

Newtons Law Force & Friction [9]

Take approx. 2 minutes for answering each question.

Q.1 A book is at rest on a table. What is the “reaction” force according to Newton's third law to the gravitational
force by the earth on the book?
(A) the normal force exerted by the table on the book
(B) the normal force exerted by the table on the ground
(C) the normal force exerted by the ground on the table
(D) the gravitational force exerted on the earth by the book

Q.2 Ram and Shyam are in trouble for fighting in the Bansal classes cafeteria. While Ram admits that he
pushed Shyam, who immediately fell over backward, Ram claims that Shyam pushed back and is thus
just as guilty. From the perspective of physics,
(A) Shyam didn't push back on Ram.
(B) Shyam pushed back on Ram, but with more force than Ram exerted on him. This difference of force
exerted an equal and opposite impulse on Shyam himself so that he fell down.
(C) Shyam pushed back on Ram, but with less force than Ram exerted on him because he accelerated
but Ram did not.
(D) Shyam did push back on Ram, with exactly the same amount of force.

Q.3 A helicopter is moving to the right at a constant horizontal velocity. It experiences three forces Fgravitational ,
 
Fdrag and force on it caused by rotor Frotor . Which of the following diagrams can be correct free body
diagram representing forces on the helicopter ?

direction of motion

Frotor Frotor

(A) Fnet (B) Fdrag
Fgravitational Fgravitational

Frotor Frotor

Fdrag Fdrag
(C) (D) ma
Fgravitational Fgravitational

Newtons Law Force & Friction [10]

Q.4 A weight can be hung in any of the following four ways by string of same type. In which case is the string
most likely to break?

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

Q.5 A rope of mass 5 kg is moving vertically in vertical position with an upwards force of 100 N acting at the
upper end and a downwards force of 70 N acting at the lower end. The tension at midpoint of the rope is
(A) 100 N (B) 85 N (C) 75 N (D) 105 N

Q.6 A stunt man jumps his car over a crater as shown (neglect air resistance)
(A) during the whole flight the driver experiences weightlessness
(B) during the whole flight the driver never experiences weightlessness
(C) during the whole flight the driver experiences weightlessness only at the highest point
(D) the apparent weight increases during upward journey

Q.7 What should be the minimum force P to be applied to the string so that
block of mass m just begins to move up the frictionless plane.
Mg cos 
(A) Mg tan  2 (B) Mg cot  2 (C) (D) None
1  sin 

Q.8 A spring of force constant k is cut into two pieces such that one piece is double the length of the
other. Then the long piece will have a force constant of
(A) (2/3) k (B) (3/2) k (C) 3k (D) 6k

Q.9 Block of 3 kg is initially in equilibrium and is hanging by two identical springs A

and B as shown in figures. If spring A is cut from lower point at t=0 then, find
acceleration of block in ms–2 at t = 0.
(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 0

Q.10 A physicist hanged a cylinder-shaped container of base area 100 cm2 to a spring. He slowly poured
water into the container and found that the surface of water remained at the same level with respect to
ground. Find the spring constant k of the spring. Take density of water as 1000 kg/m3.
(A) 50 N/m (B) 100 N/m (C) 1000 N/m (D) 500 N/m

Q.11 If the string & all the pulleys are ideal, acceleration of mass m is
(A) (B) 0
(C) g (D) dependent on m

Newtons Law Force & Friction [11]

Q.12 A block of mass 2 kg slides down an incline plane of inclination 30°. The coefficient of friction between
block and plane is 0.5. The contact force between block and plank is :
(A) 20 Nt (B) 10 3 Nt

(C) 5 7 Nt (D) 5 15 Nt

Q.13 The person in the drawing is standing on crutches. Assume that the force exerted on each crutch by the
ground is directed along the crutch. If the coefficient of static friction between a crutch and the ground is
0.90, determine the largest angle  MAX that the crutch can have just before it begins to slip on the floor..

F 

(A) tan–1 (0.9) (B) cot–1 (0.9)

(C) sin–1 (0.9) (D) cos–1 (0.9)

Q.14 A body is placed on a rough inclined plane of inclination . As the angle is increased from 0° to 90° the
contact force between the block and the plane.
(A) remains constant
(B) first remains constant then decreases
(C) first decreases then increases
(D) first increases then decreases

Q.15 A force F  î  4ˆj acts on block shown. The force of friction acting on the block is :
(A) – î (B) – 1.8 î
(C) – 2.4 î (D) – 3 î

Q.16 Block B of mass 100 kg rests on a rough surface of friction coefficient

 = 1/3. A rope is tied to block B as shown in figure. The maximum
acceleration with which boy A of 25 kg can climbs on rope without making
block move is :
4g g g 3g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 2 4

Newtons Law Force & Friction [12]

Q.17 Take a stack of nine identical books and hold them horizontally by pressing them together with your
hands (figure). Then decrease the pressure slowly until the books are just about to start falling down.
Which book(s) will start to slide first ? Assume that friction coefficient between books is greater than that
between books and hands.

1 2 Hold nine books horizontal

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 between your hands.
Loosen the grip somewhat.
Which book(s) will tend
to slide down first?

(A) 5 (B) 4,5 and 6 together

(C) 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 together (D) all 9 books slide together

For Q. 18 to Q.22 refer figure-1.(5 questions)

Q.18 When F = 2N, the frictional force between 5 kg block and ground is
(A) 2N (B) 0
(C) 8 N (D) 10 N

Q.19 When F = 2N, the frictional force between 10 kg block and 5 kg block is
(A) 2N (B) 15 N (C) 10 N (D) None

Q.20 The maximum "F" which will not cause motion of any of the blocks.
(A) 10 N (B) 15 N (C) data insufficient (D) None

Q.21 The maximum acceleration of 5 kg block.

(A) 1 m/s2 (B) 3 m/s2 (C) 0 (D) None

Q.22 The acceleration of 10 kg block when F = 30N

(A) 2 m/s2 (B) 3 m/s2 (C) 1 m/s2 (D) None

Q.23 A flexible chain of weight W hangs between two fixed points A and B
which are at the same horizontal level. The inclination of the chain with A B
 
the horizontal at both the points of support is . What is the tension of
the chain at the mid point?
(A) · cosec  (B) · tan  (C) · cot  (D) none
2 2 2

Q.24 Find the acceleration of 3 kg mass when acceleration of 2 kg mass is

2 ms–2 as shown in figure.
(A) 3 ms–2 (B) 2 ms–2
(C) 0.5 ms–2 (D) zero

Newtons Law Force & Friction [13]

Q.1 Statement-1 : A body in equilibrium may not be at rest.
Statement-2 : When a body is at rest, it must be in equilibrium.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.2 A block is suspended from spring and block is in equilibrium.

Statement-1 : Force acting at two ends of spring will be action reaction pair.
Statement-2 : Action and reaction force are of same type and act in opposite directions.

(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.3 Statement-1: While drawing a line on a paper, friction force acts on paper in the same direction
along which line is drawn on the paper.
Statement-2: Friction always opposes motion
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.4 Statement-1 : A rocket moves forward by pushing the surrounding air backwards.
Statement-2 : Every action has an equal & opposite reaction.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.


Take approx. 3 minutes for answering each question.

Q.1 Two men of unequal masses hold on to the two sections of a light rope passing
over a smooth light pulley. Which of the following are possible?
(A) The lighter man is stationary while the heavier man slides with some acceleration
(B) The heavier man is stationary while the lighter man climbs with some acceleration
(C) The two men slide with the same acceleration in the same direction
(D) The two men move with accelerations of the same magnitude in opposite directions

Newtons Law Force & Friction [14]

Q.2 Adjoining figure shows a force of 40 N acting at 30° to the horizontal on a body
of mass 5 kg resting on a smooth horizontal surface. Assuming that the
acceleration of free–fall is 10 ms–2, which of the following statements A, B, C,
D is (are) correct?
[1] The horizontal force acting on the body is 20 N
[2] The weight of the 5 kg mass acts vertically downwards
[3] The net vertical force acting on the body is 30 N
(A) 1, 2, 3 (B) 1, 2 (C) 2 only (D) 1 only

Q.3 The coefficient of friction between 4 kg and 5 kg blocks is 0.2

and between 5 kg block and ground is 0.1 respectively. Choose
the correct statements
(A) Minimum force needed to cause system to move is 17 N
(B) When force is 4 N static friction at all surfaces is 4 N to keep system at rest
(C) Maximum acceleration of 4 kg block is 2 m/s2
(D) Slipping between 4 kg and 5 kg blocks start when F is 17 N

Question No. 4 to 5 (2 questions)

In figure, two blocks M and m are tied together with an inextensible and light string. The
mass M is placed on a rough horizontal surface with coefficient of friction  and the
mass m is hanging vertically against a smooth vertical wall.
The pulley is frictionless.

Q.4 Choose the correct statement(s)

(A) The system will accelerate for any value of m
(B) The system will accelerate only when m > M
(C) The system will accelerate only when m > M
(D) Nothing can be said

Q.5 Choose the correct statement(s) related to the tension T in the string
(A) When m < M, T = mg (B) When m < M, T = Mg
(C) When m > M, Mg < T < mg (D) When m > M, mg < T < Mg

Paragraph for question nos. 6 to 8

In the figure, a horizontal force of 100 N is to be applied to a 10 kg slab that is initially stationary on a
frictionless surface. A 10 kg block lies on the top of the slab, there is no information about friction and
coefficient of friction between the block and the slab.

Slab 100 N

Q.6 What can be a possible value of the acceleration of the slab?

(A) 7 m/s2 (B) 10 m/s2 (C) 2 m/s2 (D) 9 m/s2

Newtons Law Force & Friction [15]

Q.7 What can be a possible value of the acceleration of the block?
(A) 4 m/s2 (B) 7 m/s2
(C) 10 m/s2 (D) 2 m/s2

Q.8 If the ground and the top surface of the slab both are rough, which of the following can be a possible free
body diagram ? f is friction between block and slab, N is normal between block and slab, f1 is friction
between slab and ground, N1 is normal between slab and ground.
N1 N1
f f
(A) (B) (C) f1 100 N (D) f1 100 N
mg mg N N
block block Mg Mg
slab slab


Q.1 The arrangement is kept in a vertical plane and all masses are released from rest with strings taut. In
column-I different values of masses are given. Match with corresponding parameters in column-II. Symbols
have their usual meanings. Pulleys and strings are ideal.

T1 m4
m1 T3

Column I Column-II
m1 m2 m3 m4

(A) 2m m 3m 4m (P) | a1| = |a3|

(B) m 2m 4m 3m (Q) T1 = T2

(C) m 2m 3m 4m (R) T2 > T1

(D) 4m 3m 2m m (S) |a1| > |a3|

(T) T3 = 0

Newtons Law Force & Friction [16]

Q.2 In the first column m1, m2 and M and situation is indicated. Match the description in column-II.

m1 m2

µs = 0.3 µs = 0.4
µk = 0.2 µk = 0.3

Column-I Column-II
(A) M = 3kg, m1 = 6 kg, m2 = 4 kg (P) Friction on m1 is static
System is released from rest

(B) M = 3kg, m1 = 2 kg, m2 = 6 kg (Q) Friction on m2 is static.

System is released from rest

(C) M = 3kg, m1 = 7 kg, m2 = 3 kg (R) Friction on m1 is kinetic.

System is released from rest

(D) M = 3kg, m1 = 1 kg, m2 = 3 kg (S) Friction on m2 is kinetic.

System is released from rest
(T) M remains at rest.

Newtons Law Force & Friction [17]

m1 1
Q.1 3:1 Q.2 (a) m  3 (b) a = 3/4 m/s2 Q.3 27 N

Q.4 (a) Fx > 20 N (b) Fx  – 80 N Q.5 (a) 30° (b)

Q.6 T= Q.7 (a) 5m/s2, (b)(i)100 N, (ii) 120 N Q.8 x1 : x2 : x3 : 15 : 18 : 10
 m2 
Q.9 (M + m1 + m2)  g  Q.10 55 Q.11 5N, 16/31 kg
 m1 
Q.12 2 sec Q.13 1 kg Q.14 N= Q.15 3/4

Q.16 0, 10 î Q.17 30 N

g 5m  m1  2m 2 
Q.1 (a) , (b) Q.2   g
4 8  2 m 2 

3g 
Q.3 (a) aA= =aB; aC=0; T=mg/2;
(b) aA=2g, aB=2g, ac=0, T=0; (c) aA=aB= g/2, ac=g, T= ; T=2mg

15g 15g m sin  cos 

Q.4 a1 = m/s2, a2 = m/s2, Q.5 (a) a = g cot , (b) mmin =
31 49 m cos 2   M

Q.6 (b) a = 3/5 m/s2 , T = 18 N, F = 60N, f1 = 30, f2 = 15 Q.7 0065

Q.8 3

Q.1 C Q.2 D Q.3 A Q.4 C
Q.5 B Q.6 B Q.7 B Q.8 A
Q.9 5

Newtons Law Force & Friction [18]


Q.1 D Q.2 D Q.3 C Q.4 C Q.5 B Q.6 A Q.7 A

Q.8 B Q.9 A Q.10 B Q.11 C Q.12 D Q.13 A Q.14 B

Q.15 A Q.16 B Q.17 D Q.18 A Q.19 A Q.20 A Q.21 C

Q.22 A Q.23 C Q.24 B

Q.1 C Q.2 D Q.3 C Q.4 D


Q.1 A, B, D Q.2 C Q.3 C Q.4 C

Q.5 A, C Q.6 A, B, D Q.7 A, D Q.8 A, B, C, D


Q.1 (A) P,R (B) R,S,T (C) R,S,T (D) T Q.2 (A) P,Q,T (B) Q,R (C) P,S (D) Q,R

Newtons Law Force & Friction [19]

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