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Mandaluyong-Pasig Cities

Activity Sheet 1 Research Interests

Name of Group : RTUResearch1-CBET-01-502A-BoysOverFlower
Members of the Group : Santos, Andrew Miguel
Altejos, Juan Carlos
Laurente, Paul Martin

Date Prepared : September 20, 2020

Note: Consolidated Responses of the Group Members

Procedure 1

State the Topical Area agreed upon by you group: Management Accounting

From the Topical Area that your group has decided to work on, accomplish the matrix below:

Member 1: (Santos)

(a) (b) (c )

Specific topics in that area Topics in the Accountancy Theories, Models,

interesting to you profession that you know Principles or Rules in the
best Topical Area which are
difficult for you

1 A Comparative Analysis Basic Accounting Accounting for Main

on the Degree of Products and By-Products
Preparedness of Just-in-
Time Costing in the
Philippines and Japan

2 Effectiveness of Variance Cost Accounting Trigger Points (Backflush

Analysis in Small and Costing)
Medium Enterprises

3 Assessing the Ways of Obligation & Contract and Process and FIFO costing
Manufacturing Companies Partnership and method

in terms of Cost Corporation Law


Minimization amidst the

of Pandemic

Jephte O. Muñez, CPA, MBA, MSF (September 2020)

Member 2: (Altejos)

(a) (b) (c)

Specific topics in that are Topics in the Accountancy Theories, Models,

interesting to you profession that you know Principles or Rules in the
best Topical Area which are
difficult for you

1 Health departments ways Basic Accounting Activity Based Costing

to measure accurate
costing data of their

2 Health organizations Partnership Variance Analysis

proper ways to compute
the cost data of salary for
their employees

3 Municipalities ways of Cost Accounting Ratio Analysis

properly spending their
funds during this

Member 3: (Laurente)

(a) (b) (c )

Specific topics in that are Topics in the Accountancy Theories, Models,

interesting to you profession that you know Principles or Rules in the
best Topical Area which are
difficult for you

1 The impact of sudden Basic Accounting Process costing

changes in overall costing
of a restaurant/company in
time of pandemic.

2 Techniques used to Cost Accounting Controlling and costing

overcome the modification materials inventory
of new price market of a

3 In comparison of raw Intermediate Accounting 1 Just in time manufacturing


materials’ price before and system

during pandemic of a

Jephte O. Muñez, CPA, MBA, MSF (September 2020)


Name of Group : RTUResearch1-CBET-01-502A-BoysOverFlower

Members of the Group : Santos, Andrew Miguel
Altejos, Juan Carlos
Laurente, Paul Martin

Note: Consolidated Responses of the Group Members

Procedure 2

Choose one from each column above. State your reason(s) for choosing each of your
responses in the matrix in Procedure 1. Fill-up the matrix below:

Member 1: (Santos)

(a) (b) (c )

Specific topics in that are Topics in the Theories, Models,

interesting to you Accountancy profession Principles or Rules in the
that you know best Topical Area which are
difficult for you
Your Assessing the Ways of Law on Obligations and Accounting for By-
most Manufacturing Contracts and Partnership Products
preferred Companies in terms of and Corporation Law
choice Cost Minimization
amidst the Pandemic
Reason The reason why I chose I chose this topic because Simply because there is
for this topic is because it is I’m always excited about no uniformity in the
choosing relevant, where the the cases and provisions certain books that I’ve
companies are making that can benefitted one’s read that’s why I’m
ways on how to minimize life. I also have a dream
confused regarding that
the cost of their product to become a CPA-
and regaining their sales Lawyer if given by the matter.
just like or more than chance.

Member 2: (Altejos)

(a) (b) (c)


Specific topics in that are Topics in the Theories, Models,

interesting to you Accountancy profession Principles or Rules in the
that you know best Topical Area which are
difficult for you

Jephte O. Muñez, CPA, MBA, MSF (September 2020)

Your Health organizations Partnership Ratio Analysis
most proper ways to compute
preferred the cost data of salary for
choice their employees

Reason Doctors and nurses play a Partnership is the easiest The concept and
for vital role in every topic I have encountered formulas for is confusing
choosing country during this time but sometimes it makes and hard to remember.
of pandemic. Giving me still confused.
them a little merit for Partnership concept is
their efforts, not knowing easier to understand than
how it is difficult and a the corporation.
threat for their own
health just to keep
everyone alive. Giving
them their deserve salary
is and how the health
departments compute it
will give us sufficient
knowledge for our topics.

Member 3: (Laurente)

(a) (b) (c )

Specific topics in that are Topics in the Theories, Models,

interesting to you Accountancy profession Principles or Rules in the
that you know best Topical Area which are
difficult for you
Your In comparison of raw COST ACCOUNTING JUST IN TIME
most materials’ price before MANUFACTURING
preferred and during pandemic of a
choice restaurant/company.
Reason I choose this topic Because this is the most We didn’t discuss this
for because it is very timely recent topic we topic because of the
choosing and I am curious about discussed. So, this topic pandemic. I read it but I
how they solve the is fresh to my mind and I don’t understand it well..
sudden change of price in remember certain topics
the market in affecting catch my attention and
their costing in raw curiosity.

Jephte O. Muñez, CPA, MBA, MSF (September 2020)

Name of Group : RTUResearch1-CBET-01-502A-BoysOverFlower
Members of the Group : Santos, Andrew Miguel
Altejos, Juan Carlos
Laurente, Paul Martin

Note: Consolidated Responses of the Group Members

Procedure 3:

Deliberate on the merits and demerits of each of the topics proposed by each member of the
group. Summarize your group’s opinion on the novelty and value of each topic included in
the above matrices. Fill up the matrix below.

Group Members Name and Merits Demerits

Suggested Topics

Member 1 (Santos) Topic 1: This study will focus One of its disadvantages is
A Comparative Analysis on primarily on the effectivity the difference with the
the Degree of Preparedness of just-in-time costing in the geographic location,
of Just-in-Time Costing in Philippines. Another thing, consumer behavior and
the Philippines and Japan how the market will react to market demands.
the changes in costing if it
was implemented.

Member 1 Topic 2: In this topic, it will answer The degree of inaccuracy in

Effectiveness of Variance the efficiency of variance terms of variance because it
Analysis in Small and analysis in solving the can affect the decision of
Medium Enterprises decisions making of its upper management and the
managers and the effects of whole stakeholders.
it in terms of setting long
term and short term plans

Member 1 Topic 3: In the specific sense, this The challenge of coping with
Assessing the Ways of topic will determine the the standard by other
Manufacturing Companies solution or the ways of manufacturing companies
in terms of Cost manufacturing companies in and how the other will fit in
Minimization amidst the of order to cope up with the to this transition.
Pandemic Pandemic.

Member 2 (Altejos) Topic 1: - Timely. - It is risky to go to

Health departments ways to any health departments
measure accurate costing - To be able to amidst the pandemic.
data of their patients properly utilize their
equipment’s for every

Group Member 2 Topic 2: - Timely - It is risky to go to

Health organizations proper any health departments
ways to compute the cost - To provide what the

Jephte O. Muñez, CPA, MBA, MSF (September 2020)

data of salary for their health workers deserve to amidst the pandemic.
employees earn.

Member 2 Topic 3: - Timely - Resources will be

Municipalities ways of confidential.
properly spending their - Transparency
funds during this pandemic
- To be able to provide
and where to give it who
needs it the most.

Member 3 (Laurente) Topic - Topic is timely -It is hard to create a

1: The impact of sudden quantitative data because
changes in overall costing of -May be used of some every restaurant/company
a restaurant/company in time restaurants/companies who has a large amount of costs.
of pandemic. lost the battle because of
costs hike.

-To give other

restaurants/companies ideas
in managing the costs amid
of pandemic.

Member 3 Topic 2: -Topic is timely -The restaurant/company to

Techniques used to be interviewed may not give
overcome the modification -To give other their confidential
of new price market of a restaurants/companies management in terms of
restaurant/company. techniques that they may use overcoming the
to overcome the inevitable modifications.
change of market price.

Member 3 Topic 3: In -Topic is timely. - Price changes every time.

comparison of raw
materials’ price before and -To disclose the variation of -It might be irrelevant in the
during pandemic of a price in time of pandemic, to future when the country’s
restaurant/company. be used for future reference. economy change.

-Can be used for preparation

in time of another pandemic
in managing costs.

Jephte O. Muñez, CPA, MBA, MSF (September 2020)

Top Three Topics of the Group:

Rank 1 Topic 1: Assessing the Ways of Manufacturing Companies in terms of Cost

Minimization amidst the Pandemic

Rank 2 Topic 2: Health organizations proper ways to compute the cost data of salary
for their employees

Rank 3 Topic 3: In comparison of raw materials’ price before and during pandemic of
a restaurant/company.


Jephte O. Muñez, CPA, MBA, MSF (September 2020)

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