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 What are some characteristics of contemporary architecture?

Contemporary architecture has many styles. While the styles are
varied, one commonality is that they all draw from historical
periods of art and architecture. Each style has its own distinct set
of characteristics.
 What are some common styles of architecture in your country?
In the city where I live, there are a lot of buildings that are
modern and fuctional. There are also Neoclassical buildings,
libraries and museums, which are more decorative.
 What are some features of Neomodern architecture?
Neomodern architecture is the most prevalent form of
architecture today. It focuses on simlicity in design.
1. C
2. B
3. D
1. blobitecture 1. B
2. inspiration 2. C
3. Neoclassical 3. H
4. High-Tech 4. F
5. Neomodern 5. A
6. Organic Architecture 6. G
7. simplicity 7. B
8. Structural Expresionism 8. D
1. bulge
2. resurgence
3. integrate
4. draws

1. F 1. office buildings
2. out of the ordinary
2. F 3. several styles
3. T 4. Blobitecture buildings
5. buildings like that
6. draw
With a partner act out the roles below based on the Task 7 and
then switch roles.
Student A: You are client Talk to Student B about
 Design your new building
 Styles interest you
 Styles that do not interest you
Student B: You are an architect. Talk to Student A about
designs for a building.

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