Letter To Sanitary Napkins

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Dear Pad,

Hello! How are you? I just wanted to write something for you today. We haven't spoken to each other
even though we have been friends since last 10 years. Maybe you did try and initiate a conversation
with me but I didn't respond as at that point of my life it was taught to me that I couldn't openly carry
you around and I can't talk about you in public. I didn't know back then why it was taught to me like that
but without questioning I did follow what was taught to me. Now after years of taking you granted I'm
guilty that I did keep you hidden for the most of time. You were always there for me no matter what,
you never complained about my ignorance and yet you showed up at the times of emergency and
helped me. Now that I realise all this, I'm guilty that I didn't give you the acknowledgement and the
freedom that you needed. I want to apologise for that, and I know you will forgive me.

Nowadays I see a lot your friends out there in stores. All of them are in different colours,shapes and
sizes. I love how you have diversified your friend circle. Also, I did meet one of your friend the other day
her name was Tampon, Initially I loved her as she was so tiny and I could easily carry her around me also
she was eco-friendly too but I didn't find her very comfortable as I was comfortable with you, I did
eventually get used to you after being with you for so many years so going out and talking to your
different friends was interesting but at the same time it was a bit difficult for me to spend time with
them. But I hope one day I'll be in a place where I will be happy to be friends with them.

Talking about you, last week while I was talking to my school friends I remembered so many of our
funny, embarrassing memories of us when we first met. I remember my mom telling me about you and
giving me introduction of When and how we will be meeting, also she did tell me that you will be my
friend for almost next 4 decades so I was nervous yet excited to meet you! I am so glad that I do have a
lovely friend like you who is always there for me, I do know some people who don't have friends like you
and they have to settle down for anything that they come across as they can't really afford to be with
you or any of your friends. I feel so bad for them but nowadays people have became more aware of
finding friends like you who will protect them, and I really hope they find the right match for them.

I hope you are breathing properly. Now you must be thinking why Am I asking you about breathing, I'm
asking you as I know most of the time you are hidden in a newspaper wrapping or a magazine wrapping.
I know how suffocated you must be feeling to always sit in the wrappings hiding from everyone. But I
don't really get the point of why people keep you hidden. But as I said people did feel embarrassed to
carry you around openly even I had kept you hidden and I'm sorry for that. Now I have stopped hiding
you while taking you around with me also I suggest this to all my friends too.

And Can I suggest you something too? You should stop being friends with toxic, non biodegradable
varieties of you. I have stopped talking to them too and you should also do that. They never bring out
anything good in you and are creating more problems to our planet so let's make a pact that we will stay
away from all toxic friends and find more environmental friendly people out there.

So I think I'll stop here, I just want to say that We have come a long way and have much further to go.
I'm just glad I'll have you with me the whole way. You'll always be in my heart. I love you!

With Love,

Chitrangi 💕

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