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ACCORD TRANSFORMER & SWITCHGEAR PVT. LTD. (Aunit of ABL Electricals ) TN cog Deng Conny [ACCORD TRANSFORMER & SWITCHGEAR PVT.LTD. (ATS) wo fone in Ins No. industri hub IMT ManesarGurson, ana Factor is octet usta Ghwea! (NCR), Having makeing & Senice ofcs at pan India & expondng globe, Ib well inown gjoup which Is specased 9 design, ‘engines, manwtactring & sence of HT & LT transformers, PSS / USS, HI-LT Control swttboads & varied ney ficient power & electrical Founder premtrs ofthe comeany &srup earpanies are wel educated & tom respective angering back/ound having Heh expetienee at nations & intomationa organisations and their experiance ha been proved us fo mae the products upto the mak, Mo tole in quality & safely we aways produce the roduts to prove cur expertise of engineering & experienc. The perfomance foursraduct re selene, ‘our averse procuct range covers requements ofall segment, Uhe~ Clete Boards, Renewable Enegy (Wind & Sola), Industral, Easton, Hosptals, Real Estate, special purpose equipments, ke Furace, soso, Reactor te, We hve gest cent base & serve networkin the industy ATS is he ploneer & best products manufacturer inthe fd of ON & Dry ype Transormers, PSS, LT & HT Cont System, Special pupove multitask svitenbords & other rele product, oul roduts ae desig & test for 100% contnucus cy acing Ow w asses & ener efent prods ‘He being use inal segments sucessful ATS transformers & equipments ae fll Type Terted fr BIS Aoplcation upto EEL~3 & loaded wh safety system ike WI, OT, Bueno rlay, PRY, MOG, AVR, Of & OnLoad tap Switch, CT Metshaling Box, sitees accu speci est ike SCADA ecessanletyinstruments ao provided complete accessories ATS range of products fawie pplieatlons aes the indus spectrum. Inaction having extended its produc ine, thas iso deeloned a technologies, aéminsathe and martin nastrtire thts comparable th ‘some ofthe fnest manufactures of smi products wordwdo. The Companys uriqucly focused on becoming he most valved gobal prvar of power, ‘esuibutent convl pecues or ties an inst. vga techricalcotaboration wih M/s, ABL Eectieals, and ATS ereys the addtional benef of ebtaining move ifomnation elated to technlogicel Improvements and market ends tem ave the word. Weare commited to being exe expe supper eploraly. Werting alongside the customer, ‘we Kenly individual eds to ensue we provide he ght solitons, whether te eustomers mln focus on guranteed delivery, servee endeducton ot Total Coe of Ownersio (TCO) or regions! sul. Lane MEP contractors and Power ulty ctmpani rely on our iva teehaogy, groduets and senices-enabinguste workin te presi. ‘Gurmanufocunrgcapaities mean at we canoer the most suitable sluton interns of reduction capably on-time dlveranaprouct aly Design & Developments a continuous system, A lghy quai 1 ona experiences personals ae Involved upon te latest tsnnolng and produits Transtar ae being designed o meet he atest nora ternational standarcs, eluding, IS IEC, 8S, DIN, NEMA, ANSI IEEE... Design are made for optimisation in terms of: Material Cost & Overheads: the snitngoars are bing usd fom the best in claes manufacture global. The thera & C Cass materi are bing sass pr IE standard a om approved vendor on The ATS ie commitedt nest into best machines and mannower Capitalisation of Losses: Tho ATS vanstome are GPR /ERDA esto fer eto range sutbl or B'S applicator ands tho fst company which s 1 approved or entire ange up EEL -3 (5 Star) ‘Specified Performance Characteristics: We simys provide the Speed pertrmance characterties auch es impadance, temperature sa eficlncy& oie levels o our cents and we trained them so that cent abe to understand the Quay of prodictend they ean choose products as per Mechanical Design: Moctonical dest win fing &accessoras fr specyng mam overall dimensions net weights eo that lent would be sent or besiroqrererttke space, oman and ote arangsmat for inttation to avid ely aaa omen ‘Shorts Circuit with Stand Capacity: the prosvets ae» rg designed, manufactured and ested withtand the thermal & dynomicefats of Distribution of Voltage Stresses: the Design parameter also conser the dstrouton of voage stesses under impulse, lating & swing sugecontions Special Focus Point During Design: i avays anohee of those ares wher hig elect stresses can ours ring any tye fault nd major ster ekeutandeaeulaion fr minimise osses, ot pos, electrical ecient eyelet magnetics ans ATS Transformers are designed and Type tested tothe following standards: 1 Dstt and Power Tnsfomers: iS: 1180-2014, 2026,88: 171 410: 76 «© Conte Transformers: IS: 4540, (EC: 146 RIEEE: 444 «© rumace Tanstomers 18: 2026 «© sytem Earning Transfomers:1$: 9150 486:4084 © bn Type Tenstormer 16 11171 IBC 60720, ANS), NEMA, and Indian Sandor ‘ Low Voge Contol Pant 15 8623 (Pat-3), eC Pub 499-9, 16061439 Te company is capable of manutoeuing rational &iner-natonat Standard. We can develop Unis with any voltage combination, tan ‘insulation levels, The ver oad wisn [ATS tansormers ara manutactred in accordance 1181 180 & IEC 76 fr temperature ee, delet ‘apacty of wansfomer is as per IC 354. Tolerances applicable for no loss ss, led 1055, cal losses, Impedance vlogs voage rato are in secordanceto181 180 BIEC 76. Tapping tlo for standerdwansfomers ere +/~B & +/- 79 for hgh voltage wing variation Distro Transformers ae wih ol natura natal colin wound wt copper conductor, The transformers ae supped Doh wih essed See alates and with comugated tanks. SPECIFICATIONS OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER ACCORDING TO IS1180 (2014-Part-1) Maximum Total Losses Upto 11kV Class Transformers: Maximum Total Loss (W) AS PER 1S-1180- 2014-PART-1 SI No. | Rating (Rating) |Impedance 2%] Energy Efficiency Level-1 | Energy Efficiency Level-2 | Energy Efficiency Level~3 50% Load | 100% Load [50% Load] 100% Loa | 50% Load] 100% Load 1 063 4 53 245 48 225, 42 205 2 10 45 7 270 65 200 38 215 3 16 45 150 480 135 | a0 | 120 | 400 4 20 45 175 575 roo | ses | 145 | aes 5 25 45 210 695 roo | 03s | 175 | 505 6 40 45 277 214 zo | 00a | 224 | 774 7 o3 45 380 reso | ao | 1140 | 300 | 1050 @ 100 45 520 veoo | 47s | 1050 | a5 | 1500 ° 160 45 7zo_| 2200 | 670 | 1950 | sro | 1700 10 200 45 aso | 2700 | 7ao | 2900 | 670 | 2100 "1 250 45 roso_ | 3150 | 960 | 2090 | 920 | 2700 12 315 45 rico | 3275 | 1025 | si00 | 955 | 2750 13 400 45 1300 | 3075 | 1225 | 450 | 1150 | 9990 4 500 45 veoo | 4750 | 1810 | 4300 | 1420 | 4100 15 620 45 2000 | sess | 1aso | 5300 | 1745 | 4@50 16 ‘800 5 zaso | 7200 | 22a7 | aoe | evar | sear 17 1000 5 000 | 9000 | 2700 | 7700 | 2620 | 7000 18 1250 5 aeoo | 10750 | aa00 | zoo | sz20 | e400 19 1600 625 | 4500 | 19500 | «200 | 11000 | s070 | 11300 20 2000 625 | saoo | 17000 | soso | 15000 | 4790 | 14100 at 2500 25 | e500 | 20000 | 6150 | 1e500 | sooo | 17500 For ansfomer having vltage lass above 1 TKV and upto and ining 22 KY. the permissible tots oss values shal not exceed by 5 percent a he ‘masirumtotl los as por above tbl, For wanstorner having voltage las above 22 KY and upto and inlung 33 H.the parse tta oss values shal not excued by 7-5 prcnt of the asouen otal ios as per above tbl. 1 Core: te magreti core of the tenstorme is bult-up of cold led gan onented(CRGO) ste! amination. Hi-8 grade & laser SerBed lamination Is ‘sod toreduce the noload losses & rose ave of vansfomer Lamination ae tat an angle of 4SDeg, Core Leg & Core yoke laminations ae inereavedin ‘miveajoes in otortofitate he passage ofmagretifux & oad hotspots breduceNoLaed Losses, No Lod eure &naiee ee © Coll Winding: me windings ee designed to ontenze cham, thermal, mechanical &eleticl stresses depending upon the cent & votage requroments Spal crossover, Helea continuous ds, Fulyor par itereaved wring ar used depending onthe specie design eter ‘Thewindng machines are equipped with merulc break system whch ensures the reper tnsion's maintained cungtne winging Dewtal key spacers ar omploed to gio the xtra strong to tho winding, Aa ral eokng det in ard betwean sections ofthe windings allow the ‘teow oftansterer al aroun te conductor. Indio cots ae dod & pressed sien accordance withthe eluate shor eeut forces a otain the dasgn hag & to guarantee ful short out ‘© Core & Coll Assembly: The magrtc cor with the wings and some accessors ited togsthor forms the active pat ofthe transform. The \nsngs oe stppeover te core logs 4 amination ofthe unser ye ar intere ave connections between windings and bushings & tapping tap changer ae made the tap changer lows the crease or decrease acrtinno of us Inthe nghvltage winding in order to compensate for avotage ep ort adopt the vanstermer oan unstable supply, s0thatthertedow wage can be Subsequently top cover, on whieh ne bushing for hgh voltage anon vaage are sendy ued ted «© Drying / Heating: a vanstarecmay contain no ae of humidity ethers hare wil be dango of ash vor ihn the windings. ‘The active prt of ansormer is compte eid betes transformers filed wth wansforer ll undervacuu, ‘The tank with atv par init is eomeete te ano SupPy an paved inside vacuum chamber. A vacuum fs BBpHeS & when the required venue roachod th olis adit int the tank. Thos ol ives cu any emaningal& the active pats compel lnmorsed ‘© Tank & Tanking Process: our tank cesign i uly computeraed. The computer cetemines the optimum size and he number and locaton of require tank suppers. Oceasianally the comers ofthe tank wil be rounded of to futher ecuce the wansormer weight wihoutsacrfcing quality and ‘Te objectneis to reduce the anki and weg as much as possible, which actitates ease handing, Vansporation, assembly and instalation onsite ton ae desis to winstand fll vacuum and are manvactre rom Mgh- gusty see! lt. The transermer canbe deslznad with a weed 8 ote cover ras abel ype tank ‘Nlmetal pas arog bast ‘Theinsdeof th tons pat wth whit l-resstant paint to eat good sity dug tral inspection, 410 remove eld spate, mil sale an oes, roving an excetert surface fr the acherenc ofthe primer and pant ‘Nimetal parts ae extensively testes on oltighiness via penetrant and pressure testa he tank manufacturer and wih an extra 24 hoursleskage test er complete assomby '* Surface Treatment & Painting: Wo use sasactow protecton against corosion & rust, ll suacs of ste pans ao sht blasted In compliance wit Swedish Standrd SIS 055000 to Sa 25 qually porto panting. Thereaer tanks and ste! parts ee painted wth one primer and two frat coats with minimum thickness 160 miro. [AI transformers ae subject to at routine tests In our sophisticated laboratry at tector conning to latest natena and irtemational standard ‘spocfeations. Test are ntnded fer uso fr the base valéation of design Shas for performance, safely & oat of tho transtormors. ATS i oqapped ‘ith equate otal Precison dtl moter such as cigta pover analyser, WT-300 (lates) of Yokogawact Japan make are used for measuring ne Lead losses, impedance vllage 0 lad losses & ro load carers. esting & measurement equpment deg Used uy calvated ram NABL Lab & reeds axe bein maintain forcustomers verison, All transformers ate subject to all routine tests. This includes following tests which is in-house facilities: sInsuaton Resistance Test ‘sistance measurement of winding = Polat andphase sequence test “= Noload ses & impedance voltage test ‘+ Loadloss measurement Insulation of citest ‘Leakage est ottranstormer tank + Temporature Riso Test (On request) ATS QUALITY POLICY In We at Accord Tansfomer and Switchgear At Lit “ATS” are commited to conduct business etfics hesping customer satisfaction pie by adopting contol impfOvament with ou best quay rodhets via integrity, honesty & innovative exeelene, 1 VISION To be most tested brand national & gabaly MISSION. To produce best prouets& quality sence network at every lve ith aflorable cost TYPE TEST: Typo tests se spec optional es, these test cre ota sn aon appcble fers, to Be bar bythe customer Tese tes to. «impulse Vliage Test» Shot et Teet «Temperature Rise test (9001:2015 quality System): ow ai procucts design, menutecured& supped under TOM stem, we contiualy su to npxve te sil. ualy& competency ofthe preduts aoe mth series. We fon the quality contol across ferent tages of manutocturng process troup dedicated ‘ualy assurance tean. We comply altesting ais inhouse to ensure &. assur he products made as pou ndoucstomer noms We hae stale of ther testingfactes upto 10000 KVA& 39 fora pots each and ever nstvments have own cabratonrecodtomeet te atl esting « Distribution Transformer (25 KVA to 3.15 MVA) ~ up to 36 KV: 1 wansfomer is an eletical device mich, by the princes of eleromagrti duction, trator locos ary rom one lctrc eeu toaneter,winout changing tre frequency The ‘energy anstor usualy takes pace witha change of voltage and curent. Transformers ether Ineeasas or doreases AC vag “Transtormers ae used to meet awe vary of needs Some vanstomers canbe several sts. No mattor what the shape or size, a tranformore pupose remains the sare: transforming ‘lctcal power tom onesie te athe. Thao re mary fren ype of vanstormars in use toy. This resource wil ako clserlock at Power Tansfomars, Ato Transfomers Disibuten Tansfomes, Insvunant Transtormets, Isolation Tensfomers, Potenial Tmsfomers end Curent Transformers. The majority of ‘transformer i istoution ansfomer, Up to 100 KA Transformers mainly used in letity boards & lettin of citferet type of governments Schemes. ter atirgs many are being usedin diferent applications he Industry, Hostal Coleges, Highways, aia, Reiner, Substations this |s normaly being used fordsibuton & customise power requrenets. + Power Transformer (3.5 MVA to 20 MVA) ~ up to 36 KV: A souer tensor is Uso primey to coupe elect ene ram ssower supply Ine to ect system. ane or mor components ote system. A power ansfomer ued win ok ate clots i cede recilar wnat. A power nate’ rangi nto he secondary manirumvotage ncument-deverngcapacty. ‘he power rnsfomers sove 5 MVA ae lg used io Bott Subetons aha wp to 8.3 va ratings many ae berg used in erent apazations for neay lad in ny, Hosp, Aaonys Rene, Susans ths snamalyDenguses or cstonis power reaurenents of dstbton ‘© LT Transformer (Dry type 10 KVA~ 1000 KVA) ~ upto 1.1 KV: ‘Trwee phase or sing phase &y-ype low voltage (LV) vanstormers ae used 2s isolaion lwonstorners oo adust he wage evel inthe LY estibuton gyi The wings re made of sun or capper an inpregnsted wih epory ein of thermal iss For by spor vacuum pressure impregrtion (VP) ATS tow votage transforms are wily Used in Indusbial appécations and in commercial and ube buldngs. They are seo used for squsting the vote trom 690 Vto 400 Vor ssalaton transformers with voltage ratio of 1:1, poiinggahanic separation Deleted products ae alae or vrious apileationsinrenewetle power generation nding: -Windor phot Transporation (1, marine rralways) ~Unitorupibie power supp (UPS) ~ Chemica. ol and asin ~ Converters Key features: + towiosces ‘Low welgnt and compact dimensions ‘+ Non-amebie and nan-exposhe s1P2s.encosutes (osenal) ‘+ Wt sir ootngnasedon natural convection (AN) enon wth forced aicootng (AF) Standards Aunts arebultn accordance withS, IEC andEN Ratings : “= No.orPhase: 3001 ‘Rated Power 10 KYA 1000 AVA (Other on rguest) ‘Primary / Secondan Votage 220, 230,240, 380, 400, 415, 600,690 els ‘+ Frequeney:80,60H2 + Dry Type Transformer (10 KVA to 5000 KVA) — upto 33 KV: ‘Tred tine asters tte tyes They a (ast aaa ry Trntomer C} as cin ry ype tina (CR sad nthe gh moe pro res tba of may nt secondary wining te encapasted wth op) rosin. This encapsulation helps o prevent moisture to petite aot 78 winding materi Comslote protection is achieve by this east resin encepsultion so tat the transformer can wore winout sruaton in Nighy moisture ore res, Thus this trator ison hygroscopic. This typeof tanstorar is vasbelnatings of 100 KVAto 8000 KVA. with Insulation class fF (BO9C Temp. Rise). ‘Thistypecttrastomerhas some featured advantages Thay a: + Low pris acharge slong ith ow los. Henoe ein Ivey od + Asis wt nn namie windingnsuation, offers ze rskto fre hazard Sosa orindorintallaton + Aro ours non ygroseopc \oceom Pressure lnpegnatedTraatomser (VPI): This type of rensfomer is made wit minimum Aenmble material aa ination of wnings. The wining of Ns wanstormer ae made in flor spina comtnuous tayo. ut forge votages, the winding or Baral 9s er poner ratng with respect to vetage level ‘The Inston ofthe winding le vod feo Imprograton that made with las H pester resin, The primary ad secondary winding with coe are laced ely wth a vacuum protective bok. Moisture Ingess Protection sigh anit nevergets affected by moist ‘Tis ype anstormeris valde tom SKVAto 5 MVAwinInsutavon gradeF(1 850) and H( 180). wih Petacton upto IpS6. Tie typ of transformers several vantages They a: ‘High mechanical stengh + Voi ree into, « No temperate Mutuation, ‘Easy maintenance. «Less roneto fre harars Advantages of Dry Type Transform + Softy forpeone and property.» Maiterance and pollusion-re soliton, «Easy rstalton, «Ske clearance sles.» Erutormenty en The main arantages of dy pe tanstener are gen below. + Eicallenteapaiy te supper ovrioads «Reduced costoncntalltion works an re potecton estes, + Escalon perfomance in cae of selsmic vents, « No fe hazard Excelent resetanceta shortcut, + Long lastng cue to low tema and tect hestig. « Sutedor damp and contaminates ares. Disadvantages of Dry Type Transform + Diy ypetraneformeris longest and thes chance of winding allure Butonca fs whle st upto chang, comple change of igh voage there are Some aseevartages of ay ype wansfomer. sow voltage wind wt i + Forsame power and vlige ring ry te bansfomerscotier than cieooled arto. ‘Application of Dry Type Transformer: Or ype vansfomes ao wis} usin + Chemical, ol ane gasindustey ‘= Ervonmentaly sense seas (eg water protection areas) + Fre-rshavoas (04 forests) ‘Inner substations + Indoor ond updooundsuosttions ‘Renewable generaton (ea f-shore wnd turbines) ‘* Spocial Purpose Transformer (Wind / Solar power, Fumace, Rectifier, Multi Winding etc) ‘Solr Application: On uty-sese soar ener fies, oa are transformed ster the inverter or deiner tothe wy vlage A transformer on 3 oer pone fatiyi prinariy used step-un the votage to dele the renewable energy tthe ity art "Mute windings on Primary Side: Mutpi windings design on primar sie f te Vanstone” enables to cant mulipeimerers ete gid wah min umber of wensfomers in total. The precise requrements vz om device Yo Cevie and rm ste ose. That's why each ansfomer Wil be almost 35. Luniue 362 fingerprint when it comes to veltage, power, climate eficieney, network topology, permissible noise level another factors. Earth Shi is roviedbetwoen the HV & LV wining to reduce the harmonies & patho wound any esi esonanee. ‘Wind Application: WIND poner pants ha ar oo large for ect connection to loa iturin system, oe ltrconndced to HY or EY wansmision ‘systems, Tody, the vast majoty of wind generation is netconnecte tothe ubity gid a the Wasmision level, Tis interconnection Is accomplishes sig one or moce power transformers to step-up plant output, tm the medum vote level used fr he plants ealetor system tothe tansmision ‘system voltage eo Those vancfomors long wth sehgoar,potcthe roles, metoing, eactve compensation equipment (im some plant design), and othr equipment neededte pear the interconnection andcontal endorcee the olection system, ae leatedina substation Fitments & Accessories of Transformers: ‘Des to development &improvemets Indesign & crowing the deta gv ere ny wry. + Tapping Sch for sbove 160 KVAWansformers + Pressure relieve vate (PRY) fer hemetcaly seats bolted ever vanstrmersk ave 2000 KYA conventional arsfomar. + oi consertorwitn magnet ci gauge (ove 1250 KYA) + Sicagel eater fornon —hemmesealy shies + Uiting Lugs fortnks, cover acto pats ‘Thermometer pocket foraltronsormers + Earhingteminas 1 Rating gra ate + Drain & samtirg aie +11 GOT win Marsnaling Sox 630 KVACnMardS ) Optional ting other than stove are tobe specif by customer at the tine ot requirments. Note: ‘+ Feratinghigherthan 3000 HVA ransonmer. the deals canbe provedon request, + Transfomerwih1S 2026, E68, trating and standard pararetr also belng manuf or other aplicatons. + Tansfomeresperlotst $1180 is ulyinplemanted at ATS. Packagte Substation (PSS / USS) (Range 1 00KVA to 2000 KVA) - upto 33 KV Package substaton (PSS) sad tuse application power salon, save the ime, poco & money thre ae ftoning ype of PSS are lng manufacture ‘= Type-1880: nti type of PSS capacity s 10010 315 KVAVotage upto 33 KY ‘Type-2000: nti type of PSS espa Is 400 0 10D KVAWotage upto 33 KY + Type-2400: nti type of PS capacity is 500 to 2000 KVA with onload tapchangee PSS canbe supplied wth PFC or Metering system, sow several outgoings 2 er cnt requiem ANN maybe 1-way,2-way or 3-ay ‘Compict Unt substatons ar sel contained units avalble in ferent designs and cimensins. Each unit comprises the following assemblies: One hametiaty sealed ansfomer/Orytype Transformer «One metal lad SF /linulatedngmain unit (1-Way- way) + One metal te iow votage stvution poe! ‘Special Features : + Met cl housing Aizireorhotcpped atvanced seo «Lockable dors « Powder ested ch + Sandngress entiation kuwers Ltn ugs + Max degre of poten =P ‘Transformer: + Miner Ol, Sitcon uid or Vegeta += Dy Type Transermer (EI & CRT) wine wenoutOLTe AVR Pane HV Switchgear: + SFO insulated RingMain Unt +O nauated RMU +01/SF6 nslatedload break switch Lv Switchgear: ‘Incoming breaker orinsletorup 50004 (motersedormanual) Outgoing breakers Fuse swtches. += Computerised monteng relay (on request) ‘Irstumentransfomes and metering ‘Technical Parameters: “HVA: Upto 2800 «Phases The «HV rating upto 39 KY Lv rating: upto 1 000 BL: upto 2o0KV ‘Vector rou: Dyn 11 * (Other vector gous avalbe on request) «Freaveney: 50 He, 60 Hr, 50/60He LV Control Panel: + Latest sin concepts & manufacturing processes. Uriqueteehre modular construction wth CRCA sheet sea. Fully comparimentases. + Suitable for indoor Istalaions « aed Type-avalble in sngle/double tort exeeuten. + Oraw Out Type-avlale in singe front / double font + PUFoam gackot-can withstand temperatures fom-A0°Co 120°. « 7-10 Tank spraybases teatmont-uniue inthe indus. + Powder Coating wh RAL7032 (defo) othe sor spect suture fish or ances. + RAL2000 fishes or gatanised mounting plate options ava 19:54 410-55 protections eored as poris: 13947. + Up-t0 40004, SOKA oreo bur bors with EOE rade Axsrinkr/Copper bus bars + Auernium grade vrial bs bars /higherratings wih ecto grade conper bus bars. + Shor Ckeut withstands capaily-busbor system sale for BOKA(or sec. & 1 OSKA peck. Power Control Cenve (PCC) Is used for cstrbuton on conto vrlaus power source used dusty. Neral PCC nstaled near power source hence fautiovel shh. Susbar sytem ln Power Cono! Contes ae destged to suit the faut vo 2 we 2 temperature rise to 40° above ambient. Ale spece Is provided for eable termination. Varousprtections the sho cet, overload, eth faut, ander vag ete ae preided o protect source and ‘eipment. Rating upto 6300 Amp P-82 &1P-54, as per EC814399-12009, 18: 8629 [MCC Panel: & mete contra conte (MCC) san assombiy of ane or more enlosed sections having a common power bus and enlpaly eontanng ‘motor cortvol unis. Motor contol contes ae in mado pectic a acto assomby ot sveral moter stor. Ametar conto corte can inca varise ‘requency cxves, roprammable conor, and metenngand may so bee electical service envance fr tre bulng. [AMI Panel: Auto Main ature Panos, also own ac AUF ancl, ae used to automatically changsover fom mains electri Sup to stanc-by generator on fare of te mains sup. When eran supp is restored, the syste atoraicaly changes back and stops the Generator. The stac-by enerter wile evertuniy shut down aera shor eaolng own pero. We customiso these panes (both tomate and mania odes) to most ont -epecerequroments [APEC Panel: 1C o tute Power Fetor Conve Panels ae main use forthe improvement of Power Facet. Power Factor ean be explained 35 ‘ato of athe power to apparent power anit is. 2 key factor n measuring elecical consumption. Use of hese corte! paels becomes incspensable ‘Mose nasties where electra nsaiations are meanttosupoyto large elation ange upto 1600 KVAR, 230 - 525,Vots, P-52, Siting ~ Contactor / Tso DG Synchronising Panel: vie ae actheyilved in manutacturig of high perfomance OG Symchonisation Panel whch cones complete with Contoting& Pretecton Relays capabeo syrcrenisingcf more than one OG sets with Mains &OG and win necessarypotectons. The tered products precio designed and manufactured by ting optimum quay av material ar best tochnoogy. \VFD Panel: A anavie Frequency Dive (VFD) i type of motor conte at dves an elec motorby ving Me equency and votage supplied to ‘the elec mote. Other names fra VFO ae varae speed dive adjustable peed ve, estaba frequency dive AC eve, mir dhe, and inet PLE Panel: Pogrnmable gic conte (PLC) contol panels are known a PLC Automation Pane are one othe most important and efint kins of contol panels. Which ae general usedin vay electronic and elec creat itngs PLE Control Panels re igh capabe of in ier out a ‘es power consumption, Inugrate wih ols PLC lg rid aes PLC hardware programming, Wo ae engaged in designing and manufsturng of PLC 8 ‘Aematin Panels that that is wey appreciated for longer serie fe and high ofciency. Al these pares are hard wre: PLC based and eectcaly contoled and are use orvefous machines. Mv/VeB Control Panel (Indoor & Outdoor Application + We are manufacturer of vacuum drut breaker (VOB) Pane pt 33 KV with fotoning ecricl + Maintenance tee design «Horzonta craw outendislation + Postveeckingmecnaniem + CB can opertein tester sence postionny + dental rated CBs are fly terchangesdle + Eos retrofit with cosstte system » As per IEC600SO/1S 1311816 62271100 ‘+ Rated Votage (kV): 1224 / 26 ‘Insulation level (vs /hvp):28775~50/125~70/170 + Rates Curent (A): 1250-2500 / 1600 / 1600 + Braking Capcity (KA): 18.5-40 / 40 /26.2 «other dotaison request. Bus-Duct & ¢: ‘Trays: Wo otorhighy effclort HT/LT Bus Ouct and ring mais. Tis offered th both Indoor and outdoor constuton with 142/98 degree of potectn. The typeof bus ducts ofred in luminium ar copper base and manufactured as per the Intemational Standards. ATS sigs bus duet jstemsin away hat lows you tohove mutisteoupets omit without sy power ss (curmanutoctured Bus Ba Chambers neods very les maintenance Space. + 200mp TPN 6300 Anp IPN. es perlEC61439-12008,"5:8623 + Cable tray ore being fabricate rom high quay see! ana specinedthckness of gaanised sheet as per requtement of customer and relevant & EC + Peforaes Cable toy upto 1800 mm wide + Laser Cable tray upto 120mm wide + Racemay customise oy size shecessotiestorcabe ry Test as Per IEC 60439 / BS 5486: + HV Test for & HV ten bose + neuation Resistance Test (Cormmonlkroun as Mesa Test «Primary ection Test forall ut reas + Secondary test forall tact olay and mates «Functonal Testa component and svitehbosds MilivORdop test CT polaty Test + Fupevona Testo components and swtchboarss Testing, Repairing & Overhauling, AC ATS, wo wl work wth you to dott your needs and eustoise the souton i i a i recomend he rght soliton baseden yer apeeoneed in upgrodes, vase + Reconditioning: Our tecnelans replace gashat, broken bushings and accessories, pty or epce the el Sand, rime an eps tho UN. When test eprts based on standards established Indian Standart (S) Ameren Nations Standard astute (ANS) ard Engineers (IEE). Pe cua) “WUT Lad SaD1AIS NOULYDIAILAT VO aS Ee i ‘G11 “1Ad HVZOHOLIMS 8 NBWNOSSNVAL CHOODY woweaysiBayg 30 u0}38I19)113p 6 ca) ra 6 wap U8) (Hos 18h 02 NV.» 2:00 ‘weiusuict mae phys DSTA a (us yo seqwon) BUNLUSNI HOMWSSSH YSMOU WAIND Pee ci) 2@ KANSAL ‘ NeRoLac ‘Faurecia ere Vivo Gruraxa @HERO Scypeider raranoros JUVE YYW wos risnin SD BANDO = =S>Musasi @ Donaldson. Sunpet oD) derin en aS Ri at sa Eesti i SS cenrunvvencens’ FROME PARAS. a seseunress TENNEGD, | LF db Z Til Kasia : 4 sudhir mu © senior JsSlLA 9 tina MOBIS comMncuE Bosionetii sie pywe 7 T Eth Seed is 1380 " BIS Licence No. Caos ease «=D centred www.ategroup.in

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