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659-A Cecilia Muñoz St. Ermita Manila
SUBJECT: Understanding the Self
STUDENT: Cornero, Angelyn A.
PROFESSOR: Sir. George Quiambao

The Sexual Self: Enter if you dare

1. How do you view your sexuality? What factors do you think
contributed to your view and comments about your sexuality?
I view my sexuality as pansexuality, because I am aware
that I am attracted with all sexuality but moreover, I also
claim that I am a sapiosexual. Because regardless of the
gender, I am really attracted to intelligent people.
I think the factors that contributed on how I view
myself are growing up with the people who are really
confident with their sexual orientation, I can see them
happy with the way they are showing off themselves to
others. Also my physical appearance, I have high
testosterone level that is making me look like a not so
feminine type of girl. But I am happy with the way I am, a

2.  How was your puberty journey? What specific experiences

did you find interesting? Frustrating? What advice would you
give yourself?
My puberty journey is not that easy because at first, I
don’t really want to admit my sexuality. I don’t want anyone
to make fun of me because of my gender identification. I can
say that I am not the same as other girls, because I also
have some physical traits of a male such as excessive hair
growth, masculine voice, and masculine body. It is really
frustrating if you are not going to be true to yourself. I
experienced being attracted to my girl classmate which is
also my best friend and it is really awkward for me whenever
we are going out together.
All I wanted to tell my younger self is to just enjoy
things and not to care about what others will think. Be true
about your sexuality as long as you are not hurting people.
659-A Cecilia Muñoz St. Ermita Manila

3.  What specific things can we do to be able to stop sexual

violence? This may be proposed for personal advocacy, school
policy/activity, or community service.
We can promote the awareness for sexual violence, which
aims to discuss and educate every individual about the
punishments and why a person should not commit sexual
violence for it is a crime that is against to the law. We
can also promote education about sexual education, due to my
observations, Philippines are really lacking when it comes
to sexual knowledge which leads to the misunderstanding of
younger generation.
We can also administer an event about stopping sexual
violence in campuses with activities for students that will
also help them to understand that sexual violence must be
stopped. Younger generation should be educated about these
topics so they will know what they are suppose to do when
they encounter one of it.

4. How do you think will the numerous types of sexual

orientations and gender identities affect our culture,
society, politics, and relationships?
Philippines is a conservative country, although the
members of LGBTQ+ community is accepted here, they are still
experiencing a lot of discrimination. They also experienced
negative diversity that leads to oppression. As I have
observed, people belong to LGBTQ community are not getting
fair treatment even in culture, politics, and even
relationships whether it is family or friends. This is
because not everyone is open for changes and differences
that leads to criticism and discrimination. Change is
constant, and I guess people are not really ready for this,
we have different perspectives and opinions but that is
okay, we can still respect everyone while having
differences. So we can still live a happy life.
659-A Cecilia Muñoz St. Ermita Manila
5.  What do you think are the reasons why the cases of HIV
and AIDS are increasing every year in our country? What is
the basis for your claims? What do you think can we do to
help lessen it?
According to the Department of Health, the rising numbers
of HIV and AIDS cases are due to the findings that a higher
adolescent fertility rate in the population is the adverse effect
of premarital and extramarital sex that leads to longer period of
sexual activity also several factors put the Philippines in
danger of a rising HIV/AIDS cases. Adverse to publicly
discussing issues of a sexual nature; rising levels of sex work,
casual sex, unsafe sex, and injecting drug use. which increases
the risk of HIV infection. On other hand, having sex without
protection and not having the knowledge with HIV and AIDS will
decelerate the spread of HIV and AIDS cases infections in the
society. HIV/AIDS infection in the Philippines might be low but
growing fast.
Both the government and the citizens should cooperate to
promote advocacy in order to lessen the HIV and AIDS cases in the
Philippines. The department of health conducted a program which
is called the HIV/STI PREVENTION PROGRAM which main objective is
to reduce the transmission of HIV and STI among the Most At Risk
Population and General Population and mitigate its impact at the
individual, family, and community level. With regard to the
prevention and fight against stigma and discrimination, the
following are the strategies and interventions:
Availability of free voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing
Service; 100% Condom Use Program (CUP) especially for
entertainment establishments; Peer education and outreach; Multi-
sectoral coordination through Philippine National AIDS Council
(PNAC); Empowerment of communities; Community assemblies and for
a to reduce stigma; Augmentation of resources of social Hygiene
Clinics; and Procured male condoms distributed as education
materials during outreach.
Therefore, based on the researches that I gathered. HIV and
AIDS cases in the Philippines comes from different factors. But
the solution requires everyone to work and will also benefit
everyone. We have to gather more knowledge about this and we
should be also responsible so we can help everyone and remove the

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