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Digital Logic Design Lab ( 5 ) :


Grading Machine
Lab Objectives:
What is a Combinational Circuit?
Designing a Grading Machine Combinational Circuit.

Lab Exercise:
1 – In a “Grading Machine“, a measurement (range 0-15) is represented in a 4-bit, using 4
Design and build a circuit so that:
Lamp 1 is illuminated IF the measurement is 0 or 1
Lamp 2 is illuminated IF the measurement is 2 or 8 inclusive
Lamp 3 is illuminated IF the measurement is 9 or 15 inclusive
Only 1 Lamp should be illuminated at any one time.

1- Write down the detailed steps

Inputs = …………………………………………………………………………
Output =Levels = ……………………………………………………………….
Operations :

L1= …..…..………………………………………………………………….
L2= …....……………………………………………………………………..
L3= …………………………………………………………………………..
2. Complete table below.

inputs outputs
A B C D L1 L2 L3
2- Draw the combinational circuit (Use A, B, C, D for input variables and L1, L2, L3 as output
variables) detailed logic gates
Q2 : Design and implement a combinational circuit that performs the following
operations :

The circuit states a 4 bit inputs , and 4 output levels

Level 1 indecates if no ones in the input sequence

Level 2 indecates if there is a single one in the inputs
Level 3 indecates if ther is 2 or 3 ones
Level 4 indecates if there is 4 ones .

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