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 Maria Judith Lokangleu * , Paula Tibuludji , and Sabina Gero
Public Health Sciences Post-Graduate Graduate Program , University of Nusa Cendana , NTT-Indonesia
Preeclampsia is a direct disease caused by pregnancy up now cause still not yet is known with certainly marked with
hypertension, edema and Protenuria is still is because main Dead mother and perinatal still high. In Indonesia, on in 2011,
death mother caused by preeclampsia of 24,7 % and the incident tend increased. If seen from value Case Fatality Rate
(CFR), causes Dead mother greatest is eclampsia and preeclampsia with CFR 2.35% though percentage the case no high ie
4.91% of whole case obstetrics. Next on In 2013, eclampsia and preeclampsia occupy order second as cause Dead mother
that is amounting to 27,1 % (Ministry of Health RI, 2013). In NTT, on 2015 eclampsia and preeclampsia occupy order
second as cause Dead mother that is of 14,8 %. Data at RSUD Prof.DR.WZ Johannes Kupang illustrates happen
enhancement case preeclampsia intrapartal for three year last. On year 2013 obtained case preeclampsia intrapartal by 15%
of whole case midwifery and on 2014 to to 39% and next on the year 2015 was obtained enhancement case by 54%. know
which independent variables have the greatest influence (Dahlan, 2008)
Research this aim for knowing relationship between factor risk age mother, parity, age pregnancy, history preeclampsia,
history hypertension, history DM disease, incidence obesity , pregnancy twin and ANC history with events preeclampsia
Method research is analytic observational with approach case control study with do studies   documentation. Location
research in RSUD Prof DR WZ Johannes Kupang on month February - April Year 2017. The population in this study is the
case group of all intrapartal who experienced preeclampsia RSUD Prof DR WZ Johannes Kupang in 2015 as many as 177
people while the control group of all intrapartal that did not experienced preeclampsia amounted to 177 people. amount 177
respondents who experienced mothers preeclampsia in hospitals. Prof. DR. WZ Johannes Kupang on by 2015, using total
sampling technique. Instruments used in research this is sheet checklist for knowing factor risk events preeclampsia on
mother maternity, variable dependent and variables related independent with aim research such as amount data and
characteristics of the quarter with preeclampsia and other necessary data.   Analysis statistics used is analysis univariate to
describe the characteristics of g-each of the variables studied, the analysis bivariate with use regression logistics simple for
prove hypothesis with test difference proportion use test statistics Regression Logistics Simple and determine magnitude
relationship second variable independent and dependent using Odds Ratio (OR) and analysis multivariate use test multiple
logistic regression know which independent variables have the greatest influence (Dahlan, 2008) .
Results analysis univariate show events preeclampsia intrapartal in RSUD Prof. DR. WZ Johannes Kupang still enough high
that is on by 2015 by 54% and those not experience preeclampsia as much as 46%. While from results analysis bivariate
show showing there is a significant relationship age with preeclampsia intrapartal (OR = 1,619) with p-value equal to 0,025,
exists a significant relationship history hypertension with preeclampsia intrapartal (OR = 6,192) with p-value equal to 0.000,
exist a significant relationship events obesity with preeclampsia intrapartal (OR = 1,921) with p-value equal to 0,044, exists
a significant relationship ANC history with preeclampsia intrapartal (OR = 3,873) with p-value of 0.000. Results analysis
multivariate show existence factor the dominant risk related with events preeclampsia intrapartal ie history hypertension with
(OR = 6,150).
Factor risks associated on significant with events preeclampsia intrapartal in RSUD Prof DR. WZ Johannes Kupang between
other factor age mother , history hypertension , incidence obesity and ANC history with events Preeclampsia Intrapartal.  
With thereby required consultation , information and education to mother pregnant about preeclampsia especially what
happened on time intrapartal .
Keywords: risk pregnancy , preeclampsia intrapartal
Correnpondency :
Maria Y. Lokangleu
Telepone Number               : 085253132010
Email Adress                      :
Institution Adress               : Public Health Sciences Post-Graduate Program
Graduate Program, University of Nusa Cendana, NTT-Indonesia

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