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CIRP 73 (2018) 155–160

10th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems, IPS2 2018, 29-31 May 2018, Linköping,
28th CIRP Design Conference, May 2018, Nantes, France
A perspective on value co-creation-oriented framework for smart product-
A new methodology to analyze the functional
service system and physical architecture of
existing products for
an assembly
oriented product
Zhiwen Liu , Xinguo Ming *, Wenyan Song , Siqi Qiu , Yuanju Qu
*, Jean-Yves
of Mechanical Dantan,
Engineering, Shanghai Alain
Jiao Tong Etienne,
Universty, ShanghaiAli Siadat
200240, China
School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
c École Nationale Supérieure d’ArtsAnalysis,
Key Laboratory of Complex System et Métiers, Arts et Métiers
Management ParisTech,
and Decision LCFC EA
(Beihang 4495, 4 Rue
University), Augustin
Ministry Fresnel, Metz
of Education, 57078,
Beijing France
100191, China
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-021-34206528; fax: +86-021-34206528. E-mail address:
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 87 37 54 30; E-mail address:

Smart product-service system (PSS) has been becoming a fresh style of PSS to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of firm operations in
age ofbusiness
smartness.environment, the trend istowards
Value co-creation taken asmore
an product
way and customization
to fulfil customer is unbroken.
needs, enhanceDuefirm
to this
coredevelopment, the need
competitiveness, of
agile and reconfigurable
environmental impacts andproduction
cope with various products
of platform and product
business model.families.
Under suchTo design and optimize
circumstances, this production
article has
valueas co-creation-oriented
to choose the optimal product matches,
framework for smartproduct analysis
PSS. Firstly, themethods
structureare needed.
model for Indeed,
smart PSS,mosttoofsome
the known
extent, methods
can coveraim to
types ofa PSS.
product or one product
Secondly, family onvalue
the hierarchical the physical level.
dimensions Differentthe
transcend product
scope families, however,
of traditional PSS. may differ largely
Furthermore, in terms of opportunities
the co-creation the number and in
smart of
PSS components. This Then
are recognized. fact impedes
the value anco-creation
efficient comparison and choice
process including of appropriate
co-exist, co-design,product family combinations
co-implement and co-evaluate for istheproposed
system. A new
smart PSS, andmethodology
an illustrativeiscase
proposed to analyze
of smart existing
fridge-service products
system in view
(SFSS) of their functional
is demonstrated. and
Finally, physical
some architecture.
limitations Thework
and future aim isaretostated.
© products
2018 The in new assembly
Authors. Published oriented
by product
Elsevier B.V.families for the optimization of existing assembly lines and the creation of future reconfigurable
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
assembly systems.
Peer-review underBased
under on Datum
responsibility of Flow
of the Chain, the
the scientific
scientific physicalof
committee ofstructure
the 10thofCIRP
the 10th the products
CIRP is analyzed.
Conference on Functional
on Industrial
Industrial subassemblies
Product-Service are identified, and
a functional analysis is performed. Moreover, a hybrid functional and physical architecture graph (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts the
Keywords:between product smart
value co-creation; families by providing
product-service design
system; support
structure to value
model; both,dimenions;
production system planners
co-creation and
opportunity; product procss
co-creation designers. An illustrative
example of a nail-clipper is used to explain the proposed methodology. An industrial case study on two product families of steering columns of
thyssenkrupp Presta France is then carried out to give a first industrial evaluation of the proposed approach.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP The Designoffering of smart
Conference 2018.products-services as a type of service
platform (SP) creates no value with single use [8], but SP can
Keywords: Assembly;
With the Design method;
development Family identification
of information and communication enhance efficiency and effectiveness of service system from
technology (ICT), Internet of Things (IoT) and smart the positive network externalities [9]. Sustainable growth and
technology, products have been revolutionized by the use of innovation of smart PSS depend on how to adapt and innovate
microprocessor, sensor, data storage, embedded OS (operating its value propositions. Service (-dominant) logic [10, 11] had
1. Introduction of the product range and characteristics manufactured and/or
system), application software and connectivity [1, 2]. As such, argued that value is co-created through interaction between
assembled in this system. In this context, the main challenge in
smart products equipped with the new functionalities will alter provider and customer, which can produce unique customer
Due to the fast development in the domain of modelling and analysis is now not only to cope with single
the industrial structure and enable the pathbreaking business experience [12]. It is strongly agreed that value co-creation is
communication and an ongoing trend of digitization and products, a limited product range or existing product families,
innovations. However, there is no a guaranteed formula to central to transition and innovation of servitization by more
digitalization, manufacturing enterprises are facing important but also to be able to analyze and to compare products to define
ensure their successfulness within the competitive marketplace. than half of industrial firms ( The
challenges in today’s market environments: a continuing new product families. It can be observed that classical existing
Given the low-priced smart devices, most of the products will co-creation paradigm is becoming a major innovation strategy
tendency towards reduction of product development times and product families are regrouped in function of clients or features.
become smart soon. By then, smart products will no longer to help firms create more win-win value for their customers.
shortened product lifecycles. In addition, there is an increasing However, assembly oriented product families are hardly to find.
represent any particular differentiations in the market [3]. Just Smart PSS highly relies on digitalization and connectivity
demand of customization, being at the same time in a global On the product family level, products differ mainly in two
as product-service system (PSS) does for customer, smart technologies, but which are not just some add-ons to current
competition with competitors all over the world. This trend, main characteristics: (i) the number of components and (ii) the
services [4] can be combined with smart products to form a PSS. Smart PSS is posing some new challenges for providers.
which is inducing the development from macro to micro type of components (e.g. mechanical, electrical, electronical).
smart PSS, which can integrate smart products and e-services Its value system needs to be clearly defined to find new
markets, results in diminished lot sizes due to augmenting Classical methodologies considering mainly single products
into single solution so as to transcend the business model market opportunity, persistently maintained to reach customer
product varieties (high-volume to low-volume production) [1]. or solitary, already existing product families analyze the
around traditional PSS per se [5-7], e.g., dematerialization. satisfaction, effectively realized to obtain customer loyalty,
To cope with this augmenting variety as well as to be able to product structure on a physical level (components level) which
identify possible optimization potentials in the existing causes difficulties regarding an efficient definition and
2212-8271 © system,
production 2018 The it
Authors. Publishedtobyhave
is important Elsevier B.V.
a precise knowledge comparison of different product families. Addressing this
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems.

2212-8271 2018The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of scientific
of the the scientific committee
committee of the of theCIRP
28th 10thDesign
CIRP Conference
on Industrial Product-Service Systems.
156 Zhiwen Liu et al. / Procedia CIRP 73 (2018) 155–160
2 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

and consistently evaluated to hold system sustainability. The service-oriented manufacturers want to transform from selling
manner of value co-creation-oriented is expected to fulfil smart products to offering smart PSS for creating the win-win
highly personalized customer needs [12]. However, to the best benefits [21], these tangible smart products and intangible
of our knowledge, it is scarce to research value co-creation- smart services have to be taken as some elements of service
oriented framework for smart PSS in the current literature. systems to produce the personalized customer experience.
Therefore, it is necessary to research on the value co- Otherwise, the business model of manufacturer may deviate
creation paradigm for smart PSS. On the basis of the review the evolution of smart PSS and fall into goods-dominant logic
and analysis of related theories, this paper has presented a due to the productization, which specifies and standardizes the
perspective study on value co-creation-oriented framework for service of PSS with the advanced smart technologies [22], or
smart PSS, which involves value dimensions in accordance the commoditization, which moves the marketable PSS from
with the proposed structure model and co-creation process in differentiation to homogenization [23], as shown in Fig. 1.
line with the identified co-creation opportunities in smart PSS. Smart PSS incorporates a community of interactional entities
that contains individuals, organizations as well as customers
2. Related theories [15]. Customization and interaction can promote the formation
of smart product-service platform through value is co-created
2.1. Smart products and smart services by multiple stakeholders and customers. Since the successful
interaction is the fountainhead of co-creative value, service-
Generally, smart products are the specializations of hybrid oriented firms ought to consider building the service platforms
physical products and descriptions of digital products. Their to effectually facilitate interactions between the providers and
capabilities in terms of monitoring, control, optimization and customers for the fulfillment of relevant customer needs.
autonomy can enhance the core competitiveness of firm and
accelerate the transformation of firm [1]. Following goods-
dominant logic rather than service-dominant logic (SDL) [10],
firms can get a series of opportunities unleased by smart
products to seek the game-changing innovations and move up
to a new level of efficiency. However, almost all products will
be smart after 2020 [3]. The smart features of smart products
will no longer indicate any differentiations by then.
Some companies have attempted to wrap valuable services
around their smart products so far. For instance, after-sales
and maintenance services [13]. Perhaps, they will improve
their customer relationships by undertaking various burdens. Fig. 1. Evolution on smart PSS
However, such services are not satisfying the customer value
and efficiency of provider in the long term. Smart services can 2.3. Platform business model
go beyond the services of upkeeps and upgrades around smart
products per se. Compared with the traditional services, smart Platforms usually are classified into internal platform and
services are fundamentally pre-emptive rather than reactive or external platform [24]. Platforms can serve as market-makers,
even pro-active, and they can handle actual evidences in real audience-makers or demand-coordinators who make goods or
time [4]. Thus, to fulfil personalized customer experience [14, services generate the indirect network effects across two or
15] and create entirely new value for customer, it is necessary more actors [9]. In the pipeline business model, firms only
to integrate smart products and smart services into an offering. deliver the products or services to customers. But service
platform as an engine, with modular structure of tangible and
2.2. Smart product-service system intangible components, can facilitate the interactions among
actors and integrate their operand and operant resources [15].
Product-service system (PSS) is a marketable set of These platforms themselves create no value with single use
products and services, which can jointly fulfil customer needs [8], firms should design their smart products-services as a type
[16-18], such an integrated solution also can fit the diverse of service platform to enable value co-creation primarily. For
requirements of customers [19]. From the previous research example, Apple-iPhone and Amazon-Kindle are not gadgets,
work, the importance of PSS implementation has been widely but rather the service platforms. The evolution of service
acknowledged [20, 21], and a few of studies have explained encounter and interaction plays a significant role in motivating
the successful mechanism and competitiveness of PSS from customer experience, in which platform strategy will get a
strategical and tactical innovations [5], but the study with sense of the maturity and scope of firm’s offering [25]. The
respect to smart PSS is still in its infancy. provider of smart PSS who has successfully mastered the
Valencia et al. [7] were the first to coin the concept of platform strategy and opportunity can disclose much more
smart PSS that integrates smart products and e-services into value-added channels in a business ecosystem. Moreover, in
single solution. They pointed out that the traditional PSS has the context of networked actors, platform can effectively
two limitations: highly focusing on PSS per se and no ICT or support the value co-creation paradigm by stabilizing central
IoT functionality. Smart PSS should create value through the power of platform-type organization and complementary roles
interaction and customer experience in its whole life cycle. If of other stakeholders. Therefore, the service platforms have an
immense potential to influence the process of value-formation.
Zhiwen Liu et al. / Procedia CIRP 73 (2018) 155–160 157
Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000 3

2.4. Value co-creation 3.1. Smart PSS structure model

Value co-creation is one of the major challenges which PSS Services (plural) reflect the special units of output (i.e.,
faces [26] and is central to product-service solution [27]. In intangible products), and service (singular) implies a process
traditional business of firm-centric, customers are passively of utilizing resources of providers and customers to produce
involved in the process of value creation just as consumers of mutual benefits [10]. Thus, smart PSS is defined as a platform
value. The manner of value co-creation claims that different service ecosystem, in which platform is made up of smart
actors and customers should collaborate to produce mutual products and smart services, while multiple service systems
and valuable outcomes [12]. The co-creative value of service constitute a service ecosystem. The value of whole smart PSS
system is mainly arisen from the interaction and personalized emerges from the successful service interactions. Typically,
customer experience. By and large, value co-creation process the service providers as generic beneficiaries will receive the
includes the direct and indirect interaction procedures [11] in generic resources (e.g., money), whereas the customers or
life cycle of product-service solution. The co-creation logic is users as specific beneficiaries will benefit from the realization
a driver for the business innovation of organization [28], of their specific purposes. Meanwhile, the owner of platform
alongside which the developed product-service solutions are will extract benefits (such as money, cost savings or word of
prominent to contribute the value for multiple stakeholders. mouth) since the provisions of locus and interface function.
A proposed structure model for smart PSS is shown in Fig.
3. The platform is divided into multiple layers and sub-layers,
and different protocols. The embedded OS controls and
maintains physical components in the layer of smart devices.
The network layer includes transports of network equipment
and transmission standards. In the layer of data management,
data are collected into storage of smart product to process and
produce the information and knowledge. Smart terminal can
connect and interoperate the service platform with application
programs. The ICTs are taken as the advanced interaction
means in different service systems. Different stakeholders can
connect the platform with their own protocols. The platform
provider can offer platform-related products and services. The
suppliers can provide complementary real-goods or virtual-
services. Then customer or user can gain lots of personalized
service experiences from multiple service systems.
Fig. 2. Progression of value co-creation

The progression of value co-creation is shown in Fig. 2

from the different locus of products and services. The different
position in the coordinate means different manner and degree
of value co-creation. From value in product to value in
solution and to value in experience, customers gradually play
the role of an active participant or even a peer by breaking
down the barriers between firm and customer market. Thus,
customer value is co-created through interaction between firm
and customer. Recently, some researchers also had begun to
focus on value co-creation for PSS [29, 30]. They have used
the prototype of PSS as an interaction media to strengthen the
customization capabilities. However, few studies have been
conducted in term of value co-creation for smart PSS. Fig. 3. Structure model for smart PSS

3. Value co-creation framework for smart PSS To some extent, the structure model as shown above can
cover three types of PSS business models [18]. Down-side
Based on the review and analysis of related theories above, indicates platform-oriented smart PSS (i.e., product-oriented
we propose a value co-creation-oriented framework for smart PSS), e.g., a smart fridge is taken as a platform equipped with
PSS according to lifecycle management of product-service machinery parts, smart devices, embedded OS, APPs and so
offering [31]. The value co-creation process is divided into on, the repair services of smart fridge belong to this type. Left-
four stages: co-exist stakeholders and their requirements, co- side and right-side represent use-oriented smart PSS (i.e., use-
design service functions, co-implement service systems and oriented PSS), e.g., the service of food shopping online and
co-evaluate the service systems. The following sections will provision of digital content. Top-side indicates result-oriented
elaborate the stages of value co-creation process for smart PSS smart PSS (i.e., result-oriented PSS), e.g., a delicious and
in terms of the proposed structure model, the identified value healthy dish is cooked thanks to the straightforward recipe in
dimensions and the discovered co-creation opportunities.
158 Zhiwen Liu et al. / Procedia CIRP 73 (2018) 155–160
4 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

APP software. Therefore, the proposed structure model for complex system, in which different stakeholders usually have
smart PSS can create multiple and optional business models. different requirements. Their interests may conflict with each
Then, the service-oriented organizations can select one or other, because each item of requirement essentially concerns
more suitable types of PSS according to their situations. two or more stakeholders, i.e., value is flowing from provider
to receiver. These requirements of multi-stakeholders will
3.2. Smart PSS value dimension form into a value flow network, in which the actor-to-actor
collaboration is the basis of smart PSS operation [10]. The
Despite there are rather clear value spheres in service logic importance weight of each value flow is determined by two or
theory to help the involved actors or entities understand value more associated stakeholders together. If a value flow is very
creation and co-creation dynamics [11], the traditional value important in value network of smart PSS, the corresponding
dimensions for PSS mostly are defined from the providers’ stakeholders will have powerful symbiosis as well.
perspectives. Value of smart PSS is co-created interactively. Second, compared with the physical products, the functions
Even though the smart products are solely manufactured by and their engineering characteristics for smart PSS, depending
firms, their values come from customer or user touchpoints. strongly on the customers’ experiences, knowledges and skills,
Little attention, however, has been paid for value dimensions are determined by customers’ perceptions. It is necessary to
of smart PSS. Hence, we courageously propose to recognize ensure that the designed functions for smart PSS can meet
the value dimensions of smart PSS from its structure model customer needs and usage scenario with as few iterations as
above. As shown in Fig. 4, there are five value dimensions: possible. Thus, the second opportunity is that customers ought
smart products, smart services, data, service and experience. to be invited to take part in the design phase of smart PSS.
Additionally, each dimension contains its value factors. Third, the conception of interaction is a two-way effect
essentially. An interactive process in smart PSS can be
decomposed into three procedures of customer integration,
service implementation and service recovery. The interactive
service can be produced only while provider and customer
meet or connect, i.e., direct interaction (with customer) or
agent interaction (acting on customer resources). The high-
density direct interactions can give better customer experience,
but may increase service cost, and providers may not gain
their expected returns. Then, how to improve and optimize the
interactive process of smart PSS will be an opportunity.
Fig. 4. Value dimensions for smart PSS Fourth, various technologies of online communication are
the reasons for emergence of virtual customer community, in
The hierarchical value dimensions as shown above can which the involved customers can engage in dialogues with
embody the characteristics of smart PSS value system, in the providers and other customers. They get together to chat
which some value factors overlap. For instance, ‘Suitability online, exchange experiences, post news, give evaluations for
and Usability’ appear in both smart products dimension and their products and services in the own servicescape. In this
smart services dimension, and ‘Efficiency’ also is in smart kind of situation, firms can recognize and re-innovate business
products and service dimensions. This phenomenon manifests value and customer benefits from these discussion contents.
that smart PSS is a fusional system and eco-efficient solution,
because the same value factor can be realized by the tangible 3.4. Smart PSS co-creation process
product-components, the intangible service-components, data-
components or even service process. For example, banking According to the structure model for smart PSS, value
business can be carried out by clerk service, ATM or PayPal. dimensions for smart PSS and co-creation opportunities in
Generally, the components of smart products, smart services smart PSS, a value co-creation-oriented process for smart PSS
and data are taken as operand and operant sources, which are is proposed, including four stages: co-exist, co-design, co-
launched into service systems and interacted with customers. implement and co-evaluate, as shown in Fig. 5. This process is
Thus, the value of smart PSS is co-created naturally. The a closed loop from value flows, to functions and to outcomes,
experience values are represented by self-gains, certain aims and incorporating feedback for previous stage.
and transformation performances of customers. For instance,
fresh food stored into smart fridge can sustain healthy body.

3.3. Smart PSS co-creation opportunity

In smart PSS, providers need constantly demonstrate value

to retain customer loyalty and hold system sustainability, but
the sustained value has to be co-created through interaction
between customer and provider. Thus, it is crucial to discover
the value co-creation opportunities in smart PSS.
The first opportunity is how to identify the importance of Fig. 5. Value co-creation stages for smart PSS
stakeholder requirement. Smart PSS is a cross-disciplinary
Zhiwen Liu et al. / Procedia CIRP 73 (2018) 155–160 159
Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000 5

Stage 1: Co-exist the value flow of stakeholder 4. Illustrative case

In the process of transition towards value co-creation, some
stakeholders’ benefits can be realized, but other stakeholders In order to investigate the practical aspects of this proposed
may not be completely satisfied in actor-to-actor value flow framework, an illustrative case of smart fridge-service system
network. It is critical to select these stakeholders who can co- (SFSS) is conducted in YM company, who is a household
exist in smart PSS, because stakeholders would not absorbedly appliance firm and has been transforming strategy toward
participate in co-creation process unless smart PSS produces service-oriented manufacturing. The produced smart fridge
value for them. Then, the first and foremost stage is to has become a service platform of family life and has
determine the symbiotic stakeholders and their requirements, transcended the scopes of refrigeration and freeze. YM has no
rather than focus merely on customer requirements. longer just focused on fridge itself or fridge-oriented services
Stakeholder value flow network is used to visualize multi- but provides unique family experience through the manner of
stakeholder requirements. The score of value flow in smart value co-creation of SFSS. Some illustrations are shown in Fig.
PSS is assigned by its provider and receiver, respectively, its 6 and are described as follows.
aggregated score indicates the importance weight of value
flow and the symbiotic power of corresponding stakeholder.
Stage 2: Co-design the value proposition
SDL argued that value is co-created with customer rather
than delivered by providers. Co-design as one of co-creation
ways advocates to invite customers involve in design phase of
smart PSS. The aim of co-design is that the designed functions
and their engineering characteristics for the value propositions
of smart PSS can meet customer needs and usage scenarios.
The symbiotic stakeholders and customer can employ QFD
(Quality Function Deployment) tool to respectively design the
functions for the identified stakeholder requirements. Next,
the multiple designed QFDs are compared and merged into a
single QFD, in which the aggregated functions are classified
into same and distinct groups by KJ (i.e., Affinity Diagram)
method. In general, these functions and their engineering Fig. 6. Illustrative case of smart fridge-service system
characteristics designed by customer need to be prioritized.
Stage 3: Co-implement the interactive value First, multiple stakeholders involved in the SFSS form a
The interactive value is co-created by the providers and stakeholder value flow network. According to the assigned
customers. ‘Indirect exchange masks the fundamental unit of scores of their value flows, stakeholders listed in Fig. 6 are
exchange’ in SDL indicates that interaction can fall into two more powerful and co-exist in this service system. For
categories: direct interaction and agent interaction. Both forms instance, one of the important stakeholder requirements is
can be switched for different and specific goals, direct ‘shopping food online’ to purchase food at any time and place.
interaction can enhance customer’s perceptive value, i.e., good Second, the lead-customers (i.e., family members) and
effectiveness, and agent interaction has more higher efficiency. symbiotic stakeholders identified from value flow network
If two types of interaction manners are coordinated correctly, have employed QFD tool to design functions for the SFSS.
service providers will gain expected returns from smart PSS. After comparing and merging these functions of the multiple
In smart PSS, the co-implementation of service systems can QFDs, these obtained functionalities contain operation panel,
be visualized by the so-called interactive activity diagram. The exhibition and introduction of food, information of food
process of co-implementation can be improved and optimized suppliers, order generation, food recommendation and so on.
according to the appraise of effectiveness and efficiency. Third, smart fridge is equipped with communication units
Stage 4: Co-evaluate the performance value to co-implement interoperations. Before releasing food order,
More and more individuals and organizations are eager to customers can use other smart product (e.g., smart phone) to
utilize performance and outcome information for learning and remotely access the food inventory in the smart fridge. Via
development. To improve and innovate smart PSS, customers online to offline (O2O) manner, customers interact with food
and other stakeholders are encouraged to involve in different supplier. If the intelligent agents cannot solve the troubles
activities of evaluating smart PSS. Firms will build Social from customers, the service provider is able to give real-time
Networking Sites (SNSs) as their arenas of co-evaluation. support by direct interaction on websites or face-to-face.
These evaluation dimensions for smart PSS fall into three Fourth, due to the smart sensor and social website in the
categories: system-related indexes which refer to attributes of SFSS, it is possible to efficiently measure data of human body
application and service in smart PSS; context-related indexes and collect information that customers produce in virtual
which embrace situational properties of customer; human- community. For the co-evaluation of outcomes in the SFSS,
related indexes which describe the physical and mental customers can evaluate the services of food prevision, while
constitutions, and the emotional status of customer. These the suppliers can evaluate customer’s physical condition to
indexes will be placed on the website of smart PSS. Besides, recommend healthy cooking-recipes.
the addition of other evaluation indexes is encouraged. The illustrative application demonstrates that the manner of
value co-creation can create much larger value space and more
160 Zhiwen Liu et al. / Procedia CIRP 73 (2018) 155–160
6 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

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