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Part One
and Practical
Aspects of
chapter 1 introduction to
measurement and
chapter 2 Practical aspects of

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© Andrea Danti/Shutterstock
cHaPter 1

introduction to
Measurement and

cHaPter Outline

Measurement and Evaluation Influential Research and

Standards for Evaluation Historic Reports
Models of Evaluation Summary

KeY WOrds

age-appropriate physical activity norms

cardiovascular disease obesity
coronary heart disease objective
criterion-referenced standard percentile rank
evaluation physical activity
formative evaluation prevalence
health-related fitness subjective
intermittent physical activity summative evaluation
measurement vigorous physical activity
moderate physical activity
norm-referenced standard

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4 Part One: Introduction and Practical Aspects of Testing


Professions within the fields of kinesiology are promotion of physical activity and weight con-
constantly changing. Graduates of kinesiology trol. In 1996, the Surgeon General’s Report on
programs are becoming not only teachers and Physical Activity and Health was issued. This
coaches, but also exercise specialists, physical was a landmark document in the field of kine-
and occupational therapists, personal trainers, siology. In 2008, the U.S. Department of Health
biomechanists, sport and exercise psycholo- and Human Services published the Physical
gists, and sport managers. Some are even start- Activity Guidelines for Americans. This was
ing or entering private business. The process of followed by the U.S. National Physical Activity
measurement and evaluation is an integral Plan and the Toronto Charter for Physical
component of all of these professional efforts. Activity in 2010. These documents represent
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in national and international commitments to a set
the United States and worldwide. Regular phys- of policies and programs designed to promote
ical activity can have a positive effect on obesity health-enhancing physical activity. These his-
and other cardiovascular disease risk factors. toric public health initiatives should be under-
Strong scientific evidence exists to demon- stood by kinesiology students because they
strate that even moderate increases in physical document the evidence that physical activity
activity can substantially impact public health. improves many health outcomes, provide rec-
Thus, it is becoming more and more important ommendations that multiple sectors of society
for students in kinesiology programs to under- can use to enable citizens to engage in sufficient
stand the construct of physical activity and how physical activity, and highlight the issues that
to measure it. Kinesiology programs are adapt- have made careers in kinesiology and physical
ing to societal needs by training students more activity promotion among the most important
thoroughly in the assessment and promotion of to the quality of human existence.
physical activity. This chapter will help you understand the
Although many factors influence profes- place of measurement and evaluation in our
sional preparation and many subfields exist changing social and professional world.
within kinesiology (e.g., physical activity pro- After reading this chapter, you should be
motion, biomechanics, exercise physiology, able to:
physical education teaching, sport manage-
1. Define and differentiate between measure-
ment, health and fitness, sport and exercise
ment and evaluation.
psychology, and motor learning, among oth-
2. Define and differentiate between criterion-
ers), certain highly influential research and
and norm-referenced standards.
historic reports should be understood by all
3. Define and differentiate between formative
students in the field. Forces in the dynamic
and summative methods of evaluation.
environment in which we live (e.g., aging
4. Understand models of evaluation as they
society, increasing numbers of overweight
apply to teaching (K–12) and physical activ-
and obese people, more sedentary occupa-
ity promotion settings.
tions) have led to the development of public
5. Describe the role of public health initia-
health programs that improve health through
tives in physical education and kinesiology.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation 5

6. Understand national and international 7. Describe physical activity guidelines for

physical activity guidelines. children and adults.

Measurement and with which to measure that characteristic (Ebel,

1973). Stopwatches, tape measures, written tests,
Evaluation skill tests, questionnaires, pedometers, activity
We tend to regard test results as a valid basis for monitors, skinfold calipers, treadmills, and cycle
decision making. Tests govern matters such as stu- ergometers are common instruments used in the
dent promotion, college acceptance, and defining broad field of kinesiology to measure various
health-related levels of fitness. The terms measure- constructs.
ment and evaluation are widely used, but often Test scores vary from highly objective to
with little regard for their meanings. Measurement highly subjective. A test is objective when two
is the collection of information on which a deci- or more people who score the same test assign
sion is based; evaluation is the use of measure- similar scores. Tests that are highly objective
ment in making decisions. This chapter clarifies are those that have a defined scoring system
these activities within the changing context of the and are administered by trained testers. A mul-
field of kinesiology and introduces the procedures tiple-choice written test, a stopwatch, skinfold
that have evolved to meet the challenges created calipers, and an ECG heart rate tracing all have
by these changes. a defined scoring system, but testers also need
Measurement and evaluation are interdepen- to be trained to secure objective measurements.
dent concepts. Evaluation is a process that uses For example, if percent body fat is to be mea-
measurements, and the purpose of measurement sured by the skinfold method, the tester needs
is to collect information for evaluation. Tests are to be trained in the proper method of measur-
tools used to collect information and can be inter- ing a skinfold with a caliper. A highly subjective
preted quite broadly. In the evaluation process, test lacks a standardized scoring system, which
information is interpreted relative to established introduces a source of measurement error. We
standards so that decisions can be made. Clearly, use objective measurements whenever possible
the success of evaluation depends on the quality of because they are more reliable than subjective
the data collected. If test results are not consistent measurements.
(i.e., reliable) and truthful (i.e., valid), accurate Evaluation is a dynamic decision-making
evaluation is impossible. The measurement pro- process that involves (1) collecting suitable data
cess is an important step in evaluation—improved (measurement), (2) judging the value of these
measurement leads to more accurate evaluation. data according to some standard, and (3) mak-
People are different. They vary in behav- ing decisions based on these data. The function of
ior, size, shape, speed, strength, and many other evaluation is to facilitate good decisions. For the
respects. Measurement determines the degree to teacher, this can mean facilitating student learn-
which an individual possesses a defined charac- ing; for the exercise specialist, this could mean
teristic. It involves first defining the characteristic helping someone establish scientifically sound
to be measured and then selecting the instrument weight-reduction goals.

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6 Part One: Introduction and Practical Aspects of Testing

Functions of Measurement and predict one measure from another. Prediction

often seeks information on future achievement
Evaluation from a measure of present status, and this infor-
Too often tests are administered with no definite mation may help students to select activities they
purpose in mind. The ultimate purpose of test- are most likely to master. For example, an indi-
ing is to enhance the decision-making process vidual found to have a high aerobic capacity may
so that improvements can be made. Testing can decide to engage in road racing or become a tri-
have many purposes. Six general purposes of test- athlete. The measurement and evaluation process
ing that facilitate the decision-making process are is also used to predict variables that are difficult
presented next. to measure from variables that are more easily
measured. For example, aerobic capacity (VO2max),
which is assessed during a maximal treadmill
Tests can be used to place students in classes or test using a metabolic measurement system, can
groups according to their abilities. Adult fitness tests be estimated from performance on a distance
are used to determine a person’s current status so run test. Percent body fat, which is measured in
that an individualized program can be prescribed. research settings using expensive equipment, can
be estimated from skinfolds that can be easily
measured in field-based settings.
Tests can be used to diagnose weaknesses. While
placement usually involves the status of the indi- Program Evaluation
vidual relative to others, diagnosis is used to isolate Test results of participants can be used as one
specific deficiencies that make for a low or unde- piece of evidence to evaluate programs. By com-
sirable status. In K–12 settings, tests can identify paring the results of tests for a school district
areas where students need to make improvements. against national norms or standards, or by com-
In health promotion settings, test results are used paring the yearly changes made within a school
to diagnose problems. For example, a treadmill district, important decisions can be made.
stress test is used to screen for heart disease. An Comparing changes in fitness between tests can
athletic trainer may use tests to identify symptoms provide evidence of the effectiveness of fitness
of concussion. training programs.
Evaluation of Achievement Motivation
One goal of testing is to determine whether Test scores can be motivating. Achievement of
individuals have reached important objectives. important standards can encourage one to achieve
Placement, diagnosis, and the evaluation of higher levels of performance or to participate
achievement together form the basis of individ- regularly in physical activity.
ualized instruction. In K–12 settings, this can be
the achievement of instructional objectives. In
health promotion settings, this can be meeting
Formative and Summative
important goals or showing progress; for example, Evaluation
documenting changes made during rehabilitation. Summative evaluation is the judgment of achieve-
ment at the end of an instructional unit and typ-
Prediction ically involves the administration of tests at the
Test results can be used to predict an individu- conclusion of an instructional unit or training
al’s level of achievement in future activities or to period. Formative evaluation is the judgment of

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation 7

achievement during the formative stages of learn- Formative and summative evaluation and mas-
ing. Motor-learning research shows that feedback tery learning were developed for use by classroom
is one of the most powerful variables in learning. teachers (Bloom et al., 1971). However, the logic
Formative evaluation is used to provide feedback of the system can be applied to fitness promotion
to learners throughout the instructional process. programs. Information from periodic testing to
Formative evaluation begins during the early determine if fitness goals have been achieved can
stages and continues throughout instruction. It be used to provide feedback that facilitates motiva-
involves dividing instruction into smaller units of tion. A key element of a successful self-supervised
learning and then evaluating the student’s mastery fitness program for NASA executives was periodic
of these subunits during instruction. The main fitness testing (Owen, Beard, Jackson, & Prior,
purpose of formative evaluation is to determine 1980). Periodic measurement of body weight is
the level of mastery achieved and to identify any a behavioral strategy used for weight-reduction
parts of the task that have not yet been mastered programs (deBakey, Gotto, Scott, & Foreyt, 1984;
(Bloom, Hastings, & Madaus, 1971). The strength Wing & Hill, 2001).
of formative evaluation is that it is used to provide Both formative and summative evaluation
feedback throughout the instructional unit. processes can be used to contribute to successful
Summative evaluation is used to decide fitness training programs. Increases in intensity
whether broad objectives have been achieved. and/or duration of aerobic exercise can be used
Certification examinations provide an example of to provide feedback (i.e., formative evaluation)
summative evaluation. Certification examinations to the participant that he or she is improving and
are often designed to determine whether a person can become a source of motivation to continue in
is qualified to perform a job at some acceptable the exercise program. A fitness test after training
level. The similarities and differences between can be used for summative evaluation to judge
formative and summative evaluation are summa- whether fitness goals have been met or whether
rized in Table 1.1. the training program was successful.

Table 1.1 Similarities and Differences Between Formative and Summative

Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation
Purpose Feedback to student and teacher Certification or grading at the end
on student progress throughout an of a unit, semester, or course
instructional unit
Time During instruction At the end of a unit, semester, or
Emphasis in evaluation Explicitly defined behaviors Broader categories of behaviors or
combinations of several specific
Standard Criterion referenced Norm- or criterion-referenced

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8 Part One: Introduction and Practical Aspects of Testing

You are encouraged to use the formative evalu- standards that can be used to determine whether
ation exercises provided at the end of the chapter. a participant has achieved a level of fitness asso-
After you have read the chapter, attempt to answer ciated with health benefits. The YMCA pro-
the questions. If you cannot answer a question or gram (Golding, Meyers, & Sinning, 1989) is
if you feel unsure of your answer, this is an indi- used to evaluate adult fitness with norm-refer-
cation that you need additional work. The key enced standards, but the trend for fitness test-
element of formative evaluation is the feedback it ing is to use criterion-referenced standards. The
provides; it communicates to the participant what criterion-referenced fitness standards evolved
has been and what still needs to be achieved. For from medical research (Blair et al., 1989, 1995)
this course, your instructor probably will admin- showing that the relationship between health
ister several major tests that evaluate your ability and aerobic fitness is not linear. Once a level of
to integrate and apply the readings. These would aerobic fitness is achieved, becoming more fit has
be considered summative evaluations. little influence on health. FITNESSGRAM® crite-
rion-referenced standards for aerobic fitness and
body composition were established by document-
Standards for ing the relationship between these fitness mea-
Evaluation sures and prevalence of metabolic syndrome in
youth (Laurson, Eisenmann, & Welk, 2011; Welk,
As previously explained, evaluation is the process Laurson, Eisenmann, & Cureton, 2011).
of giving meaning to a measurement by judging it
against a standard. The two most widely used types
of standards are criterion- and norm-referenced Norm-Referenced Standards
standards. A criterion-referenced standard is used Norm-referenced standards are developed by test-
to determine if someone has attained a specified ing a large number of people of a defined group.
level. A norm-referenced standard is used to judge Descriptive statistics are then used to develop
an individual’s performance in relation to the per- standards. A common norming method is the use
formances of other members of a well-defined of percentile ranks. A percentile rank norm reflects
group; for example, 11-year-old boys. Criterion- the percentage of the group that can be expected
referenced standards are useful for setting perfor- to score below a given value. For example, a 1-mile
mance standards for all, whereas norm-referenced run time of 11:31 for a boy 11 years of age is at the
standards are valuable for comparisons among 25th percentile; only 25% ran slower, while 75%
individuals when the situation requires a degree of the 11-year-old boys could be expected to run
of selectivity. faster.
Criterion- and norm-referenced standards have The characteristics of the group on which the
application in a wide variety of settings. They are standards were developed are important to con-
used extensively in K–12 educational settings and sider when norm-referenced standards are to be
in exercise and public health settings. Youth fit- used. The norm does not always translate to a
ness tests have generally evolved from the use of desirable level. For example, if the average cho-
norm-referenced standards to the use of criteri- lesterol level of men aged 40–49 years is 214 mg/
on-referenced standards. The FITNESSGRAM® dL, then this average does not represent a desir-
is the national youth fitness test, which is part able level. A cholesterol level of less than 200
of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program. The mg/dL is considered a desirable level for health.
FITNESSGRAM® provides criterion-referenced In this instance, average would not be desirable

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation 9

because it has been shown that there is a relation- Determining Accuracy of

ship between high levels of cholesterol and risk Criterion-Referenced Standards
of coronary heart disease mortality (Anderson, Unlike norm-referenced standards, which use con-
Castelli, & Levy, 1987; Castelli et al., 1977; Wood tinuous variables, criterion-referenced standards
et al., 1988). create categories into which participants are clas-
sified. These categories are often dichotomies (a
Criterion-Referenced Standards dichotomy is a division into two parts). Terms such
A criterion-referenced standard is a predeter- as pass–fail, fit–not fit, healthy–needs improve-
mined standard that can be used to determine if ment, mastery–nonmastery, or proficient–non-
an individual has achieved a desired level of per- proficient are used to describe the dichotomy. The
formance. It is unlike a norm-referenced standard validity of the criterion-referenced standard can
in that the performance of the individual is not be examined by using a 2 × 2 contingency table.
compared with that of other individuals; instead, The accuracy of the criterion-referenced standard
the performance is compared against the stan- is analyzed by comparing how a participant scored
dard. A norm-referenced evaluation can be con- relative to the criterion-referenced standard and a
sidered a relative evaluation—evaluation relative criterion measure that represents the person’s true
to norms developed on other people. A criteri- state. This creates four possible options, which are
on-referenced evaluation can be considered an illustrated in Figure 1.1. Methods are available to
absolute evaluation—evaluation by comparison determine the quality of a criterion-referenced
to an absolute criterion. standard by estimating its reliability and validity.
Many authors use the term criterion-referenced Criterion-referenced test reliability examines
test, suggesting that the difference is not just with the consistency of classification—the percentage
the standard, but also with the method used to of people consistently classified as passing or fail-
develop the test (Glaser & Nitko, 1971; Safrit, ing a test that has been administered two times.
1989). Glaser and Nitko (1971) define a criteri- Criterion-referenced test validity refers to the
on-referenced test as one developed to provide accuracy of classification—the percentage of par-
measurements that are directly interpretable in ticipants correctly classified by the test as passing
terms of explicit performance standards. Although or failing compared to their true state.
some tests used in education were constructed to When using the type of 2 × 2 table in Figure  1.1,
be criterion-referenced tests, the more common a positive test indicates the presence of whatever is
practice is to apply a criterion-referenced stan- being tested. In a clinical setting, a positive test for
dard to a test that was originally developed as a heart disease indicates the presence of heart disease.
norm-referenced test. For example, the mile run In a fitness test setting, a positive test for fitness
is a youth fitness test item designed to assess aero- indicates the presence of adequate fitness levels.
bic fitness. The mile run was previously used in a A negative test indicates the absence of the
norm-referenced fashion by interpreting how well entity being tested. In a clinical setting, a negative
the performer compared to others of the same age test for heart disease indicates the absence of heart
and sex. Currently, the mile run is used in the disease. In a fitness test setting, a negative test for
FITNESSGRAM® in a criterion-referenced fash- fitness indicates inadequate fitness levels.
ion to determine whether the performance met For youth fitness testing, a true positive occurs
or did not meet the standard. In this instance, the when a participant’s performance on the fitness
test itself has not changed, but the type of stan- test achieves the criterion-referenced standard
dard used to evaluate aerobic fitness has changed. and that participant’s true fitness is considered

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10 Part One: Introduction and Practical Aspects of Testing

Figure 1.1 A 2 × 2 table is used to determine the accuracy of a criterion-

referenced test. Categorization by a criterion-referenced test can be incorrect in
two ways: false negative and false positive.
True State: Criterion Test
Negative Positive
Negative True negative (TN) False negative (FN)
Criterion-Referenced Test
Positive False positive (FP) True positive (TP)
True Negative: The criterion-referenced test correctly indicates failure to reach the criterion.
True Positive: The criterion-referenced test correctly indicates reaching the criterion.
False Negative: The criterion-referenced test incorrectly indicates failure to reach the criterion.
False Positive: The criterion-referenced test incorrectly indicates reaching the criterion.

Courtesy of CSI Software Company, Houston, TX.

adequate for health purposes. A true negative healthy. A false negative results when the stress
results when a person’s performance on the fit- test suggests that the person does not have heart
ness test does not reach the criterion-referenced disease but the cardiac catheterization shows that
standard and his or her true fitness is below a level heart disease is present.
adequate for health promotion.
A false negative test results when a student’s Development of Health-Related
performance on the fitness test does not achieve Criterion-Referenced Standards
the criterion-referenced standard, when, in fact, The main challenge of the criterion-referenced
the student has a true fitness level adequate for approach is the setting of an appropriate stan-
health. A false positive test results when a student’s dard. It is often not possible to find a criterion that
performance achieves the criterion, when in real- explicitly defines mastery. Assume, for example,
ity he or she does not have an adequate level of that a physical education teacher wants a crite-
fitness for health purposes. rion for the mastering of volleyball skills. Tests
When a criterion-referenced interpretation is of mastery of complex motor skills are typically
applied to an exercise stress test that examines not readily available. However, other situations
the electrical activity of the heart, a positive test exist where criterion-referenced standards can
indicates the presence of heart disease. The true be easily set. For example, some skills, such as
coronary disease state is defined by a cardiac cath- beginning swimming, lend themselves to the
eterization test, which involves passing a cathe- criterion-referenced approach. The successful exe-
ter into the coronary artery. The flow of a dye is cution of these defined skills can be clearly deter-
traced to identify the extent of coronary blockage, mined and judged. Within the field of kinesiology,
and the presence of heart disease is defined by the the setting of criterion-referenced standards for
degree of blockage. Because the catheterization health-related youth fitness tests has received sub-
test is dangerous, an exercise stress test is used stantial attention.
first. A false positive test results when the stress The FITNESSGRAM® health-related youth fit-
test shows the person has heart disease but the ness test provides criterion-referenced standards
cardiac catheterization test shows the person is for aerobic fitness and body composition. These

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation 11

standards were validated by comparison with the 2. The criterion measure of aerobic
prevalence of metabolic syndrome. A health out- fitness was defined as maximal oxygen
come–centered method was used to set the crite- consumption (VO2max). Multiple regression
rion-referenced standards (Zhu, Welk, Going, & was used to convert performance on
Cureton, 2011). The key steps of the health out- the PACER test and the 1-mile run to
come–centered method are: estimates of VO2max.
3. Metabolic syndrome was used as the
1. Determine the components of health-
outcome variable to indicate health risk
related fitness.
(defined as the presence of three or more
2. Select field tests and criterion measures of
clinically poor values for the following
the components of health-related fitness.
five risk factors: waist circumference,
3. Determine the relationships between the
blood pressure, HDL-cholesterol,
criterion measure of health-related fitness
triglycerides, and fasting glucose). Data
and appropriate health outcomes.
for all variables were derived from
4. Set criterion-referenced standards
the National Health and Nutrition
(also called cut-off scores) based on
Examination Survey (NHANES), which
the relationship between the criterion
provided a nationally representative
measures of health-related fitness and the
dataset of 12–18 year olds.
health outcomes.
4. Receiver operating characteristic
5. Cross-validate the criterion-referenced
(ROC) curves were used to establish the
criterion-referenced standards or cut-
The following section summarizes this off scores for VO2max. The ROC curves
approach applied to aerobic fitness tests of the allowed examination of sensitivity and
FITNESSGRAM®. specificity (along with other statistics)
values for various cut-off scores used
to identify the presence of metabolic
Development of Criterion- syndrome. LMS curves (L = skewness,
Referenced Standards for Aerobic M = median, S = coefficient of variation)
Fitness were used to account for growth and
Aerobic fitness tests for the FITNESSGRAM® maturation.
include the PACER test, the 1-mile run, and the 5. Three zones of aerobic capacity were
walk test (Meredith & Welk, 2010). Different cri- developed using various values of
terion-referenced standards were developed for sensitivity and specificity, separately for
boys and girls for different ages. Setting criteri- boys and girls, to allow categorization of
on-referenced standards for youth fitness tests is participants into the Healthy Fitness Zone,
difficult because of the complexity introduced by the Needs Improvement Zone, or the
the effects of growth and maturation and because Needs Improvement–Health Risk Zone.
health outcomes are not as clear as in adults. The
Although some degree of misclassification will
steps used to establish the criterion-referenced
always be present when using criterion-referenced
standards were as follows:
standards, the approach used to develop
1. The two main tests of aerobic fitness in the FITNESSGRAM® standards was developed on a
FITNESSGRAM® were identified as the nationally representative sample using an empir-
PACER test and the 1-mile run. ically sound approach.

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12 Part One: Introduction and Practical Aspects of Testing

Models of Evaluation direction to instruction and defines the behaviors

we want to change.
The professional environments of a K–12 physical
education teacher and an exercise specialist are Pretest
very different, but the evaluation processes used With some type of pretest, we can answer three
are quite similar. Illustrated next are evaluation questions: (1) How much has already been
models commonly used in K–12 educational and learned? (2) What are the individual’s current
adult fitness settings. The main difference between capabilities and status? (3) What type of activity
the two models is test selection. should be prescribed to help achieve the objec-
tives? Pretesting does not necessarily involve
Educational Model administering the same test that will be given after
instruction; it can include any form of measure-
A primary purpose of teaching is to produce a
ment that helps to answer these questions. For
measurable change in behavior. Figure 1.2 is an
example, observing students swim the width of a
evaluation model appropriate for use in K–12 edu-
pool can be an effective pretest.
cational settings. This dynamic model integrates
measurement and evaluation with the instruc- Instruction
tional process. Each component of the model is
briefly discussed next. Sound instructional methods are needed to
achieve the agreed-upon objectives. Different
Objective instructional procedures may be needed to meet
Preparation of the objective is the first step in the students’ individual needs.
evaluation process, because objectives determine
what we will seek to achieve. The objective gives
This involves the selection or development of a
test to gauge the achievement of the objectives. It
is crucial that the test be designed to measure the
Figure 1.2 A systematic model behavior specified in the objectives. The objectives
of evaluation suitable for K–12 can be cognitive, affective, psychomotor, or fitness
educational settings. related. The key element is to select or develop
a test that measures the objective. Often, teach-
STEP 1 Objective
ers will need to develop their own tests, because
standardized tests may not be consistent with
their instructional objectives. Content evidence
STEP 2 Pretest of validity is achieved when the test is congruent
with the instructional objectives. This is a com-
mon method used to provide evidence of test
STEP 3 Instruction validity in educational settings.

STEP 4 Measurement
Once the instructional phase has been completed
and achievement has been measured, test results
STEP 5 Evaluation are judged (i.e., evaluated) to determine whether
the desired changes achieved the stated objective.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation 13

What happens if students do not achieve the Fitness Test

desired objective? Figure  1.2 shows a feedback The first step in the development of an individu-
loop from evaluation back to each component of alized fitness program is a fitness test. This may
the model. Failure to achieve the stated objective consist of more than one component. For some,
may be due to any segment of the model. It may be medical clearance may be needed before the person
discovered that the objectives are not appropriate can start a fitness program. The American College
and may need to be altered, or that the instruction of Sports Medicine has published guidelines
may not have been suitable for the group, or that (ACSM, 2014) for exercise testing and prescription.
the selected test may not have been appropriate. Once a person is cleared to engage in an exercise
The educational evaluation model is dynamic. The program, he or she is given a fitness assessment.
evaluation model provides information needed to
alter any aspect of the educational process. Exercise Prescription
Once the person’s fitness level and goals are
Fitness Assessment Model known, an exercise prescription is developed. The
purpose of the exercise prescription is to define
The exercise specialist and the teacher have a
the individual’s fitness needs and to develop exer-
common goal: to produce changes in fitness. This
cise parameters that are consistent with scientific
may occur in many different settings, such as hos-
research (ACSM, 2011, 2014). For example, the
pitals, physical therapy clinics, or fitness centers.
goal may be to exercise aerobically at 60% of heart
Personal trainers depend a great deal on the abil-
rate reserve.
ity to demonstrate improvements in their clients.
Figure 1.3 shows how the evaluation model works Exercise Program
in exercise settings.
Once the exercise parameters are known, the next
step is to develop the person’s exercise program.
This is based on the initial fitness assessment, the
Figure 1.3 A systematic model exercise prescription, and the person’s interests
of evaluation applied to fitness and goals. For example, a program for weight loss
assessment. would be different from one designed to rehabili-
tate a knee injury.
STEP 1 Fitness Test
Fitness Test
Once the program has been completed, a second
STEP 2 Exercise Prescription fitness assessment is administered. The tests used
will likely be the same as those used for the initial
fitness assessment.
STEP 3 Exercise Program
STEP 4 Fitness Test Once the training program has been completed
and the fitness parameters of interest have been
measured, test results are judged (i.e., evaluated)
STEP 5 Evaluation to determine whether the desired changes have
been made. Either norm- or criterion-referenced
Courtesy of CSI Software Company, Houston, TX. standards can be used to evaluate performance.

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14 Part One: Introduction and Practical Aspects of Testing

Like the educational model, the fitness evalu- between physical activity and health was to compare
ation model is dynamic. The model shows a loop sedentary individuals with those who were more
from evaluation back to other components of the physically active. Physical activity was characterized
model. Once changes in fitness are made, the exer- through basic classifications related to occupation
cise prescription parameters also change. Other (e.g., active bus conductors compared to inactive
feedback loops in this evaluation model suggest bus drivers). Heart disease rates were compared
that sometimes the evaluation process can lead an between workers who held more physically active
exercise specialist to judge that the fitness tests that jobs and those who had sedentary jobs. The general
were originally chosen are not sensitive enough to conclusion from these studies was that individuals
document changes in fitness. If this occurs, other, who had the most physically demanding jobs suf-
more sensitive, fitness tests can adopted. fered fewer fatal heart attacks than their sedentary
counterparts. For example, conductors who walked
up and down the stairs of double-decker buses in
Influential Research London had fewer heart attacks than the more sed-
and Historic Reports entary bus drivers (Morris et al., 1953).
Morris not only demonstrated the health ben-
Influential research in kinesiology and public efits of movement (in the bus conductors), but
health set the stage for understanding the impor- also the health risks of sedentariness (in the bus
tance of physically active lifestyles for health drivers who sat for prolonged periods). Recent
promotion. Many careers in kinesiology involve research on the negative health effects of seden-
helping people become more physically active or tary behavior, independent of the health benefits
move more effectively. Physical educators try to of physical activity, suggests that public health ini-
teach students the knowledge and skills to lead tiatives need to focus on both promoting physical
physically active lifestyles. Health fitness special- activity and limiting sedentary behavior.
ists design exercise prescriptions to help clients Another classic study about the relationship
adhere to exercise programs that increase fitness. between occupational physical activity and heart
Physical therapists evaluate components of move- disease was conducted by researchers from the
ment and develop treatment programs to restore University of Minnesota (Taylor et al., 1962).
physical function. Public health specialists pro- They studied more than 191,000 American rail-
vide health education and promotion programs road workers. Because of union rules and benefits,
to help individuals and communities maintain railroad workers had excellent medical records,
healthy lifestyles. Promoting physical activity is which provided the data for the study. In addi-
one thing that all of these professions have in com- tion, union rules discouraged shifting from one
mon. The following sections will describe land- occupation class to another. A 55-year-old person
mark research and historic reports with which all with 20 years of service was likely to have spent all
professionals in kinesiology should be familiar. 20 years at the same job.
The occupational groups studied were clerks,
Occupational Physical Activity switchmen, and section men. The clerks repre-
sented men in jobs requiring little physical activity;
and Coronary Heart Disease the work of the section men was the most phys-
In the 1950s, Dr. Jeremy Morris pioneered the ically demanding; and the work demands of the
study of physical activity and cardiovascular disease switchmen were moderate. Death rates ascribed to
(Morris & Crawford, 1958; Morris et al., 1953). The coronary heart disease demonstrated that the most
original approach used to study the relationship physically active workers (section men) had the

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation 15

lowest heart disease rate, whereas the least physi- expenditure. The forms of physical activity
cally active (clerks) had the highest heart disease included various types of sports, stair climbing,
rate. The heart disease rate for the switchmen fell and walking. The researchers showed that caloric
between the two extremes. These data suggested that expenditure was related to heart attack rate
physical activity reduced the risk of heart disease. (Paffenbarger, Hyde, Wing, & Steinmetz, 1984)
An accepted method of quantifying physical and all-cause mortality (Paffenbarger, Hyde,
activity is by caloric expenditure (ACSM, 2014). Wing, & Hsieh, 1986).
Paffenbarger, Hale, Brand, and Hyde (1977) stud- Harvard alumni who consistently exercised
ied the role of caloric expenditure on fatal heart during their lifetimes had lower heart attack and
attacks of San Francisco longshoremen. This was mortality rates than their sedentary classmates.
an ideal group to study because most workers Walking regularly, climbing stairs, and playing
stayed in the same job throughout their work- either light or vigorous sports provided health
ing lives, and the amount of energy expended to benefits. The total amount of energy expended
perform a job could be determined. The study through all forms of exercise was highly related to
included a 22-year history of more than 3500 long- heart disease and mortality rates. As total caloric
shoremen. Workers were divided into three gen- expenditure increased, heart disease and mortal-
eral categories based on the energy expenditure of ity rates moved progressively lower. The highest
their jobs. The job categories were as follows: heart disease and mortality rates were found in
alumni who expended fewer than 500 kcal per
• High caloric expenditure: 5.0–7.5 kcal per
week through physical activity. Heart disease and
mortality rates dropped steadily as caloric expen-
• Intermediate caloric expenditure: 2.4–5.0
diture increased up to about 2000 kcal per week
kcal per minute
expended through physical activity and then lev-
• Light caloric expenditure: 1.5–2.0 kcal per
eled off. Paffenbarger et al. (1984) also demon-
strated that being a college athlete did not reduce
The results of the study demonstrated that the risk of cardiovascular disease unless former ath-
longshoremen who expended the highest level of letes remained physically active after leaving col-
energy had the lowest rate of fatal heart attacks. lege. The alumni at highest risk of a heart attack
Most impressive was the difference found between were the former athletes who were not physically
the active and inactive workers who had a history active after college.
of diagnosed heart disease. The heart attack rate The key conclusion of the Harvard Alumni
of the sedentary workers with a history of heart studies was that physical activity is a major deter-
disease was about double the rate found for the minant of public health. This was examined by
physically active workers with previous heart calculating what public health researchers call
problems. These data showed that energy expen- community-attributable risk, an estimate of the
diture provided a margin of protection from heart potential reduction of heart attacks in the popu-
disease for these longshoremen. lation if the risk factor were not present. This cal-
culation considers the prevalence of the risk factor
in the population. Prevalence in this context refers
Harvard Alumni Studies to the percentage of people in the group who have
The Harvard Alumni studies were surveys of the risk factor. The higher the prevalence of the
the health and physical activity of nearly 17,000 risk factor, the greater the potential improvement
Harvard alumni. Questionnaire data were used in public health if the risk factor is eliminated.
to quantify physical activity in terms of caloric

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16 Part One: Introduction and Practical Aspects of Testing

Surgeon General’s Report on mental health and is important for the

health of muscles, bones, and joints.
Physical Activity and Health 5. More than 60% of American adults are not
Regular physical activity and exercise are critical regularly physically active. In fact, 25% of
elements of health promotion. Increased phys- all adults are not active at all.
ical activity is associated with a reduced inci- 6. Nearly half of American youths 12–21
dence of coronary heart disease, hypertension, years of age are not vigorously active on a
noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, colon regular basis. Moreover, physical activity
cancer, depression, and anxiety. Physical activ- declines dramatically during adolescence.
ity is a complex behavior, and its relationship 7. Daily enrollment in physical education
with health is multifaceted. Physical activity is classes has declined among high school
defined as any bodily movement produced by students from 42% in 1991 to 25% in 1995.
skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure 8. Research on understanding and
(Caspersen, Powell, & Christenson, 1985). promoting physical activity is at an
In 1996, the Surgeon General’s Report on early stage, but some interventions to
Physical Activity and Health was published (U.S. promote physical activity through schools,
Department of Health and Human Services, worksites, and healthcare settings have
1996). The major purpose of the report was to been evaluated and found to be successful.
summarize the existing literature on the role of
physical activity in preventing disease and on the The Surgeon General’s report gave a clear signal
status of interventions to increase physical activ- that physical inactivity is a major health risk and
ity. This review led to eight major conclusions physical activity measurement research increased
(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, substantially after this historic publication.
1996, p. 4):
1. People of all ages, both male and female, Physical Activity Guidelines for
benefit from regular physical activity. Americans
2. Significant health benefits can be obtained
Several national and international organizations
by a moderate amount of physical activity
have put forth physical activity guidelines, includ-
on most, if not all, days of the week.
ing the World Health Organization (WHO), the
Through a modest increase in daily
ACSM, the American Heart Association (AHA),
activity, most Americans can improve
and the U.S. Department for Health and Human
their health and quality of life.
Services. The physical activity guidelines from these
3. Additional health benefits can be gained
organizations have many similarities. The physi-
through greater amounts of physical
cal activity guidelines from the U.S. Department
activity. People who can maintain a
of Health and Human Services (2008) for older
regular regimen of activity that is of longer
adults, adults, and children follow.
duration or of more vigorous intensity are
likely to derive greater benefit. Physical Activity
4. Physical activity reduces the risk of Recommendations for Health for
premature mortality in general, and of Adults (aged 18–64 years)
coronary heart disease, hypertension,
colon cancer, and diabetes mellitus in • 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes)
particular. Physical activity also improves a week of moderate-intensity aerobic

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation 17

physical activity, or 1 hour and 15 minutes 3 days per week. They also should
(75 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity do muscle-strengthening and bone-
aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent strengthening activity on at least 3 days
combination of moderate- and vigorous- per week.
intensity aerobic physical activity.
• Aerobic activity should be performed in
episodes of at least 10 minutes, preferably National Physical Activity
spread throughout the week.
• Additional health benefits are provided by
Guidelines for Children
increasing to 5 hours (300 minutes) a week Charles B. (Chuck) Corbin has been one of the
of moderate-intensity aerobic physical most influential people in the area of youth fit-
activity, or 2 hours and 30 minutes a week ness and physical activity of the past half-century.
of vigorous-intensity physical activity, or His research in the late 1960s was among the first
an equivalent combination of both. to assess fatness among youth using skinfold
• Adults should also perform muscle- calipers (Corbin, 1969; Corbin & Pletcher, 1968).
strengthening activities that involve all Additional work showed the capacity of youth
major muscle groups on 2 or more days to do vigorous physical activity in an era when
per week. distance runs for children were limited to 600
yards. Corbin and his colleagues were influen-
tial in changing the focus of youth fitness from
Physical Activity Recommendations skill-related to health-related fitness and provided
for Health for Older Adults (aged the basis for many of the criterion-referenced
65 years and older) health-related fitness standards in use today.
• Older adults should follow the adult Corbin and Pangrazi (1998, 2004) authored the
guidelines. If this is not possible due national physical activity guidelines for children.
to limiting chronic conditions, older These guidelines are as follows:
adults should be as physically active as
Guideline 1: Children should accumulate
their abilities allow. They should avoid
at least 60 minutes, and up to several
inactivity. Older adults should do exercises
hours, of age-appropriate physical activity
that maintain or improve balance if they
on all, or most, days of the week. This
are at risk of falling.
daily accumulation should include
Physical Activity Recommendations moderate and vigorous physical activity,
for Health for Children and the majority of which is intermittent in
Adolescents (aged 6–17 years) nature. Age-appropriate physical activity
is activity of a frequency, intensity,
• 1 hour (60 minutes) or more of physical duration, and type that leads to optimal
activity every day. Most of the 1 hour or growth and development in children
more a day should be either moderate- and contributes to development of a
or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical physically active lifestyle. Intermittent
activity. physical activity refers to relatively short
• As part of their daily physical activity, bursts of movement (several seconds or
children and adolescents should do minutes) interspersed with periods of rest.
vigorous-intensity activity on at least Moderate physical activity is defined as

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18 Part One: Introduction and Practical Aspects of Testing

an intensity equivalent to brisk walking. the physical activity needs of children are
Moderate-intensity activities can be different from those of adults.
performed for relatively long periods. Guideline 3: Children should participate
Vigorous physical activity is defined as each day in a variety of age-appropriate
movement that expends more energy physical activities designed to achieve
than brisk walking. Figure 1.4 shows a optimal health, wellness, fitness, and
computerized metabolic system ass- performance benefits.
essing the exercise intensity for a youth. Guideline 4: Extended periods (periods
Guideline 2: Children should participate of 2 hours or more) of inactivity are dis-
in several bouts of physical activity lasting couraged for children, especially during the
15 minutes or more each day. It is typical daytime hours. This guideline recognizes
for children that these bouts of activity will that children should be active when
include both physical activity and time opportunities to be active are available.
for rest and recovery. This recognizes that Optimally, such opportunities would occur
before school, after school, at appropriate
times during school, and on weekends.
Figure 1.4 Exercise intensity
and oxygen uptake in youth can be
assessed with computerized metabolic Summary
systems. Measurement uses tests with evidence of reliability
and validity to secure the data essential to the eval-
uation process. Evaluation is a decision-making
process with a goal of improvement. Tests can be
used in six general ways: (1) placing students in
homogeneous groups to facilitate instruction, (2)
diagnosing weaknesses, (3) determining whether
important objectives have been reached, (4) pre-
dicting performance levels in future activities, (5)
comparing a program with others like it, and (6)
motivating participants. The evaluation models
appropriate for K–12 physical education teachers
are quite similar to those used to evaluate adult
Evaluation is a means of determining whether
objectives are being reached and of facilitating
achievement. Formative evaluation clarifies what
remains to be achieved; summative evaluation
determines whether general objectives have been
reached. Evaluation, then, is the feedback system
by which the quality of the instructional or train-
ing process is monitored. Criterion-referenced
standards specify the level of performance

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation 19

necessary to achieve specific instructional objec- week, with activity bouts of at least 10 minutes,
tives; norm-referenced standards identify a level preferably spread throughout the week. It is also
of achievement within a group of individuals. noted that doing more physical activity than
Although activity levels of youth and adults the amount that is minimally recommended
are less than desirable, the importance of physical will result in additional health benefits. Muscle-
activity, exercise, and fitness for health has been strengthening activity is also recommended.
well documented. Physical inactivity increases Physical activity guidelines for children empha-
the risk of premature mortality in general, and of size that children should accumulate 60 minutes
coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, colon or more of physical activity on all, or most, days
cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Significant health of the week. The recognition that children are not
benefits can be obtained from a moderate amount little adults has led to physical activity recommen-
of daily physical activity. Demographic trends in dations for children that are different from those
America are increasing the need for exercise and for adults. Children have unique needs and behav-
weight-control programs. Our population is get- ioral characteristics. Children will be physically
ting older, and jobs are becoming more sedentary active intermittently, interspersed with periods
in nature. of rest. Children should participate in both
Physical activity guidelines for adults generally moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity
suggest that adults should participate in moder- and should not be inactive for extended periods.
ate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity every

Formative Evaluation of Objectives

Objective 1 Define and differentiate between 2. Explain how a physical education

measurement and evaluation. teacher or exercise specialist could use
both types of standards.
1. The terms measurement and evaluation
often are used interchangeably. Define Objective 3 Define and differentiate between for-
each term. mative and summative methods of evaluation.
2. What are the key differences between
1. Many believe that greater achievement
measurement and evaluation?
is possible if both formative and
3. Although measurement and evaluation
summative evaluation procedures are
are distinct functions, explain how they
used compared to the use of one type
are interrelated.
of evaluation by itself. Briefly describe
Objective 2 Define and differentiate between formative and summative evaluation.
criterion- and norm-referenced standards. 2. What are the key differences between
formative and summative evaluation?
1. What are the key differences between
Why could you expect to stimulate
criterion- and norm-referenced
greater achievement by using both
formative and summative evaluation?


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20 Part One: Introduction and Practical Aspects of Testing

Objective 4 Understand models of evaluation 1. What are the major conclusions of the
as they apply to teaching (K–12) and physical Surgeon General’s Report on Physical
activity promotion settings. Activity and Health?
2. Describe physical activity guidelines for
1. What are the steps of the K–12
adults and older adults.
evaluation model?
3. Describe physical activity guidelines for
2. What are the steps of the fitness
assessment evaluation model?
4. List characteristics of children’s physical
Objective 5 Describe the role of public activity behavior.
health initiatives in physical education and 5. How is children’s physical activity
kinesiology. different from physical activity of

Additional Learning Activities

1. Visit a school physical education program both formative and summative evaluation
and discover the types of fitness tests being procedures.
used. 5. Develop a fitness program and show
2. Visit a facility that conducts an adult fitness how you could use both formative and
program. Identify the types of tests that are summative evaluation procedures.
administered and the types of programs 6. Find or suggest criterion-referenced
offered. standards for the tests you would use for a
3. Visit a school physical education program. physical education program, fitness training
Analyze the program and determine the program, or any other type of program used
students’ level of physical activity. to promote physical activity. Explain your
4. Develop a physical education unit of logic and sources of data used to establish
instruction and show how you could use the standards.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation 21

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