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STT Bước thực hiện Cách thức thực hiện Kết quả mong đợi

1 Connect to server Connect to DEV server ( via SSH with

username/password: root/*****

2 Copy data file Datafile has a format Rxxxxx.DEV

For example, we need move a TR: DEVK901203. So, datafile
is: R901203.DEV
Step 1:
- Perform the move to the directory containing the data
cd /usr/sap/trans/data
Step 2:
- Perform copy datafile to PRD Training System:
scp -rp R901203.DEV root@

3 Copy cofiles Cofile has a format Kxxxxx.DEV

For example, we need move a TR: DEVK901203. So, cofiles
is: K901203.DEV
Step 1:
- Perform the move to the directory containing the cofiles:
cd /usr/sap/trans/cofiles
Step 2:
- Perform copy cofiles to PRD Training System:
scp -rp R901203.DEV root@
STT Bước thực hiện Cách thức thực hiện Kết quả mong đợi

4 Changes permision Connect to PRD server ( via SSH with

username/password: root/*****

chown -R prdadm:sapsys /usr/sap/trans/cofiles/K901203.DEV

chmod -R 755 /usr/sap/trans/cofiles/K901203.DEV

chown -R prdadm:sapsys /usr/sap/trans/data/R901203.DEV

chmod -R 755 /usr/sap/trans/data/R901203.DEV

5 Add request Login to PRD Training System via SAP GUI.

Extras => Other Requests => Add => fill TR name
6 Import TR T-code: STMS_IMPORT
Click Request (1)=> Choose button Filter (2)=> fill TR name
(3) => Copy (4) => Refresh (5) => Import Request (6).
STT Bước thực hiện Cách thức thực hiện Kết quả mong đợi

Target Client: 900

Import Options:

Click button continue.

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